• Under the Library Lights: A Tale of Friendship and Triumph

  • Dec 14 2024
  • Length: 14 mins
  • Podcast

Under the Library Lights: A Tale of Friendship and Triumph

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Under the Library Lights: A Tale of Friendship and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2024-12-14-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana Centralna knjižnica je bila polna študentov, ki so mrzlično brskali po knjigah.En: The Ljubljana Centralna knjižnica was full of students frantically searching through books.Sl: Svetle luči so se bleščale skozi pisane božične okraske, ki so viseli s stropa.En: Bright lights shone through the colorful Christmas decorations hanging from the ceiling.Sl: Zunaj je bil mrzel zimski dan, vendar je znotraj knjižnica dišala po sveže mleti kavi iz študentske kavarne.En: Outside, it was a cold winter's day, but inside, the library smelled of freshly ground coffee from the student café.Sl: V tej spokojnosti sta sedela Anže in Maja, vsak s kupom knjig pred seboj.En: In this tranquility sat Anže and Maja, each with a pile of books in front of them.Sl: Anže je bil živčen.En: Anže was nervous.Sl: Zelo si je želel, da bi opravil svoje izpite in obdržal štipendijo.En: He desperately wanted to pass his exams and keep his scholarship.Sl: Bil je sebi v glavi, misli so mu begale in koncentracija mu je uhajala.En: He was in his own head, thoughts wandering and concentration slipping away.Sl: Maja, njegova sošolka, je sedela poleg njega.En: Maja, his classmate, sat next to him.Sl: Zdela se je mirna in samozavestna, a je tudi ona čutila pritisk.En: She seemed calm and confident, but she also felt the pressure.Sl: Družinske obveznosti in študij so ji jemali energijo.En: Family obligations and studies were draining her energy.Sl: "Maja," je začel Anže tiho, "ne vem, če bom zmogel.En: "Maja," Anže began quietly, "I don't know if I can manage.Sl: Preveč je vsega.En: It's all too much."Sl: " Bal se je priznati svoje strahove, a je vedel, da mora.En: He was afraid to admit his fears, but he knew he had to.Sl: Maja se je obrnila proti njemu in mu mirno rekla: "Razumem te, Anže.En: Maja turned to him and calmly said, "I understand you, Anže.Sl: Tudi jaz težko lovim vse roke in pričakovanja.En: I'm also struggling to keep up with all the deadlines and expectations.Sl: Skupaj lahko to storiva.En: We can do this together."Sl: " Njene oči so bile sočutne, in Anže se je ob tem počutil manj osamljenega.En: Her eyes were compassionate, and Anže felt less alone because of it.Sl: Ko se je nebo stemnilo in luči knjižnice postale še toplejše, sta se zatopila v študij.En: As the sky darkened and the library lights grew even warmer, they delved into studying.Sl: Maja mu je pomagala pri najtežjih nalogah.En: Maja helped him with the most difficult tasks.Sl: Njeni nasveti so mu počasi pomagali do razsvetljenja o snovi, ki se mu je zdela neprehodna.En: Her advice gradually led him to enlightenment on the material that seemed impassable to him.Sl: Ure so minevale, in končno je Anže začutil preblisk razumevanja.En: Hours passed, and finally, Anže experienced a flash of understanding.Sl: "Razumem!En: "I get it!"Sl: " je vzkliknil, presenečen nad preprosto jasnostjo rešitev, ki mu jih je Maja pomagala videti.En: he exclaimed, surprised by the simple clarity of the solutions that Maja helped him see.Sl: Ko so se božični zvončki začeli oglašati iz mesta, je Anže vedel, da bo zmogel.En: As the Christmas bells began to ring from the city, Anže knew he could do it.Sl: Našel je novo zaupanje skozi Majo.En: He found new confidence through Maja.Sl: Na koncu izpitnega tedna je Anže stopil iz knjižnice s širokim nasmehom.En: At the end of the exam week, Anže stepped out of the library with a wide smile.Sl: Izpiti so šli dobro, bolje kot je upal.En: The exams went well, better than he hoped.Sl: Naučil se je, kako pomembno je, da se ne zapiraš vase in da sprejmeš pomoč.En: He learned how important it is not to shut yourself in and to accept help.Sl: Življenje ga je naučilo dragocene lekcije o prijateljstvu in podpori.En: Life taught him a valuable lesson about friendship and support.Sl: Letos bo za njega božič res poseben, z novo zavestjo o moči sodelovanja.En: This year, Christmas will be truly special for him, with a newfound awareness of the power of collaboration. Vocabulary Words:frantically: mrzličnodecorations: okraskeobligations: obveznostitranquility: spokojnostidesperately: zeloscholarship: štipendijaconcentration: koncentracijaexpectations: pričakovanjacompassionate: sočutneenlightenment: razsvetljenjaimpassable: neprehodnaflash: prebliskawareness: zavestcollaboration: sodelovanjacalm: mirnadraining: jemaliadvice: nasveticlarity: jasnostsolutions: rešitevconfidence: zaupanjevaluable: dragocenesupport: podporicompanionship: prijateljstvuringing: oglašatiscent: dišalabegging: begalestruggling: težkodeadlines: rokifear: strahoveunderstanding: razumevanja
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