
  • February 16, 2025: Team RWB / Jake Rademacher / NVBDC
    Feb 17 2025

    We have a full show this week! Tune in for the following segments:

    First, we’ll hear from Jake Rademacher, director and producer

    Dale is joined by Jake Rademacher, the director of “Brothers After War,” a film releasing on February 28, 2025.

    The follow up to the award-winning BROTHERS AT WAR (2009), BROTHERS AFTER WAR finds Jake embarking on a journey to reconnect with the veterans (including his two brothers) he embedded with during the Iraq War while making the first film almost 20 years ago. Combining footage from his time in Iraq with a recent trip around the U.S. to meet up with the members of the unit, Jake continues his mission of helping service members and their families navigate the challenges of deployment and life beyond serving. The film comes from Jake and his partner on both films, Executive Producer Gary Sinise, and is sponsored by the Gary Sinise Foundation.

    The film will be releasing in over 100 theaters across the U.S. on February 28. For the film, the Gary Sinise Foundation has made the single largest donation for movie tickets ever to the organization Vet Tix. Vet Tix works with theaters, major sports teams, venues, and everyday event ticket holders to provide free and discounted tickets to active-duty Military, Veterans and their families. The GSF has donated $150,000 in tickets to be given out across the country to service members and their families.

    Next, we’ll hear from Team RWB ahead of their 15-year anniversary

    We’re joined by Team RWB’s Chief of Staff, Michael “Sully” Sullivan to learn more about the nation’s leading health and wellness community for veterans.

    Team RWB is getting to launch their 15th anniversary year as well as their coast-to-coast Old Glory Ultra Relay!

    Sully shares with listeners the impact they’ve had on hundreds of thousands of veterans, service members, and their families through life-changing programs and events, as well as what’s in store this anniversary year and how listeners can participate or support!

    We’ll also talk with Dick Miller, NVBDC President

    Host Jim Fausone is joined by Richard “Dick” Miller, President of the National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC). Brigadier General Miller (Ret) served in the U.S. Army and then the National Guard for 30 years, ultimately becoming the Deputy Commanding General of the 38th Infantry Division, Indiana National Guard.

    The NVBDC is the original Veteran Owned Business Certification organization developed by Veterans, for Veterans. The purpose is to provide a credible and reliable certifying authority for all size businesses ensuring that valid documentation exists of a Veterans status, ownership and operational control.

    Tune in to learn more about the NVBDC and Miller’s history with the organization.

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    57 mins
  • February 9, 2025: MG Oliver Dillard // Academy Admissions & Officer Diversity
    Feb 10 2025

    Join us this week for programming in recognition of Black History Month

    First, we’ll hear the story of Major General Oliver W. Dillard

    MG Oliver W. Dillard specialized in military intelligence in the US Army, rising from enlisted to senior officer throughout his career. He was the first Black graduate from the National War College, the fifth Black soldier to reach the rank of Brigadier General, and the first Black intelligence general officer.

    His story is told by Colonel Stephen Perkins (ret.); Perkins explains Dillard’s commands from Korea, Germany, and stateside. Dillard was the first black general officer in the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence and Dillard retired in 1980, residing in Canton, MI until his passing in 2015. Perkins chats with host Jim Fausone about this remarkable military officer.

    We’ll also talk about military academy admissions and officer diversity

    Host Jim Fausone is joined by Capt. John Cordle, and LCDR Reuben Keith Green, author of “Black Officer, White Navy“.

    Both retired from the US Navy, they discuss the lack of African-American nominations to the U.S. Naval academy, the importance of officer diversity, and the need of more Black ensigns graduating from the academy to ensure that thirty years later there will be more Black Admirals represented in the service.

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    57 mins
  • February 2, 2025: Monthly Veteran Benefits Hour // We Are Vets
    Feb 3 2025

    Kimberly Berger from We Are Vets Limited. A foundation helping homeless veterans outside the West LA Veterans Center.


    • Dale Throneberry – Founder and Host of Veterans Radio
    • Brig. Gen. Carol Ann Fausone (ret) – Legal Help for Veterans
    • David Saims – Director, Washtenaw County Veterans Affairs
    • Brian Hayes – Director of Communications, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System

    Join Dale and the rest of the panel for our live broadcast on Sunday at 5:00pm ET or stream later on your preferred podcast platform.

    Visit our LISTEN LIVE page for streaming and podcast information.

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    57 mins
  • American Merchant Marine Veterans
    Feb 18 2025

    National President Capt. Dru DiMattia of the American Merchant Marine Veterans association talks about the organization, role of civil merchant mariners in WWII and role they play in national security. DiMattia explains America is a maritime sea power and its importance even today. He talks to host Jim Fausone about the great career available while also doing good for the country.

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    31 mins
  • Folds of Honor Michigan
    Feb 11 2025

    Folds of Honor provides educational scholarships to spouses and children of military members who have fallen or been disabled while serving the Country. John Pelletier of Folds of Honor Motor City and Bill Flohr ,Regional Impact Officer talk to host Jim Fausone about Folds of Honor's history and work and upcoming fundraising gala.

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    28 mins
  • Warrior to Civilian Transition thoughts and tips
    Feb 4 2025

    Navy Seal Rob Sarver spent 10 years in service starting at the US Naval Academy. He paired up with attorney Alex Gendzier thinking and writing on the transition struggle for service members and families. This is for the 250,000 leaving service annually and for their 15 million family members. The "Warrior to Civilian: The Field Manual for the Heroes Journey" is also for those who have been out for years and need to re calibrate their transition. Alex and Rob talk to host Jim Fausone about what they found in 5 yrs of research and writing this book.

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    31 mins
  • Puroclean Restoration Company Franchisee UL Armstrong talks cleanup and business
    Jan 28 2025

    Army veteran UL Armstrong is a proud business owner of two Texas located franchises of Puroclean restoration. He is joined by Army veteran George Hernandez, Sr VP of Operations for Puroclean. They talk to host Jim Fausone about making a decision about franchising, Puroclean's mission, the restoration industry and how to learn more.

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    32 mins
  • January 26, 2025: Col. Paris Davis Medal of Honor Story / Fallen & Wounded Soldier Fund
    Jan 27 2025

    Join us this week for a show from the Veterans Radio archives!

    First we’ll hear the story of Col. Paris D. Davis, Medal of Honor recipient

    Historian Neil Thorne and legal advocate Jim Moriarty tell the story of Col. Paris D. Davis. In 1965, Paris D. Davis was a Captain, Commander, Detachment A-321, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces. He distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving as an advisor to the 883d Regional Force Company, Army of the Republic of Vietnam, during combat operations against an armed enemy in the vicinity of Bong Son, Republic of Vietnam, on June 17-18, 1965.

    Thorne and Moriarty tell us how Captain Davis, now ranked as Col. Davis, military service records to appeal for the honor were lost 3 times before finally being filed and approved to receive the Medal of Honor.

    Read the full citation on the Congressional Medal of Honor Society website.

    We also hear from leadership at the Fallen & Wounded Soldiers Fund

    We’re joined by FWSF Founder and Board Member Chris Cornelius, and FWSF President Rob Grimaldi to learn more about this incredible organization helping Veterans.

    The mission of the Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund™ (FWSF) is to support Michigan-based soldiers who serve and protect our country. They are a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c) (3) organization. Members do not receive any financial compensation for their efforts. The FWSF is an all-volunteer effort, supporting our armed forces. They are honored to help injured soldiers pay their living expenses, and provide assistance to the families of the fallen.

    Are you a Michigan-based soldier who is experiencing financial hardship because of injuries sustained in the Iraq or Afghanistan campaigns?

    If so, the FWSF wants to help you.

    Learn more about the FWSF here, or call 1-800-FWSF-729 for assistance.

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    57 mins