• Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014): A Perspective Review
    Feb 15 2025
    The stripes of red, white and blue conjure images of all kinds – depending on who you are, where you live but more importantly – what kind of comic books you read. The Marvel Comic Universe has become a behemoth, that has so many tendrils, tentacles and details – well, if you stop paying attention for just a brief series of days, you may just be lost in detail oblivion. We now live in a world where television series tie into movies, movies tie to Internet and Blu-ray shorts, and back again to the smaller HD screen – REGULARLY. Captain America: The Winter Solder does this – with definitive skill, with brazen courage, much like that of Cap diving out of the back of a cargo lifter with no parachute. The Action. The Storytelling. The Character Engagement. The World Building. It’s all here inside the second offering of everyone’s favorite thought to be dead but isn’t Super Soldier, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Was this movie as good as the first? Is it a fitting piece into the mosaic that is the MCU? Strap on your helmet, pull on your red gloves, don your vibranium shield via the magnetic clasps because it’s time for the 2GuysTalking Perspective Review of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, here on the 2GuysSTalking Podcast Network. The WhatCopsWatch.Com Podcast Links Bar: Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe via RSS Feed | Facebook Page | Twitter Page | Stitcher Page Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an iTunes user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network! Housekeeping Be sure to continue the talk at our OFFICIAL Fan Gathering Point on Facebook at: 24LegacyFans.Com! Another Nod to Guest Host Lt. Pat Doering, Real-Life Crisis Negotiator, Author and Original 24 Fan! Check out Pat’s Book, “Crisis Cops: The Evolution of Crisis Negotiator in America” Links from this Episode: The 24- Legacy Podcast: Check out the review the “Worst Day of Former Army Ranger Eric Carter’s Life” now! — A Complete Review of Each and Every Weapon Seen Inside Captain America: The WInter Soldier! — A Complete Review of Each and Every Weapon Seen Inside Captain America: The WInter Soldier! Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: — — Who is your favorite actor inside this property? Tell us now! — — What “lightbulb moment” did you have about law enforcement inside this episode? Tell us now! Be an Advertiser/Sponsor for This Program! Tell us what you think! It’s never too late to be an advertiser in this podcast, thanks to Perpetual Advertising! Contact WhatCopsWatch now and learn more about why podcasting allows your advertising dollar to live across millions of future listeners – FOREVER! Tell Us What You Think About WhatCopsWatch: Tell us what you think and we’ll use your comments in a future ALL-FAN-INPUT Episode! Educating the public is what we’ve based all of our programming on and we’re eager to connect with others who are doing it! Know about another podcast , YouTuber or other media generator making a difference in the way of perspective when it comes to law enforcement? Tell us about them now and we’ll link to them and have them on a future episode of WhatCopsWatch.Com! The Hosts of this Program: Chris DiGiuseppi Chris DiGiuseppi is an award winning and local bestselling author from his first novel, The Light Bringer and has been traditionally published five times. Chris has over 25 years in Law Enforcement at various levels up to and including Chief of Police. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and Northwestern University School of Police Staff Command.
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    2 hrs and 39 mins
  • So You Think You Can Dispatch…
    Jan 12 2025
    Finding a new job isn't easy, but how many of you have thought about acquiring the position of - A POLICE DISPATCHER? Looking for a challenge? Like talking on the phone? Well, there's a LOT MORE involved and 20+year Police Dispatcher Lisa Moore has compiled a good solid listing of what to expect if you "think you can dispatch" - inside this episode of Digitally Dispatched! The Digitally Dispatched Podcast Links Bar: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts | Subscribe via RSS Feed | Facebook Page | Twitter Page | Stitcher Page Find Even More Ways to Listen & Subscribe via The Podcaster Matrix! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at Apple Podcasts! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an Apple Podcasts user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts via The Podcaster Matrix! Housekeeping All of us have either seen or experienced 911 first-hand, but Police Dispatch Operator is ready to take your questions, feedback and stories to help share vital details with her growing listenerbase! What would you like to share? Contact her today! -- Interested in being a Guest on The Digital Dispatched Podcast? Connect with Lisa today! Links from this Episode: -- LIsa Moore https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-moore-a3ab0b14/ -- Listen to Cognitive Decline: Asking the Hard Questions Now! Questions Answered Inside this Episode: Lisa Moore emphasizes the importance of continuous learning in dispatching. How do you think the role of a dispatcher has evolved over the years, and what new skills might be required in the future? The episode highlights the complexity of dispatching and the overwhelming amount of information new dispatchers must learn. What strategies or support systems could be implemented to help new dispatchers navigate these early career challenges more effectively? Moore mentions that many applicants don't fully understand the seriousness and complexity of dispatching. How can agencies better communicate the realities of the job to potential applicants to ensure a good fit? The podcast discusses the differences between working at smaller agencies versus high-pressure environments. What are the potential pros and cons of each setting for a dispatcher, and how might they impact job satisfaction and performance? Moore touches on the behind-the-scenes work that dispatchers do that often goes unnoticed. What are some ways to increase public awareness and appreciation for the full scope of a dispatcher's responsibilities? The episode emphasizes the importance of adaptability and accepting change in dispatching. How can agencies foster a culture that encourages flexibility and supports dispatchers in managing the ever-changing nature of their work? Considering the various essential skills mentioned, such as communication, multitasking, and empathy, which do you think is the most crucial for a dispatcher's success, and why? Moore discusses the transition from 10 codes to plain language in emergency communications. What are the potential benefits and challenges of this shift, and how can agencies ensure a smooth transition for their dispatchers? The episode highlights the dispatcher's role in providing resources and guidance to citizens beyond immediate police assistance. How can dispatchers be better equipped and trained to handle these types of calls effectively? Moore encourages listener engagement and collaboration through her website. What other ways can dispatchers and agencies engage with the public to build trust, increase transparency, and foster a better understanding of the dispatching profession? Timestamps Inside this Episode:
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    33 mins
  • Dave (1993) – A Perspective Review
    Nov 4 2024
    Election Season 2024 – It has been a raucous time for the American Voting Public. A high-wire finger-pointing circus act that allows us all to wonder “are these the best choices that we can come up with out of ALL of the people that want to Run for the President’s seat?" The value of a movie like “Dave” 1993, Directed by Ivan Reitman, is that there are now literally characters that hold the title that we revere MORE than the people that will take on the chair in early 2017. Grab your bicycle, prepare to steal a pencil from the Presidential Podium, and prepare to make straightforward, no-nonsense budgetary cuts to re-garner homeless shelter funds because it’s time for The Perspective Review of Dave, – 1993, Directed by Ivan Reitman – on during WhatCopsWatch.Com, on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network. The WhatCopsWatch.Com Podcast Links Bar: Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe via RSS Feed | Facebook Page | Twitter Page | Stitcher Page Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an iTunes user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network! Housekeeping Be sure to continue the talk at our OFFICIAL Fan Gathering Point on Facebook at: 24LegacyFans.Com! Another Nod to Guest Host Lt. Pat Doering, Real-Life Crisis Negotiator, Author and Original 24 Fan! Check out Pat’s Book, “Crisis Cops: The Evolution of Crisis Negotiator in America” Links from this Episode: The 24- Legacy Podcast: Check out the review the “Worst Day of Former Army Ranger Eric Carter’s Life” now! — A Complete Review of Each and Every Vehicle Seen Inside Dave! Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: — — Who is your favorite actor inside this property? Tell us now! — — What “lightbulb moment” did you have about law enforcement inside this episode? Tell us now! Be an Advertiser/Sponsor for This Program! Tell us what you think! It’s never too late to be an advertiser in this podcast, thanks to Perpetual Advertising! Contact WhatCopsWatch now and learn more about why podcasting allows your advertising dollar to live across millions of future listeners – FOREVER! Tell Us What You Think About WhatCopsWatch: Tell us what you think and we’ll use your comments in a future ALL-FAN-INPUT Episode! Educating the public is what we’ve based all of our programming on and we’re eager to connect with others who are doing it! Know about another podcast , YouTuber or other media generator making a difference in the way of perspective when it comes to law enforcement? Tell us about them now and we’ll link to them and have them on a future episode of WhatCopsWatch.Com! The Hosts of this Program: Chris DiGiuseppi Chris DiGiuseppi is an award winning and local bestselling author from his first novel, The Light Bringer and has been traditionally published five times. Chris has over 25 years in Law Enforcement at various levels up to and including Chief of Police. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and Northwestern University School of Police Staff Command. He is trained in various aspects of Law Enforcement and holds degrees in Human Resources and Business Administration. Chris lives with his wife and children in Missouri. Mike Wilkerson: Mike Wilkerson Is the PodFather of St. Louis, and has been hosting, producing, concepting and enhancing podcasts since 2005. As a professional content creator, Mike has been making and documenting every mistake in the Podcasting industry so you won't have to when you're ready to begin. With thousands of of hours of business, marketing and life experience behind and in front of the mi...
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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • The Fugitive (1993) – A Perspective Review
    Nov 2 2024
    A man - a famous one, a surgeon that’s murdered his wife - on the run. The city of Chicago. Law Enforcement on his heels for 2 hours and 10 minutes - non-stop. 1993’s “The Fugitive” starring Harrison Ford was one of the most popular movies that year and continues to satisfy to this day. But - what is it that makes it work? What doesn’t work? What is it that you’ll find in the movie that doesn’t “fit?” We’ll find out, from law enforcement professionals of all kinds, inside this Perspective Review of 1993’s The Fugitive, starring Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, and a huge cast that weren’t super famous yet - directed by Andrew Davis. The WhatCopsWatch.Com Podcast Links Bar: Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe via RSS Feed | Facebook Page | Twitter Page | Stitcher Page Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an iTunes user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network! Housekeeping -- The Editor Corps - Make Your Podcast Soar: There's only one question to ask: Why are YOU still editing your podcast? Reclaim the time you spend on editing (easily at least twice the time you spend on capturing the program) to make more great content by enlisting "The Editor Corps" who will "Make Your Podcast Soar!" http://EditorCorps.Com -- The Voice Farm: Fred Wilkerson, Mike's Father that died in the first few days of 2018, always dreamed of a place that those interested in Voiceover could go to learn more about the industry and experience - without all the BS that goes with it. We build it four and a half years go and it continues to provide new voiceover artists and businesses looking for voiceover talent a place to go and secure great voiceover artists. http://VoiceFarmers.Com Links from this Episode: -- The Fugitive on IMDB: -- The Full Cast of The Fugitive -- The Fugitive on Wikipedia: -- The Numbers for The Fugitive from BoxOfficeMojo! -- The Original Trailer for The Fugitive -- Check Out Every Weapon Used inside The Fugitive! It's all available inside The Internet Movie Firearms Database! -- Check Out Every Vehicle Used Inside The Fugitive! It's all available inside The Internet Movie Vehicle Database! -- The BoxOfficeMojo Listing for The Fugitive -- Purchase The Fugitive Soundtrack! -- Harrison Ford Through the Years... -- Cinefex Magazine - The Real Deal When It Comes to Special Effects and Knowledge -- Learn More About "Fatal Vision" -- A Deep Dive - Jeffrey R. MacDonald (The Fatal Vision Murderer) -- Learn More About Premiere Magazine -- James Newton Howard's Extensive Discography -- Crime Scene Analyst Details Hollywood Offerings -- Tommy's Hidden Weapons Videos via FreeFieldTraining.Com -- Daily Buds Ambulance Company -- Tommy's Beard-Shaving Video via FreeFieldTraining.Com -- Ready to Visit the Bus & Train Wreck Site in North Carolina? -- Cook County Hospital -- The History of Fax Technology -- Who has the Best Donuts - in America? Find Out and EAT Now! -- Listen to an English Gentleman Tell Us Why The "Cops + Donuts" Stereotype Began -- Watch the "Behind the Scenes" features from The Fugitive (1993) -- How Far Can a Human Being Fall From - Into Water - and Survive? Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: — What Hidden Weapons have You Experienced? Tell us now! — The Jurisdiction Question is Always Evoked - What Do You Want to Know from Our Panel? Tell us now! — What did You Think was Bad About The Fugitive? Tell us now! — Where is the nearest Pay Phone in your area? We really wanna' know! Tell us now!
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    3 hrs and 55 mins
  • 6 Spooky Spectacular Halloween Tips to Keep You Safe
    Oct 18 2024
    It's the SCARIEST time of the year, but - it doesn't have to be, thanks to the tips, tricks and details from a 20+year Police Dispatcher! Join in as Lisa Moore provides you with community guidelines that not only keep your kids safe, but foster the safety of the entire community - inside this episode of Digitally Dispatched! The Digitally Dispatched Podcast Links Bar: Subscribe via Apple Podcasts | Subscribe via RSS Feed | Facebook Page | Twitter Page | Stitcher Page Find Even More Ways to Listen & Subscribe via The Podcaster Matrix! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at Apple Podcasts! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an Apple Podcasts user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts via The Podcaster Matrix! Housekeeping All of us have either seen or experienced 911 first-hand, but Police Dispatch Operator is ready to take your questions, feedback and stories to help share vital details with her growing listenerbase! What would you like to share? Contact her today! -- Interested in being a Guest on The Digital Dispatched Podcast? Connect with Lisa today! Links from this Episode: -- LIsa Moore https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-moore-a3ab0b14/ -- Listen to What IS and ISN'T a 911 Call Now! Questions Answered Inside this Episode: Reflective Gear: Why is it important for children to wear reflective gear or carry flashlights while trick-or-treating, and how does this contribute to their safety? Costumes and Safety: How do bright costumes and nontoxic makeup improve safety for children on Halloween compared to darker costumes and masks? Alternative Celebrations: Discuss the concept of trunk-or-treat events. What are the benefits and potential drawbacks of these events compared to traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating? Parental Supervision: What role do parents and guardians play in ensuring the safety of children during Halloween, and how can they balance supervision with allowing their children freedom? Safety in Visibility: How can glow sticks and similar items increase visibility and safety for trick-or-treaters? What are some creative ways children can incorporate these into their costumes? Adult Celebrations and Safety: What are the best practices for adults who plan on celebrating Halloween with alcohol? How can they ensure their safety and the safety of others? Home Safety for Trick-or-Treaters: What precautions should homeowners take when decorating their homes and using jack-o'-lanterns to ensure the safety of visiting trick-or-treaters? Community Involvement: How can adults without children still contribute to a safer Halloween for their community? What role can they play in neighborhood watch and reporting suspicious activities? Emergency Calls: What should individuals know about reporting suspicious activities or emergencies on Halloween night? How does the timing of these reports affect police response? Sex Offender Registry: Discuss the changes in Missouri's laws regarding sex offenders and Halloween. What are the pros and cons of requiring sex offenders to put signs in their yards, and how can parents stay informed about such issues in their own states? Timestamps Inside this Episode: 00:00 Ensure children's safety using reflective strips, flashlights. 05:38 Prioritize safe transportation for Halloween celebrations. 06:41 Ensure Halloween safety; prevent fire, avoid dangers. 09:57 Sex offender yard sign requirement lifted; rules persist. Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: -- what tips and Halloween Safety Tips did Lisa miss inside this episode? Tell us now!
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    11 mins
  • Mystic River (2003) – A Perspective Review
    Sep 24 2024
    The Law. The city of Boston. Crime, and the process of solving it. The value of a Perspective Review via 2GuysTalking, is being able to examine a movie, long after it’s been done at the theater and even after home availability on DVD and Blu-ray as well as electronic downloads arrive and disappear. Tonite, the 2GuysTalking Podcast plows through a literal trifecta, where a new podcast launches, another Perspective Review is established, and a new mini-series gets a wondrous watery start. It’s time for The Perspective Review of Mystic River, (2003), directed by Clint Eastwood, here on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network. The Perspective Reviews Podcast Connection Links: Connect with The Host (and View Direct Contact information Below!) Subscribe to This Podcast & Listen Now! Subscribe, Like, and Share Everywhere! Help Perspective Reviews Grow! Rate this Podcast on Apple Podcasts! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an Apple user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network! Links to Enjoy This Film! It's easy to have the same great experience from this film as we go! Hit the links below and get your copy of the film's soundtrack, score or even the movie itself! Housekeeping — 24 Legacy Fans https://www.facebook.com/groups/24LegacyFans/?fref=ts — Consider Yourself Bitten! http://podcastbug.co — A Call for Input: The All-Fan-Input Episode is coming up and we invite YOU to chime in and get your perspective heard! Fill out the form here and make your voice count! Links from this Episode: — Mystic River on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0327056/ — Director Clint Eastwood on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000142 — The Entire Cast of Mystic River on IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0327056/fullcredits — Read the Complete Screenplay for Mystic River: http://screenplayexplorer.com/wp-content/scripts/Mystic-River.pdf — Research All of the Locations Used to Film Mystic River: http://www.movie-locations.com/movies/m/Mystic_River.html#.WT3eJ2jyvb0 — Check Out All of the Weapons from Mystic River: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Mystic_River — Mystic River on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystic_River_(film) — The Massachusetts State Police Website: http://www.mass.gov/eopss/agencies/msp/#.WT3fBmjyvb0 — The Massachusetts State Police on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MassStatePolice — The City of Boston Police Department Website: https://www.boston.gov/departments/police — The City of Boston Police Department on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bostonpolice Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: — — Who is your favorite actor inside this property? Tell us now! — — What “lightbulb moment” did you have about law enforcement inside this episode? Tell us now! Be an Advertiser/Sponsor for This Program! Tell us what you think! It’s never too late to be an advertiser in this podcast, thanks to Perpetual Advertising! Contact WhatCopsWatch now and learn more about why podcasting allows your advertising dollar to live across millions of future listeners – FOREVER! Tell Us What You Think About WhatCopsWatch: Tell us what you think and we’ll use your comments in a future ALL-FAN-INPUT Episode! Educating the public is what we’ve based all of our programming on and we’re eager to connect with others who are doing it! Know about another podcast , YouTuber or other media generator making a difference in the way of perspective when it comes to law enforcement? Tell us about them now and we’ll link to them and have them on a future episode of WhatCopsWatch.Com!
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    1 hr and 36 mins
  • Air Force One (1997) – A Perspective Review
    Jul 16 2024
    How many of you LIKE our current President of the United States? Whether you're a fan or not, the fact is that feature films galore have featured both real and fictional Presidents for a very long time. Inside of 1997's Air Force One, we're introduced to President James Marshall - a former military vet, devoted husband and Father who not only doesn't cut and run - he's ready to fight. When you take a huge action start like Harrison Ford, surround him with a cast that simply doesn't stop, sprinkle in incredibly well-done soundtrack and score moments and adrenaline? Well, clearly, it's time to reflect on 1997's Air Force One in Perspective Review... The Perspective Reviews Podcast Connection Links: Connect with The Host (and View Direct Contact information Below!) Subscribe to This Podcast & Listen Now! Subscribe, Like, and Share Everywhere! Help Perspective Reviews Grow! Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an Apple user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network! Links to Enjoy This Film! It's easy to have the same great experience from this film as we go! Hit the links below and get your copy of the film's soundtrack, score or even the movie itself! Housekeeping — The Presidential Bio Podcast - With Phil Treacy — The Second 2GuysTalking Studio: East — The Who's Who in St. Lou Podcast Links from this Episode: — Air Force One on IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118571 — Air Force One on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_Force_One_(film) — The Money that Air Force One Made at BoxOfficeMojo.Com — A Complete Review of All of the Weapons from Air Force One — A Complete Review of ALL of the Vehicles from Air Force One — Buy the Soundtrack from Air Force One Jocko Podcast: http://jockopodcast.com Jocko Willink on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jocko_Willink The NAOC Video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maZdUtB0ojs The History of Air Force One: https://www.businessinsider.com/air-force-one-history-america-president-airplane-photo-2017-8 The Reagan Library: https://www.reaganfoundation.org/ LBJ Being Sworn in as President: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/the-story-behind-the-photo-of-lbj-being-sworn-in-as-president-after-jfk-died%E2%80%94and-the-trailblazing-woman-in-the-corner/ar-BBPY3B8 The Agents of SHIELD Podcast: http://agentsofshield.tv Give a Mouse a Cookie Book Online: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gyk55GYnGl0 Chris Sagnog Link (Interview Process on Television): https://vimeo.com/111893303 Chris Sajnog Training Information: https://chrissajnog.com/ The Man Who Shot Bin Laden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oswQbKV7u0 Die Hard Perspective Review: http://2guystalking.com/diehard These Questions & More Answered Inside this Episode: There are many things that you'll learn from this episode, but - here are a series of questions you'll be able to answer when YOU'RE done listening to this episode! 1. **What do you think about the portrayal of the president as a Vietnam veteran in the movie "Air Force One"? How does his military background impact his decisions and actions in the film?** 2. **The hosts discuss the absence of a Vietnam War era presidential representative. Why do you think there has been a lack of such figures in modern cinema?** 3. **How does comparing the Vietnam War to current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan provide a sobering perspective? What parallels can you draw between these wars?** 4.
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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • Stupid Things Old Cops Told Me
    Jul 12 2024
    One of the best instructors a cop can have, is history. The stories, guidance and perspective it provides helps to hone the craft of today's law enforcement professionals -- most of the time. It's time to take a look back at real-life things that were shared with Officer Tommy, as he shares "Stupid Things Old Cops Told Me" - during this episode of The Free Field Training Podcast. The Free Field Training Podcast Links Bar: Subscribe via iTunes | Subscribe via RSS Feed | Facebook Page | Instagram Rate this Podcast on iTunes! The ultimate success for every podcaster – is FEEDBACK! Be sure to take just a few minutes to tell the hosts of this podcast what YOU think over at iTunes! It takes only a few minutes but helps the hosts of this program pave the way to future greatness! Not an iTunes user? No problem! Be sure to check out any of the other many growing podcast directories online to find this and many other podcasts on The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network! Housekeeping — A Call for Input: We love knowing what you want to hear about! Connect with us to let us know what you want to have more "Free Field Training" episodes focus on! Contact us today to tell us more about what you think! — Always Ready for a Good Cup of Coffee: It doesn't happen often but now and again, a listener sends across coffee that I'm always appreciative of. Interested in sending me your favorite bean blend? Got a coffee you need some seasoned coffee-drinker insight on? Contact us today! Links from This Episode -- Drink Safely! Be sure to get the perfect drinking container - just like mine on Amazon! -- Free FIeld Training Patches: You DO need a stinking patch (minus the stinking, of course)! - Check Out Officer 401's Content Now! Calls to the Audience Inside this Episode: -- What other ideas do you have for Free Field Training Videos? It's easy to tell Tommy! Do It Now! -- Ready to have YOUR input used inside one of our "All-Fan-Input" episodes? Tell us now? Sponsors: Tell us what you think! It’s never too late to be an advertiser in this podcast, thanks to Perpetual Advertising! Contact us now and learn more about why podcasting allows your advertising dollar to live across millions of future listeners – FOREVER! The Host of this Program: Tommy Mottl: Tommy has been a police officer for over a decade, with stints in SWAT, on-going Field Training, and currently serves as a police officer in a state in the American Midwest. Tommy's videos on YouTube have offered insight, detail, tips, and tricks about the front and back ends of becoming and being a police officer That effort now comes to you - via audio podcast. With both translated content from previous, adapted programming, and all-new, only-available-in-audio programming, The Free Field Training Podcast provides a center gathering point for information, education, promotion, and insight that simply can't be matched. Be sure to use the contact form to send your messages to Tommy about his existing programs, but more importantly to ask about doing more great content to help you learn more about Security and Law Enforcement via Free Field Training. The Free Field Training Podcast is the first "Hybrid Content Podcast" to provide the content providers with TRUE control over what they convey to audiences. Do YOU have a program on YouTube, but are done having your content "pulled" with no reason, with no communication, for no reason? Be sure to contact 2GuysTalking with questions about podcasting, and changing the way you can connect with your own audiences (both existing and new!) via efforts to monetize YOUR program with help from The 2GuysTalking Podcast Network. — Tommy Mottl on Facebook — Tommy Mottl on LinkedIn — Tommy Mottl on Instagram
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    27 mins