FluentFiction - Welsh

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • A Cup of Christmas: Finding Connection in Caerdydd
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: A Cup of Christmas: Finding Connection in Caerdydd Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-12-17-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae’r glaw yn disgyn yn drwm ar strydoedd Caerdydd.En: The rain is falling heavily on the streets of Caerdydd.Cy: Trwy’r ffenestr wedi’i addurno â golau bychain, mae’r siop de yn edrych mor gynnes a chartrefol.En: Through the window adorned with little lights, the tea shop looks so warm and homely.Cy: Y tu mewn, mae arogl te perlysiau yn llenwi’r awyr ynghyd â synau melfedog carolau Nadolig.En: Inside, the aroma of herbal tea fills the air along with the velvety sounds of Christmas carols.Cy: Mae'r bwrdd yng nghornel y siop wedi'i orchuddio â lliain coch, gyda canhwyllau bach a changhennau celyn yn cynnig awyrgylch cyffyrddus.En: The table in the corner of the shop is covered with a red cloth, with small candles and holly branches creating a cozy atmosphere.Cy: Mae Gareth yn eistedd ar ei ben ei hun, yn syllu ar ei gawlach.En: Gareth sits alone, staring at his bowl.Cy: Mae'n dod yma bron bob wythnos, ond mae’r Nadolig agosáu'n gwneud iddo deimlo’n unig.En: He comes here almost every week, but the approach of Christmas makes him feel lonely.Cy: Nid yw’n meiddio siarad llawer.En: He doesn’t dare to talk much.Cy: Mae e’n swil, ac yn ei feddwl mae gwaith meddwl trwm y syniad o ddod o hyd i rywun i rannu amser gydag ef.En: He is shy, and in his mind, the heavy thought of finding someone to share time with weighs on him.Cy: Ymhellach i lawr y siop, mae Emrys, hen ddyn caredig.En: Further down the shop, there's Emrys, a kind old man.Cy: Mae’n arfer sgwrs â phawb sy’n dod i mewn, yn addurno pob diwrnod â’i chwerthin cynnes.En: He usually chats with everyone who comes in, adorning each day with his warm laughter.Cy: Delyth yw'r barista, yn brysur yn gweini te, yn hoffi cymryd golwg araf a sylwgar ar Gareth.En: Delyth is the barista, busy serving tea, enjoying taking a slow, attentive look at Gareth.Cy: Mae ganddi deimladau cudd amdano, ond mae’n gobeithio na fydd yn sylwi, yn methu â dal ei lygaid yn hir, yn gofidio am ymdrin.En: She has hidden feelings for him but hopes he doesn't notice, failing to catch his gaze for long, worrying about handling it.Cy: Daw Emrys i mewn, fel arfer, gyda’i wyneb yn wen.En: Emrys comes in, as usual, with a smiling face.Cy: Mae'n eistedd wrth ei fwrdd arferol a dechrau siarad â Gareth.En: He sits at his usual table and begins talking to Gareth.Cy: Mae’r siop de fel cymuned iddo.En: The tea shop is like a community to him.Cy: Mae'n deimlad cartrefi tyner, lle mae Emrys a Gareth fel rywbeth fyddai rhywun yn ei alw'n deulu.En: It is a gentle home-like feeling, where Emrys and Gareth are something one might call family.Cy: Yn sydyn, mae awyr o banig yn llenwi’r lle pan mae Emrys yn dechrau pesychu.En: Suddenly, a breath of panic fills the room as Emrys starts coughing.Cy: Mae ei wyneb yn troi yn eithaf coch.En: His face turns quite red.Cy: Gyda’i law yn curo'i frest yn gryf, mae'n ceisio anadlu, ond nid yw'n gallu.En: With his hand beating his chest forcefully, he tries to breathe, but he cannot.Cy: Heb ail-feddwl, mae Gareth yn codi ac yn mynd i’w gyfeiriad, yn galw am sylw Delyth.En: Without a second thought, Gareth stands and goes in his direction, calling for Delyth's attention.Cy: Mae ei galon yn chwalu drwy’i frest, ond mae'n gwybod bod angen gwneud rhywbeth.En: His heart is pounding through his chest, but he knows something needs to be done.Cy: Delyth, melyn ei gwallt a'r ffordd mae'n symud mor esmwyth y tu ôl i'r cownter, yn sefyll wrth gefn Gareth.En: Delyth, with her blonde hair and the way she moves so smoothly behind the counter, stands behind Gareth.Cy: Mae hi’n cyrraedd yr anadl anadlu ar gyfer Emrys.En: She reaches with the breathing aid for Emrys.Cy: Mae Emrys yn deffro'n araf, yn anadlu'n drymach ond mae’r gwewyr hefyd yn gollwng chwysog anniddig.En: Emrys slowly regains consciousness, breathing heavily, but the distress also releases a nervous sweat.Cy: “Diolch, diolch,” mae’n ailadrodd, yn edrych yn ddiolchgar at Gareth ac wedyn Delyth.En: “Thank you, thank you,” he repeats, looking gratefully at Gareth and then Delyth.Cy: Pan mae’r cythryblwch yn setlo a'r te yn cael ei arllwys eto, mae teimlad gwahanol yn ei lle.En: When the chaos settles and the tea is poured again, a different feeling is in place.Cy: Mae Gareth yn teimlo rhyw belydru oddi mewn iddo.En: Gareth feels a kind of radiance within him.Cy: Nid yw Emrys yn unig faich yn ei fywyd; mae'n rhan ohono.En: Emrys is not just a burden in his life; he is a part of it.Cy: Mae Delyth yn sefyll wrth ei ochr pan mae'r gŵydd o gynnwrf yn tawelu, ac yn symud yn ôl at y cownter, maen nhw’n cyfnewid golwg hwyliog.En: With Delyth standing by his side when the commotion calms, and moving back to the counter, they exchange a cheerful glance.Cy: "...
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    18 mins
  • Love Blossoms in Abertawe's Winter Market Wonderland
    Dec 16 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Love Blossoms in Abertawe's Winter Market Wonderland Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-12-16-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Y bore oedd oer ac eira yn cwympo'n araf ar strydoedd Abertawe.En: The morning was cold and snow was slowly falling on the streets of Abertawe.Cy: Mae'r Farchnad yn llawn bywyd.En: The Market was full of life.Cy: Sŵn y plant yn chwarae, a'r arogl sinsir a thyrmerig yn llenwi'r awyr.En: The sound of children playing, and the smell of ginger and turmeric filled the air.Cy: Mae Eleri yn rhedeg rhwng ei stondinau artisanal a'r cwsmeriaid sy'n dod i brynu anrhegion Nadolig.En: Eleri was running between her artisanal stalls and the customers who were coming to buy Christmas gifts.Cy: Gethin oedd yn helpu Eleri.En: Gethin was helping Eleri.Cy: Roedd o'n gwybod ei bod yn brysur iawn.En: He knew she was very busy.Cy: Roeddent yn ffrindiau ers plentyndod, a Gethin wedi bod yn arsylwi ar Eleri gyda rhywbeth mwy nag eiddigrwydd ffrind.En: They had been friends since childhood, and Gethin had been watching Eleri with something more than a friend's envy.Cy: "Diolch, Gethin," meddai Eleri wrth iddo lusgo sach o anrhegion.En: "Thank you, Gethin," said Eleri as he dragged a sack of gifts.Cy: "Hebddo ti, buaswn i ddim yn gallu gwneud hyn.En: "Without you, I wouldn't be able to do this."Cy: "Gwenu wnaeth Gethin.En: Gethin smiled.Cy: Roedd o'n mwynhau helpu, ond roedd rhywbeth mwy eisiau'i ddweud.En: He enjoyed helping, but there was something more he wanted to say.Cy: Ddim eto.En: Not yet.Cy: Roedd cryn dipyn o amser eto ar ôl.En: There was quite a bit of time left.Cy: Ym mhen draw'r marchnad, roedd Bronwen yn edrych o gwmpas gyda'i llygaid yn disgleirio.En: In the far end of the market, Bronwen was looking around with her eyes sparkling.Cy: Roedd hi'n pendroni am y tro cyntaf gwerthu ei chrefftau ei hun.En: She was wondering about selling her own crafts for the first time.Cy: Teimlai hi nerfus, ond roedd ei hysbrydoliaeth a'i brwdfrydedd yn gryf.En: She felt nervous, but her inspiration and enthusiasm were strong.Cy: "Diolch am y cyngor, Eleri," meddai Bronwen, gan osod basged o eitemau crefftwyr ar y dabled.En: "Thank you for the advice, Eleri," said Bronwen, placing a basket of crafted items on the table.Cy: "Ti wir yn ysbrydoli fi.En: "You really inspire me."Cy: ""Oes angen unrhyw help arall arnat ti?En: "Do you need any more help?"Cy: " holodd Eleri ar Bronwen gyda charedigrwydd eto ei llais.En: asked Eleri to Bronwen with kindness in her voice again.Cy: Dyweddelog arweiniodd hi at sylweddoli ei bod yn brysur iawn.En: Engaged, she realized she was very busy.Cy: Bijoi droi ei sylw tuag at Gethin, a oedd yn edrych yn nerfus.En: She turned her attention towards Gethin, who seemed nervous.Cy: "Gethin," dechreuodd Eleri mewn llais tawel a meddylgar, "ti wedi bod yn hyfryd iawn hyd yma, ond.En: "Gethin," Eleri began in a quiet and thoughtful voice, "you've been very lovely so far, but...Cy: dw i'n teimlo bod mwy o rhywbeth rwyt ti am ei ddweud.En: I feel there's more you want to say."Cy: "With curious eyes, Gethin looked at Eleri.En: With curious eyes, Gethin looked at Eleri.Cy: "Fi'n.En: "I...Cy: fi'n meddwl bod fi isio mwy nag jyst ffrindiau gyda ti, Eleri.En: I think I want more than just friendship with you, Eleri."Cy: "Wedyn mae dagrau yn llygad Eleri.En: Then tears appeared in Eleri's eyes.Cy: Roedd hi'n poeni am y busnes a'i chalon.En: She was worried about the business and her heart.Cy: Ond yna gwelodd Bronwen yn dal ei basgedau'n gynnyrch hapus, llenwi gyda'i chynnyrch ei hun.En: But then she saw Bronwen holding her basket of happy products, filled with her own creations.Cy: Roedd gwaith tîm a dealltwriaeth yn bosib.En: Teamwork and understanding were possible.Cy: "Ti'n gwybod beth, Gethin?En: "You know what, Gethin?"Cy: " dywedodd Eleri, "Dw i eisiau ceisio.En: said Eleri, "I want to try.Cy: Mae'r bywyd yn llawn i ddigon gyda ffrind sydd mor deallus fel ti.En: Life is full enough with a friend as understanding as you."Cy: "Roedd Eleri wedi sylweddoli bod cydweithredu a dealltwriaeth gyda phawb o’i chwmpas yn golygu mwy o bethau positif ar gyfer y Nadolig yma a thu hwnt.En: Eleri had realized that cooperation and understanding with everyone around her meant more positive things for this Christmas and beyond.Cy: O'r diwedd, roedd hi'n gallu rhannu baich y bore oer, ac roedd y marchnad yn llawn llawenydd.En: At last, she was able to share the burden of the cold morning, and the market was full of joy. Vocabulary Words:artisanal: artisanalstall: stondinauenvy: eiddigrwyddsack: sachdragged: lusgocurious: disgleiriotears: dagrauburden: baichinspiration: ysbrydoliaethenthusiasm: brwdfrydeddcrafted: crefftwyrsparkling: lliwgaid y disgleirionervous: nerfusteamwork: gwaith tîmunderstanding: dealltwriaethencourage: anogrealized: sylweddoliremained: ar ôlcooperation: cydweithredumeaning: yn golygushare: ...
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    15 mins
  • The Christmas Quest: Gethin's Magical Hay-on-Wye Adventure
    Dec 16 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: The Christmas Quest: Gethin's Magical Hay-on-Wye Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2024-12-16-08-38-20-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r farchnad llyfrau yng Nghaer Hay-on-Wye yn lle hudolus yn y gaeaf.En: The book market in Hay-on-Wye is a magical place in the winter.Cy: Mae goleuadau Nadoligaidd yn gwneud iddi edrych fel byd arall.En: The Christmas lights make it look like another world.Cy: Mae arogl castanau rhost yn gymysg â'r aer oer a glân.En: The scent of roasted chestnuts mixes with the cold, clean air.Cy: Mae Gethin, dyn ifanc gydag ŵydd gryf, yn ymweld â'r ŵyl hon bob blwyddyn.En: Gethin, a young man with a strong will, visits this festival every year.Cy: Ond eleni mae nod arbennig ganddo.En: But this year, he has a special purpose.Cy: Mae Gethin yn chwilio am lyfr prin i'w fodryb, sef llyfr a fu ar gais ers blynyddoedd.En: Gethin is searching for a rare book for his aunt, a book that has been sought after for years.Cy: Mae ei nain wedi siarad dro ar ôl tro am y llyfr hwn ers iddi ei weld mewn hen siop flynyddoedd yn ôl.En: His grandmother has talked repeatedly about this book since she saw it in an old shop years ago.Cy: Dyma'r cyfle delfrydol i gael y llyfr hyn am Nadolig hi.En: This is the ideal opportunity to get this book for her Christmas.Cy: Mae'r marchnad yn llenwi â siarad a chwerthin rhwng stondinau.En: The market is filled with chatter and laughter between the stalls.Cy: Mae'r cymysgedd o lyfrau newydd ac hen yn creu awyrgylch unigryw.En: The mix of new and old books creates a unique atmosphere.Cy: Un stondin ar ôl y llall, mae Gethin yn chwilio'n ofalus.En: One stall after another, Gethin searches carefully.Cy: Mae'n edrych ar hyn a hyn ond ddim yn gweld dim arbennig.En: He looks at this and that but doesn't see anything special.Cy: Mae'n gwybod bod casglwyr eraill hefyd yn chwilio am y llyfr hwn, felly mae'n gwybod fod angen brysio.En: He knows that other collectors are also searching for this book, so he knows he needs to hurry.Cy: Wrth i'r dydd fynd yn ei flaen, mae'n dechrau colli gobaith.En: As the day goes on, he begins to lose hope.Cy: Mae'n ystyried prynu rhodd arall, ond mae'n gwybod na fyddai'n unol â'i fwriad cychwynnol.En: He considers buying another gift, but he knows it wouldn't align with his initial intent.Cy: Mae'r prisiau hefyd yn aml yn llawer uwch nag y gallai fforddio.En: The prices are also often much higher than he could afford.Cy: Ond mae'n cofio pa mor bwysig yw'r llyfr i'w nain, a pha mor llawen fyddai hi'n ei weld.En: But he remembers how important the book is to his grandmother, and how joyful she would be to see it.Cy: Wrth ddrws y farchnad, mae'n gweld gwerthwr llyfrau hen.En: At the doorway of the market, he sees an old book seller.Cy: Gwenu mae'r gwerthwr, a Gethin yn gofyn am y llyfr.En: The seller smiles, and Gethin asks about the book.Cy: Mae gweld bod y gwerthwr yn gofalus, ac er ei fod yn meddu ar y llyfr, mae'n gwybod bod llawer yn chwilio amdano.En: Seeing that the seller is cautious, and although he possesses the book, he knows many are looking for it.Cy: Mae Gethin yn trafod, ac yn cynnig cyfnewid o ddifrif.En: Gethin negotiates, offering a sincere exchange.Cy: Ar ôl llawer o fân-drafodaeth a syml, mae'r gwerthwr yn dod o hyd i bwynt cyffredin â Gethin.En: After much minor and simple negotiation, the seller finds common ground with Gethin.Cy: Mae'n derbyn y cynnig yn y diwedd.En: He accepts the offer in the end.Cy: Mae Gethin yn gallu cael yr hyn y bu'n chwilio amdano.En: Gethin is able to get what he has been searching for.Cy: Mae'n llawn rhuthr llawenydd - mae'n gwybod y bydd y llyfr yn rhodd berffaith.En: He is filled with a rush of joy - he knows the book will be the perfect gift.Cy: Pan mae Gethin yn camu allan i'r stryd, mae'r eira yn dechrau disgyn, fel pe bai'r byd ei hun yn dathlu ei lwyddiant.En: When Gethin steps out onto the street, the snow begins to fall, as if the world itself is celebrating his success.Cy: Gydag llyfr yn ddiogel yn ei law, mae'n gadael gyda chalon ysgafn a'r gobaith o weld y wên ar wyneb ei nain.En: With the book safely in his hand, he leaves with a light heart and the hope of seeing the smile on his grandmother's face.Cy: Trwy ei ddyfalbarhad, dysgodd Gethin werth ymdrech a'r llawenydd o'r anrheg perffaith.En: Through his perseverance, Gethin learned the value of effort and the joy of the perfect gift. Vocabulary Words:magical: hudolusscent: aroglroasted: rhostpurpose: nodrare: prinsought: gaisideal: delfrydolchatter: sain siaradlaughter: chwerthinatmosphere: awyrgylchconsider: ystyriedalign: unolintent: bwriadafford: fforddiojoyful: llawendoorway: drwscautious: gofalusnegotiate: trafodsincere: o ddifrifexchange: cyfnewidcommon ground: pwynt cyffredinrush: rhuthrcelebrating: dathlusuccess: llwyddiantperseverance: dyfalbarhadeffort: ymdrechvalue: gwerthhope: gobaithsmile: gwênseller: gwerthwr
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    14 mins

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