• 传承与变迁: 对话《唐人街之子》| Legacy and Change: A Conversation with the Son of Chinatown
    Nov 13 2024

    在本期节目中,主持人Lena与著名华裔记者及作家朱华强先生(Wiiliam Gee Wong)进行了一场跨年代的深入对话,畅聊了朱华强先生的最新著作《唐人街之子:植根于中国和美国的回忆录》以及他父亲在美国排华法案期间的移民故事,并深入探讨了唐人街的在历史的演变过程中如何影响美国华裔社区及华人移民的过去和未来。


    In this episode, our host Lena, a new-generation Chinese immigrant, sits down with William Gee Wong, a California-born journalist and author of Sons of Chinatown: A Memoir Rooted in China and America. Together, they discuss Mr. Wong’s father's immigrant journey during the Chinese Exclusion Act era and explore how Chinatown’s legacy continues to shape Chinese American history and the future of the community.

    • Host: Lena
    • Translation: Lena
    • Mr. Wong’s Chinese voice: Eric Qiu (邱庆中)
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    31 mins
  • 华人老年移民的“他乡养老“之路 | Aging Abroad: The Journey of Chinese Elderly Migrants
    Aug 26 2024


    In this episode, Mr. Lei, a 71-year-old immigrant from Wuhan, China, shares his journey of adapting to life in the U.S. His story offers insight into the challenges and experiences of Chinese elderly migrants aging abroad.

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    10 mins
  • 华人科技男与被忽视的心理健康意识 | Chinese Male Tech Professionals and The Overlooked Awareness of Mental Health
    Jun 11 2024

    2024年发生的谷歌工程师陈立人案件把人们的目光聚焦到了华裔科技精英、尤其是男性移民在精神健康问题方面的意识与现状。本期节目Lena采访了两位科技新移民 --- 来自硅谷的凯文和来自西雅图的Michael,以及著名心理学专家Stephanie Wong博士,与大家共同深入探讨:究竟华人科技男性移民在心理健康求助方面的挑战与困境是什么?

    The legal case of Google engineer Liren Chen in 2024 brought attention to the awareness and current situation of mental health issues among Chinese tech elites, especially male immigrants. In this episode, Lena interviews two new immigrants from the technology sector, Kevin from Silicon Valley and Michael from Seattle, as well as renowned psychologist Dr. Stephanie Wong, to delve deeper into the question: What are the challenges and dilemmas faced by Chinese male immigrant tech professionals in seeking mental health assistance?

    • Host: Lena
    • Producer: Lena
    • Guests: Kevin, Michael, Stephanie J. Wong
    • Translation: Lena
    • Stephanie’s Translation Voice Dubbing: Aurora Yang

    Bullet Point:

    00’40:谷歌工程师陈立人与印裔工程师案件回顾 | Google engineer Liren Chen and Indian American engineer case review

    03‘26: 凯文和Michael的故事:科技新移民 | Kevin and Michael's Story: New immigrants from the technology sector.

    05‘22: 科技精英男平衡工作与家庭的忙碌生活 | The busy life of balancing work and family for male tech elite

    06‘48: 科技行业的工作实况:时长与压力 | The working reality of the tech industry: Hours and pressure

    08’13:关于压力和焦虑 | About stress and anxiety

    08’58: 八零后移民对成长环境中心理健康教育状况的反思 | Reflections of post-80s immigrants on the state of mental health education in their upbringing environment

    12’33: 凯文和Michael谈自己如何处理压力及情绪 | Kevin and Michael talk about how they deal with stress and emotions.

    14‘03: 科技男是否会与家人倾诉情绪压力?| Do tech men confide their emotional stress with their families?

    15’16:美国科技公司给员工精神健康资源及福利 | American tech companies provide mental health resources and benefits to employees

    15’59: 华人男性新移民在使用心理健康资源方面的挑战 | The challenges of Chinese male immigrants in utilizing mental health resources.

    16‘45: 凯文谈陈立人案件 | Kevin discusses the case of Liren Chen .

    17’30: Dr. Stephanie谈论亚裔群体中对精神健康认知的污名化社会现象 | Dr. Stephanie discusses the stigmatization of mental health awareness within the AAPI community.

    19’06: 什么是“模范少数族裔神话”? | What is the "model minority myth"?

    19’48: Dr. Stephanie谈到华裔移民男性可能面临的精神健康问题的挑战 | Dr. Stephanie discusses the challenges that Chinese immigrant male may face regarding mental health issues.

    21’11: Dr. Stephanie给出关于如何打破心理健康求助污名化的建议 | Dr. Stephanie provides advice on how to break the stigma surrounding seeking help for mental health issues.

    21’41: 结尾 | Ending

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    25 mins
  • 隐形的群体: 半月湾枪击案下的中国农民 | The invisible group: Chinese farmers in the Half Moon Bay shooting
    Apr 26 2024


    Last year's Half Moon Bay shooting incident brought attention for the first time to an unseen and invisible immigrant group — Chinese farm workers. Mrs. Wang and Mr. Liu, this couple, are one of the Chinese farmworker families affected by the shooting incident in Half Moon Bay. In this episode, Lena had the opportunity to conduct a close-up interview with this farmworker couple and those around them. By telling their story, Lena is presenting you with a deeper understanding of the real-life experiences of this minority immigrant group in the farms of Half Moon Bay.

    Bullet points:

    00’40: 半月湾枪击案回顾|Half Moon Bay Massive Shooting Recap

    01’02: 中国农工移民背景介绍|The Background of Chinese Farmer Immigrants

    02’10: 枪击案目击者:王太太和刘先生|Mrs. Wang & Mr. Liu, the witnesses of Half Moon Bay Shooting

    02’57: 节目片头|Intro

    03’24: 王太太和刘先生来到美国|Mrs. Wang and Mr.s Liu came to the US

    04’14: Kiki介绍王太太和刘先生在农场的生活|Kiki talks about Mrs. Wang and Mr.s Liu’s life on the farm

    05’30: 中国农工间复杂的关系|The complicated relationships among the Chinese farmers

    06’28: 农场主和农场管理|About the farm owner and the management

    07’44: 王太太回忆枪击案|Mrs. Wang recalls the massive shooting

    08’54: Amy关于农工的印象|Amy shares her memories about the Chinese farmers

    10’30: 枪击案之后|After the shooting

    11’31: 王太太和刘先生的未来计划|Mrs. Wang & Mr.Liu’s thoughts on current life and future plan

    12’37: 结尾|Ending

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    14 mins
  • 硅谷九零后女程序猿Amber的故事 | Amber's Journey as a Post-90s Chinese Immigrant
    Mar 12 2024

    本期节目讲述硅谷九零后华人女生Amber (化名) 的个人移民之旅。作为新一代的美籍华人,Amber不仅是一家知名科技公司的软件工程师,同时在攻读博士学位,节目中她向听众分享了作为第一代科技精英移民的独特经历,以及她如何迎接挑战、在湾区逐渐扎根的故事。

    In the first episode of "Chinese Immigrant Stories," we dive into the personal journey of Amber (alias), a post-90s Chinese immigrant female software engineer making her mark in the heart of Silicon Valley. With a dual role at a renowned tech company and pursuing a PhD, Amber shares her unique experience as a first-generation tech elite immigrant who’s rooted herself in the Bay Area as a new Chinese American.

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    10 mins