FluentFiction - Indonesian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?

    Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Uncovering Borobudur's Secrets: Rizal's Night of Revelation
    Dec 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Uncovering Borobudur's Secrets: Rizal's Night of Revelation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-12-18-08-38-20-id Story Transcript:Id: Borobudur berdiri megah di bawah cahaya bulan.En: Borobudur stood majestically under the moonlight.Id: Patung-patung batu dan relief kuno tampak berbicara dalam bahasa yang hanya bisa dipahami oleh mereka yang merindu sejarahnya.En: The ancient stone statues and reliefs seemed to speak in a language understood only by those longing for its history.Id: Udara lembab musim panas memenuhi area, membuat pemandangan semakin magis.En: The humid summer air filled the area, making the scenery even more magical.Id: Di tengah semua ini, Rizal, seorang sejarawan yang gigih, berjalan dengan langkah hati-hati.En: Amidst all this, Rizal, a diligent historian, walked carefully.Id: Ia sangat bersemangat meski sedikit tegang.En: He was very excited though a bit tense.Id: Malam ini, ia akan memecahkan misteri besar yang selama ini menghantuinya.En: Tonight, he would solve the great mystery that had been haunting him.Id: Rizal percaya ada peradaban yang terlupakan yang sangat memengaruhi budaya Jawa.En: Rizal believed there was a forgotten civilization that greatly influenced Javanese culture.Id: Peradaban ini, katanya dalam hati, adalah pemilik sejati dari banyak pengetahuan kuno.En: This civilization, he said to himself, was the true keeper of much ancient knowledge.Id: Namun, rekan-rekan akademisnya selalu menolak teorinya.En: However, his academic colleagues always rejected his theory.Id: Seakan-akan mendengarnya terlalu absurd.En: It was as if hearing it was too absurd.Id: Menurut mereka, teori Rizal hanyalah ilusi.En: According to them, Rizal's theory was just an illusion.Id: Namun, Rizal tidak menyerah.En: However, Rizal did not give up.Id: Malam ini, di Borobudur, ia akan menemukan bukti.En: Tonight, at Borobudur, he would find evidence.Id: Sinta dan Bayu, dua temannya, membantunya merencanakan misi ini.En: Sinta and Bayu, two of his friends, helped him plan this mission.Id: Rizal mengenakan pakaian gelap dan menyelipkan senter kecil ke dalam sakunya.En: Rizal wore dark clothing and slipped a small flashlight into his pocket.Id: Rencana mereka, menyelinap masuk ke ruang rahasia di dalam candi, tampak berbahaya, tetapi Rizal yakin ini adalah satu-satunya cara.En: Their plan, to sneak into a secret chamber within the temple, seemed dangerous, but Rizal believed it was the only way.Id: Jam menunjukkan hampir tengah malam ketika Rizal berhasil masuk ke ruangan tersembunyi itu.En: The clock showed it was almost midnight when Rizal managed to enter the hidden room.Id: Dindingnya dipenuhi ukiran yang tersembunyi dari mata publik.En: Its walls were filled with carvings hidden from the public eye.Id: Tiba-tiba, sebuah cahaya samar dari senter Rizal menyorot sebuah artefak.En: Suddenly, a faint light from Rizal's flashlight illuminated an artifact.Id: Benda itu berkilau lemah, dan Rizal kagum melihat ukiran di permukaannya.En: The object gleamed dimly, and Rizal was amazed to see the carvings on its surface.Id: Hati Rizal melonjak, ukiran ini cocok dengan teorinya!En: Rizal's heart leaped; these carvings matched his theory!Id: Namun, saat Rizal hendak memastikan penelitiannya, bumi bergetar.En: However, just as Rizal was about to confirm his research, the earth shook.Id: Gempa bumi mendadak mengguncang tanah.En: An unexpected earthquake rocked the ground.Id: Rizal terhuyung-huyung, hampir terjatuh.En: Rizal staggered, nearly falling.Id: Dengan cepat, ia mengambil artefak itu dan bergegas mencari jalan keluar.En: Quickly, he grabbed the artifact and rushed to find a way out.Id: Dinding-dinding batu bergetar, suara batu berderak membuat situasi semakin mencekam.En: The stone walls trembled, the sound of cracking stones making the situation more dire.Id: Dalam kekalutan, Rizal berhasil menemukan celah, satu jalan keluar sempit yang masih terbuka.En: In the chaos, Rizal managed to find a gap, a narrow exit still open.Id: Ia berlari, berusaha keras melawan ketakutannya, hingga akhirnya berhasil mencapai udara segar di bawah sinar bulan.En: He ran, fighting hard against his fear, until he finally reached the fresh air under the moonlight.Id: Nafasnya terengah-engah, namun hatinya tenang.En: His breath was heavy, but his heart was calm.Id: Artefak itu aman di tangannya.En: The artifact was safe in his hands.Id: Dengan artefak tersebut, Rizal kembali ke lingkaran akademisnya.En: With this artifact, Rizal returned to his academic circle.Id: Ia berbagi penemuannya, mengubah pandangan sejarah sesamanya.En: He shared his discovery, changing his peers' view of history.Id: Teorinya bukan lagi ilusi, melainkan kenyataan yang mengguncang.En: His theory was no longer an illusion, but a reality that shook the foundations.Id: Kejadian malam itu menguatkan tekad Rizal.En: The events of that night strengthened Rizal's ...
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    19 mins
  • The Mysterious Letter that Sparked an Unexpected Friendship
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: The Mysterious Letter that Sparked an Unexpected Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-12-17-23-34-02-id Story Transcript:Id: Di sebuah sudut kota Yogyakarta yang tenang, terdapat sebuah kedai teh yang hangat dan nyaman.En: In a quiet corner of the city of Yogyakarta, there is a warm and cozy tea shop.Id: Di dalamnya, aroma teh segar dan pastry hangat mengisi udara.En: Inside, the aroma of fresh tea and warm pastries fills the air.Id: Meja-meja kayu kecil dikelilingi bantalan lembut, menawarkan tempat perlindungan dari kesibukan luar.En: Small wooden tables surrounded by soft cushions offer a refuge from the outside hustle.Id: Hari itu, Rina, mahasiswa penuh rasa ingin tahu, sedang duduk di salah satu kursi di sudut ruangan.En: That day, Rina, a curious student, was sitting in one of the chairs in the corner of the room.Id: Sambil menyimpan bukunya, dia merapikan meja dan menemukan sebuah surat misterius.En: While putting away her book, she tidied up the table and found a mysterious letter.Id: Surat itu ditujukan kepada "Adi".En: The letter was addressed to "Adi".Id: Keheranan dan kegembiraan seketika menyelimuti pikirannya.En: A mix of curiosity and excitement immediately enveloped her mind.Id: Rina tahu Adi.En: Rina knew Adi.Id: Dia sering melihat Adi di kedai ini, tapi mereka belum pernah berbicara.En: She often saw Adi at this tea shop, but they had never spoken.Id: Adi adalah sosok pendiam yang sering asyik menggambar di buku sketsanya.En: Adi was a quiet figure often engrossed in drawing in his sketchbook.Id: Kini, Rina bertanya-tanya apakah surat ini benar-benar untuknya.En: Now, Rina wondered if this letter was really meant for him.Id: Tergerak oleh rasa penasaran, Rina berencana mendekati Adi.En: Moved by curiosity, Rina planned to approach Adi.Id: Namun, ada ketakutan mengganggu.En: However, a fear lingered.Id: Bagaimana jika dia merusak kehidupan Adi dengan salah satu tindakan gegabahnya?En: What if she disrupted Adi's life with one of her rash actions?Id: Keputusan besar hari ini: berbicara langsung dengan Adi atau menyelidiki secara diam-diam.En: The big decision of the day: to talk directly to Adi or to investigate secretly.Id: Satu hal yang pasti, dia harus mengetahui lebih banyak sebelum mengambil langkah.En: One thing was certain, she needed to know more before taking a step.Id: Rina memandang Adi yang sedang duduk beberapa meja darinya, sketsa baru di tangannya.En: Rina looked at Adi who was sitting a few tables away from her, a new sketch in his hand.Id: Dia memberanikan diri untuk mendekati meja Adi, menanyakan sketsa yang sedang dibuatnya.En: She gathered the courage to approach Adi's table, asking about the sketch he was working on.Id: “Halo, Adi, ya?En: "Hello, Adi, right?"Id: ” sapanya dengan senyum.En: she greeted with a smile.Id: “Aku Rina.En: "I'm Rina.Id: Sering lihat kamu di sini.En: I often see you here.Id: Bagus sekali sketsanya.En: The sketch is really good."Id: ”Adi mendongak, terkejut, tapi tersenyum tipis.En: Adi looked up, surprised, but offered a slight smile.Id: “Terima kasih.En: "Thank you.Id: Aku suka menggambar.En: I like drawing.Id: Mengisi waktu saja.En: Just passing the time."Id: ”Percakapan mengalir ringan, Rina mencoba melihat hasil sketsa dan berharap ada petunjuk di sana.En: The conversation flowed lightly, Rina trying to see the sketch results hoping for some clues there.Id: Tidak ada yang mencolok, tapi ada suasana aneh yang mendorongnya untuk bercerita tentang surat tersebut.En: Nothing stood out, but there was a strange atmosphere that pushed her to talk about the letter.Id: “Adi, aku menemukan ini di mejaku,” kata Rina, sambil menunjukan surat itu.En: "Adi, I found this on my table," said Rina, showing the letter.Id: “Apakah ini untukmu?En: "Is it meant for you?"Id: ”Mata Adi melebar, ketertarikannya jelas terlihat.En: Adi's eyes widened, his interest clearly visible.Id: “Aku.En: "I...Id: aku tidak tahu.En: I don't know.Id: Tapi, mungkin kita bisa mencari tahu bersama?En: But, maybe we can find out together?"Id: ”Percikan semangat yang sama hadir di antara mereka.En: A spark of mutual enthusiasm was kindled between them.Id: Dengan keputusan yang mendadak, Rina dan Adi sepakat untuk menyelidiki asal-usul surat itu.En: With a sudden decision, Rina and Adi agreed to investigate the origin of the letter.Id: Langkah pertama mereka adalah meninggalkan kedai teh dengan rasa ingin tahu yang baru ditemukan dan persahabatan yang mulai tumbuh.En: Their first step was to leave the tea shop with newfound curiosity and a budding friendship.Id: Kini, keduanya menghadapi misteri dengan rasa percaya diri yang baru.En: Now, both faced the mystery with newfound confidence.Id: Rina lebih berani menghadapi teka-teki, sementara Adi menemukan keberanian untuk membuka diri.En: Rina was braver in facing puzzles, while Adi found the courage to open up.Id: ...
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    18 mins
  • From Latte to Literature: A Barista's Bold Leap to Writing
    Dec 17 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: From Latte to Literature: A Barista's Bold Leap to Writing Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/id/episode/2024-12-17-08-38-19-id Story Transcript:Id: Di tengah hari yang panas di Jakarta, sebuah kedai kopi ramai dengan pelanggan.En: In the middle of a hot day in Jakarta, a coffee shop is bustling with customers.Id: Lampu-lampu bersinar terang di dalam ruangan, memantulkan suasana hangat dan nyaman.En: The lights shine brightly inside the room, reflecting a warm and cozy atmosphere.Id: Dekorasi Natal menggantung di setiap sudut, membuat suasana semakin meriah.En: Christmas decorations hang in every corner, making the atmosphere even more festive.Id: Aroma kopi yang baru diseduh memenuhi udara, bercampur dengan suara riuh obrolan akrab di dalam sana.En: The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, mixed with the lively sound of friendly chatter inside.Id: Di balik meja bar, Rina, seorang barista rajin, sibuk melayani pelanggan.En: Behind the bar counter, Rina, a diligent barista, is busy serving customers.Id: Rina suka pekerjaannya.En: Rina loves her job.Id: Dia kreatif dan selalu bersemangat membuat seni latte yang indah.En: She is creative and always enthusiastic about making beautiful latte art.Id: Tetapi, ada impian besar di dalam hatinya.En: However, there is a big dream in her heart.Id: Rina ingin menjadi penulis.En: Rina wants to become a writer.Id: Sambil bekerja, dia sering memperhatikan pengunjung kedai, berimajinasi tentang cerita hidup mereka.En: While working, she often observes the café patrons, imagining stories about their lives.Id: Pada musim liburan ini, kedai kopi semakin ramai.En: During this holiday season, the coffee shop becomes even busier.Id: Rina lelah, tapi dia tetap tersenyum pada setiap pelanggan.En: Rina is tired, but she continues to smile at every customer.Id: Ada alasan lain yang membuat Rina bersemangat hari ini.En: There is another reason that makes her enthusiastic today.Id: Adi, seorang penulis lokal terkenal, sering datang ke kedai ini.En: Adi, a famous local writer, often visits this café.Id: Rina berharap bisa berbicara dengannya.En: Rina hopes to talk to him.Id: Dia ingin mendapatkan saran agar impiannya menjadi penulis bisa terwujud.En: She wants to get advice so her dream of becoming a writer can come true.Id: Tantangannya, Rina takut ditolak.En: Her challenge is that Rina is afraid of being rejected.Id: Bagaimana kalau Adi tidak peduli?En: What if Adi doesn't care?Id: Selain itu, pekerjaan membuatnya sibuk dari pagi hingga malam.En: Besides, work keeps her busy from morning till night.Id: Namun, Rina telah membuat keputusan.En: However, Rina has made a decision.Id: Dia ingin membuat latte art istimewa untuk Adi dan berani bicara tentang mimpinya.En: She wants to make a special latte art for Adi and be brave enough to talk about her dream.Id: Siang hari itu, Adi datang.En: That afternoon, Adi arrives.Id: Dia memilih tempat duduk di pojok, membaca buku.En: He chooses a seat in the corner, reading a book.Id: Rina merasa jantungnya berdebar kencang.En: Rina feels her heart beating fast.Id: Dia menyiapkan latte dengan hati-hati.En: She prepares the latte carefully.Id: Kali ini, dia membuat gambar berbentuk pena dan buku.En: This time, she makes a design in the shape of a pen and a book.Id: Saat minuman itu siap, Rina mengantarkannya ke meja Adi.En: When the drink is ready, Rina delivers it to Adi's table.Id: "Ini latte spesial, Pak Adi," katanya sambil tersenyum.En: "This is a special latte, Mr. Adi," she says with a smile.Id: Adi terkejut melihat latte art tersebut.En: Adi is surprised to see the latte art.Id: "Wow," katanya kagum.En: "Wow," he says, impressed.Id: "Ini indah sekali.En: "This is very beautiful."Id: "Dengan keberanian kecil yang tersisa, Rina berkata, "Saya juga suka menulis, Pak.En: With the little courage she has left, Rina says, "I like writing too, Mr. Adi.Id: Ada saran untuk saya?En: Do you have any advice for me?"Id: "Adi menatap Rina dengan serius.En: Adi looks at Rina seriously.Id: "Menulis itu soal hati.En: "Writing is about the heart.Id: Teruslah menulis.En: Keep writing.Id: Jangan takut salah.En: Don't be afraid to make mistakes.Id: Semua penulis pernah gagal sebelum sukses.En: All writers have failed before they succeeded."Id: "Rina merasa lega.En: Rina feels relieved.Id: Kata-kata Adi begitu berarti.En: Adi's words mean so much.Id: Percakapan singkat namun berharga itu menambah percikan semangat dalam dirinya.En: That brief yet valuable conversation reignites the spark in her.Id: Dia berterima kasih dan kembali ke meja bar dengan senyum lebar.En: She thanks him and returns to the bar counter with a wide smile.Id: Hari itu, Rina memperoleh lebih dari sekadar penghargaan atas seni latte-nya.En: That day, Rina gained more than just appreciation for her latte art.Id: Dia mendapat dorongan untuk mengejar impian.En: She received the encouragement to pursue her ...
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    19 mins

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