
  • Truth Wanted 08.10 03-07-2025 with ObjectivelyDan and @blitzphd
    Mar 8 2025
    In today’s episode of the Truth Wanted, Objectivity Dan and Dr. Blitz, slow a star down to drive it towards another star to avoid the word salad bar in this universe that is still not fine tuned.

    Steve in NE cites a paper The Spider Stellar Engine: a Fully Steerable Extraterrestrial Design? https://ress.at/news_uploads/2411.05038v1.pdf This describes a nearby star with some spectroscopic signals that show the star is decelerating where one explanation is extraterrestrial design. What other solutions could there be for this star slowing down? Who says these are artificially generated? Whenever there are claims with, “probably” we need to be careful. We need several pieces of data that point to the same thing. The discussion continues with a different claim of wreckage material that has a date older than our solar system. Why are you convinced these claims are true and why would you believe his own counter arguments to the criticisms? If you start with the conclusion, you will always find some stuff. Whether that stuff supports your conclusion is a different story.

    Catholic Traditionalist (CT) wants to talk about ontological intelligibility where god is defined as an intelligent agent that has no beginning. We might have a basic understanding of how things work, but how do we get to god from that? What does it mean to understand things on a basic level? People perceive things without understanding them all the time. If we have this agreed upon definition of understanding what is around us, what next? Do properties exist on their own or are there features of minds interacting with things on the ontological status? CT fails at his attempt to put the hosts in a different world by comparing their perception to “other atheists”. If you claim to speak with hundreds of atheists online, why doesn’t your script cover nominalism? Your projection of word salad is hilarious and if you are going to use words like “ontological” you need to know what nominalism is.

    Gregory in TN asks Dr. Blitz about the fine tuning argument that we get all the time and whether it is a non-starter or if we should try to take it apart. Dr. Blitz describes how this argument has at least two problems: 1. We must first know how the universe could have been and we can’t evaluate this probability. 2. From a theist’s point of view, the assumption must be made that not only god exists, but this god must want life to exist. How can we determine the likelihood of parameters if we don’t know the likelihood or the parameters? How fine tuned are god’s desires and why is his will so fine tuned?

    Thank you for tuning in this week! AJ, our backup host, joins us to close out the show. Prompt of the week is: Combine two conspiracy theories to make the ultimate conspiracy theory.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Truth Wanted 08.09 02-28-2025 with Jon the Skeptick and Kelley Laughlin
    Mar 1 2025
    In today’s episode of the Truth Wanted, Jon the Skeptic and Kelley Laughlin avoid discussing how to make a glove out of foreskins by working through some calls that need unraveling.

    Gregory Peccary in TX blows the whistle on people who insist on giving airtime to well researched mysteries that are not commonly accepted yet continue to be exploited. Even when there is no evidence, people want things to be real, and it eats up tons of money. Why do you think Ouija Boards are still being sold? What kind of wacky inventions can you come up with to make people think we are communicating with the dead?

    When Bagel in Canada was a teenager, he experienced a 10 mile walk in the rain where he engaged in prayer that he thought was answered by god by manipulating the weather and summoning a ride. It was not until an atheist kid mentioned “if statistical anomalies did not happen, that fact would be a statistical anomaly itself” that Bagel realized it was all a crock. Why would god stop the rain and not help millions of starving children? Where are god’s priorities if this were true? What kind of terrible arguments did you used to believe that jump out at you now as silly?

    Daen Dark in AR believes that divine sovereignty is our inseparable connection to the one true creator that has no real name. How do you demonstrate that this is creation without giving an example? Is the creator in your mind also in our minds? What are you doing that people are not doing to perceive this creator? Is this creator an energy or is it an actual being? If this is a working theory, it needs to be nailed down so you can demonstrate it to everyone. Think critically about what the real reason is for you to think and talk this way. Using poetic and artistic language may sound beautiful, but does not make something true. Many of us have come from the same place as you and have realized that using these ideas do not make things work. Start looking at the world as it is, and not the way you want it to be.

    Jim in FL has gone from Greek Orthodox to Deism where a higher power is an energy that can’t be known by man and needs to bring people together. If this can’t be known by man, how can you perceive and define it? Why do you conclude that this energy is a higher power? If you make a claim, it is up to you to explain how you got there. We are trying to find out how you got to this belief, not engage in a debate. How do we know that any of this is not man made? It may be hard to know when you have exhausted all the variables. How can we come to the same conclusion as you with this concept of Deism being the only remaining explanation so that we can relate?

    Dee in IA has some thoughts about the caller who chemically alters his brain with drugs, and wants to know how the “woo” helps us with trans rights and the law. Taking a drug that makes you think you saw god does not mean there is a god.
    Stephen Harder, our back-up host joins us to help close out the show. Thank you for joining us and remember our question of the week is: What is something that you know, but wish you didn't?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 39 mins
  • Truth Wanted 08.08 with ObjectivelyDan and Eli Slack
    Feb 22 2025
    Today’s episode of the Truth Wanted, Objectively Dan and Eli Slack use tulpas as their assistants to explore how much the truth matters to celebrities espousing ridiculous concepts of truth before a deep dive into what the truth is for callers.

    James in NY wants to talk about how tulpamancy and mental conditioning help shape our concepts of god and religion. Some people say the development of primates had to do with psychedelic mushrooms and this is entirely possible. There is a chance that the Book of Revelation is a result of something like this. One has to wonder if we can ask questions without actually verbalizing and this is fun to think about. How would a tulpa change the questions that you ask or think about?

    Jamie in TX asks if it matters what popular figures performative espouse things about Christianity that were popular in the 1940’s. Religion is always a reflection of the culture. How would someone from the first century recognize the versions of Christianity today? The truth of what these people are saying probably does not matter to them.

    Ben in AL wants to know if some of the people who call have a different definition of what “true” means. Many people will have a descriptive version of truth that conforms to their bias. When people start to ask why it could not have been their god that caused events, it gets them far into heavy lifting with the truth. This is when it is helpful to ask if their methods of determining the truth are reliable. If our ability to reason is tied to our material conditions, then what does that say about how we should treat one another?

    Kelley Laughlin, our backup host, joins with an awesome smile to close out the show. Thank you for tuning in! Prompt of the week is: What was one of Jesus’s lesser known miracles?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • Truth Wanted 08.07 with ObjectivelyDan and Thinker
    Feb 15 2025
    In today’s episode of Truth Wanted, Objectively Dan and Thinker work through calls of agnostic influence as the ethics of skin bleaching drip down to questions of secular replacements for the worries of materialist worldviews.

    Jim, a first time caller in FL, has for the last 20 years been discovering different belief systems and currently describes being agnostic and is thinking there still must be a higher power. The hosts ask a series of questions: What leads you to believe there is a higher power at all? Why does love need a higher power to exist? What do you need to know what the universe has in store for you? How do you know if there is a higher power? Why do you need a god to make a difference in this world? Why would you pursue this when it is unknown? Dan appreciates having a reverence greater than the self when something can be verified, and suggests Jim may be a deist. Thinker drills in with the question of “why” as the caller expresses the strong desire to influence people. We want to hear more of Jim’s thoughts as this journey continues.

    Steven in NY has some questions about the ethics of using skin bleaching products in Japan. Dan describes the racial undertones with the use of these products. Thinker reminds us that people should be able to do what they want with their skin. Why are there so many Christians in the beauty care world? Skin bleaching can be useful for when people are uncomfortable with spots on the face. How is tanning different from skin bleaching and how does this compare to black face? People may see this as a fashion trend and what is seen as attractive.We can’t make a judgement of what people’s motivations are. Thinker suggests culture change through education and teaching people about self love. How do you change culture when we have these identities? Education about the background that is behind this is an important part of understanding the dynamic of skin color change.

    Sven in WA wants to know how confident the hosts are of secular replacements for the worries that can come from the materialist worldview. Dan reminds us that the bad guys seem to follow the most authoritarian religions. We must have the tools to escape those constructs where a higher power tells us what to do all the time. Thinker clarifies what the caller is asking and turns the question around. Why would there not be replacements for these things? If there are people who can not accept the earth is round, does that mean the earth is not round? We are not going around evangelizing; in what scenario would it be better for us to hide? Why do you think the countries who are most developed are also the most secular?

    Kelley Laughlin, our ba
    ckup host, joins to close us out and reminds us to have a great time on his birthday! What a great show! Prompt of the week is: What do you most want to hear about the other side? Thinker gives us some thoughts of wisdom by reminding us to ask the question!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • Truth Wanted 08.06 02-07-2025 with ObjectivelyDan and Thom Norman
    Feb 8 2025
    In today’s episode of the Truth Wanted, Objectively Dan and Thom Norman with Farm Kind, discuss veganism along with a variety of subtopics that atheists need to be talking more about.

    Steve in NE brings up lab grown meat and wants to know how the hosts feel about it. Thom informs us that this is something that not only avoids the slaughter of animals, but how it is also good for the environment. If we are informed about this rather than seeing it banned, we will be able to make decisions for ourselves on whether or not we should consume this meat. Dan is all for it and encourages people to try the meat that has already been produced to help determine the quality and compare with how it will improve years from now. The FDA has already improved it yet some states think it is in their best interest to ban it. What reason would a state have to ban lab grown meat? How can we build big enough factories for this to be produced efficiently? How many jobs would this create?

    Dee in IA uncovers the cruelty of how we treat animals. The reason for this cruelty goes back to the book of Genesis where it commands man to have dominion over and subdue animals. The statement in the Book of Acts that says all meat is cool to eat has changed human history drastically. Why engage in practices that harm the animal with no human gain such as broiler chicken production? If you could live your whole life without eating cows, then why kill the cow in the first place? How can we approach this systemic change? Why is it a problem to compare this practice to slavery? Remember the end product does not come from small farms because they do not have the infrastructure. What farms slaughter the animal only after its natural lifespan is near the end?

    Daniel in Canada is making an effort to eliminate factory farming by buying free range eggs, grass fed beef, eating smaller portions, and avoiding fast food retailers. Every little thing that we can do will make a difference and be meaningful improvements. There are a whole range of things that can be done that are beyond dietary restrictions such as donating to organizations to offset what you do consume. How can the lives of meat farmed animals be similar to the horrors of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Why not also help another sentient being with a nervous system if you can?

    Thank you for tuning in truth seekers! Kelley Laughlin, our back-up host helps close us out with a rainbow tie and ready to take on beef in the chat! Prompt of the week is: Name the strangest widely held non-critical belief. (Non-political answers only).

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Truth Wanted 08.05 01-31-2025 with ObjectivelyDan and Tracy Wilbert
    Feb 1 2025
    Show notes will be posted upon receipt.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • Truth Wanted 08.04 with ObjectivelyDan and Benjamin Clodfelter 2025-01-24
    Jan 25 2025
    In today’s episode of the Truth Wanted, Objectively Dan and Benjamin Clodfelter, discuss defense tactics against Christian Nationalism before a surprise call from Jon who thinks that men who are not woke can beat Ronda Rousey in a fight.

    Rogue Show in SC asks the hosts how a layman person can defend against Christian Nationalism. Ben advises to get involved with any of thousands of organizations and help contribute to a number of causes. Everyone has the ability to go out and make a difference. ACLU and the Human Rights Campaign are two places to start. Dan mentions Recovering From Religion, and how that activism does not have to be something that is on the books and how it is more than just donating or volunteering. Living your life by your own principles is a good way to do it.

    Chase in the USA wants to talk about where art and activism merge and how there are methods such as writing screen plays, spoken words, and music. Ben mentions how some of the best art that has ever been created has come out of diversity and resistance. Dan reminds us that art that we create is not only helpful for the present, but also the future because it is like planting trees. Even public speaking like what the hosts do can be a form of helpful and impactful art! Practice, talk with strangers, and get used to talking in these spaces. Dan plays the violin and will think about being some random guy playing at a protest, even when it is 100 degrees in Texas.

    Dee in IA pushes back on the voicemail and describes how it is illogical and erroneous to point at Israel fulfilling any kind of prophecy. She mentions how we need to pull back support and take a harder line with war criminals. Dan describes how there is a lot of discourse for what is happening there. In response to the actions of Hamas, what is a proportional response to their actions? What actions should be taken as long as the ends justify the means? Dan reminds us that we are limited with our commentary on geopolitical events.

    Jon from Canada wants to say that being woke is dangerous because it discriminates against white men, and men are necessary. Is Dan not woke anymore because is a white guy? What organizations are actively “woke” by discriminating against white men? What percentage of the firefighters in California are black women, and why do you say they are not qualified to handle it? Were the white men firefighters we saw on the news just wearing costumes? Why are men more physically capable? Do you think you can beat up Ronda Rousey? You are taking hypothetical situations and applying it to people you don’t even know. Why can’t you name one black woman who is fighting these fires and why can’t you tell us what statistics you know?

    Clement in Spain notices how a lot of comments from the U.S. make it seem like they are the guardians of the world. How should foreign policy be consistent with addressing our alliances regardless of the administrations that come and go? Could the average person in the U.S. point out different countries on a map or know how much any member of NATO is contributing?

    After sporting tin foil hats, Scott Dickie the backup host joins us to close out the show. Thank you for tuning in this week. Prompt of the week is to finish the story: Three Flat Earthers go to Antarctica

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 37 mins
  • Truth Wanted 08.02 with ObjectivelyDan and Amanda Bonanza
    Jan 18 2025
    This week, ObjectivelyDan and Amanda Bonanza delve into reincarnation and spiritism, “preaching” atheism, and ethical questions of space travel.

    Eduardo calls in from Brazil to talk about spiritism. He discusses the existence of local gods/spirits for each culture or region and says that our purpose is to grow in knowledge and morality. But if we think that humans just tend to be spiritual and build beliefs and myths, how do we know which claim is true? Eduardo says that they compliment each other because spirits are reincarnated in people. It seems like he is coming up with more ideas to try to reconcile the two claims. But how do we get to reincarnation if we don’t know if it’s a real option in the first place?

    Amanuel from Texas wonders what atheism’s selling pitch is? Why do we “preach” atheism? The hosts explain that the truth is the truth. It exists whether people believe it or not. Religion seems like the better deal for most people, but if it isn’t true, then you’ve been wasting your time, and even worse, you could be harboring prejudices because of it. Prejudice is baked into the cake in Christianity. There are plenty of Christians that don’t have prejudices and aren’t bigots, but the idea that God tells you what rules you need to follow and if you don’t, you're going to hell for eternity and are a bad person. Amanuel asks what prejudices Christians have against atheists. Jesus and God specifically say that they atheists are fools and that they aren't allowed in heaven. And that’s just in the bible and excludes the broader current culture of the world. There are currently people being killed around the world because they are atheists. In America, there are many people who believe you can’t be an American if you’re not a Christian. Amanuel says we need god, but why? Why does he need god? He says that he doesn’t believe we’re bad people, but we’re not going to heaven solely because we don’t believe. They aren’t more sinners than he is, they just don’t believe in God. God is his best friend but also his worst enemy. That sounds awful man. The hosts can’t just choose to believe in God so they can go to heaven if they aren’t convinced God even exists.

    Dan from Canada calls to talk updates on the drone situation in New Jersey. Unfortunately, there’s no new stories about them since the last time he called. He brings up an interesting moral thought experiment. Would it be moral if, for the good of the species, we sent an intergenerational colony ship into space? Is the good of the species worth more than the good of the individuals who would be on that ship? If we don’t have interstellar travel or cryogenics figured out yet, is it ethical to send a sustainable ship to just go out and explore until we do figure it out? Is it ethical for kids to be born and grow up on a ship since they didn’t consent to it?

    Thanks for joining us this week! Finish the joke in the comments: Ken Ham, Kent Hovind, and Ray Comfort walk into a bar…

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/truth-wanted--3195473/support.
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    1 hr and 31 mins