• THE ESSENTIALS OF COMMUNITY (You Got Served v.s. Stomp The Yard)
    Mar 3 2025


    We need your help UN•THERAPIZING something...

    In a previous session, we mentioned that we would be reminiscing on some of our favorite TV shows & movies growing up. As we watched some of these movies growing up, it was pure entertainment, and we practiced dance moves in the mirror.

    But as we grew older and watched it through a more mature lens, it started to uncover a different set of values that are essential to our development.

    📌 Now, wait, are we really the new adults?
    📌Are we really analyzing "You Got Served" & "Stomp the Yard" as the new aunties & uncles?
    📌 When did we become the new mentors of the next generation?

    Join us for another session of UN•THERAPY as we UN•THERAPIZE the values in some of our favorite movies, the essentials of the right community, & the importance of a strong positive male influence in your life.

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    1 hr and 6 mins
    Feb 20 2025

    No intro... just vibes 💪🏾

    Over the years, we've heard some stories about THE BX, but we will give ya'll some BTS (Behind The Scenes) access to what really happens while we're recording.

    What we thought was just a regular session turned out to be a night filled with frustration, laughs, & ultimately enlightenment.

    There are truly no excuses as to why you can't make it happen in life when you hear what happened and how life can change in an instant.

    Join us for another session of UN•THERAPY as we UN•THERAPIZE another wonderful night in THE BRONX, NY.

    Connect with UN•THERAPY Podcast
    Instagram: ⁠⁠@UntherapyPodcast⁠⁠
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    UN•THERAPY Facebook Group: 🎉 UN•THERA•PARTY (Official UN•THERAPY Podcast Group)

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    14 mins
    Feb 20 2025


    We need your help UN•THERAPIZING something...

    I'm sure we've learned about the law of polarity in school & it wasn't something we cared about, but as Coach was discussing it, the reality is that everything in life has TWO sides.

    📣 Every "up" has a "down."
    📣 Every "negative" has a "positive."
    📣 Every "light" needs "darkness."
    📣 Every "easy" has some "difficult."

    📌 Now, if it is true that everything in life has 2 sides, what determines which side we focus on?
    📌 What if we spent our energy focusing on the side of it that serves us best?
    📌 Could we battle some of these things that seek to plague our minds?
    📌 What happens when the anxiety that takes over, and the depression that tries to set in?
    📌 What if our focus was the cheat code to a new outlook on life?

    Join us for another session of UN•THERAPY as we UN•THERAPIZE the Law of Polarity, joyful anticipation vs. anxiety, & the battles connected to your blessings.

    Connect with UN•THERAPY Podcast
    Instagram: ⁠⁠@UntherapyPodcast⁠⁠
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    YouTube: UN•THERAPY Podcast
    UN•THERAPY Facebook Group: 🎉 UN•THERA•PARTY (Official UN•THERAPY Podcast Group)

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    44 mins
    Feb 14 2025


    We need your help UN•THERAPIZING something...

    I know it "appears" that we are all in the same fight...but are we really?

    We know the nation is in an uproar over what may be considered some pretty basic needs, but let me ask you this...

    📌 If we all fight to restore what has been lost, will we all benefit equally from it?
    📌 Has your voice been recruited for the fight, but you are unable to partake in the benefits of the win?

    Join us for another session of UN•THERAPY as we UN•THERAPIZE DEI, participants in "the fight", & generational effects on the decisions we make.

    Connect with UN•THERAPY Podcast
    Instagram: ⁠⁠@UntherapyPodcast⁠⁠
    Facebook: ⁠⁠UN•THERAPY Podcast ⁠
    YouTube: UN•THERAPY Podcast
    UN•THERAPY Facebook Group: 🎉 UN•THERA•PARTY (Official UN•THERAPY Podcast Group)

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    52 mins
    Feb 7 2025


    We need your help UN•THERAPIZING something...

    Would you consider someone unauthentic if they didn't give 100% in a relationship or partnership?

    There's definitely no wrong answer. In a world full of intentionality, it's totally fair to want someone to give you their all.

    📌 But what about a podcast or show?
    📌 Does that rule still apply?
    📌 How do you present your full, authentic self while still preserving your privacy & maintaining your boundaries?
    📌 Does everyone need to know everything about you?
    📌 If they don't, does that make you any less authentic?

    Join us for another session of UN•THERAPY as we UN•THERAPIZE how we measure authenticity, the gift of being you, & maximizing your moments with what you already have.

    Connect with UN•THERAPY Podcast
    Instagram: ⁠⁠@UntherapyPodcast⁠⁠
    Facebook: ⁠⁠UN•THERAPY Podcast ⁠
    YouTube: UN•THERAPY Podcast
    UN•THERAPY Facebook Group: 🎉 UN•THERA•PARTY (Official UN•THERAPY Podcast Group)

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    59 mins
    Jan 31 2025


    We need your help UN•THERAPIZING something...

    During our session, we had a conversation about potlucks and what people expect from you when you show up because you've mastered it.

    We had seafood on the menu, collard greens, mac & cheese...I mean the list was extensive. But the reason we were so sure about what we would be bringing is because we've done such a great job at executing those things that people have requested that we continue to do it.

    That's exactly how it should be. Not only as it relates to food but also as it relates to life.

    📌 What is it that you do so well that when u show up, people know which solution has entered the room?
    📌 What is it about what you do that makes others sit in joyful anticipation of what you are capable of creating?
    📌 What are those things that you are confident in doing that people can't get enough of?

    Join us for another session of UN•THERAPY as we UN•THERAPIZE passion vs. purpose, whether we can profit from our purpose, & what solutions show up when we walk into a room.

    Connect with UN•THERAPY Podcast
    Instagram: ⁠⁠@UntherapyPodcast⁠⁠
    Facebook: ⁠⁠UN•THERAPY Podcast ⁠
    YouTube: UN•THERAPY Podcast
    UN•THERAPY Facebook Group: 🎉 UN•THERA•PARTY (Official UN•THERAPY Podcast Group)

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    57 mins
  • WELCOME TO WON HUNDRED (The Essentials Of A Vision)
    Jan 23 2025


    Usually, we need your help UN•THERAPIZING something, but today we CELEBRATE...


    Listen, we WON ya'll.

    No, there wasn't any competition, so let me put it into perspective just a bit. It's one thing to have a vision, and it's another thing to put it out, but to have an amazing community of people who support you week in & week out is truly a blessing, and we appreciate each and every one of you, and we couldn't do any of it without you.

    🙌🏽 Thank you for listening to our rants that transform into stories of personal growth and blueprints for development.

    🙌🏽 Thank you for the constant push via DMs & text that becomes the fuel we need to push the envelope of consistency every week.

    We will get back to UN•THERAPIZING next week, but for now, let's celebrate a vision birthed through adversity and inspire visionaries & creatives to launch their dreams with the personal assurance that you have more than enough to bring it to life!

    Connect with UN•THERAPY Podcast
    Instagram: ⁠⁠@UntherapyPodcast⁠⁠
    Facebook: ⁠⁠UN•THERAPY Podcast ⁠
    YouTube: UN•THERAPY Podcast
    UN•THERAPY Facebook Group: 🎉 UN•THERA•PARTY (Official UN•THERAPY Podcast Group)

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    1 hr and 28 mins
    Jan 17 2025


    We need your help UN•THERAPIZING something...

    Is it just me, or do some of us say more about what we don't want to happen rather than what we do want to happen?

    Speaking things into existence can work both ways; you either see what u wanted to happen because you said it, or you see what you didn't want to happen because you spoke it.

    Sometimes, we don't realize that the narratives that we speak or, as they say, "buy into" determine where our energy is directed and, at times, cause us to withdraw out of our mental wealth bank instead of making deposits into it.

    📌 So what's the solution?
    📌 How can we create a better flow into these mental wealth banks?
    📌 What can we do to get a greater return on our investments?

    Join us for another session of UN•THERAPY as we UN•THERAPIZE negative compliments, narratives within our community that may be damaging our mindsets, & the power of changed behavior.

    Connect with UN•THERAPY Podcast
    Instagram: ⁠⁠@UntherapyPodcast⁠⁠
    Facebook: ⁠⁠UN•THERAPY Podcast ⁠
    YouTube: UN•THERAPY Podcast
    UN•THERAPY Facebook Group: 🎉 UN•THERA•PARTY (Official UN•THERAPY Podcast Group)

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    1 hr and 9 mins