
  • 5 Healthy Phone Boundaries to Try
    Jun 24 2024

    Setting healthy boundaries with your phone is a huge challenge! As artists it can feel like we are expected to be on our phones all the time – posting, sharing, and always active on social media. It seems like an unspoken rule that we need to be putting ourselves out there constantly or our careers will fade out. This just isn’t true, and it certainly is not healthy!

    We aren’t experts, and we are probably in the same boat as you are when it comes to relating to your phone, but we are here to share our struggles and what we do to strive toward more balance. So, tune in to Episode #75 of the Thriving Artists Podcast, 5 Healthy Phone Boundaries to Try, to hear our thoughts on how we work to find our boundaries with our phones!

    As always, we are here cheering you on! This podcast is one of many free resources we offer to artists, and we hope you will join the Thrive Together Network to dive in! Visit www.thrivetogethernetwork.com to learn more!

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    33 mins
  • 10 Content Ideas for Your Art Newsletter
    Jun 10 2024

    We are continuing our little series of episodes about artist newsletters by sharing a dose of inspiration with you! In this episode, we go through a quick list of content ideas for your newsletter. These are some things to consider as you write, including inspiration for what to put in it and more. There are many options because artists have so much to share! It’s important to start by reminding yourself your newsletter goals are and the purpose of your newsletter. Do the work of thinking through what you want your newsletter to do for you and then let that guide your decisions about what content to include. So, join us for Episode #74 of the Thriving Artists Podcast, 10 Content Ideas for Your Art Newsletter, to get those creative juices flowing and let us lighten your newsletter workload.

    As always, we are here cheering you on! This podcast is one of many free resources we offer to artists, and we hope you will join the Thrive Together Network to dive in! Visit www.thrivetogethernetwork.com to learn more!

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    17 mins
  • How to Write a Monthly Art Newsletter
    May 27 2024

    As an artist, it is on us to get the information about our work out into the world. There are many ways to do that, and today’s episode is going to talk about a big one…newsletters! There are many aspects of newsletters, so this is one of a two part series of episodes about the topic. So, for this first episode, we will talk about your system, starting your newsletter and growing a consistent habit with it that you can sustain and boldly put out into the world.

    Take charge of the information going out into the world about your art practice by tuning in to Episode #73 of the Thriving Artists Podcast, How to Write a Monthly Art Newsletter. There are many different ways to tackle this goal, and for many different reasons! Get clarity on how to start with us!

    As always, we are here cheering you on! This podcast is one of many free resources we offer to artists, and we hope you will join the Thrive Together Network to dive in! Visit www.thrivetogethernetwork.com to learn more!

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    19 mins
  • How to Recover from Rejection as an Artist
    May 13 2024

    In this episode, we open up about a topic that is not frequently discussed among artists: rejection! Artists are always applying to things such as shows, residencies, or grants. And rejection is just going to happen! We really believe we need more transparency in the art world and talking about rejection is certainly an area where we need to know we are not alone. It’s not easy to discuss when things don’t go our way and yet, being open helps us connect with others and move through the world with integrity. It can be so encouraging to know that you aren’t the only one who feels a sense of failure.

    So, join us for Episode #72 of the Thriving Artists Podcast, How to Recover from Rejection as an Artist, to talk about the process of going through those pesky rejections. We believe how we handle rejection is important, so tune in to own your artist identity and the inevitable rejection that comes with it!

    This podcast is one of many free resources we offer to artists, and we hope you will join the Thrive Together Network to go even deeper! Visit www.thrivetogethernetwork.com to learn more!

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    18 mins
  • 5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Exhibitions
    Apr 29 2024

    This episode is going to be a game-changer for all you artists out there! As artists, we pour our hearts and souls into our exhibitions. But the magic doesn't have to stop when the show does. We want our members and our listeners to show their work and then continue to benefit from this effort long after the show is done.

    Sometimes you put all your effort into making the work but you forget that actually accomplishing your goals for your exhibition aren’t just about making the work, often there are admin related tasks you need to do that will really give you the results you want from your show! So tune in to Episode #71 of the Thriving Artists Podcast, 5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Exhibitions as we talk strategies for maximizing each exhibition.

    This podcast is one of many free resources we offer to artists, and we hope you will join the Thrive Together Network to go even deeper! Visit www.thrivetogethernetwork.com to learn more!

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    17 mins
  • How to Recover From Feeling Worn Down as an Artist
    Apr 15 2024

    Are you feeling burnt out in the studio? Creativity can be emotionally draining, and it's natural to have periods where you feel low. You are not alone as an artist, and you are especially not alone in feelings of being worn down. It’s a typical part of a lifetime of creative work! You are normal!

    Here in Episode #70 of the Thriving Artists Podcast, How to Recover From Feeling Worn Down as an Artist, we discuss ways to recover from the inevitable feelings of being a worn out artist. From caring for your physical health to finding inspiration we discuss all the ways you can acknowledge when you are feeling drained so you can take care of yourself. It’s all about connecting with your community and remembering why you are passionate about your work.

    We are here for you through all your seasons of life as a thriving artist! Join the Thrive Together Network to build your network of support! Visit www.thrivetogethernetwork.com to learn more!

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    14 mins
  • 5 Reasons You Need to Call Yourself an Artist
    Apr 1 2024

    This episode covers a topic close to our hearts, as we believe in embracing and owning our identities as artists! For some reason it can be a struggle for artists to use the title “artist” until they have achieved certain goals or a specific “level” of achievement.

    However, we can fall into the trap of always needing to meet a new goal before we find the confidence to validate ourselves and claim the artist identity, putting it off indefinitely. So we are here to encourage you to start doing it now! Tune into Episode #69 of the Thriving Artists Podcast, 5 Reasons You Need to Call Yourself an Artist.

    We are here for you, we are cheering you on, and we believe in the work you are doing as thriving artists! Join the Thrive Together Network to build your network of support! Visit www.thrivetogethernetwork.com to learn more!

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    12 mins
  • Must Do's As A Working Artist
    Mar 18 2024

    Ever wonder what the most important things are that you should be doing as an artist? Artists can have so many different things on their plates, and have very different day to day experiences in their studios and in their working life overall. This episode is our practical guide to what we feel is crucial for all working artists! So, tune in to Episode #68 of the Thriving Artists Podcast, 5 Must Do’s as a Working Artist, to learn what we think you need at the top of your list to maintain a sustainable and healthy studio practice.

    Join the Thrive Together Network to build your network of support! Visit www.thrivetogethernetwork.com to learn more!

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    14 mins