Nightmare on 34th Street: A Xmas Grotesque

By: Geordie McElroy
  • Summary

  • Koopman's department store is in trouble. Christmas is 12 days away, and they've lost their Santa. In desperation, they hire Ruprecht. Is he a kindly old man in seal furs? A deathless shaman? A demon? Or pagan god? The real Father Winter with an empty eye behind a patch that makes coal of sinners? The city is about to find out the hard way. Their only hopes for salvation: a brainwashed orphan, homicidal detective, and an inept revolutionary.
    Copyright 2024 Geordie McElroy
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  • Part 1
    Oct 29 2024


    Words + Music by Geordie McElroy


    Part 1

    What is the color of Christmas?

    The white of untouched snow?

    The green of a Douglas Fir

    Or ceaseless mistletoe?

    Could it be the red of stockings?

    Or yule-log’s golden breath?

    No. The color of Christmas is black

    Black of a moonless winter's night

    The black of coal in the abyss

    The black of death


    Koopman’s Department Store presents:

    The 12 Days of Christmas

    Grand Parade to city conveyed

    This season big business

    Announcer from Channel Thirteen

    Mic picked up howling wind

    Nor’easter of the century

    From Greenland rolling in

    Each float branded to perfection

    Each with a sponsored theme

    Franzenstein gingerbread houses

    Toscani nativity scenes

    They rolled along 34th street

    Up to Koopman’s revolving door

    Where Steve and his wife Portia throned

    King and Queen of the store

    A masterpiece of art nouveau

    Engulfing block, tower

    Dazzling retail cathedral

    Where hard won coin showered

    The windows full of season’s displays

    Gorgeous crystalline glass

    Each winter fantasies

    Available for cash

    Announcer spoke up: “Here she comes

    It’s Mercedes Koopman

    Steve and Portia’s only daughter

    With her vocal debut”

    The pre-teen rode high on a float

    Promoting her own brand

    Hawking neon fast fashion

    And song without a band

    Just as Mercedes started up

    Before her vocals dropped

    Announcer said: “Wait… here comes Santa Claus?

    And he’s coming in hot”

    Santa revved red convertible

    Madness flashed in his eyes

    He aimed full speed for Koopman’s store

    Mercedes forced to dive

    The crash destroyed the singer’s float

    As Santa stripped his clothes

    Revealing a Satan suit beneath

    To the crowd he exposed

    Something from out of his waistband

    From crotch depth fustiness

    He waved it around and yodeled:

    “The hammer of justice!”

    With hardware Santa Claus screaming:

    “You bourgeois pigs must die

    This one goes out to you, my Pearl”

    Blue-haired girl averted eyes

    He raised the groin-secreted tool

    Shattered Koopman’s displays

    Screamed about theory of labor

    And radical cliches

    Christian protestors turned their backs

    So-called allies turned...

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    33 mins
  • Part 2
    Oct 29 2024


    Words + Music by Geordie McElroy

    Part Two


    Portia hosted at Koopman’s cafe

    A rich, aggressive bunch

    Muffy Von Klump and Luz De La Cruz

    These the ladies who lunch

    “Delish! This dish… simply divine!”

    “Bold boreal terroir!”

    Caribou tartare, pine resin wine

    Chowing down reindeer raw

    “Tell me where you found your Santa”

    “The line is out the door”

    “Parents love him, kids terrified”

    “And they keep coming back for more”

    “Oh him? He’s Koopman’s special sauce

    Says his name is Ruprecht”

    “Your glass snow globe is filled with dough”

    “The man commands respect”

    A parent lugged her screaming child

    Ruprecht hushed in his ear

    Then youngin’ turned a sickly shade

    Silent, quaking with fear

    “Mercedes, won’t you see to Alfonso

    Luz’s newly adopted son

    Fresh from Mali? Or was it Malawi?

    Some dump from whence he comes?”

    “Go take him to Christmas Village

    To sit on Ruprecht’s lap”

    Mercedes cried: “That’s not Santa Claus

    He doesn’t wear a patch”

    Portia feigned shame before the gals

    “Mercedes don’t talk back

    Alfonso doesn’t know any better…

    …Santa is handicapped”

    I always wanted to adopt

    Open my heart and home

    I’ve got that idiot Izzy

    Won’t move out, full grown”

    “Oh yes…” said Muffy, “…Isidore

    We caught his performance

    A shame he soiled your parade

    And lost those endorsements”

    Luz pointed to the globe and said:

    “Charity has two forms

    The kind l have for Alfono

    The other type performs”


    Dunn stewed in silent apartment

    Countless beer cans crushed

    A Christmas tree 13 years dead

    Ornaments cloaked in dust

    He stared at Portia Koopman’s name

    And cleaned his .22

    Perused surveillance photographs

    Silencer clockwise screwed

    Dunn studied the plans for the store

    Swigged down Peppermint Schnapps

    No sense in procrastination

    When assassins are cops

    Dunn got a call from foot patrol

    The North Star life raft found

    In a sewer deep beneath city streets

    In Koopman’s part of town

    Dunn saddled up and slugged down rum

    One-forty proof cologne

    Heading down to Portia’s store

    Kill two birds with one stone


    Izzy hung out in the warehouse

    These were his type of folk

    Honest work from sweat of the brow

    Clearly thought him...

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    30 mins
  • Part 3
    Oct 30 2024


    Words + Music by Geordie McElroy

    Part 3

    Secret Santa’s crossed off the list

    Drug dealers, arsonists, thieves

    Necrophiliacs and mountebanks

    Cops excised disease

    Bodies found in alleyways

    Sedan trunks by the docks

    Arcades, bars, overpriced condos

    In a playground sandbox

    Some with bullets between the eyes

    Some had jugulars ripped

    Some injected with tree frog venom

    Some dumped in ditches, stripped

    Bodies piled high down at the morgue

    As the winter weather cooled

    Coroner ruled them accidents

    Homicide had all fooled


    Portia lunched with Muffy and Luz

    “What a story to tell

    Here’s my latest acquisition

    Ladies, behold Noel”

    “Isn’t she the waif you booted?”

    “Yes, indeed, she’s the thief

    Caught her in my charity globe

    I gave the orphan relief”

    “We welcomed her into our home

    Hope she comes to trust us

    This is what charity truly is:

    Restorative justice”

    “The criminal system is a mess

    Trust me, group homes broken

    So, I adopted this delinquent

    You just took in tokens”

    “Mercedes, please take our Noel

    To sit on Ruprecht’s lap

    Sure she love to tell him about

    Dodging criminal wrap”


    Mercedes paraded casting

    Elbows and aspersions

    To anyone blocking her way

    Departments transversing

    Noel followed at the girl’s heels

    Into Christmas village

    They cut the line and found Ruprecht

    Koopman’s family privilege

    “Excuse me, sir,” Noel piped up

    “They say your name’s Ruprecht

    But I’ve been watching you closely

    Suspect that’s incorrect”

    “Is your true name really St. Nick?

    You seem to be the source

    Of all those legends about him

    I could be wrong, of course”

    “Someone has been using your name

    Your reputation’s heft

    To drain the youth from orphan girls

    Until there’s nothing left”

    Ruprecht stared at the young orphan

    And asked: “Are you the one?”

    But then their rendezvous cut short

    In walked Lt. Dunn

    He flashed his badge, approached Ruprecht

    The line drew to a halt

    “Last night, what were your whereabouts?

    Do you know Jacques Perrault?”

    Noel spotted the flashing shield

    She turned, in terror ran

    Was this the goon from the North Pole?

    The man who took Roxanne?

    Portia stopped the inquisition

    “What’s the meaning of...

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    35 mins

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