Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Tea, Time, and Truths: A Winter Solstice Revelation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/zh/episode/2024-12-17-23-34-02-zh Story Transcript:Zh: 在一个寒冷的冬至节日,成都的茶馆熙熙攘攘,人们享受着热腾腾的茶和节日美食。En: On a cold winter solstice holiday, the teahouse in Chengdu was bustling with people enjoying steaming tea and holiday delicacies.Zh: 木制的桌椅和纸质的灯笼让茶馆在冬日的寒风中显得格外温暖。En: The wooden tables and chairs, along with paper lanterns, made the teahouse feel especially warm amidst the winter chill.Zh: 梅在一张靠窗的桌子边坐下,注视着窗外飘落的雪花,心中充满了复杂的情感。En: Mei sat down at a table by the window, watching the snowflakes drifting down outside, feeling a mix of emotions inside.Zh: 没过多久,健推开茶馆的木门,摇摇手中的包带着一阵寒气走了进来。En: Before long, Jian pushed open the wooden door of the teahouse, shaking off a bit of the cold as he walked in with his bag.Zh: 他看到了梅,挥手跟她打了个招呼,快步走向她的桌子。En: He saw Mei, waved to greet her, and quickly walked over to her table.Zh: 两人久违地面对面坐下,桌上的茶冒着腾腾热气。En: The two sat down face to face, a sight they hadn’t seen for quite some time, with steam rising from the tea on the table.Zh: “梅,好久不见,你好吗?”健笑着问。En: "Mei, long time no see, how are you?" Jian asked with a smile.Zh: “还好,就是最近有点忙。”梅微微一笑,但她心里有更多的想法。En: "I'm alright, just a little busy lately." Mei smiled slightly, but there were more thoughts in her mind.Zh: 他们开始闲聊,分享最近的事情,但梅心里悬着一件更重要的事情。En: They started chatting, sharing recent events, but Mei had a more important matter weighing on her mind.Zh: 她停顿了一下,放下手中的茶杯。En: She paused for a moment and put down her teacup.Zh: “健,其实我有些话想和你说。”梅平静地说道。En: "Jian, actually, there’s something I want to talk to you about," Mei said calmly.Zh: 健收起笑容,认真地望着她。“哦?什么事?”En: Jian put away his smile and looked at her seriously. "Oh? What is it?"Zh: 梅深吸了一口气,“我感觉,我们之间有些距离。我不知道为什么,但我想我们需要谈一谈。”En: Mei took a deep breath, "I feel there’s some distance between us. I don’t know why, but I think we need to talk."Zh: 健皱了皱眉,回忆起最近的几个月。“确实,我们俩都有些忙,节日也让我们没太多时间见面。”En: Jian frowned, recalling the past few months. "Indeed, we've both been a bit busy, and the holidays haven’t left us much time to meet."Zh: 梅点点头,“可能就是这样。但我也觉得我们之间有些误会,让我有点不自在。”En: Mei nodded, "Maybe that's it. But I also feel there are some misunderstandings between us that make me a bit uncomfortable."Zh: 健低下头,思考了一会儿,然后抬头看着梅。“我明白你的感受,也许有时候我太忙了,忽略了你的感受。”En: Jian looked down, thinking for a while, then looked up at Mei. "I understand how you feel, maybe sometimes I'm too busy and overlook your feelings."Zh: 两人慢慢地打开了话匣子,回忆起过去的误解和未曾解决的问题。En: Gradually, they began to open up, reminiscing about past misunderstandings and unresolved issues.Zh: 在这个过程中,梅和健都渐渐理解了对方的想法和感受。En: In the process, Mei and Jian slowly started to understand each other's thoughts and feelings.Zh: 茶杯渐渐见底,时间悄然流逝,但窗外的雪景依然美丽。En: The tea cups gradually emptied, time passed silently, yet the snowy scene outside remained beautiful.Zh: 经过一番坦诚的交流,梅和健觉得心中一块大石头落地。En: After a heartfelt conversation, Mei and Jian felt a weight lifted from their hearts.Zh: 两人都明白了沟通是多么重要,也下定决心在未来更多地交流和分享。En: They both realized how important communication is and were determined to communicate and share more in the future.Zh: “谢谢你今天告诉我这些,梅。”健微笑地说道。En: "Thank you for telling me all this today, Mei," Jian said with a smile.Zh: “不客气,健,我也很开心能这样直接地谈。”梅也微笑起来。En: "You're welcome, Jian, I'm also glad we could talk so directly," Mei smiled as well.Zh: 他们站起身,走出茶馆。En: They stood up and walked out of the teahouse.Zh: 寒冷的空气扑面而来,但心中却是暖意融融。En: The cold air hit them, but their hearts were filled with warmth.Zh: 梅和健在冬至的雪景中一起走着,...
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