• The Passion Project - A Heart for the Work
    Mar 2 2025

    In this installment of The Passion Project, Pastor Mark Medley dives into the account of Nehemiah’s mission to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, revealing how a divinely placed burden can awaken profound purpose. Mark, known simply as Mark when he’s in teaching mode, points to Nehemiah’s reaction to the city’s broken condition—he weeps, fasts, and prays, allowing the heaviness of the situation to stir his heart. This story speaks directly to anyone who feels weighed down by circumstances, reminding us that the issues we can’t shake off might be exactly where God wants us to act.

    Mark explains that the real strength behind rebuilding a city, or any broken aspect of our lives, lies in developing “a heart for the work.” Nehemiah’s approach highlights the power of prayer and unity. Faced with relentless opposition from critics, he refuses to be derailed by mockery or intimidation. Instead, he brings every concern to God, urging his people not to fear but to remember the Lord who fights on their behalf. This bold leadership sparks courage, showing us that words, when infused with faith, can build up those around us.

    A key turning point occurs when the wall reaches the halfway mark—often the hardest stage of any project. Mark reminds us that the middle is where discouragement can take root. But with a clear vision and collective effort, Nehemiah and his team press on. They work with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other, symbolizing the balance between staying on task and defending against spiritual attacks. Mark relates this to our modern challenges, from family struggles to career roadblocks, emphasizing that perseverance isn’t about ignoring obstacles; it’s about anchoring ourselves in God’s promises while we keep moving.

    Finally, Mark poses the same question Nehemiah’s story raises: How do we measure success? Drawing from passages like Matthew 25, he affirms that God values faithfulness over worldly achievements. In the face of life’s rubble, Jesus is our ultimate builder, renewing what seems irreparable and inviting us to participate in His redemptive plan. By following Nehemiah’s footsteps—letting burdens create vision, forging unity with others, and trusting God’s guidance—we can find hope and purpose no matter what challenges arise. Discover how a heart for the work can transform not just walls, but entire lives and communities.

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    49 mins
  • The Passion Project - The Value Of Teamwork
    Feb 23 2025

    Welcome to The Passion Project series with Pastor Tyler Lynde, where we uncover the profound impact of teamwork through the story of Nehemiah. This ancient Jewish leader discovered Jerusalem’s walls in ruins and recognized that rebuilding them meant more than physical protection—it meant restoring hope and identity. Tyler walks us through Nehemiah’s remarkable leadership, showing how he invited everyone to join in the effort by saying, “Come, let us build,” rather than simply demanding they follow.

    In Nehemiah 2:17-18, we see a vision unfold as people from all backgrounds—priests, artisans, and everyday community members—came together to reconstruct the walls. The high priest was the first to rise up and work on the Sheep Gate, setting an example of servant leadership that sparked unity. Drawing from 1 Corinthians 12:14-20, Tyler emphasizes how every part of the body, or community, holds unique value. Even the Tekoites, who stepped in twice to repair separate sections (Nehemiah 3:5, 3:27), remind us that no contribution is too small or repeated efforts too many when pursuing a collective goal.

    Tyler also addresses the challenges Nehemiah faced—past failures and complacency had left people reluctant to act. Yet faith and determination turned “we tried that before” into “let us rise up and build.” By exploring Psalm 133:1, Tyler reveals how God values unity and pours out blessings when people dwell together in harmony. A quick look at John 5:1-9 further illustrates the transformative power of divine intervention, reminding us that God meets us in the midst of our brokenness and ushers in healing.

    As Tyler unpacks these Scriptures, he shows how a passionate commitment to teamwork and reliance on God’s guidance can lead to remarkable change in our lives today. Whether you’re seeking to rebuild a fractured relationship, strengthen a ministry, or pursue a new calling, Nehemiah’s story serves as a testament that faith-fueled collaboration makes the impossible possible. Join Tyler in reclaiming your passion for unity, and discover how God can use your unique gifts to accomplish something far greater than you ever imagined.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    37 mins
  • The Passion Project - A Vision Expedition - Faith in Action
    Feb 16 2025

    In this second message from The Passion Project, Pastor Scott Wiens reveals how Nehemiah’s story offers a practical roadmap for anyone responding to a burning passion from God. Drawing on Ephesians 2:10, Scott emphasizes that every person is designed for particular good works, tailored to their gifts and circumstances. Nehemiah’s decision to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls demonstrates five vital lessons about transforming divine calling into real-life results.

    First, it takes courage to move forward in faith. Nehemiah risked his position by approaching King Artaxerxes—yet God’s sovereignty and perfect timing turned that gamble into an incredible opportunity. Scott compares this to biblical figures like Moses, Paul, and Joshua, all of whom had to leave comfort zones to fulfill God’s purposes. Second, passionate faith must be paired with an actionable plan. While God orchestrates the outcome, Nehemiah still requested timber, letters for safe travel, and other logistics, showing that responsible preparation undergirds successful ministry.

    Third, obstacles are nearly inevitable when doing significant work for God. From spiritual attacks to criticism, faithful individuals often face headwinds meant to stall progress. Instead of giving up, Nehemiah stood firm, modeling how to resist negativity and rely on the Lord’s protection. Fourth, wise discernment keeps faith-driven efforts from becoming reckless. By scouting the city at night and guarding his intentions until the right moment, Nehemiah balanced passion with prudence. Scott highlights Matthew 10:16, where Jesus calls His followers to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves—an apt lens through which to view Nehemiah’s method.

    Finally, compelling communication unites people around a shared vision. Nehemiah rallied the inhabitants of Jerusalem by clearly stating the need, pointing to God’s provision, and explaining how their cooperation would spark renewal. Much the same way, believers today can inspire unity and action by casting a clear vision that others can embrace. When individuals link arms in faith, the results can transcend personal limitations and bring about genuine transformation.

    Scott’s reflection on Nehemiah urges everyone to see that responding to God’s call is not just about momentary zeal; it’s a journey blending belief, courage, and organized effort. Whether you sense a divine nudge to launch a new ministry, influence your workplace, or encourage a friend, the narrative of rebuilding Jerusalem speaks volumes. This kind of faith in action can tear down barriers, lift up communities, and shine a light on God’s faithfulness. As you listen, consider where you might apply Nehemiah’s example, trusting that God can turn any risk into a testimony of His power and grace.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    45 mins
  • The Passion Project - A Plea for Divine Help
    Feb 9 2025

    Pastor Kelly Kinder launches The Passion Project by bringing the book of Nehemiah into vivid focus. In a down-to-earth way, Kelly starts with a humorous story about teaching teenagers to drive—an experience that reveals how unexpected mishaps can shift our perspective. This becomes a springboard into Nehemiah’s remarkable task of rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls after decades of exile. At a time when God’s people felt broken and ashamed, Nehemiah chose prayer and unwavering trust in God’s promises to guide his actions.

    Kelly underscores that Nehemiah’s path teaches several core lessons. Leadership matters, not as a quest for personal glory but as a means to rally others toward God’s purposes. Unity among God’s people carries remarkable strength—something clearly displayed when Jerusalem’s ruined walls were restored in a mere 52 days. Facing opposition is inevitable; Nehemiah encountered skeptics and enemies committed to thwarting his progress. Nevertheless, his resolve never wavered because he continually sought God’s guidance. Through it all, the pursuit of holiness remains essential: true restoration cannot happen without acknowledging sin and aligning life with God’s standards.

    A highlight of Nehemiah’s journey is his poignant prayer in the first chapter. Kelly draws attention to seven distinct elements within it, each one underscoring an aspect of dependence on the Lord. Nehemiah starts by acknowledging God’s greatness, then pleads for a listening ear, confesses wrongdoing, and leans on divine promises. He recognizes that the people belong to God, asks boldly for favor, and stays watchful for the door God might open to act on his burden. Kelly shows how this prayer resonates for modern believers: even if the context differs, the same principles of humility, confession, and hope in God’s faithfulness apply.

    The message also challenges us to remember that prayer is not passive. Nehemiah’s reverence for God ignites him to rebuild and rally those around him. Kelly relates this ancient example to present-day faith struggles, suggesting that God remains ready to heal broken walls—whether in relationships, communities, or within our own hearts. As The Passion Project kicks off, the call is clear: combine steadfast prayer with passionate dedication to see God transform ruins into places of renewed life. By looking to Nehemiah’s story, we glean practical wisdom for confronting challenges, trusting in God’s power, and stepping boldly into divine opportunities.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    53 mins
  • Reaching Farther
    Feb 2 2025

    In “Reaching Farther,” Pastor Tyler Lynde invites us to question what true greatness looks like in a world where status and recognition often take center stage. Instead of seeking power, Tyler explains how Jesus’ teaching in Luke 22:24-27 reveals a radically different approach—one where serving others defines authentic significance. Drawing on personal reflections, including a moment of self-discovery when caring for a newborn, Tyler shows that real growth happens when we prioritize compassion over convenience. Everyday acts of kindness, whether within our families or toward complete strangers, hold the key to transformation.

    Tyler underscores that this mindset extends beyond our immediate circles. Echoing Deuteronomy 10:12 and Galatians 5:13, he reminds us we’re called to serve God wholeheartedly and use our freedom to love one another. That same spirit of service must also reach the broader world, aligning with Jesus’ commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Whether by going, sending, or praying, believers can engage in global missions that illustrate the love of Christ to those in need. Through these collective efforts, the church becomes a vibrant community of people stepping forward with their unique strengths, ensuring that no one shoulders the burden alone.

    Central to Tyler’s message is the compelling example of Jesus’ own servanthood—particularly the moment He washed His disciples’ feet in John 13. This humble act encapsulates the essence of God’s “upside-down kingdom,” where ordinary tasks become opportunities to show empathy and build deeper connections. Embracing this perspective challenges conventional ideas of power, inviting us to examine whether we aim to be served or to serve. In a world hungry for genuine hope, following Jesus’ model can shift the focus from self-interest to sincere acts of care.

    Tyler highlights how such a stance not only shapes our relationships but also carries spiritual weight. As we serve, we grow more Christlike, fulfilling our ultimate purpose as disciples. The joy and unity found in a culture of service can transform both the local church and its surrounding community. Even beyond our hometowns, a willingness to reach out—be it through short-term mission trips or long-term support—can change lives globally. For Tyler, this is a crucial part of “reaching farther,” extending the compassion of Christ to every corner of the world. Ultimately, this teaching calls us to trade the pursuit of self for the deeper reward of living each day by the motto, “I live to give.”

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    31 mins
  • Growing Deeper
    Jan 26 2025

    Tyler Lynde explores how God provides everything we need to grow deeper in faith, using a vivid illustration of his grandfather’s transformation of a barren Wyoming valley. Much like the reservoir system that brought water to dry fields, God’s grace flows into our lives when we recognize that we are in Christ and Christ is in us. In 2 Peter 1:3-10, the Apostle Peter describes the virtues—faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection, and love—that form a road map for believers to grow spiritually and remain fruitful.

    Tyler shows that these qualities aren’t meant to be passive; they require our active participation. Spiritual growth happens when we cultivate the “soil” of our hearts through prayer, study of Scripture, and daily reliance on the Holy Spirit. It also involves real-life application—choosing love over indifference, practicing self-control when temptation strikes, and persevering in the face of challenges. Through these acts, we discover that God’s power empowers us to overcome the corruption of the world and live with renewed purpose.

    Far from being a rigid list of moral requirements, these virtues flow from Christ’s presence within us. Tyler reminds us that sanctification is God’s work in our lives, but we have a role in it, too—similar to how a farmer cooperates with the natural elements to produce a healthy crop. By drawing on God’s promises, we find the strength to live in a way that honors Him. Those who neglect these qualities, however, risk spiritual nearsightedness and forget the cleansing they’ve received.

    Tyler also highlights the impact of love, the final and supreme virtue in Peter’s list. This kind of love transforms not just our inner lives but also our relationships with others. Real stories of steadfast believers, like Miss Jean Wright, remind us that love is more than a concept; it’s a powerful expression of Christ’s character at work in everyday life. As we learn to practice this love, our faith communities become life-giving places that encourage deeper growth and wider influence.

    By the end of this message, the takeaway is clear: growing deeper in Christ directly influences how we reach farther in our families, churches, and communities. As we cooperate with God’s Spirit, we’ll find ourselves equipped with everything we need to remain steady, bear fruit, and share hope with a world longing for something more.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    48 mins
  • We Belong Together
    Jan 19 2025

    In We Belong Together, Pastor Tyler Lynde explores how each of us can embrace meaningful community within the family of God. Drawing on Hebrews 10:19-25, Tyler paints a vivid picture of believers who choose to journey side by side, encouraging each other to grow deeper in faith so we can reach farther in love. At the core is the idea that we were created for relationship—first with God, then with one another—and that sin may have fractured those bonds, but Jesus’ sacrifice restores them.

    Tyler begins by reminding us of God’s design for humanity. From the earliest moments in Genesis, community was part of God’s plan; we’re not meant to navigate life alone. When sin entered the world, it severed our ties with God and introduced division into our relationships. But Jesus stepped in to heal what was broken. As His body was broken on the cross, the temple veil tore, signifying direct access to God and a fresh unity among believers. Tyler highlights how this reconnection is not just vertical between us and the Father, but horizontal between fellow Christians.

    Throughout this message, three practical exhortations stand out: draw near in faith, draw near in hope, and draw near in love. Drawing near in faith means living with confidence in Christ’s work on our behalf. Drawing near in hope focuses on trusting that God, who began a good work in us, will bring it to completion. Drawing near in love calls us to reflect God’s heart to one another, letting genuine care and compassion guide every interaction. These steps are more than ideals; they’re vital practices that help us resist loneliness and complacency in our spiritual walk.

    Tyler also addresses the importance of commitment to regular fellowship—“not giving up meeting together.” Whether it’s participating in small groups, sharing testimonies, or joining in prayer, these gatherings become lifelines of faith and hope. We learn to celebrate the good, grieve the hard, and endure trials as a community strengthened by Christ’s presence. By investing in others’ lives and letting them invest in ours, we discover that our faith deepens and our reach expands.

    Ultimately, We Belong Together challenges us to reimagine what it looks like to be part of a church. It’s an invitation to belong, grow, and serve in unity with brothers and sisters in Christ. When we stand together, leaning on God’s love, we embody His vision for a people who shine brightest in a world hungry for genuine connection and grace.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    45 mins
  • Finishing Well
    Jan 5 2025

    Pastor Tyler Lynde shares a powerful message on what it means to finish well, inspired by the Apostle Paul’s final encouragement to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:5-8. Tyler opens by reflecting on how fleeting our days can be, urging everyone to adopt Paul’s view that death for believers is actually gain, not loss. With that perspective, we’re reminded that life isn’t about drifting from day to day but about staying vigilant, focused, and ready to fulfill the calling God has placed on us.

    The thread of endurance runs deeply here. Tyler echoes Paul’s analogy of life as both a fight and a race, pushing believers to confront spiritual opposition without going AWOL. Drawing from passages like 1 Peter 5:8 and Ephesians 6:10-12, he shows how Scripture calls us to stand firm in the face of the enemy’s schemes. When setbacks or suffering arise, we can rely on God’s strength to press on, knowing that He treasures perseverance more than quick, passing victories.

    Part of finishing well is also about investing in others. Tyler emphasizes Paul’s instruction in 2 Timothy 2:2—pass along what you’ve learned so future generations can run their race effectively. We’re not meant to keep our faith in a personal silo; we build each other up and encourage one another to endure. In times of spiritual fatigue, texts like Isaiah 40:28-31 serve as reminders that God provides fresh strength to the weary. Even those who falter can get back up, for we follow a Savior who raises us beyond our limitations.

    Tyler reminds us that Paul’s deep connection with Jesus wasn’t mere head knowledge or religious habit. Rather, it was relational, alive, and fueled by a conviction that Christ is trustworthy to the end. Paul’s anticipation of a crown was never about self-achievement—he knew it belonged to Jesus and would be received by all who long for Christ’s appearing. As we step into a new year, Tyler’s message challenges us to examine the state of our faith. Have we wandered off? Are we running with endurance? Are we nurturing our relationship with Jesus rather than merely checking off spiritual boxes?

    Ultimately, Tyler inspires us to embrace a confident hope. Through Christ’s finished work, eternal life is secured, and the crown of righteousness awaits. This call to finish well extends to every believer, urging us to stay sober-minded, lean on God’s power, and press on in the knowledge that we serve a Lord who never fails those who trust Him.

    We are Trinity Community Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.
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    48 mins