FluentFiction - Slovak

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • From Rivals to Innovators: A Surprising Collaboration
    Dec 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: From Rivals to Innovators: A Surprising Collaboration Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-18-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V tajnej laboratórii vládlo ticho.En: In the secret laboratory, silence prevailed.Sk: Na polici sa pýšili skúmavky plné farebných tekutín.En: On the shelf, test tubes full of colorful liquids proudly stood.Sk: Svetielka na prístrojoch blikali v pravidelnom takte.En: The lights on the instruments blinked in a steady rhythm.Sk: Marek stál pri svojom stole, kde sa snažil dokončiť svoj vedecký projekt.En: Marek stood by his desk, trying to finish his scientific project.Sk: Zima vonku bola krutá, ale vnútro laboratória bolo teplé a útulné.En: The cold outside was harsh, but the inside of the laboratory was warm and cozy.Sk: Vonku padal jemný sneh, ktorý pokrýval strechy domov.En: Outside, gentle snow was falling, covering the rooftops of houses.Sk: Cítiť bolo blížiace sa Vianoce, no v Marekovej mysli vládla len jedna myšlienka – vedecká súťaž v škole.En: The feeling of approaching Christmas was in the air, but in Marek's mind, there was only one thought – the science competition at school.Sk: Marek sníval o tom, že jeho projekt vyhrá.En: Marek dreamed that his project would win.Sk: Ale vedel, že jeho spolužiačka Zuzana je rovnako odhodlaná.En: But he knew that his classmate Zuzana was equally determined.Sk: Zuzana pracovala na niečom podobnom – na projekte, ktorý by mohol zatieniť ten jeho.En: Zuzana was working on something similar – a project that could overshadow his.Sk: Obaja však delilo len tenké laboratórne sklo, a tak Marek často videl Zuzanu, ako sa zapája do svojho vlastného experimentovania.En: Both were separated only by a thin laboratory glass, so Marek often saw Zuzana engaging in her own experimenting.Sk: Marek vedel, že musí byť lepší.En: Marek knew he had to be better.Sk: Jeho experiment nebol jednoduchý, ale za to veľmi ambiciózny.En: His experiment wasn't simple, but it was very ambitious.Sk: Chcel ukázať nový spôsob generovania energie z obnoviteľných zdrojov.En: He wanted to demonstrate a new way of generating energy from renewable sources.Sk: Tajná laboratórium umožňovala testovať veci, ktoré by doma nikdy nemohli.En: The secret laboratory allowed him to test things that could never be done at home.Sk: Jedného chladného popoludnia mal Marek rozhodnúť.En: One cold afternoon, Marek had to decide.Sk: Má staviť všetko na svoju súčasnú prácu a riskovať, že Zuzana ho predbehne?En: Should he bet everything on his current work and risk that Zuzana would outpace him?Sk: Alebo začať niečo nové, čo by sa maždan voči Zuzaninej ideji?En: Or start something new, which could counter Zuzana's idea?Sk: Rozmýšľal aj o možnosti spojiť sa so Zuzanou, spolu dosiahnuť viac.En: He also considered the possibility of teaming up with Zuzana to achieve more together.Sk: Deň prezentácie sa blížil.En: The day of the presentation was approaching.Sk: Marek nervózne pripravoval svoj projekt.En: Marek nervously prepared his project.Sk: Potom sa však stala pohroma.En: But then disaster struck.Sk: Niečo sa pokazilo.En: Something went wrong.Sk: Svetlo začalo blikať a nádoby sa neočakávane naplnili dymom.En: The light started flickering, and containers were unexpectedly filled with smoke.Sk: Chyba v experimente?En: A mistake in the experiment?Sk: Rýchlo si uvedomil, že musí niečo urobiť, inak jeho práca stroskotá.En: He quickly realized he had to do something, or his work would fail.Sk: V tej chvíli sa ku nemu priblížila Zuzana.En: At that moment, Zuzana approached him.Sk: Videla jeho zúfalstvo a, na jeho prekvapenie, ponúkla pomoc.En: She saw his despair and, to his surprise, offered help.Sk: "Máme podobný cieľ," povedala Zuzana pokojne.En: "We have a similar goal," Zuzana said calmly.Sk: "Možno by sme spolu.En: "Maybe we could together...?"Sk: " jej hlas sa rozhostil vzduchom tajného laboratória, naznačujúc riešenie, ktoré Marek nečakal.En: her voice lingered in the air of the secret laboratory, suggesting a solution that Marek didn't expect.Sk: Spoločne popracovali na projektoch.En: Together, they worked on their projects.Sk: Skombinovali svoje myšlienky a zdroje do jedného veľkolepého projektu.En: They combined their ideas and resources into one magnificent project.Sk: Projekt, ktorý ohromil porotu a zaslúžene vyhral.En: A project that impressed the jury and deservedly won.Sk: V deň prezentácie v škole bola miestnosť plná nadšenia.En: On the day of the presentation at school, the room was full of excitement.Sk: Marek a Zuzana stáli bok po boku, usmievajúc sa na úspech, ktorý nikdy nečakali dosiahnuť spoločne.En: Marek and Zuzana stood side by side, smiling at the success they never expected to achieve together.Sk: Po súťaži si Marek uvedomil, že ...
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    17 mins
  • Minty Mishaps and Serendipitous Sips in Snowy Bratislava
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Minty Mishaps and Serendipitous Sips in Snowy Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-17-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V čase zimného večera, keď sa vonku pomaly sfarboval sneh do odtieňov modrej a šedej, uprostred Bratislavy sa nachádzala malá útulná kaviareň.En: On a winter evening, as the snow outside slowly turned shades of blue and gray, there was a small cozy café in the middle of Bratislava.Sk: Vo vzduchu visela vôňa škorice a čerstvého pečiva, kým tiché vianočné melódie napĺňali priestor.En: The air was filled with the scent of cinnamon and freshly baked goods, while quiet Christmas melodies filled the space.Sk: Kaviareň bola ozdobená žiarivými svetielkami, girlandami a veselými ozdobami, ktoré vytvárali pocit pokoja a tepla.En: The café was adorned with bright lights, garlands, and cheerful decorations, creating a feeling of peace and warmth.Sk: Marek, grafický dizajnér, mal trochu chaos v hlave.En: Marek, a graphic designer, had a bit of chaos in his head.Sk: Bol na ceste z práce a túžil po odpočinku s jeho obľúbenou vianočnou mätovou mokou.En: He was on his way home from work and longed for a break with his favorite Christmas mint mocha.Sk: Sadol si k oknu a očami sledoval ľudí, ktorí sa ponáhľali na námestie.En: He sat by the window, watching people hurriedly pass by on the square.Sk: Zatiaľ Zuzana, učiteľka s dômyselným humorom, si sadla kúsok od neho s nádejou v pokoji prečítať svoju novú knihu.En: Meanwhile, Zuzana, a teacher with a witty sense of humor, sat a little distance away from him, hoping to quietly read her new book.Sk: Tešila sa na zázvorové latte a chvíle pokoja.En: She looked forward to a gingerbread latte and moments of peace.Sk: Kaviareň bola plná, ale aj tak obaja verili, že nájdu svoju chvíľku pokoja.En: The café was full, but both hoped they would find their moment of tranquility.Sk: Keď Marek a Zuzana dostali svoje nápoje, obaja si bezmyšlienkovite vzali šálky a upili z nich.En: When Marek and Zuzana received their drinks, they both absent-mindedly picked up their cups and took a sip.Sk: Marekov nos však skrčil zvláštnu vôňu zázvoru.En: Marek's nose crinkled at the strange smell of ginger.Sk: Zuzana zase prekvapene zazrela na svoju mätovú penu.En: Zuzana, on the other hand, looked surprised at her minty foam.Sk: Obaja mlčky vyčkávali, či sa niečo zmení.En: Both silently waited to see if anything would change.Sk: Po niekoľkých nervóznych pohľadoch smerom k baristovi sa Marek rozhodol konať.En: After a few nervous glances toward the barista, Marek decided to act.Sk: S úsmevom sa oprel cez stolík, ktorý ich delil.En: With a smile, he leaned over the table that divided them.Sk: "Ospravedlňujem sa, ale myslím, že sme pri našich objednávkach urobili trochu chaos," povedal, ukazujúc na svoje latte.En: "I apologize, but I think we got a little mixed up with our orders," he said, pointing to his latte.Sk: Zuzana sa zasmiala.En: Zuzana laughed.Sk: "Zdá sa, že Vianoce sú plné prekvapení," odpovedala so šibalským úsmevom a vrátila mu jeho šálku.En: "It seems Christmas is full of surprises," she replied with a mischievous smile and returned his cup to him.Sk: Zatiaľ čo obaja smiali, barista sa priblížil a ospravedlnil sa za chybu, ponúkajúc im na vyrovnanie sladkú pochúťku.En: While they both laughed, the barista approached and apologized for the mistake, offering them a sweet treat to make up for it.Sk: Marek a Zuzana obratne pochválili ponuku.En: Marek and Zuzana gladly praised the offer.Sk: Veľmi rýchlo sa ocitli v debate o tom, či zvoliť klasický vianočný koláčik alebo čokoládovú tortu.En: Very quickly, they found themselves in a debate about whether to choose a classic Christmas cookie or a chocolate cake.Sk: Nakoniec, po dlhej diskusii plnej smiechu, sa zhodli na tom, že zoberú koláčik z oboch druhov a budú sa o ne deliť.En: In the end, after a long discussion filled with laughter, they agreed to take a cookie of both kinds and share them.Sk: Hodina ubiehala v priateľskom rozhovore, smiechu a popíjaní správne vymenených nápojov.En: An hour passed in friendly conversation, laughter, and sipping the properly exchanged drinks.Sk: Kaviareň ich obklopovala teplom a jemnými tónmi melódií, ktoré vytvárali dokonalý kontrast s chladnou ulicou za oknami.En: The café surrounded them with warmth and gentle melody tones, creating the perfect contrast with the cold street outside the windows.Sk: Keď Marek a Zuzana opúšťali kaviareň, ich nálada bola jasná a plná novej energie.En: As Marek and Zuzana left the café, their mood was bright and full of new energy.Sk: Z malého zmätku vzniklo nové priateľstvo.En: From a little mix-up, a new friendship had arisen.Sk: Obohatili jeden druhého príjemnými okamihmi, ktoré ich ...
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    16 mins
  • The Secret Santa Surprise: A Lesson in Friendship
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Secret Santa Surprise: A Lesson in Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2024-12-17-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V Bratislave, uprostred snehom zasypaných ulíc, sa v malom čajovom obchode rozliehala sladká vôňa bylinkových nápojov.En: In Bratislava, amidst the snow-covered streets, a sweet aroma of herbal drinks filled a small tea shop.Sk: Práve bol vianočný čas a obchod bol vyzdobený veselými sviečkami a girlandami.En: It was the Christmas season, and the shop was decorated with cheerful candles and garlands.Sk: Marek, láskavý učiteľ s mierne zmätenou hlavou, sedel pri stole s Janou, svojou priateľkou, ktorá strážila svoje veci ako oko v hlave.En: Marek, a kind-hearted teacher with a slightly confused mind, was sitting at a table with Jana, his friend, who guarded her belongings like a hawk.Sk: Na stole ležal pekne zabalený balíček.En: On the table lay a beautifully wrapped package.Sk: Marek, vždy ochotný pomôcť, si v ten rok vybral tepotu ako darček na tajného Ježiška.En: Marek, always willing to help, had chosen a teapot as a Secret Santa gift that year.Sk: Jana si ho ale začala nenápadne prezerať, s podozrením v očiach.En: However, Jana began to subtly examine it, suspicion in her eyes.Sk: "To je môj čajník, Marek," povedala zrazu, jej hlas zmiešaný s divu a obvineniu.En: "That's my teapot, Marek," she suddenly said, her voice mixed with wonder and accusation.Sk: „Pamätáš si, ako som ti ho minulý rok požičala?“En: "Do you remember how I lent it to you last year?"Sk: Zákazníci v čajovni, vrátane Lucie, vtipnej baristky, sa pri pohľade na lekciu života stali tichými poslucháčmi.En: The customers in the tea shop, including Lucia, the witty barista, became silent listeners to the lesson of life unfolding before them.Sk: Marek sa začervenal.En: Marek blushed.Sk: Pravda, bol známy tým, že občas veci pohol z pamäte.En: True, he was known to occasionally misplace things from his memory.Sk: Ale teraz?En: But now?Sk: Najprv mierne zakoktal, ale potom sa vrhol do tašky, dúfajúc, že nájde kúzelné riešenie.En: He stammered slightly but then dove into his bag, hoping to find a magical solution.Sk: „Nie, nie, to nie je ono!“ zúfalo tvrdil Marek, kým na stole nemal rozložený obsah svojej tašky.En: "No, no, that's not it!" said Marek desperately, while spreading the contents of his bag on the table.Sk: Pero, zápisníky, drobné mince a nakoniec...účtenka!En: A pen, notebooks, small coins, and finally... a receipt!Sk: „Aha! Pozrite, je tu!“ zvolal víťazne, účtenke ako dôkazom, že tepotu kúpil len ten mesiac v obchodnom dome.En: "Aha! Look, here it is!" he exclaimed triumphantly, with the receipt as proof that he had bought the teapot just that month at a department store.Sk: Jana pozrela na účtenku a rozosmiala sa.En: Jana looked at the receipt and burst into laughter.Sk: „Marek, ty si skutočný tajný Ježišek, aj bez darčeka," povedala uvoľnene a priateľsky ho potľapkala po pleci.En: "Marek, you are a real Secret Santa, even without a gift," she said, relaxed and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.Sk: „Prepáč, mala som veriť, že si už do Vianoc aspoň raz zorganizuješ veci!“En: "Sorry, I should have believed that you’d organize your things at least once before Christmas!"Sk: Lucia neskrývala úsmev.En: Lucia couldn't hide her smile.Sk: Radostne sa pripojila k priateľskému rozhovoru s tanierikom škoricových vianočných koláčikov.En: She joyfully joined the friendly conversation with a plate of cinnamon Christmas cookies.Sk: „To je na oslavu! Všetko dobre dopadlo,“ oznámila sladkým hlasom.En: "This calls for a celebration! Everything turned out well," she announced in a sweet voice.Sk: S úsmevmi a teplým čajom si Marek, Jana a Lucia užili zvyšok popoludnia.En: With smiles and warm tea, Marek, Jana, and Lucia enjoyed the rest of the afternoon.Sk: Mimo okna poletovali vločky, zdobili sklenené tabule drobnými bielymi kvietkami.En: Outside the window, snowflakes twirled, decorating the glass panes with tiny white flowers.Sk: Túto zimu Marek sľúbil, že bude opatrnejší.En: This winter, Marek promised to be more careful.Sk: Zrazu si spomenul, kde Jana tepotu zanechala, a bol rozhodnutý navštíviť svoju kanceláriu hneď, ako sneženie polaví.En: He suddenly remembered where Jana had left the teapot and was determined to visit his office as soon as the snowfall eased.Sk: Vtedy vnímal, aké sú drobnosti dôležité a ako ľahko sa môžu malé nedorozumenia meniť na niečo vtipné.En: He realized how important little things are and how easily small misunderstandings can turn into something funny.Sk: Vianoce v Bratislave boli vždy plné príbehov, no tento sa im zapísal do duší ako krásna lekcia o priateľstve a majetku.En: Christmas in Bratislava was always full ...
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    16 mins

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