Showing results by author "Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer" in All Categories
Die Schuld, die man trägt
- Ein Fall für Sebastian Bergman 8
- By: Michael Hjorth, Hans Rosenfeldt, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Douglas Welbat
- Length: 13 hrs and 13 mins
- Unabridged
Sebastian Bergman geht es nicht besonders gut – sein australischer Klient Tim ist verstorben. Beide Männer verloren beim Tsunami 2004 ein Kind, hatten viele Gemeinsamkeiten. Vielleicht kreuzten sich damals sogar die Wege von Tim und Sebastians Tochter Sabine, die nie gefunden wurde. Doch nun wird Sebastian es nie erfahren.
Die Schuld, die man trägt
- Ein Fall für Sebastian Bergman 8
- Narrated by: Douglas Welbat
- Length: 13 hrs and 13 mins
- Release date: 11-28-23
- Language: German
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Sale price: $24.64 or 1 credit
Die Früchte, die man erntet
- Ein Fall für Sebastian Bergman 7
- By: Michael Hjorth, Hans Rosenfeldt, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Douglas Welbat
- Length: 13 hrs and 11 mins
- Abridged
Drei Morde innerhalb weniger Tage: Die beschauliche schwedische Kleinstadt Karlshamn wird vom Terror erfasst. Vanja Lithner und ihre Kollegen von der Reichsmordkommission stehen unter Druck, den Heckenschützen zu stoppen, bevor weitere Menschen ums Leben kommen. Aber es gibt keine Hinweise, keine Zeugen und keine eindeutigen Verbindungen zwischen den Opfern. Sebastian Bergman hat sich für ein ruhigeres Leben entschieden, seit er Großvater geworden ist. Er arbeitet als Psychologe und Therapeut.
Die Früchte, die man erntet
- Ein Fall für Sebastian Bergman 7
- Narrated by: Douglas Welbat
- Length: 13 hrs and 11 mins
- Release date: 10-19-21
- Language: German
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Sale price: $15.47 or 1 credit
- By: Caroline Albertine Minor, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Julia Kothe
- Length: 5 hrs and 12 mins
- Unabridged
Helena will ein letztes Mal ihren Vater besuchen und findet in Netes Hotel mehr als nur eine neue Aufgabe. Gedske droht durch den Verlust ihrer Tochter auseinanderzufallen und entdeckt auf einer Reise eine ungeahnte Kraft. Therese befreit gegenüber einer Pfarrerin ihre Liebe zu Aron, und Caroline erkämpft sich nach dem Unfall ihres Manns die zu sich selbst... In diesen Erzählungen überfällt die Klarheit die Figuren mitunter oder reißt Gewissheiten ein, aber sie öffnet stets neue Wege.
- Narrated by: Julia Kothe
- Length: 5 hrs and 12 mins
- Release date: 04-24-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $12.79 or 1 credit
Die Letzten ihrer Art
- By: Maja Lunde, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Thomas Loibl, Meike Droste, Beate Himmelstoß, and others
- Length: 16 hrs and 25 mins
- Unabridged
Vom St. Petersburg der Zarenzeit über das Deutschland des Zweiten Weltkriegs bis in ein Norwegen der nahen Zukunft erzählt Maja Lunde von drei Familien, dem Schicksal einer seltenen Pferderasse und vom Kampf gegen das Aussterben der Arten. Wie verändert sich das Ganze, wenn ein Teil verschwindet? Ein bewegender, großer Roman über Freiheit und Verantwortung, die große Gemeinschaft der Lebewesen und die alles entscheidende Frage: Reicht ein Menschenleben, um die Welt für alle zu verändern?
Die Letzten ihrer Art
- Narrated by: Thomas Loibl, Meike Droste, Beate Himmelstoß, Susanne Schröder, Thomas M. Meinhardt
- Length: 16 hrs and 25 mins
- Release date: 10-18-19
- Language: German
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Sale price: $27.80 or 1 credit
Der Traum von einem Baum
- Klimaquartett 4
- By: Maja Lunde, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Bibiana Beglau, Benito Bause
- Length: 13 hrs and 2 mins
- Unabridged
Spitzbergen 2110: Weit im Norden, tief in den Bergen, liegt eine Schatzkammer, die mit Pflanzensamen aus aller Welt gefüllt ist. Tommy wächst in dieser sonst kargen, gnadenlosen Landschaft auf, mit seinen zwei Brüdern und seiner Großmutter – der Hüterin des Saatguts. Schon vor vielen Jahren hat man hier am Nordpol den Kontakt zu den anderen Ländern abgebrochen und versucht, im Einklang mit der Natur zu leben. Doch dann wird Spitzbergen von einer Katastrophe heimgesucht – und Tommys Familie gehört zu den wenigen Überlebenden.
Der Traum von einem Baum
- Klimaquartett 4
- Narrated by: Bibiana Beglau, Benito Bause
- Series: Das Klima-Quartett, Book 4
- Length: 13 hrs and 2 mins
- Release date: 05-09-23
- Language: German
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Sale price: $22.24 or 1 credit
Der Schwimmer / Der Bruder / Der Freund
- Die Klara-Waldéen-Trilogie
- By: Joakim Zander, Nina Hoyer - Übersetzer, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Roland Wolf, Dirk Petrick, Reinhard Kuhnert, and others
- Length: 22 hrs and 17 mins
- Unabridged
Politthriller-Spannung aus Schweden - fesselnd und mitreißend erzählt. Klara Waldéen ist Juristin und arbeitet als EU-Referentin in Brüssel. Ihr Leben gerät aus den Fugen, als ihr Ex-Freund, der erfolgreiche Politologe Mahmoud sie in seine brisanten Recherchen einbezieht. Mit Der Schwimmer, Der Bruder und Der Freund liegt die rasante Trilogie von Joakim Zander nun erstmals als Gesamtausgabe im Hörbuch vor. Neben Ulrike Hübschmann begeistern Reinhard Kuhnert, Dirk Petrick und Roland Wolf mit ihrer lebendigen Lesung.
Der Schwimmer / Der Bruder / Der Freund
- Die Klara-Waldéen-Trilogie
- Narrated by: Roland Wolf, Dirk Petrick, Reinhard Kuhnert, Ulrike Hübschmann
- Length: 22 hrs and 17 mins
- Release date: 01-05-24
- Language: German
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Sale price: $18.91 or 1 credit
Der Mann, der kein Mörder war / Die Frauen, die er kannte / Die Toten, die niemand vermisst
- Drei Fälle für Sebastian Bergman 1-3
- By: Hans Rosenfeldt, Michael Hjorth, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Douglas Welbat
- Length: 52 hrs and 39 mins
- Unabridged
Schwedische Krimispannung im Paket. Sebastian Bergman ist als Kriminalpsychologe ein Ass, aber menschlich ein Kotzbrocken. Kein Wunder also, dass sich die Kollegen der Reichsmordkommission nicht um eine Zusammenarbeit mit ihm reißen. Aber sie haben keine Wahl, denn immer wieder gibt es Fälle, die das Genie des Außenseiters auf den Plan rufen.
Der Mann, der kein Mörder war / Die Frauen, die er kannte / Die Toten, die niemand vermisst
- Drei Fälle für Sebastian Bergman 1-3
- Narrated by: Douglas Welbat
- Length: 52 hrs and 39 mins
- Release date: 10-05-23
- Language: German
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Sale price: $18.91 or 1 credit
Die Psychologin
- By: Helene Flood, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Julia Nachtmann
- Length: 10 hrs and 57 mins
- Abridged
Sie hat gelernt, andere Menschen zu deuten. Aber wie gut kennt sie sich selbst? Die 30-jährige Psychologin Sara behandelt Jugendliche mit familiären Problemen. Sie und ihr chronisch überarbeiteter Mann Sigurd sind vor kurzem in ein Haus mit Blick über Oslo gezogen, dort befindet sich auch Saras Praxis. Als Sigurd zu einer Übernachtung bei Freunden aufbricht, ist das Letzte, was sie von ihm hört, eine Nachricht auf ihrer Mailbox, dass er gut angekommen sei. Doch noch am selben Abend ruft Sigurds Freund an und teilt ihr mit: er war nie dort.
Die Psychologin
- Narrated by: Julia Nachtmann
- Length: 10 hrs and 57 mins
- Release date: 04-20-22
- Language: German
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Sale price: $12.79 or 1 credit
Die Mädchen von der Englandfähre
- Ein Fall für Journalistin Nora Sand 1
- By: Lone Theils, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Solveig Duda
- Length: 7 hrs and 5 mins
- Abridged
Zwei dänische Mädchen, Lulu und Lisbeth, verschwinden 1985 spurlos auf der Überfahrt nach England. Jahrzehnte später fällt Journalistin Nora Sand, die in London für eine dänische Zeitung arbeitet, ein Foto der beiden in die Hände: Aufgenommen in der Zeit danach. Ihre Recherchen führen Nora nach Dänemark – und zu dem englischen Frauenmörder Bill Hix. Er sitzt seit Jahren im Gefängnis, im Hochsicherheitstrakt. In Absprache mit Scotland Yard darf Nora ihn dort besuchen. Kurz darauf gelingt Hix eine spektakuläre Flucht, und Nora muss um ihr Leben fürchten.
Die Mädchen von der Englandfähre
- Ein Fall für Journalistin Nora Sand 1
- Narrated by: Solveig Duda
- Series: Nora Sand, Book 1
- Length: 7 hrs and 5 mins
- Release date: 04-20-22
- Language: German
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Sale price: $15.47 or 1 credit
Die Psychologin
- By: Helene Flood, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Julia Nachtmann
- Length: 12 hrs and 3 mins
- Unabridged
Sie hat gelernt, andere Menschen zu deuten. Aber wie gut kennt sie sich selbst? Die 30-jährige Psychologin Sara behandelt Jugendliche mit familiären Problemen. Sie und ihr chronisch überarbeiteter Mann Sigurd sind vor kurzem in ein Haus mit Blick über Oslo gezogen, dort befindet sich auch Saras Praxis. Als Sigurd zu einer Übernachtung bei Freunden aufbricht, ist das Letzte, was sie von ihm hört, eine Nachricht auf ihrer Mailbox, dass er gut angekommen sei. Doch noch am selben Abend ruft Sigurds Freund an und teilt ihr mit: er war nie dort.
Die Psychologin
- Narrated by: Julia Nachtmann
- Length: 12 hrs and 3 mins
- Release date: 04-11-22
- Language: German
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Sale price: $25.00 or 1 credit
Der Panzer des Hummers
- By: Caroline Albertine Minor, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Magdalena Neuhaus
- Length: 8 hrs and 39 mins
- Unabridged
Nach dem Tod der Eltern haben sich die drei Geschwister der Familie Gabel auseinandergelebt. Während die alleinerziehende Sidsel in einem Kopenhagener Museum arbeitet, schlägt sich Niels als Plakatierer durch. Ea, die älteste der drei, lebt in San Francisco und versucht, Kontakt zur verstorbenen Mutter aufzunehmen. Doch dann müssen die Geschwister auf einmal Stellung zueinander und zu ihrer Vergangenheit beziehen. Ein beglückendes Buch über das Wagnis, alte Hüllen abzustreifen und Veränderung zuzulassen.
Der Panzer des Hummers
- Narrated by: Magdalena Neuhaus
- Length: 8 hrs and 39 mins
- Release date: 10-29-21
- Language: German
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Sale price: $12.79 or 1 credit
Für immer
- By: Maja Lunde, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Simone Kabst
- Length: 7 hrs and 30 mins
- Unabridged
Maja Lundes großer Roman über das Leben im Jetzt und die eigene Endlichkeit. An einem gewöhnlichen Tag Anfang Juni kommt die Zeit zum Stehen. Niemand stirbt, niemand wird mehr geboren. Die neue Ewigkeit verändert das Lebensgefühl der Menschen: Für Jenny, die an einer unheilbaren Krankheit leidet, gibt es nichts Schöneres als die geschenkte Zeit. Rentnerin Margo will noch einmal ausgelassen das Leben feiern. Krankenschwester Eva erlebt die Sorge der Schwangeren, die nicht wissen, wann die Babys zur Welt kommen.
Für immer
- Narrated by: Simone Kabst
- Length: 7 hrs and 30 mins
- Release date: 01-13-25
- Language: German
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Sale price: $17.72 or 1 credit
Die Affäre
- By: Helene Flood, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Sithembile Menck
- Length: 11 hrs and 34 mins
- Abridged
Der neue Psychothriller von der norwegischen Erfolgsautorin Helene Flood und die Frage: Ist es schlimmer seinen Mann oder die Polizei anzulügen? Als Rikkes Nachbar Jørgen im Obergeschoss ihres kleinen Apartmenthauses tot aufgefunden wird, werden die Bewohner des Hauses von der Polizei verhört. Wie kann Rikke ihrem Mann gestehen, dass Jørgen und sie eine Affäre hatten? Oder der Polizei die Komplexität ihrer Gefühle erklären? Der Anflug von Erleichterung, dass er tot ist.
Die Affäre
- Narrated by: Sithembile Menck
- Length: 11 hrs and 34 mins
- Release date: 07-03-23
- Language: German
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Sale price: $13.78 or 1 credit
Die Affäre
- By: Helene Flood, Ursel Allenstein - Übersetzer
- Narrated by: Sithembile Menck
- Length: 12 hrs and 51 mins
- Unabridged
Der neue Psychothriller von der norwegischen Erfolgsautorin Helene Flood und die Frage: Ist es schlimmer seinen Mann oder die Polizei anzulügen? Als Rikkes Nachbar Jørgen im Obergeschoss ihres kleinen Apartmenthauses tot aufgefunden wird, werden die Bewohner von der Polizei verhört. Wie kann Rikke ihrem Mann gestehen, dass Jørgen und sie eine Affäre hatten? Oder der Polizei die Komplexität ihrer Gefühle erklären? Der Anflug von Erleichterung, dass er tot ist.
Die Affäre
- Narrated by: Sithembile Menck
- Length: 12 hrs and 51 mins
- Release date: 06-23-23
- Language: German
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Sale price: $25.00 or 1 credit
- The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
- By: Gregory Maguire
- Narrated by: John McDonough
- Length: 19 hrs and 42 mins
- Unabridged
Heralded as an instant classic of fantasy literature, Maguire has written a wonderfully imaginative retelling of The Wizard of Oz told from the Wicked Witch's point of view. More than just a fairy tale for adults, Wicked is a meditation on the nature of good and evil.
It's not easy being green
- By PangaeaReads on 07-30-08
By: Gregory Maguire
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Book 1
- By: J.K. Rowling
- Narrated by: Jim Dale
- Length: 8 hrs and 18 mins
- Unabridged
Harry Potter has never even heard of Hogwarts when the letters start dropping on the doormat at number four, Privet Drive. Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle. Then, on Harry's eleventh birthday, a great beetle-eyed giant of a man called Rubeus Hagrid bursts in with some astonishing news: Harry Potter is a wizard, and he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. An incredible adventure is about to begin!
A great reading of the wrong book
- By P on 11-24-15
By: J.K. Rowling
Fourth Wing (Part 1 of 2) (Dramatized Adaptation)
- The Empyrean, Book 1
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: full cast, Scott McCormick, Troy Allan, and others
- Length: 7 hrs and 52 mins
- Original Recording
Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them. With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success.
The voices are so OFF
- By Amazon Customer on 12-27-23
By: Rebecca Yarros
Booked for the Holidays
- By: Liz Maverick
- Narrated by: Eva Kaminsky, Andrew Eiden
- Length: 3 hrs and 41 mins
- Original Recording
When mystery author D. B. Ziegler is late delivering her book, Abi Schore steps in to help. Surely she can give her favorite author moral support over the holiday break and get the manuscript to her boss at Tea & Sympathy Publishing in time for the new year. When Abi shows up on Ms. Ziegler’s doorstep bearing holiday treats, she’s met by the author’s handsome grandson Dov, who reveals a startling plot twist. His grandmother isn’t able to finish the book and Dov promised he’d complete it so fans won’t be disappointed—a task that’s harder than he ever imagined.
What a gem!
- By Joanna N. on 11-14-24
By: Liz Maverick
- The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
- By: Gregory Maguire
- Narrated by: John McDonough
- Length: 19 hrs and 42 mins
- Unabridged
Heralded as an instant classic of fantasy literature, Maguire has written a wonderfully imaginative retelling of The Wizard of Oz told from the Wicked Witch's point of view. More than just a fairy tale for adults, Wicked is a meditation on the nature of good and evil.
It's not easy being green
- By PangaeaReads on 07-30-08
By: Gregory Maguire
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Book 1
- By: J.K. Rowling
- Narrated by: Jim Dale
- Length: 8 hrs and 18 mins
- Unabridged
Harry Potter has never even heard of Hogwarts when the letters start dropping on the doormat at number four, Privet Drive. Addressed in green ink on yellowish parchment with a purple seal, they are swiftly confiscated by his grisly aunt and uncle. Then, on Harry's eleventh birthday, a great beetle-eyed giant of a man called Rubeus Hagrid bursts in with some astonishing news: Harry Potter is a wizard, and he has a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. An incredible adventure is about to begin!
A great reading of the wrong book
- By P on 11-24-15
By: J.K. Rowling
Fourth Wing (Part 1 of 2) (Dramatized Adaptation)
- The Empyrean, Book 1
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: full cast, Scott McCormick, Troy Allan, and others
- Length: 7 hrs and 52 mins
- Original Recording
Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them. With fewer dragons willing to bond than cadets, most would kill Violet to better their own chances of success.
The voices are so OFF
- By Amazon Customer on 12-27-23
By: Rebecca Yarros
Booked for the Holidays
- By: Liz Maverick
- Narrated by: Eva Kaminsky, Andrew Eiden
- Length: 3 hrs and 41 mins
- Original Recording
When mystery author D. B. Ziegler is late delivering her book, Abi Schore steps in to help. Surely she can give her favorite author moral support over the holiday break and get the manuscript to her boss at Tea & Sympathy Publishing in time for the new year. When Abi shows up on Ms. Ziegler’s doorstep bearing holiday treats, she’s met by the author’s handsome grandson Dov, who reveals a startling plot twist. His grandmother isn’t able to finish the book and Dov promised he’d complete it so fans won’t be disappointed—a task that’s harder than he ever imagined.
What a gem!
- By Joanna N. on 11-14-24
By: Liz Maverick
Fourth Wing
- Empyrean, Book 1
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: Rebecca Soler, Teddy Hamilton
- Length: 21 hrs and 22 mins
- Unabridged
Twenty-year-old Violet Sorrengail was supposed to enter the Scribe Quadrant, living a quiet life among books and history. Now, the commanding general—also known as her tough-as-talons mother—has ordered Violet to join the hundreds of candidates striving to become the elite of Navarre: dragon riders. But when you’re smaller than everyone else and your body is brittle, death is only a heartbeat away...because dragons don’t bond to “fragile” humans. They incinerate them.
Erotica with Dragons
- By Trev on 05-13-23
By: Rebecca Yarros
How My Neighbor Stole Christmas
- By: Meghan Quinn
- Narrated by: Vanessa Edwin, J.F. Harding, Robert Hatchet, and others
- Length: 13 hrs and 26 mins
- Unabridged
Living in a year around Christmas town has its drawbacks. The caroling, the decorations, the insanely cheery spirit, it never disappears. It's why I like to hibernate away in my cave - I mean housekeeping a healthy distance from the holly jolly spirits. And all was going according to plan until my nemesis, Storee Taylor, moved in next door to care for her Aunt Cindy. Without blinking, she turned my simple world into a real nightmare-before-Christmas, especially when she decided to enter the town Christmas Kringle contest - which she was determined to win.
This was a treat from beginning to end!
- By SashaSays on 11-01-24
By: Meghan Quinn
The Boyfriend
- By: Freida McFadden
- Narrated by: Victoria Connolly, Robb Moreira
- Length: 9 hrs and 20 mins
- Unabridged
Sydney Shaw, like every single woman in New York, has terrible luck with dating. She’s seen it all: men who lie in their dating profile, men who stick her with the dinner bill, and worst of all, men who can't shut up about their mothers. But finally, she hits the jackpot. Her new boyfriend is utterly perfect. He's charming, handsome, and works as a doctor at a local hospital. Sydney is swept off her feet. Then the brutal murder of a young woman—the latest in a string of deaths across the coast—confounds police. The primary suspect? A mystery man who dates his victims before he kills them.
Just didn’t find it interesting.
- By Lori Cathey on 10-11-24
By: Freida McFadden
- The Fae & Alchemy Series, Book 1
- By: Callie Hart
- Narrated by: Stella Bloom, Anthony Palmini
- Length: 20 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
Twenty-four-year-old Saeris Fane is good at keeping secrets. No one knows about the strange powers she possesses or the fact that she has been picking pockets and stealing from the Undying Queen's reservoirs for as long as she can remember. But a secret is like a knot. Sooner or later, it is bound to come undone. When Saeris comes face-to-face with Death himself, she inadvertently reopens a gateway between realms and is transported to a land of ice and snow. The Fae have always been the stuff of myth, of legend, of nightmares… but it turns out they're real.
Now one of my top 5 books of 2024
- By JMcClelland on 10-31-24
By: Callie Hart
Atomic Habits
- An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
- By: James Clear
- Narrated by: James Clear
- Length: 5 hrs and 35 mins
- Unabridged
No matter your goals, Atomic Habits offers a proven framework for improving - every day. James Clear, one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change.
start here, if you are looking to achieve in life
- By NL on 10-22-18
By: James Clear
We Who Wrestle with God
- Perceptions of the Divine
- By: Jordan B. Peterson
- Narrated by: Jordan B. Peterson
- Length: 25 hrs and 13 mins
- Unabridged
Dr. Peterson guides us through the ancient, foundational stories of the Western world. In riveting detail, he analyzes the Biblical accounts of rebellion, sacrifice, suffering, and triumph that stabilize, inspire, and unite us culturally and psychologically. Adam and Eve and the eternal fall of mankind; the resentful and ultimately murderous war of Cain and Abel; the cataclysmic flood of Noah; the spectacular collapse of the Tower of Babel; Abraham’s terrible adventure; and the epic of Moses and the Israelites.
A Challenging Read
- By Rust on 11-22-24
Here One Moment
- By: Liane Moriarty
- Narrated by: Caroline Lee, Geraldine Hakewill
- Length: 15 hrs and 53 mins
- Unabridged
The plane is jam-packed. Every seat is taken. So of course the flight is delayed! Flight attendant Allegra Patel likes her job—she’s generally happy with her life, even if she can’t figure out why she hooks up with a man she barely speaks to—but today is her twenty-eighth birthday. She can think of plenty of things she’d rather be doing than placating a bunch of grumpy passengers.
Too much of the death lady!
- By karen on 09-28-24
By: Liane Moriarty
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Book 2
- By: J.K. Rowling
- Narrated by: Jim Dale
- Length: 9 hrs and 2 mins
- Unabridged
Harry Potter's summer has included the worst birthday ever, doomy warnings from a house-elf called Dobby, and rescue from the Dursleys by his friend Ron Weasley in a magical flying car! Back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his second year, Harry hears strange whispers echo through empty corridors - and then the attacks start. Students are found as though turned to stone... Dobby's sinister predictions seem to be coming true.
Jim Dale is wonderful!
- By ladigolfer on 12-31-15
By: J.K. Rowling
A Court of Thorns and Roses
- By: Sarah J. Maas
- Narrated by: Jennifer Ikeda
- Length: 16 hrs and 7 mins
- Unabridged
When nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a terrifying creature arrives to demand retribution. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she knows about only from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not truly a beast, but one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled her world.
Bad ending and Immaturity
- By The Story Adict on 09-13-17
By: Sarah J. Maas
The Christmas Party
- By: Kathryn Croft
- Narrated by: Billie Piper, Avita Jay
- Length: 4 hrs and 42 mins
- Unabridged
When Sasha receives a call from her old university friend Gabby inviting her to spend Christmas at Gabby’s remote Scottish lake house, Sasha knows she shouldn’t go. Twelve years ago, on Christmas Eve, when Sasha and her five closest friends were celebrating the festive season, something truly horrific happened that would change the course of their friendship forever. Something that meant Sasha hasn’t spoken to any of them since that night.
The mystery of the story.
- By Charlene Gipson on 11-06-24
By: Kathryn Croft
- The Memoir, Part One
- By: Cher
- Narrated by: Cher, Stephanie J. Block
- Length: 15 hrs and 47 mins
- Unabridged
Cher: The Memoir, Part One promises to be an engaging and exciting audiobook experience, befitting this incredible book. Read in part by Cher herself, the book is introduced, and each chapter launched, by the author. Rounding out each chapter as she continues the narrative is celebrated stage actor Stephanie J. Block. Stephanie starred on Broadway in The Cher Show for which she won a Tony Award, Drama Desk Award, and Outer Critics Circle Award.
100% Pure Cher 10/10
- By Debbie on 11-20-24
By: Cher
- A Novel
- By: Percival Everett
- Narrated by: Dominic Hoffman
- Length: 7 hrs and 49 mins
- Unabridged
When the enslaved Jim overhears that he is about to be sold to a man in New Orleans, separated from his wife and daughter forever, he decides to hide on nearby Jackson Island until he can formulate a plan. Meanwhile, Huck Finn has faked his own death to escape his violent father, recently returned to town. As all listeners of American literature know, thus begins the dangerous and transcendent journey by raft down the Mississippi River toward the elusive and too-often-unreliable promise of the Free States and beyond.
Can we ever be free
- By J. Stirling on 04-04-24
By: Percival Everett
Lights Out
- An Into Darkness Novel
- By: Navessa Allen
- Narrated by: Elena Wolfe, Jacob Morgan
- Length: 13 hrs and 38 mins
- Unabridged
Trauma nurse Aly Cappellucci doesn’t need any more kinks. She likes the one she’s landed on just fine. To her, nothing could top the masked men she follows online. Unless one of those men was shirtless, heavily tattooed, and waiting for her in her bedroom. She dreams about being hunted by one in particular, of him chasing her down and doing deliciously dark things to her willing body. She never could have guessed that by sending one drunken text, those dreams would become her new reality.
Male Narrator: 6 +++ stars!! Story: steamy and worth it! BUY NOW!
- By Apwood22 on 08-17-24
By: Navessa Allen
The Housemaid
- By: Freida McFadden
- Narrated by: Lauryn Allman
- Length: 9 hrs and 46 mins
- Unabridged
I only try on one of Nina’s pristine white dresses once. Just to see what it’s like. But she soon finds out...and by the time I realize my attic bedroom door only locks from the outside, it’s far too late. But I reassure myself: The Winchesters don’t know who I really am. They don’t know what I’m capable of....
One Big Cliche’
- By Karen Brow on 08-03-22
By: Freida McFadden
Iron Flame
- Empyrean, Book 2
- By: Rebecca Yarros
- Narrated by: Rebecca Soler, Teddy Hamilton
- Length: 28 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
Everyone expected Violet Sorrengail to die during her first year at Basgiath War College-Violet included. But Threshing was only the first impossible test meant to weed out the weak-willed, the unworthy, and the unlucky. Now the real training begins, and Violet’s already wondering how she’ll get through. It’s not just that it’s grueling and maliciously brutal, or even that it’s designed to stretch the riders’ capacity for pain beyond endurance. It’s the new vice commandant, who’s made it his personal mission to teach Violet exactly how powerless she is–unless she betrays the man she loves.
I wish I could throw this book off a cliff.
- By Rebekah L Johnson on 11-10-23
By: Rebecca Yarros
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Book 3
- By: J.K. Rowling
- Narrated by: Jim Dale
- Length: 11 hrs and 49 mins
- Unabridged
When the Knight Bus crashes through the darkness and screeches to a halt in front of him, it's the start of another far from ordinary year at Hogwarts for Harry Potter. Sirius Black, escaped mass-murderer and follower of Lord Voldemort, is on the run - and they say he is coming after Harry. In his first ever Divination class, Professor Trelawney sees an omen of death in Harry's tea leaves... But perhaps most terrifying of all are the Dementors patrolling the school grounds, with their soul-sucking kiss...
Jim Dale at his best
- By rottndachs on 01-12-16
By: J.K. Rowling