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After the joy of rewatching Overlord last night, I am back on the dog shit trail. Or am I? Daylights End, 2016, After a plague turns a huge section of humanity into bloodthirsty creatures, a drifter finds few survivors and reluctantly decides to help them. And this is one of those movies pushed by Amazon. It is there in the list when looking at Romero or Zombieland. Daylights End. It feels like a vampire title. Apparently its not.
It stars Johnny Strong. Now I have attempted to watch this a half dozen times, maybe more. But it is Strongs firm jawed model looks that turn me off it. Now it does have Lance Henrikson, but he’ll do anything for a sack of change. And Strong, after looking him up, was one of the sniper spec ops guys who sacrificed themselves in Black Hawk Down. So for that alone I need to give it a fair shake of the stick.
There are many movies like this one. A bad episode of the walking dead It is formulaic. A macho hero, probably emotionally detached, rolls into town and is the saviour before eventually leaving and going his own way. Actually that is the plot of the 1970s Incredible Hulk TV show and the Littlest Hobo. A tonne of westerns. When it comes to zombie movies and movies we have seen this one felt a bit of a mishmash, a mashup of zombie hunter, Navy Seals vs Zombies, The Last Hope, Rise of the Zombies, Amityville Uprising, Zombie Warz with a z. We have an overly macho hero Thomas Rourke killing zombies because they turned his wife and he ended up killing her. This was actually done by an alpha that is following Thomas, but somehow Thomas is following it? I didn’t get that, it was there days before he arrived. That one is different. It watches. Ok. A well armed group of former police officers led by Lance Henkrison and a lot of civilians they have sworn to protect. Hard nosed Henrikson and Thomas don’t agree. Cops that are trained and armed by taken to task my a bunch of marauders until Thomas wipes the lot of them out in one go?
Thomas was too macho. And they gave him the gun from Black Hawk Down. In fact Strong uses the Black Hawk Down photo as his headshot. He was invincible and refused to be wrong, even when his foolhardy mission, the only way we can get everyone to the plane, ends up killing everyone he went with and let the infected into the police station, killing even more.
For people who had surviving for so long they didn’t last very long as soon as Thomas arrived. I guess the lesson is don’t listen to the know it all handsome macho guy who has been doing everything solo since the virus started.
Henrikson was underused. Louis Mandylor was the best thing about this movie. Not a lot happened. He saves Sam and goes back to the station. They put him in a cell. They are attacked. He escapes and is then allowed to stay out. He goes on a foolhardy mission. He beats bad guy in the softest of ways. He leaves.
The sunlight thing was more of a vamp thing.
It was watchable but poor. A bit better than the aforementioned crop of bad macho hero movies and cop movies… so I would give it… 4.5/10 worth a meh. But don’t feel bad if you turn it off. Def not worth paying cash money for.