
  • Ryan Grant on the Future of the Online Lender vs. the Local Advisor and Where This Industry is Headed as a Whole
    Feb 10 2025

    For years in the mortgage industry, there have been two sides of the coin; Fast, easy and cheap vs. local, advice-based lenders. Too many times, uneducated consumers are choosing the online "click-button-get-mortgage" option, because they aren't aware of the value they're missing out on. Those years are coming to an end.

    Ryan Grant, Founder and President of NEO Home Loans, joins us this week to talk about the recent partnership between NEO and Better Mortgage. Since it's creation, NEO has been committed to giving consumers the best advice, guidance and ongoing education in order to change the way that mortgages are done. The antithesis of the company is the online, transactional lender.

    With the partnership between these two (what seems like) opposites, it begs the question; Why did these two join forces, and what does it mean for the rest of the industry?

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Set Your 3 Year Money Goals to Thrive in 2025
    Jan 7 2025

    New year means you're starting to set all of those big, brave goals around what you want to accomplish by the end of 2025. We're not here to say you shouldn't, but let's go a little bit farther with this one. If we set our THREE year goals, then the progress I make this year is much more likely to be in line with my "down the road" goals.

    This episode is not only for our Mortgage Advisors, but also for the clients that they serve. Go teach people how to set and achieve money goals, you'll set yourself apart in no time.

    Thanks for kicking off the New Year with us, excited to spend 2025 sharing value with you all!

    - T & V

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    45 mins
  • The Last Mile Problem in Mortgage: What It is and How We Can Solve It
    Dec 16 2024

    Have you ever heard of the "last mile problem?" The concept is this; When it comes to online sites like Amazon, the most difficult yet most crucial part of the entire experience is the last mile. That's when the customer gets the product in their hands, and realize they're either happy or dissatisfied with the product. It doesn't matter how amazing the process was the create this product, if that last mile is unsuccessful, your product is doomed.

    Our last mile in mortgage is the client consultation. When you sit down with a client, are they blown away by the value you're creating for them, or are they just comparing you to the lender down the street?

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    43 mins
  • Craig Davis on Where Our Industry is Headed and What Mortgage Advisors Need to Prepare For
    Nov 18 2024

    In this episode, we're joined by Craig Davis, founder of Ascend Xperience to talk about what he's seeing from a coaching perspective. We dive into what Mortgage Advisors are missing the mark on right now, where the industry is headed and his journey from Mortgage Professional to being a successful coaching entrepreneur himself. From battling cancer and losing his leadership position in the industry within 6 weeks of each other, Craig found himself at a crossroads that led him on the impressive journey he takes us on during our time together.

    Craig Davis has been in leadership, management, and sales for over 20 years serving the Mortgage Industry. Early in his career, he discovered that focusing his unique talents on helping his clients and team succeed fueled his success. He founded Ascend Xperience with that same purpose and passion as an Executive Coach, Fractional COO, and Speaker who keenly understands how to help his clients succeed on purpose, and in their design. He is a conqueror of cancer, a family man, a buddy, and in his own words, just a good human…

    Connect with Craig on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-davis-ascendxc/
    Visit Craig's website: Ascend Xperience (ascendxc.com)
    Follow Craig on Instagram: Instagram

    Thanks for listening, folks!

    Trev & Val

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • A Look Back on 1 YEAR of Mortgages. Money. Life. Episodes
    Oct 30 2024

    1 whole year of learning, growing, and sharing concepts that don't get talked about nearly enough in our industry. We've had a BLAST over the last 365 days, so during this episode, we chose our favorite episodes to reminisce and reflect on the lessons talked about in each one.

    If you're a new listener, this is the perfect episode to tune in and get a high-level view around the concepts we love most. Our new season will feature some of the most impactful and trail-blazing leaders that our industry has to offer - we can't wait for you to hear more!

    We appreciate you being here and listening, thanks for an awesome year!

    - Trevor and Val

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    45 mins
  • Todd Ballenger on Approaching Your Mortgage Business Like a Financial Advisor
    Oct 7 2024

    For the first time ever, we welcome on a very special guest to join the show, none other than industry legend Todd Ballenger. Todd has been a coach and mentor to Trevor for many years as you'll hear in the beginning of the episode, and someone who has instilled a lot of the concepts that we talk about today into the way Trevor has done business.

    Todd joins us and shares his upbringing, how he eventually found his way into the mortgage space, and ultimately the 7 steps he's identified that lead a "Loan Officer" to grow into a Mortgage Advisor and eventually a Certified Liability Advisor.

    Listen, learn, implement! Thanks as always for joining us - enjoy the show!

    - Trevor and Val

    To learn more about Todd's coaching program and becoming a Certified Liability Advisor, visit borrowsmartuniversity.com, or reach Todd directly at kendalltodd@gmail.com.

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • The 4 Blind Spots That Keep People from Financial Freedom
    Sep 24 2024

    Being in an industry where people metaphorically "get naked" for us when it comes to their finances, it's very clear that we have a massive lack of financial education in our society. It can be hard to articulate all of the short comings that many people have in their financial lives, and even harder to instill some of these lessons into your client's minds during the time you get with them.

    Trevor has identified 4 "blind spots" that almost everything boils down to, that keep people from reaching their full financial potential, and ultimately, financial freedom. We dive into these 4 blind spots and how to have conversations with your clients that are 10x more impactful.

    Listen and absorb the information for yourself, and ask yourself which blind spots YOU experience in your own life. This will make it that much easier to articulate and relate to your clients.

    Thanks for listening!

    - T & V

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    51 mins
  • Creating Your 25 Year Plan [And Why You Need One!]
    Sep 10 2024

    We set BIG goals - everyone likes big goals, right?

    But what happens when we don't reach them in the time limit we set for ourselves? We beat ourselves up, we deem it a failure, and we have less confidence than before. What if we aimed to accomplish those goals over a 25 year time span? How would that change our perception of ourselves and our successes?

    Of course, we have to set goals within that 25 year timespan, but they're all leading up to our main objective that we decide for our next 25 years.

    Listen to this episode if you're feeling too hard on yourself and need a perception shift - that's what we're here for!

    - Trevor and Val

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    16 mins