Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost and Found: A Christmas Mystery at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-16-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimska pravljica se je začela ob prelepem Blejskem jezeru.En: The winter tale began at the beautiful Lake Bled.Sl: Jezero je bilo obdano s snežno odejo in visokimi gorami.En: The lake was surrounded by a blanket of snow and high mountains.Sl: Na sredini jezera je bila mala cerkev na otočku.En: In the middle of the lake, there was a small church on an island.Sl: Okoli jezera je vladalo pravo božično vzdušje; svetile so svetleče lučke, dišalo je po kuhanem vinu in piškotih.En: Around the lake, a true Christmas atmosphere prevailed; sparkling lights shone, and the scent of mulled wine and cookies filled the air.Sl: Anže, mlad in odgovoren fant, je skupaj s svojo sestro Niko in najboljšim prijateljem Tomažem prišel na praznovanje.En: Anže, a young and responsible boy, came to the celebration with his sister Nika and best friend Tomaž.Sl: Anže je s seboj prinesel dragocen medaljon, ki je pripadal njegovi babici.En: Anže brought with him a precious medallion that belonged to his grandmother.Sl: Medaljon je bil zanj pomemben.En: The medallion was important to him.Sl: Spominjal ga je na tople zgodbe in družinske tradicije.En: It reminded him of warm stories and family traditions.Sl: Med zabavo pa se je zgodila nesreča.En: During the party, however, an accident happened.Sl: Medaljon je izginil.En: The medallion disappeared.Sl: Anže je bil obupan.En: Anže was desperate.Sl: Med množico ljudi, med kriki veselja in snežinkami, ki so padale z neba, je medaljon ostal izgubljen.En: Among the crowd, amidst shouts of joy and snowflakes falling from the sky, the medallion remained lost.Sl: Njegovo srce je stiskalo, saj so vremenoslovci napovedovali snežni vihar.En: His heart ached as meteorologists forecasted a snowstorm.Sl: Najprej se je odločil, da ga bo poiskal sam.En: At first, he decided to search for it by himself.Sl: Previdno je hodil ob robu jezera, upajoč, da bo medaljon zagledal v snegu.En: He carefully walked along the edge of the lake, hoping to spot the medallion in the snow.Sl: Vendar je hitro spoznal, da bo potreboval pomoč.En: But he quickly realized he would need help.Sl: Zato je poklical Niko in Tomaža.En: So he called Nika and Tomaž.Sl: "Nika, Tomaž! Medaljon sem izgubil," je rekel z obupanostjo v glasu.En: "Nika, Tomaž! I've lost the medallion," he said with despair in his voice.Sl: Oči so mu žarele z iskro upanja, da bosta prijatelja pomagala.En: His eyes sparkled with a glimmer of hope that his friends would help.Sl: "Ne skrbi, Anže," je rekla Nika, vedno pripravljena na pustolovščino.En: "Don't worry, Anže," Nika said, always ready for an adventure.Sl: "Skupaj ga bomo našli!"En: "We'll find it together!"Sl: Tomaž, vedno zvest in praktičen prijatelj, je že iskal svetilko, da bi bolje videli v mraku.En: Tomaž, always a loyal and practical friend, was already looking for a flashlight to see better in the dusk.Sl: "Moramo biti hitri, preden začne močno snežiti," je opozoril.En: "We need to be quick, before it starts snowing heavily," he warned.Sl: Odločili so se, da bodo medaljon poskušali najti diskretno, da bi se izognili vprašanjem in pogledom množice.En: They decided to try to find the medallion discreetly to avoid questions and the gaze of the crowd.Sl: Potem pa, ravno ko je začel snežiti gost beli sneg, je Nika zaklicala, "Poglejte, tam nekaj sveti!"En: Then, just as it started to snow thick white flakes, Nika shouted, "Look, something's shining over there!"Sl: Vsi so tekli proti robu jezera.En: They all ran toward the edge of the lake.Sl: Med snežinkami, tik ob vodi, je na tleh ležal medaljon.En: Among the snowflakes, right by the water, lay the medallion on the ground.Sl: Anže je z vzdihom olajšanja vzel medaljon in ga tesno stisnil k sebi.En: Anže picked up the medallion with a sigh of relief and held it tightly to himself.Sl: Takoj zatem je vihar zajel jezero.En: Immediately afterward, the storm engulfed the lake.Sl: Veter je bil močan, a Anže, Nika in Tomaž so stali skupaj, veseli in hvaležni za uspeh.En: The wind was strong, but Anže, Nika, and Tomaž stood together, happy and grateful for their success.Sl: Ko so se vrnili nazaj, topli in varni, se je Anže zavedal nečesa pomembnega.En: When they returned back, warm and safe, Anže realized something important.Sl: Spoznal je, da mu ni treba vsega narediti sam.En: He realized that he didn't have to do everything on his own.Sl: Pomoč prijateljev in sestre je bila neprecenljiva.En: The help of friends and his sister was invaluable.Sl: Njuni pogum in zvestoba sta bila prav tako dragocena kot medaljon sam.En: Their courage and loyalty were as precious as the medallion itself.Sl: Blišč zvezd je zasvetil nad jezerom, in srce Anžeta je bilo polno topline in radosti.En: The ...
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