Russ takes a look at the importance of Building Expertise and Authority, and offering value to clients.
First, you must understand your own strengths and the value you can bring to others. Russ delineates some ways that you can assess your strengths to understand the value you can offer. After you understand your strengths, then you need to build expertise around them.
Developing expertise translates into larger value creation for you and others, because you can now solve problems that few others can solve. Expertise is defined as a high level of skill and knowledge, which comes over time through consistent, near-perfect performance in a specific task. If you want to take it to the next level, then you should not stop with expertise. You should look to build authority around your expertise, according to Russ.
Authority is what leads people to discover your expertise. You could be the best expert in the world, but if no one has heard about you, then it doesn't matter. Expertise is a foundation for Authority. An authority will always reach more people and make more money than an expert.
An expert often needs to chase down clients. An authority will have clients and customers chasing after him or her. Which would you rather be?
Catch the show to find out more, and to learn about how to make the move from being an expert to being an authority.