• The Dough Army and the Quest for the Perfect Potica
    Dec 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: The Dough Army and the Quest for the Perfect Potica Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-18-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matevž je bil neroden znanstvenik z velikim srcem.En: Matevž was an awkward scientist with a big heart.Sl: Čeprav je bil v laboratoriju prepričan in spreten, ga je najtežje delo čakalo doma – osvojiti babičin pečat odobravanja za njegovo potico.En: Although he was confident and skilled in the laboratory, the hardest task awaited him at home – earning his grandmother's seal of approval for his potica.Sl: Bližal se je božični čas, zimski vetrovi so žvižgali okoli skrivnega laboratorija, zakopanega globoko pod snegom v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah.En: As Christmas approached, winter winds whistled around the secret laboratory buried deep under the snow in the Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe.Sl: Laboratorij je bil poln futurističnih naprav za peko, ki so šepetale obljube o kulinarični popolnosti.En: The laboratory was full of futuristic baking gadgets, whispering promises of culinary perfection.Sl: Matevž je bil odločen, da bo ustvaril popolno potico in z njo zmagal na letnem tekmovanju.En: Matevž was determined to create the perfect potica and win the annual competition with it.Sl: Začel je z eksperimentom - kloniranjem potice, da bi našel popolno kombinacijo okusov.En: He began an experiment – cloning the potica to find the perfect combination of flavors.Sl: Ko je zmešal testo, so se začele dogajati nepredvidljive stvari.En: As he mixed the dough, unpredictable things began to happen.Sl: Nenadoma so kosi testa oživeli!En: Suddenly, the pieces of dough came to life!Sl: Testena vojska se je začela gibati po laboratoriju, padala z miz in plezala po stenah.En: The dough army started moving around the laboratory, falling off tables, and climbing walls.Sl: Matevža je zajela panika.En: Matevž was filled with panic.Sl: Kako je to mogoče?En: How was this possible?Sl: Neprevidnost in hitenje sta mu pokazala, da morda tokrat res potrebuje pomoč.En: Carelessness and haste showed him that perhaps this time he really needed help.Sl: Ali naj pokliče prijatelja Nino in Boruta?En: Should he call his friends Nina and Borut?Sl: Sam ne bo mogel zadržati te testene katastrofe.En: He couldn't handle this dough catastrophe on his own.Sl: Medtem ko je premišljeval, se je zavedel, da testo grozi, da bo ušlo iz laboratorija in uničilo Ljubljano ter jo spremenilo v eno veliko pecivo!En: While pondering, he realized that the dough threatened to escape from the laboratory and destroy Ljubljana, turning it into one giant pastry!Sl: To si ni mogel privoščiti.En: He couldn't afford that.Sl: Hitro je zgrabil telefon in poklical prijatelja.En: He quickly grabbed the phone and called his friends.Sl: Nina in Borut sta prišla hitro, oborožena z velikanskim metlico in velikim sodom vročega kakava.En: Nina and Borut arrived quickly, armed with a gigantic whisk and a large barrel of hot cocoa.Sl: Skupaj so se pogumno soočili s testeno vojsko.En: Together they bravely confronted the dough army.Sl: Testene kepice so se začele krčiti pod močjo vročega kakava in metlice.En: Dough balls began to shrink under the power of hot cocoa and the whisk.Sl: Po dolgem boju so končno uspeli.En: After a long battle, they finally succeeded.Sl: Laboratorij je bil rešen.En: The laboratory was saved.Sl: Matevž je spoznal svojo napako.En: Matevž realized his mistake.Sl: Na koncu je tekmoval s preprosto potico, polno ljubezni in babičine modrosti.En: In the end, he competed with a simple potica, full of love and his grandmother's wisdom.Sl: Ni bila popolna v očeh tehnologije, a je bila popolna zanj in za babico, saj je prišla iz srca.En: It wasn't perfect in the eyes of technology, but it was perfect for him and his grandmother because it came from the heart.Sl: Matevž se je naučil lekcije – včasih preprostost in ljubezen pomenita več kot popolnost.En: Matevž learned a lesson – sometimes simplicity and love mean more than perfection.Sl: Njegova babica ga je objela in skupaj sta uživala v prav posebni, tisti najboljši, domači potici.En: His grandmother hugged him, and together they enjoyed a very special, the very best, homemade potica. Vocabulary Words:awkward: nerodenseal of approval: pečat odobravanjaapproached: bližalwhistled: žvižgaliburied: zakopanegafuturistic: futurističnihgadgets: napravculinary: kulinaričniperfection: popolnostidetermined: odločencloning: kloniranjemunpredictable: nepredvidljivepanic: panikacarelessness: neprevidnosthaste: hitenjepondering: premišljevalthreatened: groziescape: ušlodestroy: uničiloafford: privoščitiarmed: oboroženabravely: pogumnoconfronted: soočilishrink: krčitimistake: napakowisdom: modrostisimplicity: preprostostlesson: lekcijehugged: objelaenjoyed: uživala
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    14 mins
  • Snowfall Secrets: How A Day Off Transformed Mateja's World
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowfall Secrets: How A Day Off Transformed Mateja's World Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-17-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Stari del Ljubljane je bil zavit v zimski plašč snežink, ki so rahlo padale z oblačnega neba.En: The old part of Ljubljana was wrapped in a winter coat of snowflakes, gently falling from the cloudy sky.Sl: Mateja je odprla vrata majhne čajnice z imenom "Zeleni list".En: Mateja opened the door to a small tea shop named "Zeleni list."Sl: Toplota in vonj po zeliščnih čajih sta jo ovila kot topel šal.En: The warmth and scent of herbal teas enveloped her like a warm scarf.Sl: Lesene mize so bile polne ljudi, ki so uživali v toplem napitku in klepetu.En: Wooden tables were filled with people enjoying warm drinks and conversation.Sl: Ambientna svetloba je dodajala prostoru prijeten sijaj.En: The ambient lighting added a pleasant glow to the space.Sl: Mateja in Jure, prijatelja iz otroštva, sta sedla za majhno mizo v kotu.En: Mateja and Jure, childhood friends, sat at a small table in the corner.Sl: "Mateja, si prepričana, da lahko odložiš učenje?En: "Mateja, are you sure you can take a break from studying?Sl: Izpiti so blizu," je vprašal Jure, medtem ko je srkal svoj zeleni čaj.En: Exams are near," asked Jure, while sipping his green tea.Sl: "Moram si vzeti odmor.En: "I need to take a break.Sl: Preveč me skrbi vse skupaj," je odgovorila Mateja.En: I’m too worried about everything," answered Mateja.Sl: Imela je občutek tesnobe zaradi prihajajočih izpitov na univerzi, ki so jo tako težili, da si ni znala odgovoriti, kje najde pogum za naprej.En: She felt anxious about the upcoming university exams, which weighed on her so heavily that she couldn't fathom where she would find the courage to move forward.Sl: Okoli njiju je zvenel prijeten žvenket skodelic in smeh drugih obiskovalcev.En: Around them, the pleasant clinking of cups and the laughter of other visitors could be heard.Sl: Na sosednji mizi je sedela ženska, Ana, ki je bila zavita v dolg temen plašč in zbrana v svojih mislih.En: At the adjacent table sat a woman, Ana, wrapped in a long dark coat, absorbed in her thoughts.Sl: Okoli nje je bilo nekaj skrivnostnega, a Mateja ji ni posvečala preveč pozornosti.En: There was something mysterious about her, but Mateja didn't pay much attention.Sl: Želela je čim hitreje popiti čaj in se vrniti k učenju.En: She wanted to finish her tea quickly and return to studying.Sl: Nenadoma je bilo slišati krik.En: Suddenly, a scream was heard.Sl: Ana se je sesedla na tla.En: Ana collapsed to the floor.Sl: Zmedenost je zavladala čajnici.En: Confusion ruled the tea shop.Sl: Ljudje so vstajali, a nihče se ni prišel bliže.En: People stood up, but no one came closer.Sl: "Mogoče potrebuje pomoč!En: "Maybe she needs help!"Sl: " je vzkliknil Jure, pripravljajoč telefon za klic reševalne službe.En: exclaimed Jure, preparing his phone to call the rescue service.Sl: Mateja ni vedela, kaj naj stori.En: Mateja didn't know what to do.Sl: Srce ji je divjalo.En: Her heart raced.Sl: Čeprav jo je skrbelo zanjo, se je njena misel vračala k zvezkom, ki so čakali doma.En: Even though she was concerned about her, her mind kept returning to the notes waiting at home.Sl: A pogled na Ano, ki je nemočno ležala na tleh, jo je prebudil iz omahovanja.En: But the sight of Ana, lying helpless on the floor, awakened her from hesitation.Sl: Mateja se je sklonila k njej.En: Mateja bent down to her.Sl: "Ali me slišiš?En: "Can you hear me?"Sl: " je vprašala in začela izvajati tisto, kar se je naučila v osnovah prve pomoči.En: she asked, beginning to perform what she had learned in basic first aid.Sl: Medtem ko so drugi gledali in čakali, je Jure klical reševalce.En: While others watched and waited, Jure called the paramedics.Sl: Celoten prostor je bil napolnjen z napetostjo.En: The entire room was filled with tension.Sl: Mateja je s tresočimi rokami vztrajala, našla je neznano moč in mirnost, ki ju prej ni poznala.En: With trembling hands, Mateja persevered, discovering an unknown strength and calmness she hadn't known before.Sl: Paramediki so kmalu prispeli in prevzeli situacijo.En: The paramedics soon arrived and took over the situation.Sl: Ana je bila pri zavesti, ovita v toplo reševalno odejo.En: Ana was conscious, wrapped in a warm rescue blanket.Sl: Preden so jo odpeljali, se je obrnila k Mateji.En: Before they took her away, she turned to Mateja.Sl: Njene oči so bile zahvalne in tople.En: Her eyes were grateful and warm.Sl: S tihim nasmehom je Mateji namenila pogled, ki je govoril več, kot bi lahko izrekle besede.En: With a silent smile, she gave Mateja a look that spoke more than words could express.Sl: Mateja je obsedela na svojem mestu.En: Mateja sat back in her seat.Sl: Njeno srce je počasi našlo mir.En: Her heart slowly found peace.Sl: Ugotovila je, da jo trenutki, ko ...
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    17 mins
  • Tea, Courage, and Career: Matej's Winter Self-Discovery
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Tea, Courage, and Career: Matej's Winter Self-Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-17-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je stal pred vrati malega, prijetnega čajnega kotička v središču Ljubljane.En: Matej stood in front of the door of a small, cozy tea nook in the center of Ljubljana.Sl: Vonj cimeta in klinčkov je napolnil zrak, medtem ko so pisane božične luči nežno razsvetlile zimski večer.En: The scent of cinnamon and cloves filled the air, while colorful Christmas lights gently illuminated the winter evening.Sl: Snežinke so lagodno padale, in Matej je z globokim vdihom poskusil umiriti svoja živčna pričakovanja.En: Snowflakes leisurely fell, and Matej tried to calm his nervous anticipation with a deep breath.Sl: V roki je držal drobno darilce, lepo zavito lično škatlico z domačimi piškoti.En: In his hand, he held a small gift, a neatly wrapped box with homemade cookies.Sl: Prinašal jih je na sestanek z Alenko, svojo šefinjo.En: He was bringing it to a meeting with Alenka, his boss.Sl: Še nikoli ni bil tako živčen pred oceno dela, saj mu je projekt, pri katerem je sodeloval, prinesel mešane povratne informacije.En: He had never been so nervous before a work evaluation, as the project he was involved in had received mixed feedback.Sl: Njegovo srce je hitelo, a upal je, da bo darilo vsaj malo izboljšalo razpoloženje.En: His heart raced, but he hoped that the gift might at least improve the mood a little.Sl: Alenka je že sedela v kotu, obkrožena s toplimi barvami čajnice, medtem ko je srkala svoj zeliščni čaj iz elegantne skodelice.En: Alenka was already sitting in a corner, surrounded by the warm colors of the teahouse, sipping her herbal tea from an elegant cup.Sl: Matej se ji je pridružil za mizo in ji sramežljivo podal darilo.En: Matej joined her at the table and shyly handed her the gift.Sl: "Hvala, Matej," je rekla z nasmeškom.En: "Thank you, Matej," she said with a smile.Sl: "Poglejmo, kako ti je šlo letos.En: "Let's see how you've done this year."Sl: "Sestanek se je začel sproščeno, a je postajal vse bolj napet, ko sta prišla do nedavnega projekta.En: The meeting started off relaxed but grew more tense when they reached the recent project.Sl: Alenka je pohvalila Matejevo zagnanost, vendar je poudarila tudi, da je spregledal pomemben element.En: Alenka praised Matej's enthusiasm but also pointed out that he had overlooked an important element.Sl: "Projekt je bil sicer uspešen, Matej," je rekla resno, "ampak tole je velika napaka.En: "The project was successful, Matej," she said seriously, "but this is a big mistake.Sl: Kako bi jo rešil?En: How would you resolve it?"Sl: "Matej je globoko zajel sapo.En: Matej took a deep breath.Sl: Zbral je podatke, ki jih je pripravil, in začel razlagati rešitev, ki si jo je zamislil za odpravo napake.En: He gathered the information he had prepared and began explaining the solution he had devised to fix the mistake.Sl: Govoril je odločno in samozavestno, bolj kot si je predstavljal.En: He spoke decisively and confidently, more so than he had imagined.Sl: Medtem je Alenka pozorno poslušala, občasno pokimala v znak odobravanja.En: Meanwhile, Alenka listened attentively, occasionally nodding in approval.Sl: Ko je Matej končal, je Alenka zadovoljno rekla: "Vidim, da razmišljaš izven okvirjev.En: When Matej finished, Alenka said with satisfaction, "I see you're thinking outside the box.Sl: To je tisto, kar radi vidimo.En: That's what we like to see.Sl: Tvoj trud ni ostal neopažen.En: Your effort has not gone unnoticed.Sl: Potencial imaš.En: You have potential."Sl: "Mateju je kamen padel s srca.En: Matej felt a weight lift from his heart.Sl: Zagotovila mu je, da je še vedno v igri za napredovanje.En: She assured him that he was still in the running for a promotion.Sl: Zdaj je vedel, da mu je uspelo prepričati Alenko in še bolj pomembno, našel je samozavest v sebi, da se sooči s kritikami in se iz njih uči.En: Now he knew that he had succeeded in convincing Alenka and, more importantly, he had found confidence within himself to face criticism and learn from it.Sl: Ko je zapustil čajnico, je zunaj snežna odeja postajala vse debelejša.En: As he left the teahouse, the snow blanket outside was becoming thicker.Sl: Zdaj pa je slišal le nežno prasketanje snega pod nogami.En: Now he heard only the gentle crunch of snow underfoot.Sl: Vedel je, da ga čaka še veliko dela, a končno je razumel, da lahko premaga ovire in raste iz svojih napak.En: He knew there was still much work ahead, but he finally understood that he could overcome obstacles and grow from his mistakes.Sl: Nasmehnil se je sebi in božičnim lučem, saj so mu te odsevale novo najdeno samozaupanje.En: He smiled to himself and the Christmas lights, as they reflected his newly found self-confidence. Vocabulary Words:nook: kotičekcinnamon: ...
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    15 mins
  • Lost and Found: A Christmas Mystery at Lake Bled
    Dec 16 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost and Found: A Christmas Mystery at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-16-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimska pravljica se je začela ob prelepem Blejskem jezeru.En: The winter tale began at the beautiful Lake Bled.Sl: Jezero je bilo obdano s snežno odejo in visokimi gorami.En: The lake was surrounded by a blanket of snow and high mountains.Sl: Na sredini jezera je bila mala cerkev na otočku.En: In the middle of the lake, there was a small church on an island.Sl: Okoli jezera je vladalo pravo božično vzdušje; svetile so svetleče lučke, dišalo je po kuhanem vinu in piškotih.En: Around the lake, a true Christmas atmosphere prevailed; sparkling lights shone, and the scent of mulled wine and cookies filled the air.Sl: Anže, mlad in odgovoren fant, je skupaj s svojo sestro Niko in najboljšim prijateljem Tomažem prišel na praznovanje.En: Anže, a young and responsible boy, came to the celebration with his sister Nika and best friend Tomaž.Sl: Anže je s seboj prinesel dragocen medaljon, ki je pripadal njegovi babici.En: Anže brought with him a precious medallion that belonged to his grandmother.Sl: Medaljon je bil zanj pomemben.En: The medallion was important to him.Sl: Spominjal ga je na tople zgodbe in družinske tradicije.En: It reminded him of warm stories and family traditions.Sl: Med zabavo pa se je zgodila nesreča.En: During the party, however, an accident happened.Sl: Medaljon je izginil.En: The medallion disappeared.Sl: Anže je bil obupan.En: Anže was desperate.Sl: Med množico ljudi, med kriki veselja in snežinkami, ki so padale z neba, je medaljon ostal izgubljen.En: Among the crowd, amidst shouts of joy and snowflakes falling from the sky, the medallion remained lost.Sl: Njegovo srce je stiskalo, saj so vremenoslovci napovedovali snežni vihar.En: His heart ached as meteorologists forecasted a snowstorm.Sl: Najprej se je odločil, da ga bo poiskal sam.En: At first, he decided to search for it by himself.Sl: Previdno je hodil ob robu jezera, upajoč, da bo medaljon zagledal v snegu.En: He carefully walked along the edge of the lake, hoping to spot the medallion in the snow.Sl: Vendar je hitro spoznal, da bo potreboval pomoč.En: But he quickly realized he would need help.Sl: Zato je poklical Niko in Tomaža.En: So he called Nika and Tomaž.Sl: "Nika, Tomaž! Medaljon sem izgubil," je rekel z obupanostjo v glasu.En: "Nika, Tomaž! I've lost the medallion," he said with despair in his voice.Sl: Oči so mu žarele z iskro upanja, da bosta prijatelja pomagala.En: His eyes sparkled with a glimmer of hope that his friends would help.Sl: "Ne skrbi, Anže," je rekla Nika, vedno pripravljena na pustolovščino.En: "Don't worry, Anže," Nika said, always ready for an adventure.Sl: "Skupaj ga bomo našli!"En: "We'll find it together!"Sl: Tomaž, vedno zvest in praktičen prijatelj, je že iskal svetilko, da bi bolje videli v mraku.En: Tomaž, always a loyal and practical friend, was already looking for a flashlight to see better in the dusk.Sl: "Moramo biti hitri, preden začne močno snežiti," je opozoril.En: "We need to be quick, before it starts snowing heavily," he warned.Sl: Odločili so se, da bodo medaljon poskušali najti diskretno, da bi se izognili vprašanjem in pogledom množice.En: They decided to try to find the medallion discreetly to avoid questions and the gaze of the crowd.Sl: Potem pa, ravno ko je začel snežiti gost beli sneg, je Nika zaklicala, "Poglejte, tam nekaj sveti!"En: Then, just as it started to snow thick white flakes, Nika shouted, "Look, something's shining over there!"Sl: Vsi so tekli proti robu jezera.En: They all ran toward the edge of the lake.Sl: Med snežinkami, tik ob vodi, je na tleh ležal medaljon.En: Among the snowflakes, right by the water, lay the medallion on the ground.Sl: Anže je z vzdihom olajšanja vzel medaljon in ga tesno stisnil k sebi.En: Anže picked up the medallion with a sigh of relief and held it tightly to himself.Sl: Takoj zatem je vihar zajel jezero.En: Immediately afterward, the storm engulfed the lake.Sl: Veter je bil močan, a Anže, Nika in Tomaž so stali skupaj, veseli in hvaležni za uspeh.En: The wind was strong, but Anže, Nika, and Tomaž stood together, happy and grateful for their success.Sl: Ko so se vrnili nazaj, topli in varni, se je Anže zavedal nečesa pomembnega.En: When they returned back, warm and safe, Anže realized something important.Sl: Spoznal je, da mu ni treba vsega narediti sam.En: He realized that he didn't have to do everything on his own.Sl: Pomoč prijateljev in sestre je bila neprecenljiva.En: The help of friends and his sister was invaluable.Sl: Njuni pogum in zvestoba sta bila prav tako dragocena kot medaljon sam.En: Their courage and loyalty were as precious as the medallion itself.Sl: Blišč zvezd je zasvetil nad jezerom, in srce Anžeta je bilo polno topline in radosti.En: The ...
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    17 mins
  • Finding Clarity on Snowy Trails: A Story of Friendship and Love
    Dec 16 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Clarity on Snowy Trails: A Story of Friendship and Love Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-16-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimsko sonce je počasi vzhajalo nad prelepimi gorami v Bohinju.En: The winter sun was slowly rising above the beautiful mountains in Bohinj.Sl: Okoli jezera Bohinj je lesketal nežen sneg, ko so Miha, Anja in Rok začeli svojo pohodniško avanturo.En: Around Lake Bohinj, the gentle snow shimmered as Miha, Anja, and Rok began their hiking adventure.Sl: Miha je globoko vdihnil svež zrak, željan najti mir sredi notranjega nemira.En: Miha took a deep breath of fresh air, eager to find peace amidst his inner turmoil.Sl: Anja, s toplimi rokavicami in žarečimi lici, je hodila ob Mihi.En: Anja, with warm gloves and glowing cheeks, walked beside Miha.Sl: Bila je njegova stalna opora, skrita za toplim nasmehom.En: She was his constant support, hidden behind a warm smile.Sl: Njeno srce je upalo na nekaj več, a je raje ostajalo skrito.En: Her heart hoped for more, but she preferred to keep it concealed.Sl: Vmes je Rok skakal po stezi, prepeval božične pesmi in vnašal veselje v tiho zimsko jutro.En: Meanwhile, Rok was hopping along the trail, singing Christmas carols and bringing joy to the quiet winter morning.Sl: Bil je zaščitniški brat, željan znova vzpostaviti tesne vezi z Miho.En: He was a protective brother, eager to reestablish close ties with Miha.Sl: "Sneg je čudovit danes, kajne?En: "Isn't the snow wonderful today?"Sl: " je rekel Rok, ko so krenili proti strmejšemu delu poti.En: said Rok, as they headed toward a steeper part of the trail.Sl: Vendar lepota pokrajine ni mogla skriti izziva.En: However, the beauty of the landscape couldn’t mask the challenge.Sl: Pot je postajala spolzka in nevarna.En: The path was becoming slippery and dangerous.Sl: Miha je počutil, da se nekaj znotraj njega premika.En: Miha felt something shifting inside him.Sl: Potreboval je ta izlet, da bi našel jasnost, a zdaj je bila pred njim poteza, ki je zahtevala odločitev.En: He needed this trip to find clarity, but now there was a move ahead that required a decision.Sl: Stojijo na razpotju, Miha je opazil Anjo, ki je previdno stopala po spolzki poti.En: As they stood at the crossroads, Miha noticed Anja carefully stepping on the slippery path.Sl: Nenadoma je zaslišal kratek vzklik.En: Suddenly, he heard a brief cry.Sl: Anja je zdrsnila.En: Anja had slipped.Sl: Miha je bil hiter, prijel jo je za roko in jo povlekel nazaj na varno.En: Miha was quick, grabbing her hand and pulling her back to safety.Sl: Takrat je uvidel, kako zelo mu je mar za Anjo.En: At that moment, he realized how much he cared for Anja.Sl: Njene oči so mu hvaležno razkrile tisto, kar sta oba dolgo skrivala.En: Her eyes gratefully revealed what they both had long kept hidden.Sl: "Najbolje bo, da se vrnemo," je predlagal Miha, vendar ni bil več osredotočen le na svoj notranji nemir.En: "It might be best to turn back," suggested Miha, but he was no longer solely focused on his inner turmoil.Sl: Zdaj je dojemal, kako pomembna je bila Anjina prisotnost.En: Now he understood how important Anja's presence was.Sl: Ob povratku nazaj, obkroženi z mirno lepoto zimske pokrajine, so se vsi trije počasi vračali ob jezero.En: On their way back, surrounded by the serene beauty of the winter landscape, the three of them slowly returned to the lake.Sl: Med hojo je Miha odprl svoje srce, zaril roke globlje v tople žepke ter se nasmehnil Anji.En: As they walked, Miha opened his heart, plunged his hands deeper into his warm pockets, and smiled at Anja.Sl: Spoznal je, da lahko najde jasnost tudi s pomočjo prijateljev, in ne samo, ko je sam.En: He recognized that he could find clarity with the help of friends, and not just when he was alone.Sl: Tako so prazniki dobili novo toplino in pomen.En: Thus, the holidays gained new warmth and meaning.Sl: Rok je spoznal, da je bratska vez močnejša, Anja in Miha pa sta začela pisati novo poglavje svojega odnosa, polnega obljub in novih odkritij.En: Rok realized that the brotherly bond was stronger, and Anja and Miha began to write a new chapter in their relationship, full of promises and new discoveries.Sl: Končno je Miha našel svoj mir, ne v osami, temveč v nežni toplini prijateljstva, ki ga je obdajala.En: Finally, Miha found his peace, not in solitude, but in the gentle warmth of friendship that surrounded him. Vocabulary Words:rising: vzhajalobeautiful: prelepimigentle: neženshimmered: lesketalhiking: pohodniškoeager: željanturmoil: nemiraglowing: žarečimiconcealed: skritohopping: skakalcarols: pesmijoy: veseljeprotective: zaščitniškities: vezisteeper: strmejšemumask: skriticrossroads: razpotjucry: vzklikslipped: zdrsnilagratefully: hvaležnofocused: osredotočenserene: mirnoplunged: zarilclarity: jasnostwarmth: toplinabond: vezpromises: obljubdiscoveries: odkritijsolitude: ...
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    14 mins
  • Mysterious Envelope: A Christmas Tale of Reconnection
    Dec 15 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Mysterious Envelope: A Christmas Tale of Reconnection Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-15-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Sneg je rahlo padal na ozke ulice Trnovega, prekrivajoč strehe in drevesa z belo odejo.En: The snow was gently falling on the narrow streets of Trnovo, covering the roofs and trees with a white blanket.Sl: Veseli zvoki božične glasbe so odmevali iz sosedovih hiš, kjer se družine pripravljajo na praznično večerjo.En: The cheerful sounds of Christmas music echoed from the neighbors' houses, where families were preparing for a festive dinner.Sl: Matej je stal na pragu svojega doma, ko je opazil nenavadno stvar na stopnicah - skrivnostno, neoznačeno ovojnico.En: Matej stood on the doorstep of his home when he noticed something unusual on the steps - a mysterious, unmarked envelope.Sl: Ovojnica je bila majhna, a nekako težka v rokah.En: The envelope was small, yet somewhat heavy in his hands.Sl: Matej je z zanimanjem pogledoval nanjo.En: Matej looked at it with curiosity.Sl: Ni bila naslovljena na nikogar.En: It wasn't addressed to anyone.Sl: Stremljala mu je svoj tihi izziv.En: It challenged him with its silent allure.Sl: Matej, samski moški v poznih dvajsetih, je bil znan po svoji radovednosti.En: Matej, a single man in his late twenties, was known for his curiosity.Sl: Vendar je bil desno v rahlem dvomu.En: However, he was slightly hesitant.Sl: "Bi moral odpreti to ovojnico?En: "Should I open this envelope?"Sl: " se je spraševal.En: he questioned himself.Sl: Prvič se je odločil, da bo stopil v bližnje pekarno na vogalu po nasvet.En: For the first time, he decided to step into the nearby bakery on the corner for some advice.Sl: Ulice so bile osvetljene s tisočerimi lučkami, ki so metale prijetno toplo svetlobo.En: The streets were illuminated with thousands of lights, casting a pleasant warm glow.Sl: V pekarni je srečal Anjo, žensko srednjih let z veselim nasmehom, ki je dobro poznala zgodbe iz okolice.En: In the bakery, he met Anja, a middle-aged woman with a cheerful smile, who knew the stories of the neighborhood well.Sl: Matej ji je predstavil ovojnico in jo vprašal, če ve, kdo bi jo lahko pustil.En: Matej presented her with the envelope and asked if she knew who might have left it.Sl: Anja je pogledala ovojnico in se zamislila.En: Anja looked at the envelope and thought.Sl: "Ta material.En: "This material...Sl: To je nekaj posebnega," je šepnila.En: It's something special," she whispered.Sl: Potem je Mateju povedala zgodbo, ki ga je osupnila.En: Then she told Matej a story that astonished him.Sl: Njegov dedek in njen dedek sta bila stara prijatelja, ki sta delila veliko skrivnosti.En: His grandfather and her grandfather were old friends who shared many secrets.Sl: Na žalost sta se ločila zaradi nesporazuma, katerega vzroka ni nihče poznal.En: Unfortunately, they became separated due to a misunderstanding, the cause of which no one knew.Sl: Anja je sumila, da ima ovojnica nekaj opravka s tem taštičnim delom preteklosti.En: Anja suspected that the envelope had something to do with that intricate part of the past.Sl: Matej in Anja sta se odločila, da ovojnico raje odpreta skupaj.En: Matej and Anja decided to open the envelope together.Sl: Sedela sta v Anjini dnevni sobi ob čaju, medtem ko je zimska tema že zagrnila mesto.En: They sat in Anja's living room over tea, while winter darkness had already enveloped the city.Sl: Previdno sta raztrgala pečat, notranjost pa je razkrila starinske pisemske liste.En: They carefully broke the seal, and the inside revealed antique letters.Sl: Bili so čustveni pisma med njunima dedkoma, polna nostalgije in neustrtih misli.En: They were emotional letters between their grandfathers, filled with nostalgia and unexpressed thoughts.Sl: Končno sta čutno zaključila misel: "Žal mi je, nisem te želel izgubiti.En: They finally ended with a heartfelt thought: "I'm sorry, I didn't want to lose you."Sl: "Tistega večera, ob svečah in toplem kaminu, sta Matej in Anja skupaj prebrala vsa pisma.En: That evening, by candlelight and a warm fireplace, Matej and Anja read all the letters together.Sl: Ugotovila sta, da obstaja možnost, da lahko pozdravita staro rano in znova povežeta svoji družini.En: They realized there was a possibility of healing the old wound and reconnecting their families.Sl: Matej je občutil toplino, ki mu je manjkala.En: Matej felt a warmth that he had been missing.Sl: V iskanju preteklosti je našel prijatelje, zaveznike in verjetno novo poglavje v svojem življenju.En: In the search for the past, he found friends, allies, and possibly a new chapter in his life.Sl: Trnovo, pokrito s snegom in osvetljeno z utripajočimi lučmi, se je zdelo bolj domače kot kdaj koli prej.En: Trnovo, covered in snow and illuminated by twinkling lights, seemed more like home than ever before.Sl: Matej je spoznal, da mu skupnost ...
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    16 mins
  • Finding Love and Light Under Ljubljana's Festive Dragons
    Dec 15 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Love and Light Under Ljubljana's Festive Dragons Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-15-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na Ljubljanskem Mostu luči sijejo v prazničnem sijaju.En: On the Ljubljanski Most, lights shine in festive splendor.Sl: Zrak je hladen in vonj po kuhanem vinu se širi z bližnjega božičnega sejma.En: The air is cold, and the smell of mulled wine spreads from the nearby Christmas market.Sl: Snežinke počasi obkrožajo kamnite zmaje, ki pazijo na ta čudoviti most.En: Snowflakes slowly surround the stone dragons that guard this magnificent bridge.Sl: Mateja, mlada fotografinja, hodi po mostu z novim fotoaparatom v roki.En: Mateja, a young photographer, walks across the bridge with her new camera in hand.Sl: Pred kratkim se je preselila v Ljubljano in občutek osamljenosti jo spremlja, čeprav je mesto zelo lepo.En: She recently moved to Ljubljana and feels a sense of loneliness, even though the city is very beautiful.Sl: Medtem na mostu stoji Luka, lokalni zgodovinar, izgubljen v mislih o preteklosti in zgodbah, ki jih pripovedujejo zmaji.En: Meanwhile, standing on the bridge is Luka, a local historian, lost in thoughts about the past and the stories the dragons tell.Sl: Medtem ko Luka poskuša fotografirati zmaje, Mateja nenadoma sname objektiv kamere.En: As Luka tries to photograph the dragons, Mateja suddenly removes her camera lens.Sl: "Oprosti!" pravi Mateja nekoliko zmedeno.En: "Sorry!" says Mateja somewhat confused.Sl: "Ni problema," se nasmehne Luka. "Vidim, da imava skupno ljubezen do fotografije."En: "No problem," smiles Luka. "I see we share a common love for photography."Sl: Mateja se nasmehne.En: Mateja smiles.Sl: Malo pogovora hitro preraste v daljšo debato o lokalni zgodovini Ljubljane in njeni ljubezni do fotografiranja mestne duše v prazničnem času.En: A little conversation quickly grows into a longer discussion about the local history of Ljubljana and her love for capturing the soul of the city in the festive season.Sl: "Želim ustvariti serijo fotografij Ljubljane pozimi. A vsi ti ljudje... včasih izgubim pravi trenutek," priznava Mateja.En: "I want to create a series of photos of Ljubljana in winter. But all these people... sometimes I lose the right moment," admits Mateja.Sl: Luka jo pomirja: "Včasih je najboljši način, da razumeš mesto, da ga pustiš dihati. Poglej okoli in začuti, ne samo opazuje."En: Luka reassures her: "Sometimes the best way to understand a city is to let it breathe. Look around and feel, don't just observe."Sl: Naslednjič, ko se srečata po naključju, Luka predlaga: "Bi se mi pridružila na božičnem sejmu? Rad bi ti pokazal, kar ima mesto ponudit v tem času."En: The next time they meet by chance, Luka suggests, "Would you join me at the Christmas market? I'd like to show you what the city has to offer at this time."Sl: Mateja sprejme povabilo.En: Mateja accepts the invitation.Sl: Tisti večer hodijo po trgu, obkroženi z lesketajočimi lučmi, toplimi vonjavami cimetovih sladic in smehom družin.En: That evening they walk through the market, surrounded by shimmering lights, the warm scents of cinnamon treats, and the laughter of families.Sl: Luka ji pripoveduje zgodbe o zgodovini vsake stavbe, vsakem kotičku.En: Luka tells her stories about the history of each building, every corner.Sl: Ko se približata družini, ki se stisne v smehu pod zmaji, Mateja olajšano zavzame popoln trenutek.En: When they approach a family huddled in laughter under the dragons, Mateja captures the perfect moment with relief.Sl: To je to.En: This is it.Sl: Najlepši posnetek njenega življenja.En: The most beautiful shot of her life.Sl: Kasneje Luka stoji ob njej na razstavi njenih slik.En: Later, Luka stands beside her at the exhibition of her photos.Sl: Razstava je polna ljudi, ki občudujejo njeno delo.En: The exhibit is full of people admiring her work.Sl: Mateja je ponosna.En: Mateja is proud.Sl: Ne le zaradi fotografij, ampak ker je našla dom v tem mestu.En: Not just because of the photographs, but because she has found a home in this city.Sl: In prijatelja, mogoče celo več kot prijatelja.En: And a friend, maybe even more than a friend.Sl: Svetloba Ljubljane in duh praznikov osvetlita novo poglavje Matejinega življenja.En: The light of Ljubljana and the spirit of the holidays illuminate a new chapter in Mateja's life.Sl: Zdaj ni več samo dekle z novim fotoaparatom, ampak del zgodbe tega mesta.En: She is now not just a girl with a new camera, but a part of the story of this city. Vocabulary Words:splendor: sijajmulled: kuhanegasurround: obkrožajomagnificent: čudovitilens: objektivconfused: zmedenoreassures: pomirjashimmering: lesketajočimihuddle: stisneexhibition: razstaviadmiring: občudujejoilluminate: osvetlitafestive: prazničnemloneliness: osamljenostihistorian: zgodovinarspirits: duhchapter: poglavjerevolve: vrticapture: ...
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    15 mins
  • Under the Library Lights: A Tale of Friendship and Triumph
    Dec 14 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Under the Library Lights: A Tale of Friendship and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-14-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana Centralna knjižnica je bila polna študentov, ki so mrzlično brskali po knjigah.En: The Ljubljana Centralna knjižnica was full of students frantically searching through books.Sl: Svetle luči so se bleščale skozi pisane božične okraske, ki so viseli s stropa.En: Bright lights shone through the colorful Christmas decorations hanging from the ceiling.Sl: Zunaj je bil mrzel zimski dan, vendar je znotraj knjižnica dišala po sveže mleti kavi iz študentske kavarne.En: Outside, it was a cold winter's day, but inside, the library smelled of freshly ground coffee from the student café.Sl: V tej spokojnosti sta sedela Anže in Maja, vsak s kupom knjig pred seboj.En: In this tranquility sat Anže and Maja, each with a pile of books in front of them.Sl: Anže je bil živčen.En: Anže was nervous.Sl: Zelo si je želel, da bi opravil svoje izpite in obdržal štipendijo.En: He desperately wanted to pass his exams and keep his scholarship.Sl: Bil je sebi v glavi, misli so mu begale in koncentracija mu je uhajala.En: He was in his own head, thoughts wandering and concentration slipping away.Sl: Maja, njegova sošolka, je sedela poleg njega.En: Maja, his classmate, sat next to him.Sl: Zdela se je mirna in samozavestna, a je tudi ona čutila pritisk.En: She seemed calm and confident, but she also felt the pressure.Sl: Družinske obveznosti in študij so ji jemali energijo.En: Family obligations and studies were draining her energy.Sl: "Maja," je začel Anže tiho, "ne vem, če bom zmogel.En: "Maja," Anže began quietly, "I don't know if I can manage.Sl: Preveč je vsega.En: It's all too much."Sl: " Bal se je priznati svoje strahove, a je vedel, da mora.En: He was afraid to admit his fears, but he knew he had to.Sl: Maja se je obrnila proti njemu in mu mirno rekla: "Razumem te, Anže.En: Maja turned to him and calmly said, "I understand you, Anže.Sl: Tudi jaz težko lovim vse roke in pričakovanja.En: I'm also struggling to keep up with all the deadlines and expectations.Sl: Skupaj lahko to storiva.En: We can do this together."Sl: " Njene oči so bile sočutne, in Anže se je ob tem počutil manj osamljenega.En: Her eyes were compassionate, and Anže felt less alone because of it.Sl: Ko se je nebo stemnilo in luči knjižnice postale še toplejše, sta se zatopila v študij.En: As the sky darkened and the library lights grew even warmer, they delved into studying.Sl: Maja mu je pomagala pri najtežjih nalogah.En: Maja helped him with the most difficult tasks.Sl: Njeni nasveti so mu počasi pomagali do razsvetljenja o snovi, ki se mu je zdela neprehodna.En: Her advice gradually led him to enlightenment on the material that seemed impassable to him.Sl: Ure so minevale, in končno je Anže začutil preblisk razumevanja.En: Hours passed, and finally, Anže experienced a flash of understanding.Sl: "Razumem!En: "I get it!"Sl: " je vzkliknil, presenečen nad preprosto jasnostjo rešitev, ki mu jih je Maja pomagala videti.En: he exclaimed, surprised by the simple clarity of the solutions that Maja helped him see.Sl: Ko so se božični zvončki začeli oglašati iz mesta, je Anže vedel, da bo zmogel.En: As the Christmas bells began to ring from the city, Anže knew he could do it.Sl: Našel je novo zaupanje skozi Majo.En: He found new confidence through Maja.Sl: Na koncu izpitnega tedna je Anže stopil iz knjižnice s širokim nasmehom.En: At the end of the exam week, Anže stepped out of the library with a wide smile.Sl: Izpiti so šli dobro, bolje kot je upal.En: The exams went well, better than he hoped.Sl: Naučil se je, kako pomembno je, da se ne zapiraš vase in da sprejmeš pomoč.En: He learned how important it is not to shut yourself in and to accept help.Sl: Življenje ga je naučilo dragocene lekcije o prijateljstvu in podpori.En: Life taught him a valuable lesson about friendship and support.Sl: Letos bo za njega božič res poseben, z novo zavestjo o moči sodelovanja.En: This year, Christmas will be truly special for him, with a newfound awareness of the power of collaboration. Vocabulary Words:frantically: mrzličnodecorations: okraskeobligations: obveznostitranquility: spokojnostidesperately: zeloscholarship: štipendijaconcentration: koncentracijaexpectations: pričakovanjacompassionate: sočutneenlightenment: razsvetljenjaimpassable: neprehodnaflash: prebliskawareness: zavestcollaboration: sodelovanjacalm: mirnadraining: jemaliadvice: nasveticlarity: jasnostsolutions: rešitevconfidence: zaupanjevaluable: dragocenesupport: podporicompanionship: prijateljstvuringing: oglašatiscent: dišalabegging: begalestruggling: težkodeadlines: rokifear: strahoveunderstanding: razumevanja
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    14 mins