FluentFiction - Slovenian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • The Dough Army and the Quest for the Perfect Potica
    Dec 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: The Dough Army and the Quest for the Perfect Potica Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-18-08-38-19-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matevž je bil neroden znanstvenik z velikim srcem.En: Matevž was an awkward scientist with a big heart.Sl: Čeprav je bil v laboratoriju prepričan in spreten, ga je najtežje delo čakalo doma – osvojiti babičin pečat odobravanja za njegovo potico.En: Although he was confident and skilled in the laboratory, the hardest task awaited him at home – earning his grandmother's seal of approval for his potica.Sl: Bližal se je božični čas, zimski vetrovi so žvižgali okoli skrivnega laboratorija, zakopanega globoko pod snegom v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah.En: As Christmas approached, winter winds whistled around the secret laboratory buried deep under the snow in the Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe.Sl: Laboratorij je bil poln futurističnih naprav za peko, ki so šepetale obljube o kulinarični popolnosti.En: The laboratory was full of futuristic baking gadgets, whispering promises of culinary perfection.Sl: Matevž je bil odločen, da bo ustvaril popolno potico in z njo zmagal na letnem tekmovanju.En: Matevž was determined to create the perfect potica and win the annual competition with it.Sl: Začel je z eksperimentom - kloniranjem potice, da bi našel popolno kombinacijo okusov.En: He began an experiment – cloning the potica to find the perfect combination of flavors.Sl: Ko je zmešal testo, so se začele dogajati nepredvidljive stvari.En: As he mixed the dough, unpredictable things began to happen.Sl: Nenadoma so kosi testa oživeli!En: Suddenly, the pieces of dough came to life!Sl: Testena vojska se je začela gibati po laboratoriju, padala z miz in plezala po stenah.En: The dough army started moving around the laboratory, falling off tables, and climbing walls.Sl: Matevža je zajela panika.En: Matevž was filled with panic.Sl: Kako je to mogoče?En: How was this possible?Sl: Neprevidnost in hitenje sta mu pokazala, da morda tokrat res potrebuje pomoč.En: Carelessness and haste showed him that perhaps this time he really needed help.Sl: Ali naj pokliče prijatelja Nino in Boruta?En: Should he call his friends Nina and Borut?Sl: Sam ne bo mogel zadržati te testene katastrofe.En: He couldn't handle this dough catastrophe on his own.Sl: Medtem ko je premišljeval, se je zavedel, da testo grozi, da bo ušlo iz laboratorija in uničilo Ljubljano ter jo spremenilo v eno veliko pecivo!En: While pondering, he realized that the dough threatened to escape from the laboratory and destroy Ljubljana, turning it into one giant pastry!Sl: To si ni mogel privoščiti.En: He couldn't afford that.Sl: Hitro je zgrabil telefon in poklical prijatelja.En: He quickly grabbed the phone and called his friends.Sl: Nina in Borut sta prišla hitro, oborožena z velikanskim metlico in velikim sodom vročega kakava.En: Nina and Borut arrived quickly, armed with a gigantic whisk and a large barrel of hot cocoa.Sl: Skupaj so se pogumno soočili s testeno vojsko.En: Together they bravely confronted the dough army.Sl: Testene kepice so se začele krčiti pod močjo vročega kakava in metlice.En: Dough balls began to shrink under the power of hot cocoa and the whisk.Sl: Po dolgem boju so končno uspeli.En: After a long battle, they finally succeeded.Sl: Laboratorij je bil rešen.En: The laboratory was saved.Sl: Matevž je spoznal svojo napako.En: Matevž realized his mistake.Sl: Na koncu je tekmoval s preprosto potico, polno ljubezni in babičine modrosti.En: In the end, he competed with a simple potica, full of love and his grandmother's wisdom.Sl: Ni bila popolna v očeh tehnologije, a je bila popolna zanj in za babico, saj je prišla iz srca.En: It wasn't perfect in the eyes of technology, but it was perfect for him and his grandmother because it came from the heart.Sl: Matevž se je naučil lekcije – včasih preprostost in ljubezen pomenita več kot popolnost.En: Matevž learned a lesson – sometimes simplicity and love mean more than perfection.Sl: Njegova babica ga je objela in skupaj sta uživala v prav posebni, tisti najboljši, domači potici.En: His grandmother hugged him, and together they enjoyed a very special, the very best, homemade potica. Vocabulary Words:awkward: nerodenseal of approval: pečat odobravanjaapproached: bližalwhistled: žvižgaliburied: zakopanegafuturistic: futurističnihgadgets: napravculinary: kulinaričniperfection: popolnostidetermined: odločencloning: kloniranjemunpredictable: nepredvidljivepanic: panikacarelessness: neprevidnosthaste: hitenjepondering: premišljevalthreatened: groziescape: ušlodestroy: uničiloafford: privoščitiarmed: oboroženabravely: pogumnoconfronted: soočilishrink: krčitimistake: napakowisdom: modrostisimplicity: preprostostlesson: lekcijehugged: objelaenjoyed: uživala
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    14 mins
  • Snowfall Secrets: How A Day Off Transformed Mateja's World
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Snowfall Secrets: How A Day Off Transformed Mateja's World Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-17-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Stari del Ljubljane je bil zavit v zimski plašč snežink, ki so rahlo padale z oblačnega neba.En: The old part of Ljubljana was wrapped in a winter coat of snowflakes, gently falling from the cloudy sky.Sl: Mateja je odprla vrata majhne čajnice z imenom "Zeleni list".En: Mateja opened the door to a small tea shop named "Zeleni list."Sl: Toplota in vonj po zeliščnih čajih sta jo ovila kot topel šal.En: The warmth and scent of herbal teas enveloped her like a warm scarf.Sl: Lesene mize so bile polne ljudi, ki so uživali v toplem napitku in klepetu.En: Wooden tables were filled with people enjoying warm drinks and conversation.Sl: Ambientna svetloba je dodajala prostoru prijeten sijaj.En: The ambient lighting added a pleasant glow to the space.Sl: Mateja in Jure, prijatelja iz otroštva, sta sedla za majhno mizo v kotu.En: Mateja and Jure, childhood friends, sat at a small table in the corner.Sl: "Mateja, si prepričana, da lahko odložiš učenje?En: "Mateja, are you sure you can take a break from studying?Sl: Izpiti so blizu," je vprašal Jure, medtem ko je srkal svoj zeleni čaj.En: Exams are near," asked Jure, while sipping his green tea.Sl: "Moram si vzeti odmor.En: "I need to take a break.Sl: Preveč me skrbi vse skupaj," je odgovorila Mateja.En: I’m too worried about everything," answered Mateja.Sl: Imela je občutek tesnobe zaradi prihajajočih izpitov na univerzi, ki so jo tako težili, da si ni znala odgovoriti, kje najde pogum za naprej.En: She felt anxious about the upcoming university exams, which weighed on her so heavily that she couldn't fathom where she would find the courage to move forward.Sl: Okoli njiju je zvenel prijeten žvenket skodelic in smeh drugih obiskovalcev.En: Around them, the pleasant clinking of cups and the laughter of other visitors could be heard.Sl: Na sosednji mizi je sedela ženska, Ana, ki je bila zavita v dolg temen plašč in zbrana v svojih mislih.En: At the adjacent table sat a woman, Ana, wrapped in a long dark coat, absorbed in her thoughts.Sl: Okoli nje je bilo nekaj skrivnostnega, a Mateja ji ni posvečala preveč pozornosti.En: There was something mysterious about her, but Mateja didn't pay much attention.Sl: Želela je čim hitreje popiti čaj in se vrniti k učenju.En: She wanted to finish her tea quickly and return to studying.Sl: Nenadoma je bilo slišati krik.En: Suddenly, a scream was heard.Sl: Ana se je sesedla na tla.En: Ana collapsed to the floor.Sl: Zmedenost je zavladala čajnici.En: Confusion ruled the tea shop.Sl: Ljudje so vstajali, a nihče se ni prišel bliže.En: People stood up, but no one came closer.Sl: "Mogoče potrebuje pomoč!En: "Maybe she needs help!"Sl: " je vzkliknil Jure, pripravljajoč telefon za klic reševalne službe.En: exclaimed Jure, preparing his phone to call the rescue service.Sl: Mateja ni vedela, kaj naj stori.En: Mateja didn't know what to do.Sl: Srce ji je divjalo.En: Her heart raced.Sl: Čeprav jo je skrbelo zanjo, se je njena misel vračala k zvezkom, ki so čakali doma.En: Even though she was concerned about her, her mind kept returning to the notes waiting at home.Sl: A pogled na Ano, ki je nemočno ležala na tleh, jo je prebudil iz omahovanja.En: But the sight of Ana, lying helpless on the floor, awakened her from hesitation.Sl: Mateja se je sklonila k njej.En: Mateja bent down to her.Sl: "Ali me slišiš?En: "Can you hear me?"Sl: " je vprašala in začela izvajati tisto, kar se je naučila v osnovah prve pomoči.En: she asked, beginning to perform what she had learned in basic first aid.Sl: Medtem ko so drugi gledali in čakali, je Jure klical reševalce.En: While others watched and waited, Jure called the paramedics.Sl: Celoten prostor je bil napolnjen z napetostjo.En: The entire room was filled with tension.Sl: Mateja je s tresočimi rokami vztrajala, našla je neznano moč in mirnost, ki ju prej ni poznala.En: With trembling hands, Mateja persevered, discovering an unknown strength and calmness she hadn't known before.Sl: Paramediki so kmalu prispeli in prevzeli situacijo.En: The paramedics soon arrived and took over the situation.Sl: Ana je bila pri zavesti, ovita v toplo reševalno odejo.En: Ana was conscious, wrapped in a warm rescue blanket.Sl: Preden so jo odpeljali, se je obrnila k Mateji.En: Before they took her away, she turned to Mateja.Sl: Njene oči so bile zahvalne in tople.En: Her eyes were grateful and warm.Sl: S tihim nasmehom je Mateji namenila pogled, ki je govoril več, kot bi lahko izrekle besede.En: With a silent smile, she gave Mateja a look that spoke more than words could express.Sl: Mateja je obsedela na svojem mestu.En: Mateja sat back in her seat.Sl: Njeno srce je počasi našlo mir.En: Her heart slowly found peace.Sl: Ugotovila je, da jo trenutki, ko ...
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    17 mins
  • Tea, Courage, and Career: Matej's Winter Self-Discovery
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Tea, Courage, and Career: Matej's Winter Self-Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-17-08-38-20-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je stal pred vrati malega, prijetnega čajnega kotička v središču Ljubljane.En: Matej stood in front of the door of a small, cozy tea nook in the center of Ljubljana.Sl: Vonj cimeta in klinčkov je napolnil zrak, medtem ko so pisane božične luči nežno razsvetlile zimski večer.En: The scent of cinnamon and cloves filled the air, while colorful Christmas lights gently illuminated the winter evening.Sl: Snežinke so lagodno padale, in Matej je z globokim vdihom poskusil umiriti svoja živčna pričakovanja.En: Snowflakes leisurely fell, and Matej tried to calm his nervous anticipation with a deep breath.Sl: V roki je držal drobno darilce, lepo zavito lično škatlico z domačimi piškoti.En: In his hand, he held a small gift, a neatly wrapped box with homemade cookies.Sl: Prinašal jih je na sestanek z Alenko, svojo šefinjo.En: He was bringing it to a meeting with Alenka, his boss.Sl: Še nikoli ni bil tako živčen pred oceno dela, saj mu je projekt, pri katerem je sodeloval, prinesel mešane povratne informacije.En: He had never been so nervous before a work evaluation, as the project he was involved in had received mixed feedback.Sl: Njegovo srce je hitelo, a upal je, da bo darilo vsaj malo izboljšalo razpoloženje.En: His heart raced, but he hoped that the gift might at least improve the mood a little.Sl: Alenka je že sedela v kotu, obkrožena s toplimi barvami čajnice, medtem ko je srkala svoj zeliščni čaj iz elegantne skodelice.En: Alenka was already sitting in a corner, surrounded by the warm colors of the teahouse, sipping her herbal tea from an elegant cup.Sl: Matej se ji je pridružil za mizo in ji sramežljivo podal darilo.En: Matej joined her at the table and shyly handed her the gift.Sl: "Hvala, Matej," je rekla z nasmeškom.En: "Thank you, Matej," she said with a smile.Sl: "Poglejmo, kako ti je šlo letos.En: "Let's see how you've done this year."Sl: "Sestanek se je začel sproščeno, a je postajal vse bolj napet, ko sta prišla do nedavnega projekta.En: The meeting started off relaxed but grew more tense when they reached the recent project.Sl: Alenka je pohvalila Matejevo zagnanost, vendar je poudarila tudi, da je spregledal pomemben element.En: Alenka praised Matej's enthusiasm but also pointed out that he had overlooked an important element.Sl: "Projekt je bil sicer uspešen, Matej," je rekla resno, "ampak tole je velika napaka.En: "The project was successful, Matej," she said seriously, "but this is a big mistake.Sl: Kako bi jo rešil?En: How would you resolve it?"Sl: "Matej je globoko zajel sapo.En: Matej took a deep breath.Sl: Zbral je podatke, ki jih je pripravil, in začel razlagati rešitev, ki si jo je zamislil za odpravo napake.En: He gathered the information he had prepared and began explaining the solution he had devised to fix the mistake.Sl: Govoril je odločno in samozavestno, bolj kot si je predstavljal.En: He spoke decisively and confidently, more so than he had imagined.Sl: Medtem je Alenka pozorno poslušala, občasno pokimala v znak odobravanja.En: Meanwhile, Alenka listened attentively, occasionally nodding in approval.Sl: Ko je Matej končal, je Alenka zadovoljno rekla: "Vidim, da razmišljaš izven okvirjev.En: When Matej finished, Alenka said with satisfaction, "I see you're thinking outside the box.Sl: To je tisto, kar radi vidimo.En: That's what we like to see.Sl: Tvoj trud ni ostal neopažen.En: Your effort has not gone unnoticed.Sl: Potencial imaš.En: You have potential."Sl: "Mateju je kamen padel s srca.En: Matej felt a weight lift from his heart.Sl: Zagotovila mu je, da je še vedno v igri za napredovanje.En: She assured him that he was still in the running for a promotion.Sl: Zdaj je vedel, da mu je uspelo prepričati Alenko in še bolj pomembno, našel je samozavest v sebi, da se sooči s kritikami in se iz njih uči.En: Now he knew that he had succeeded in convincing Alenka and, more importantly, he had found confidence within himself to face criticism and learn from it.Sl: Ko je zapustil čajnico, je zunaj snežna odeja postajala vse debelejša.En: As he left the teahouse, the snow blanket outside was becoming thicker.Sl: Zdaj pa je slišal le nežno prasketanje snega pod nogami.En: Now he heard only the gentle crunch of snow underfoot.Sl: Vedel je, da ga čaka še veliko dela, a končno je razumel, da lahko premaga ovire in raste iz svojih napak.En: He knew there was still much work ahead, but he finally understood that he could overcome obstacles and grow from his mistakes.Sl: Nasmehnil se je sebi in božičnim lučem, saj so mu te odsevale novo najdeno samozaupanje.En: He smiled to himself and the Christmas lights, as they reflected his newly found self-confidence. Vocabulary Words:nook: kotičekcinnamon: ...
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    15 mins

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Exactly what I needed

Thank you so much for this beautiful work. It’s not easy to find ways of learning Slovene and this is helpful and also interesting.

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Awesome idea, but the AI reader is AWFUL.

This is just awful. Sounds like they’ve used an AI reader that has zero ability to correctly accent or pronounce Slovene words. If you’re learning Slovene from these episodes, you’re going to sound ridiculous. They really need to start disclosing the use of artificial readers. I’m a native Slovene looking for tools to help my semi-fluent husband and I find these painful to listen to. Save your time and find something else that isn’t read by a robot.

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