• Why sexual health matters | Vibes with Tia & Chrissy | Episode 15 Part 4
    Apr 6 2023

    In this episode we discuss important topics related to sexual health. We'll be talking about why sexual health matters and its impact on our overall well-being. Our goal is to provide information and raise awareness on this topic, as well as other interesting and relevant subjects. We believe that sexual health is a crucial aspect of our lives, and we want to encourage open communication and education on the matter. Don't forget to share with your friends! We would also appreciate it if you could rate our podcast 5 stars would be great! Find all our links here below: https://linktr.ee/vibeswithtiaandchrissy Thank you for listening

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    18 mins
  • Forgiving and moving on | Vibes with Tia & Chrissy | Episode 15 Part 3
    Mar 31 2023

    We dive deep into the world of dark humour, exploring why some people find it hilarious while others deem it insensitive. We also tackle the subject of cancel culture and the negative impacts it can have on individuals and society as a whole. In addition, we discuss the phenomenon of fake offense. We also examine the issue of people offering to help but actually making things more difficult, and how it can be frustrating to deal with. Finally, we explore the concept of forgiveness and moving on. Join us as we unpack these complex and often sensitive topics, and offer our insights and opinions on how we can navigate these issues in a respectful and thoughtful way. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the discussion! stay updated with us! Subscribe so you don't miss a thing! follow us on socials, and listen to us on audio platforms, find our links here: https://linktr.ee/vibeswithtiaandchrissy

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    17 mins
  • Be comfortable in your own skin | Vibes with Tia & Chrissy | Episode 15 Part 2
    Mar 23 2023

    Are you tired of feeling judged and criticized for having a good time at parties? Unfortunately, some people are prone to hating on others when they're enjoying themselves. We'll explore the reasons why some people are prone to hate and criticism. Also, we continue with the 'would you rather' questions, we've compiled a list of hilarious and thought-provoking questions that are sure to spark lively conversations. From silly hypothetical scenarios to deep philosophical dilemmas. So, join us as we explore the fun and fascinating world of "would you rather" questions. Don't forget to follow and share the podcast and don't forget to rate us!

    Find all our links for social media and YouTube channel here: https://linktr.ee/vibeswithtiaandchrissy

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    16 mins
  • Would You Rather? | Vibes with Tia & Chrissy | Episode 15 | Part 1
    Mar 16 2023

    In this video, we compiled a list of some of the most hilarious, challenging, and thought-provoking "Would You Rather" questions.  

    We also put our knowledge to the test! We presented two statements, each containing both a fact and a myth. Our challenge was to decipher which one is true and which one is false.  

    We wondered whether the moon is a planet or not? We discussed some interesting facts about the moon and its relationship to the Earth.   

    So gather some friends, grab a drink, and get ready to face some tough decisions with "Would You Rather"!  

    Thanks for listening! We hope you enjoyed it and learned something new. 

    If you want to stay up-to-date on our latest podcast episodes, check out our Linktree https://linktr.ee/vibeswithtiaandchrissy. 

    There, you'll find links to our social media accounts, our podcast, and other great resources to help you continue your learning journey.  

    We'd also like to ask for your support in helping us grow. Please like and share so that we can reach more people and continue to create informative and engaging content. And don't forget to get involved on twitter with the hashtag #Vibeswithtiaandchrissy - we love hearing from our viewers and learning from your feedback.  

    Finally, we have a special request. Rate this podcast, so if you enjoyed it, please hit that follow button and help us reach our goal! Thanks again for listening, and we'll see you in part 2.

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    17 mins
  • Why Personality Matters More Than Looks | Vibes w/ Tia & Chrissy | Episode 14 Part 4
    Mar 9 2023

    In this episode, we delve into the age-old question of whether looks or personality matter more in a relationship.

    big montes shares his thoughts on how sometimes physical attractiveness may not be enough and delve into the importance of a person's mindset and depth.  

    We also discuss the importance of being authentic and speaking your mind in a relationship.  

     Join us as we explore this interesting topic and don't forget to follow, share and rate us! Get involved in the convo using the hashtag #VibeswithTiaAndChrissy . 

    You can also find us on Youtube. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more content and updates.


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    18 mins
  • Why opinions can be misleading and how to spot them | Vibes with Tia & Chrissy | Episode 14 Part 3
    Mar 2 2023

    In this episode, we discuss why it's important to be wary of opinions when they lack knowledge on the subject.

     The conversation starts with a discussion on how people tend to give their opinions without knowing what they're talking about. 

    We also share our experience of encountering people who are convinced of their opinions, even when they are wrong. 

    We explore how this phenomenon can be misleading and discuss ways to spot it.

     If you've ever found yourself questioning the validity of someone's opinion, this video is for you. Join us for a thoughtful discussion on the topic.

    Don't miss out on our weekly episodes, hit that follow button to stay updated and share with your friends who love a good chat. 

    We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section, so be sure to use the hashtag #vibeswithtiaandchrissy leave us a message. Let's keep the conversation going!

    Don't miss out on any of our podcast episodes! Check out our linktree for all the links to our YouTube channel and social media accounts: https://linktr.ee/vibeswithtiaandchrissy

    Also check out Montes on his Youtube channel (65) Big Montes - YouTube

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    17 mins
  • Why Some People Handle Rejection Poorly | Real Conversations | Vibes w/ Tia & Chrissy | Episode 14 Part 2
    Feb 23 2023

    In this episode, we dive into a conversation about how different people handle rejection. Some may take it in stride while others may struggle with it. We discuss how men in the local community handle rejection at the club and how women sometimes say no for reasons beyond physical attraction. We also touch on the topic of supervillains and what motivates them. Join us for this candid conversation and share your thoughts in the comments below.

    Share your own experiences with rejection and how you handle it using the hashtag #vibeswithtiaandchrissy. 

    Want to stay connected with us and never miss an update? Check out our linktree which has all the links to our YouTube, audio streams and social media profiles. Follow us on all platforms and never miss a beat! https://linktr.ee/vibeswithtiaandchrissy

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    15 mins
  • If we Were the Opposite Sex, a Supervillain, and Our favourite Childhood Song | Episode 14 Part 1
    Feb 16 2023

    We answer three fun ice breaker questions: What would you do if you were the opposite sex for a month? If you could be any supervillain, who would it be? And, what is my favourite childhood song? Join us as we share our thoughts on these interesting topics and take a trip down memory lane to revisit the songs that defined our childhood. From exploring the nuances of gender identity to revealing my inner villain, this video is full of surprises and laughter. Don't miss it!

    we were joined by our friend bigmontes , he also has his own Youtube channel, make sure to check him out here: Big Montes - YouTube

    find all links to audio streaming and socials in our linktree here: https://linktr.ee/vibeswithtiaandchrissy

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    15 mins