
  • Creativity Across Industries, with Uniswap & KidSuper
    Mar 3 2025

    with @haydenzadams @kidsuper @smc90

    This episode involves a special mix of guests:

    • Hayden Adams, founder and CEO of Uniswap Labs, and inventor of the Uniswap Protocol a leader in decentralized finance (DeFi); they recently announced Unichain; and
    • Colm Dillane, the multimedia artist behind fashion brand KidSuper, CFDA award winner who has his own Warhol Factory-like creative studio and space; Dillane started out selling t-shirts in his highschool cafeteria, and then went on to present his collection at Paris Fashion week — and has also done creative campaigns for iconic brands from Louis Vuitton and Mercedes Benz to Puma and Converse

    ...in conversation with editor in chief Sonal Chokshi. The conversation originally took place at our Founder Summit (October 2024) but is more relevant than ever as the crypto industry focuses on mainstream applications and users. It covers:

    • industry jargon, to making technology not just more broadly available but more culturally and socially understood
    • the power of naming, including the origin story behind the unicorn and Unisocks and more
    • the difference between marketing vs. spectacle
    • the power of early community and what it means to expand to new users vs "sell out”
    • drops -- “airdrops” in crypto; drops in fashion (a la Supreme), and just product launches in general

    We also touch on some questions and issues around open source, including forking and copying -- good or bad? -- and whether a collective can actually do good design.

    The theme throughout is about innovating vs. stagnating -- learning from different industries and places; trying (unexpected) new things, even when there may not be a clear business case up front, and much more.

    As a reminder: None of the following should be taken as business, investment, legal, or tax advice; please see a16z.com/disclosures for more important information.

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    35 mins
  • Where AI x Crypto Converge
    Feb 22 2025

    Welcome to web3 with a16z, today we’re running a special episode about the intersection of AI and crypto.

    Our guests are a16z crypto Founder and Managing Partner Chris Dixon & a16z Growth General Partner David George. They discuss the broken economics of the internet, new models for creative people, how to think through the first-, second- and third-order effects of big platform shifts, and more.

    Today’s episode is a crossover from a16z’s AI Revolution conversation series — and it’s especially timely as the paperback edition of Chris Dixon’s bestselling book Read Write Own goes to print. Check out the show notes for links to those and more.

    • Watch the video here
    • Read the transcript here
    • See more from the AI Revolution conversation series here
    • Check out Chris Dixon's book Read Write Own here

    As a reminder, none of the content should be taken as investment, business, legal, or tax advice. Please see a16z.com/disclosures for more important information, including a link to a list of our investments.

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    41 mins
  • Why blockchains need privacy
    Feb 1 2025

    with @1HowardWu @SuccinctJT @rhhackett

    Welcome to web3 with a16z. Today’s show is all about privacy, why it matters, and how to achieve it technically onchain.

    It's fair to say that many blockchains today are quite… revealing. But that openness and transparency doesn’t work for everything — who would want anyone to have full-on X-Ray vision into your finances? That’s one reason why there’s been a growing appreciation for — and trend toward — more blockchain privacy.

    Our guest today argues that there are many other reasons you might want some secrecy too, including a whole host of onchain applications and uses that only become feasible when you have a notion of privacy. That guest is Provable Cofounder and CEO Howard Wu who helped invent the protocols behind and build Aleo, a privacy-focused blockchain network. Wu joins a16z crypto Research Partner Justin Thaler, who is also a computer scientist at Georgetown University (as well as the brains behind the cutting-edge, open source zkVM Jolt), plus me, your host, Robert Hackett.

    The first voice you’ll hear is mine, then Howard’s, then Justin’s.

    As a reminder, none of the content should be taken as investment, business, legal, or tax advice. Please see a16z.com/disclosures for more important information, including a link to a list of our investments.

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    41 mins
  • How This Foodie Founder Is Revamping Restaurants
    Jan 24 2025

    with @benleventhal @AriannaSimpson

    Welcome to web3 with a16z. How many of you are regulars at a favorite cafe, bar, or dinner spot? Probably a lot of you — but if you’re not, well, our guest today aims to make you one.

    This episode features Ben Leventhal — the founder and CEO of BlackBird, and formerly the founder of Resy and Eater. In it, he shares his journey as a serial entrepreneur in conversation with a16z crypto General Partner Arianna Simpson.

    Ben shares hard-won lessons learned in company-building, including navigating in wartime; the difference between measuring vs feeling when it comes to defining success; and more.

    Today’s conversation originally took place in the fall at our CSX Crypto Startup Accelerator in New York. We're currently accepting applications for our next cohort in the spring in San Francisco. Visit a16zcrypto.com/csx for more information and to apply.

    As a reminder, none of the content should be taken as investment, business, legal, or tax advice. Please see a16z.com/disclosures for more important information, including a link to a list of our investments.

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    1 hr
  • Social Media Secrets: How to Build Your Presence
    Jan 13 2025

    with @0xgaut @ishverduzco @rhhackett

    Welcome to web3 with a16z. Today we’re talking about how to make social media work for you, rather than overwhelming you.

    Whether you’re a startup founder, creator, avid doomscroller, or longtime lurker, this show has tips and tactics you can use to attract attention, build a following, and level up your online presence.

    In this episode, we cover what to do and what not to do, how much of your authentic self to bring to the table vs. merely playing to the algorithms, turning your interests and obsessions into viral hits, and what standup comedy has to do with the art of posting.

    Our guest today is Gauthier Le Meur, aka Gaut, a meme-maker with a cult following who also happens to be the cofounder and chief operating officer of Alongside, a DeFi project that creates investible crypto market indices. Joining him is the man behind our handles, a16z crypto Social Lead Ish Verduzco, as well as me, your host, Robert Hackett.


    • Social for startup founders: A practical guide to building an online presence by Ish Verduzco [a16z crypto, August 2024]
    • How to build a social presence in web3 and beyond [video]
    • How to 10x on Twitter (without getting lucky) [@ishverduzco on X, March 2021]
    • 24 Prompts to Get Over Writer's Block in 2024 by Ish Verduzco [The Creator Blueprint, January 2024]

    As a reminder, none of the content should be taken as investment, business, legal, or tax advice. Please see a16z.com/disclosures for more important information, including a link to a list of our investments.

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    41 mins
  • Designing Beloved Brands
    Dec 30 2024

    Welcome to web3 with a16z. Today's episode is all about design, creativity, and taste-making.

    Our special guest is Jason Mayden, the chief design officer of Jordan Brand at Nike — that's Jordan as in former NBA superstar Michael Jordan. In his role, Mayden is responsible for the look and feel of iconic products, like Air Jordan sneakers and related apparel.

    In this episode, Mayden speaks with Chris Lyons, a16z crypto's president of web3 media, about the interdisciplinary nature of industrial design, the role of humans in an AI world, what makes fashion and food alike, and how to build a brand, whether you’re in crypto, sportswear, or another field.

    This conversation originally took place at a16z crypto's Founders Summit in the fall of 2024. Be sure to subscribe to the a16z crypto Youtube channel where you can listen to more from that event, plus many more thought-provoking talks and other resources.

    As a reminder, none of the content should be taken as investment, business, legal, or tax advice; please see a16z.com/disclosures for more important information, including a link to a list of our investments.

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    37 mins
  • Trends for 2025 (part 2): AI x Crypto - From Agents in Games & DePIN to Proof of Personhood and More
    Dec 21 2024

    with @carrawu @eddylazzarin @0xkarmacoma and @smc90 @rhhackett

    Welcome to our special end-of-year episodes -- which also look ahead to 2025 -- covering our annual Big Ideas lists, where various a16z crypto team members share what they are personally excited about. (You can see the firmwide list, also including all the trends of the crypto team, here.)

    This episode is part 2 of 2 -- but you don't have to listen to them in any particular order -- covering the intersection of crypto & AI:

    • agents that have their own crypto wallets -- and also AI agents in games; DePin/ decentralized physical infrastructure, like energy grids; and more;
    • proof of personhood, and why having a unique ID matters in a world of deepfakes, bots, scams and more is needed with proliferating AI;
    • decentralized, truly autonomous, chatbots (using TEEs or trusted execution environment).

    Covering each of these -- and coming from the investing, engineering, and other teams -- are: Carra Wu, Eddy Lazzarin, and Karma (aka Daniel Reynaud); in conversation with hosts Sonal Chokshi and Robert Hackett, who also share some commentary at the top.

    These are just a few of the 14 trends we shared; you can check out the full list at a16zcrypto.com/bigideas.

    Also be sure to check out part 1, which covers the trends of stablecoins, app stores, infrastructure, and user experience.

    As a reminder, none of the content is investment, business, legal, or tax advice; please see a16z.com/disclosures for more important information -- including a link to a list of our investments.

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    40 mins
  • Trends for 2025 (part 1): Stablecoins, App Stores, UX, and More
    Dec 20 2024

    with @sambroner @meigga @darenmatsuoka @jneu_net @chrislyons and @rhhackett @smc90

    Welcome to our special end-of-year episodes -- which also look ahead to 2025 -- covering our annual Big Ideas lists, where various a16z crypto team members share what they are personally excited about. (You can see the firmwide list, also including all the trends of the crypto team, here.)

    This episode is part 1 of 2 -- but you don't have to listen to them in any particular order -- covering the trends and themes of:

    • stablecoins, payments, and where the early adopters will come from;
    • app store distribution, curation, and discovery;
    • where the next crypto users will come from, turning passive holders into active users;
    • how builders improve, and better choose, infrastructure; and
    • simplifying user experience.

    Covering each of these -- and coming from the investing, go-to-market, data science, research, and media teams are: Sam Broner, Maggie Hsu, Daren Matsuoka, Joachim Neu, and Chris Lyons; in conversation with hosts Sonal Chokshi and Robert Hackett. (Stay tuned until the end for some of our meta-commentary.)

    These are just 5 of the 14 trends we shared; you can check out the full list at a16zcrypto.com/bigideas.

    Also be sure to check out part 2, which covers all the trends at the intersection of crypto and AI.

    As a reminder, none of the content is investment, business, legal, or tax advice; please see a16z.com/disclosures for more important information -- including a link to a list of our investments.

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    34 mins