FluentFiction - Croatian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Warm Surprises: The Art of Spontaneous Friendship
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Warm Surprises: The Art of Spontaneous Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-17-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: U srcu Zagreba, mali cafe pod imenom "Zimska Radost" bio je ispunjen smijehom i mirisima cimeta.En: In the heart of Zagreb, a small café named "Winter Delight" was filled with laughter and the aroma of cinnamon.Hr: Blagdanske lampice blistale su svuda i toplo je bilo unutra, dok je vani pahulje snijega stizale na šešire i kapute prolaznika.En: Holiday lights sparkled everywhere, and it was warm inside, while outside, snowflakes were landing on the hats and coats of passersby.Hr: Ana je došla da se opusti nakon napornog dana, s veseljem promatrajući užurbanost u kafiću.En: Ana had come to relax after a long day, joyfully observing the hustle and bustle in the café.Hr: Ana je bila grafička dizajnerica.En: Ana was a graphic designer.Hr: Voljela je zimu i toplinu koju donose čokoladni napitci.En: She loved winter and the warmth that chocolate drinks bring.Hr: Sjela je na udoban stol pored prozora, naručila vruću čokoladu s prstohvatom cimeta i opustila se, ušuškana u svojem debelom šalu.En: She sat at a cozy table by the window, ordered a hot chocolate with a pinch of cinnamon, and relaxed, wrapped in her thick scarf.Hr: U istom kafiću bio je i Davor, umjetnik s glavom često među oblacima.En: In the same café was Davor, an artist often with his head in the clouds.Hr: Tog dana bio je posebno smeten jer je negdje izgubio skicirku punu crteža.En: That day, he was particularly flustered because he had lost his sketchbook full of drawings somewhere.Hr: Dok je očajnički tražio svoj izgubljeni dragulj, ugledao je Anu.En: While desperately searching for his lost treasure, he spotted Ana.Hr: Nekako, u svojoj zbrkanosti, uvjerio se da je ona stara poznanica koja bi mogla imati njegovu skicirku.En: Somehow, in his confusion, he convinced himself that she was an old acquaintance who might have his sketchbook.Hr: "Dobro poslijepodne!En: "Good afternoon!"Hr: " rekao je s osmijehom, prilazeći Ana.En: he said with a smile, approaching Ana.Hr: "Ti si je imaš, zar ne?En: "You have it, don't you?"Hr: "Ana ga je gledala zbunjeno, ali brzo je shvatila da je došlo do zabune.En: Ana looked at him confusedly but quickly realized there was a misunderstanding.Hr: Umjesto da odmah ispravi Davorovu pogrešku, odlučila je hrabro usmjeriti situaciju.En: Instead of immediately correcting Davor's mistake, she decided to boldly steer the situation.Hr: "Ah, naravno!En: "Ah, of course!Hr: Upravo sam te čekala," rekla je veselo i zagonetno.En: I was just waiting for you," she said cheerfully and mysteriously.Hr: Davor je sjeo preko puta, uvjeren da će uskoro dobiti svoju skicirku.En: Davor sat across from her, convinced he would soon retrieve his sketchbook.Hr: Ana je otvorila svoju torbu i umjesto skicirke izvadila je svoju veselo ukrašenu šalicu vruće čokolade.En: Ana opened her bag and instead of the sketchbook, pulled out her cheerfully decorated cup of hot chocolate.Hr: U tom trenutku, Davor je shvatio svoju pogrešku.En: At that moment, Davor realized his mistake.Hr: Sumnja je njegovo lice pretvorila u crveno, a onda su oboje prasnuli u smijeh.En: Embarrassment turned his face red, and then they both burst into laughter.Hr: "Ispričavam se, stvarno sam mislio da ti imaš moju skicirku!En: "I apologize, I really thought you had my sketchbook!"Hr: " rekao je Davor kroz smijeh.En: Davor said through laughter.Hr: "Izgubio sam je među ukrasima u gradu.En: "I lost it among the decorations in the city."Hr: ""Nema veze," rekla je Ana, otpijajući gutljaj čokolade.En: "No worries," Ana said, taking a sip of chocolate.Hr: "Ako želiš, mogu ti pomoći u potrazi.En: "If you'd like, I can help you search."Hr: "Tako su nastavili razgovor, dijelili su priče o svojim kreativnim projektima.En: They continued their conversation, sharing stories about their creative projects.Hr: Davor je pričao o svojim slikama, a Ana o svojim dizajnerskim idejama.En: Davor talked about his paintings, and Ana about her design ideas.Hr: Njihov neusporediv susret postao je predivan početak novog prijateljstva.En: Their unparalleled encounter became a wonderful beginning of a new friendship.Hr: Na kraju, Ana je veselo rekla: "Ponekad je dobro opustiti se.En: In the end, Ana cheerfully said, "Sometimes it's good to relax.Hr: Ovaj put greška nije bila loša stvar.En: This time, the mistake wasn't a bad thing."Hr: " Davor se složio, osjećajući da je sada lakše nastaviti s potragom za skicirkom, znajući da ima novog prijatelja uz sebe.En: Davor agreed, feeling it was now easier to continue searching for his sketchbook, knowing he had a new friend by his side.Hr: I tako, uz šapat božićnih pjesama u kafiću i miris cimeta, Ana i Davor naučili su cijeniti radosti spontanosti i toplinu koja dolazi s novim prijateljstvima ...
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    16 mins
  • Tea House Bonds: A Christmas Tale of Friendship & Bravery
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Tea House Bonds: A Christmas Tale of Friendship & Bravery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-17-08-38-20-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Utišana svjetlost malih lampica povijala je topli ambijent čajane u Zagrebu.En: The dimmed light of small lamps shaped the warm ambiance of a tea house in Zagreb.Hr: Zrake su plesale po drvenim stolovima, a zrak je mirisao na cimet i klinčiće.En: Beams danced on the wooden tables, and the air smelled of cinnamon and cloves.Hr: Bili su Božićni blagdani, najljepše doba godine.En: It was the Christmas holidays, the most beautiful time of the year.Hr: Ivan je sjedio za jednim kutnim stolom.En: Ivan was sitting at a corner table.Hr: Skicirao je.En: He was sketching.Hr: Olovka mu je lagano klizila papirom dok je promatrao ljude.En: His pencil gently glided over the paper as he watched the people.Hr: Kroz staklo, pahulje snijega nježno su padale, stvarajući još topliju atmosferu unutra.En: Through the glass, snowflakes gently fell, creating an even warmer atmosphere inside.Hr: Marina, vedra vlasnica čajane, poslužila je Ivanov omiljeni zeleni čaj.En: Marina, the cheerful owner of the tea house, served Ivan's favorite green tea.Hr: "Sretan Božić, Ivane," rekla je veselo.En: "Merry Christmas, Ivane," she said cheerfully.Hr: "I kako ide crtanje danas?En: "And how's the drawing going today?"Hr: "Ivan se nasmiješio: "Dobro, hvala, Marina.En: Ivan smiled: "Good, thank you, Marina.Hr: Veselim se druženju s Lukom.En: I'm looking forward to meeting up with Luka.Hr: Nisam ga vidio godinama.En: I haven't seen him in years."Hr: "Uskoro, Luka je stigao.En: Soon, Luka arrived.Hr: Donio je sa sobom miris hladnoće i sjetu.En: He brought with him the scent of cold and nostalgia.Hr: Povukao je stolac do Ivanova stola i oni su odmah započeli razgovor.En: He pulled a chair over to Ivan's table, and they started talking right away.Hr: Marina im je donijela čaj od đumbira i medenjake.En: Marina brought them ginger tea and gingerbread cookies.Hr: U trenutku pažnje, Ivan je primijetio da Luka počinje disati teško.En: In a moment of attention, Ivan noticed that Luka began to breathe heavily.Hr: Nije mogao izustiti ni riječ, a lice mu je postajalo sve crvenije.En: He couldn't utter a word, and his face was becoming increasingly red.Hr: Ivan je u panici skočio.En: Ivan jumped up in panic.Hr: "Luka!En: "Luka!"Hr: " povikao je.En: he shouted.Hr: "Što se događa?En: "What's happening?"Hr: "Luka je rukom pokazao na grlo, već suze u očima.En: Luka pointed to his throat, already tears in his eyes.Hr: Ivan je shvatio ozbiljnost situacije.En: Ivan realized the seriousness of the situation.Hr: „Alergija!En: "An allergy!"Hr: “ Promrmljao je naglas.En: he mumbled out loud.Hr: Marina je brzo reagirala.En: Marina quickly reacted.Hr: "Čekaj ovdje!En: "Wait here!"Hr: " rekla je i brzo skočila iza šanka.En: she said and quickly jumped behind the counter.Hr: Vratila se s priručnom kutijom prve pomoći.En: She returned with a first aid kit.Hr: Ivan je drhtavim rukama preuzeo EpiPen i kleknuo pored Luke.En: Ivan, with trembling hands, took the EpiPen and knelt beside Luka.Hr: Ruke su mu se tresle, ali uspio je primijeniti injekciju.En: His hands shook, but he managed to administer the injection.Hr: Polako, Lukino disanje se smirivalo.En: Slowly, Luka's breathing calmed.Hr: Marina je pozvala hitnu pomoć.En: Marina called for an ambulance.Hr: Dok su čekali da dođe, Ivan je držao ruku svoga prijatelja.En: While they waited for it to arrive, Ivan held his friend's hand.Hr: Snijeg je meko padao vani, a atmosfera u čajani bila je puna tihe strepnje, ali i nade.En: The snow softly fell outside, and the atmosphere in the tea house was full of silent anxiety but also hope.Hr: Nakon što su medicinari došli i osigurali da je Luka stabilan, trio je sjedio zajedno, još malo zatečeni od događaja.En: After the paramedics arrived and ensured Luka was stable, the trio sat together, still a bit shaken by the event.Hr: Luka je duboko udahnuo, zahvalan što je imao prijatelje poput Ivana i Marinu.En: Luka took a deep breath, grateful to have friends like Ivan and Marina.Hr: "Ivane," rekao je Luka s osmijehom, "hvala ti što si bio uz mene.En: "Ivane," Luka said with a smile, "thank you for being there for me.Hr: Nikad neću zaboraviti tvoju hrabrost.En: I'll never forget your bravery."Hr: "Ivan ga je potapšao po ramenu.En: Ivan patted him on the shoulder.Hr: "Prijatelji smo.En: "We're friends.Hr: Uvijek ću biti tu.En: I'll always be here."Hr: "Marina ih je gledala s toplinom u očima.En: Marina watched them with warmth in her eyes.Hr: "Uvijek ste dobrodošli ovdje, obojica.En: "You're always welcome here, both of you.Hr: I sljedeći put, bez alergijskih iznenađenja, molim.En: And next time, no allergic surprises, please."Hr: "Ivan se nasmijao, srce mu je bilo puno zahvalnosti.En: Ivan laughed, his heart full ...
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    18 mins
  • Capturing Dubrovnik's Magic: A Serendipitous Holiday Photo
    Dec 16 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Capturing Dubrovnik's Magic: A Serendipitous Holiday Photo Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/hr/episode/2024-12-16-23-34-02-hr Story Transcript:Hr: Dubrovnik je sjajio kao biser u prosincu.En: Dubrovnik shone like a pearl in December.Hr: Luka i Ivana šetali su kroz Stari Grad, gdje su tisuće svjetlucavih lampica krasile ulice.En: Luka and Ivana strolled through the Stari Grad, where thousands of twinkling lights adorned the streets.Hr: Luka je držao kameru u ruci.En: Luka held a camera in his hand.Hr: Ovaj je put bio odlučan pronaći savršenu fotografiju za svoj profil na društvenim mrežama.En: This time he was determined to find the perfect photograph for his social media profile.Hr: Njegova prijateljica Ivana, strpljiva kao uvijek, smireno ga je pratila.En: His friend Ivana, patient as always, calmly accompanied him.Hr: "Ajmo, ovdje!En: "Let's go, here!Hr: Pogledaj kako ovo svjetlo pada baš lijepo," rekao je Luka pokazavši na mjesto blizu Straduna, pod svjetlima koje su visile poput zvijezda.En: Look how this light falls so beautifully," Luka said, pointing to a spot near Stradun, under lights hanging like stars.Hr: Luka je namjestio kameru.En: Luka adjusted his camera.Hr: Ali svaki put kad bi kliknuo, neki turista bi prošao ispred njih.En: But every time he clicked, a tourist would walk in front of them.Hr: Mali, veliki, parovi, obitelji – svi su se činili da baš tada moraju proći.En: Small, large, couples, families – they all seemed to have to pass by just then.Hr: "Ovo je nevjerojatno," rekao je Luka frustrirano, dok se jedno dijete obuklo kao Djed Božićnjak pojavilo u kadru.En: "This is unbelievable," Luka said frustratedly, as a child dressed as Santa Claus appeared in the frame.Hr: Ivana se nasmijala.En: Ivana laughed.Hr: "Možda da probamo gore na zidinama?En: "Maybe we should try up on the walls?"Hr: " predložila je Ivana.En: Ivana suggested.Hr: "Možda tamo nema toliko ljudi.En: "Maybe there aren't as many people there."Hr: "Otišli su na gradske zidine.En: They went up to the city walls.Hr: Gore se pružao predivan pogled na grad, ali čak i tamo, turisti nisu nestali.En: From there, a beautiful view of the city spread out, but even there, the tourists didn't disappear.Hr: "Možda trebamo biti strpljivi," šapnula je Ivana.En: "Maybe we need to be patient," Ivana whispered.Hr: Luka je uzdahnuo, ali odlučio poslušati.En: Luka sighed but decided to listen.Hr: Stali su u tišini gledajući kako ljudi polako odlaze, gužva se smanjila.En: They stood in silence watching as people slowly left, the crowd thinned.Hr: Luka podiže kameru, Ivana se nasmiješi i klik.En: Luka raised his camera, Ivana smiled, and click.Hr: Savršena fotografija!En: The perfect photograph!Hr: Isprva su svi detalji izgledali baš kako je htio.En: At first, all the details looked just as he wanted.Hr: Dok nije primijetio nešto neobično.En: Until he noticed something unusual.Hr: U desnom kutu, povijesna statua na zidu, kao da nosi kapu Djeda Mraza.En: In the right corner, a historical statue on the wall seemed to be wearing a Santa hat.Hr: Luka se prvo namrštio, ali onda je prasnuo u smijeh.En: Luka frowned at first, but then burst out laughing.Hr: "Pogledaj ovo!En: "Look at this!Hr: Čak se i kip pridružio slavlju.En: Even the statue joined the celebration."Hr: "Ivana je zavrtjela očima i nasmijala se zajedno s njim.En: Ivana rolled her eyes and laughed with him.Hr: "To je savršena fotografija!En: "It's a perfect photo!"Hr: " rekla je.En: she said.Hr: Luka je slegnuo ramenima.En: Luka shrugged.Hr: "Nema veze.En: "Doesn't matter.Hr: Dodati ću smiješan opis.En: I'll add a funny caption.Hr: Savršeno nije zabavno.En: Perfect isn't fun."Hr: "Kroz smijeh i uz sjetu lampica koje su treptale poput zvjezdanog neba, Luka je naučio uživati u sadašnjosti.En: Through laughter and with the glow of lights flickering like a starry sky, Luka learned to enjoy the present.Hr: Zajedno su krenuli prema kući, noseći uspomene na još jednu veselu zimu.En: They headed home together, carrying memories of another joyous winter.Hr: I tako je fotografija s statua "Doktor Djed Mraz" postala hit na internetu sa opisom: "Kad i kamene legende slave Božić.En: And so the photo of the "Doctor Santa" statue became a hit on the internet with the caption: "When even stone legends celebrate Christmas."Hr: " Povremeni smijeh i topla srca bili su najbolji dar, veći od savršene slike.En: Occasional laughter and warm hearts were the best gift, greater than a perfect picture.Hr: I to je upravo ono što je Luka naučio iz te večeri u Dubrovniku.En: And that is exactly what Luka learned from that evening in Dubrovnik. Vocabulary Words:shone: sjajiopearl: biserstrolled: šetaliadorned: krasiledetermined: odlučanpatient: strpljivacalmly: smirenoaccompanied: pratilaadjusted: namjestiofrustratedly: frustriranodisappear: nestalithinned: smanjilaunusual: ...
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    15 mins

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