• #227: Zacchaeus the Tax Collector: A Lesson in Redemption
    Jan 27 2025

    "Luke 19:1-10 – The Story of Zacchaeus: A Lesson in Redemption."

    Zacchaeus was a notorious tax collector known for greed and dishonesty, stealing from his fellow Israelites. But everything changed when he heard the name of Jesus. Drawn by curiosity and a stirring in his heart, Zacchaeus climbed a tree to catch a glimpse of the Savior. It was no coincidence that Jesus sought him out that day, offering grace and transforming his life forever.

    Truth Seekers is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

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    13 mins
  • #226: The Parable of the Persistent Widow (Lessons on Prayer)
    Jan 20 2025

    Luke 18: 1-14. Jesus talked much about prayer. He was clear about the importance of talking on a regular basis with our Heavenly Father. He even gave parables, or illustrations, to help us understand how to pray. In this episode, we learn that it's okay to not give up our faith in prayer and that we should come to God with humble and repentant hearts.

    Truth Seekers is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

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    14 mins
  • #225: Praying the Bible (John 14:9-14: I am in the Father and the Father is in me)
    Jan 16 2025

    Jesus has promised us that He would never leave us or forsake us and we can rest assured that as we put our faith in Him, He comes and makes His home in our hearts. We can talk to Him anytime, and the more we spend time with Him, the more we learn about Him and His love for us.

    Truth Seekers is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

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    8 mins
  • #224: Ten Lepers Cleansed (A Life of Thanksgiving)
    Nov 17 2024

    Luke 17:11-19. There is so much for which to be grateful. Jesus has given us new life. He has taken our sins and our guilt and our shame and in exchange, He has give us His righteousness and forgiveness. If we ever forget, let us be quick to remember all that He has done for us, and let us live from a place of perpetual gratitude.

    Truth Seekers is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

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    12 mins
  • #223: Praying the Bible (Matthew 5:16: Let Your Light Shine)
    Nov 4 2024

    The more we spend time with Jesus, the more we will reflect Him to a world in darkness. We are the light that reflects the truth of who Jesus is to a lost and broken world.

    Truth Seekers is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

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    6 mins
  • #222: The Rich Man and Lazarus (Learning to Use our Money and Resources for the Kingdom of God)
    Oct 21 2024

    Luke 16. Jesus told parables on money throughout His time on earth because He knew the power money could hold on people. Of all the false gods in this world, money is a strict master. No amount of money can save us, and those who have all the money they could ever need, find that joy is something they still lack without Jesus. Jesus provides everything we could ever need, and He will bless us as we use our money and resources for things of eternal value.

    Truth Seekers is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

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    21 mins
  • #221: The Prodigal Son
    Oct 7 2024

    Jesus tells a series of three parables about the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. Clearly God is a God who longs to be reunited with those who are separated from Him. The story of the prodigal son is one that gives an intimate look into the heart of a Heavenly Father who waits and watches for the lost to return home. He is always drawing us, longing for reconciliation. He is a God who is compassionate, slow to anger, and ready to forgive.

    Truth Seekers is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

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    14 mins
  • #220: Praying the Bible (John 14:15-21: The Helper)
    Sep 30 2024

    Jesus gave one of the most amazing promises before He left this earth to return to His Father. He promised that those who put their faith in Him would receive a Helper! Jesus did not abandon us or leave us alone to face the hardships of this world. He gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in us and is there to point us to Jesus, remind us of truth, and to lead us and guide us. The more we read the Bible, the more we will learn to hear His voice.

    Truth Seekers is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org

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    12 mins