• Pesky Little Scriptures | Marriage
    Feb 5 2025

    Nobody likes being bossed around, especially a wife! Those pesky little scriptures in James and Colossians that tell wivs to submit to their husbands are outdated and meant to roll your eyes at and ignore. At least, that's what our culture tells us. And even wives who faithfully adhere to the accuracy and sufficiency of scritpure can struggle with the command to submit to a sinful husband, even more so if their husband is unsaved or unkind.

    Join Elizabeth and Monika as they explore the often challenging, but always righteous command, of submitting to one's own husband.

    James 4:7a - Submit yourselves therefore to God.
    Colossians 3:18 Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.


    When this is the day you consider yourself a wife who submits because you would never make a big decision without your husband's consent, prayerfully examin your daily conversations and the position of your heart. You might be surprised.


    What's Good:

    “I have learned to kiss the waves that throw me up against the Rock of Ages.” Charles Spurgeon

    When Sinners Say I Do by Dave Harvey


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    34 mins
  • The Sualc Atnas Religion | Christmas Special
    Dec 12 2024

    The Star of Bethlehem, wisemen ruining nativity scenes, Santa Claus, and that nasty Herod the Great: Elizabeth and Monika answer listener questions about Christmas and chat about just a few of the traditions that have gone awry, biblical tradition in historical accounts, and other holly jolly related points.


    When this is the day… you want to encourage your child to believe in Santa Claus, consider how they will distinguish between the truth of an unseen God and the fiction of a god-like Santa Claus with similar attributes. The fact is, you can’t encourage a lie as truth, without the truth being taken for a lie.



    Resources: God in the Manger by John Macarthur

    Manger in Danger (A better swap for Elf on the Shelf)


    We will be breaking through January, and return to you in February 2025, as we view more of our everyday chaos through a biblical lens!


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    We want everyone to have a free, printable bookmark, to help you spend more time rightly seeking to understand God's Word. Click here for your free instant print.

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    37 mins
  • Napkin Sermons | Discipleship
    Dec 2 2024

    The pastors who scribble down a sermon on a napkin, should toss that sucker where it belongs: in the trash. The teaching on Sunday is our first line of discipleship, which means the church you attend is critically important. But what happens after the Sunday sermon? The discipleship must continue. So how do you go about it?


    When this is the day you’re waiting around for someone to ask you to disciple them, don’t. Ask an elder or a deacon to connect you with someone. Ask around. Ask someone you’ve connected with if they’re being discipled. If they have someone else in mind to disciple them, help connect them! This isn't dating. It's discipleship. Rejection don't matter. Obedience to the command to disciple others, matters.



    Songs of Suffering: 25 Hymns and Devotions for Weary Souls by Joni Eareckson Tada

    The Heart of Anger: Practical Help for the Prevention and Cure of Anger in Children by Lou Priolo


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    We want everyone to have a free, printable bookmark, to help you spend more time rightly seeking to understand God's Word. Click here for your free instant print.

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    31 mins
  • Spot the Fake with Michelle Lesley
    Nov 18 2024

    Discernment isn’t just about figuring out what’s true and what’s not. Some things are so clear and super easy to spot. But what takes true discernment, is knowing the difference between what’s right, and what’s not quite right.

    Michelle Lesley of A Word Fitly Spoken podcast joins us for this episode, as we discuss how to discern a false teachers and grow in discernment.

    The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. - that’s Hebrews 4:12


    When this is the day you don’t know what names can be trusted, when you don’t know which teachers, authors, and speakers, should be on a “red flag list” or if the very book you’re reading is full of sound, biblical truth - go to God’s word. Study it more than you study anything else. EVER. Memorize the scriptures so the truth is already at your finger tips. Go to your pastor or elders and ask them. Shepherding you to truth is one of their great joys AND gifts.



    Michelle Lesley Website
    Popular False Teachers and Unbiblical Trends
    A Word Fitly Spoken

    The Gospel Call and True Conversion by Paul Washer

    Justin Peters Ministeries


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    We want everyone to have a free, printable bookmark, to help you spend more time rightly seeking to understand God's Word. Click here for your free instant print.

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    37 mins
  • You have 2 new friend requests
    Nov 12 2024

    Why does it sound like Elizabeth just called Monika an “older woman”? Welp, that was not intended—because that cutie pie is far too young for that phrase. What a terrible friend! (hehe)
    And yet, we invite you to listen and learn with both of them about what it means to be a friend. That starts with love, which is both defined and modeled by Christ.

    If you’re a gold-star listener who heard this episode in Season 1, we gave that original episode the ol’ heave-ho and recorded it again with our "more seasoned" podcasting abilities. We hope you enjoy it!


    When this is the day you’re feeling lonely, left out, or wishing for more friends, quiet those melancholy voices and start preaching truth to yourself instead of listening to yourself.

    Remember, you are here to serve and love others—not to be served. Instead of wishing you had friends, practice BEING a friend. Practice it by looking beyond our own interests and considering how we can be kind, welcoming, generous, and loving to others, all for the glory of God, trusting that He will faithfully provide friendships in His perfect timing and in His perfect way.


    Resources: Through the Psalms with Pastor Don Green

    A Word Fitly Spoken Podcast with Michelle Lesley and Amy Spreeman


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    32 mins
  • Murders that happen here don't get solved
    Nov 4 2024

    Discipleship is kinda like being someone’s Google Maps for life. You help them navigate the twists and turns, giving guidance when they’re feeling lost, and cheering for them every time they "arrive." You’re their go-to for directions, but they’re the one doing the driving.

    In a believer's life, both discipling and being discipled is an ongoing occurence, and it's not just suggested that we go about it, but commanded by the God we serve.


    When this is the day you're feeling lost, frustrated, or like you're just spinning your wheels, look at who you are imitating. Paul tells us to imitate him, as he imitates Christ. Are you following closley, one who is closely following Christ? Consider also, who is watching and following you.



    "Let us Run to Jesus Part 1" taught by Pastor Bret Hastings

    "Let us Run to Jesus Part 2" taught by Pastor Bret Hastings

    This is an excellent series to instruct us on how to run our race of faith.

    "What God Ordains is Always Right". by The Gettys


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    We want everyone to have a free, printable bookmark, to help you spend more time rightly seeking to understand God's Word. Click here for your free instant print.

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    30 mins
  • Sheep don't howl
    Oct 21 2024

    We must strive to blend the wisdom of the serpent with the innocence of the dove. We are called to be discerning in our dealings with the world, while freely sharing the gospel and loving others, so clearly set apart that those around us either grow to hate us or become saved.

    Matthew 10:16 Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.


    When this is the day you know that you are blessed to be under godly shepherding, pray for your elders. Every single one. Pray for them in every way you can think of, and praise God for them.


    Resources: A Shepherds Instruction, Exhortation, and Protection: A 4 part sermon series on shepherding by Pastor Travis Allen

    Shepherds for Sale by Megan Basham


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    31 mins
  • When Jane Doe Weeps
    Oct 7 2024

    Weep with those who weep. Elizabeth and Monika look at some really practical, actionable ways to demonstrate love and care for someone who is going through a trial, as always, with a biblcal perspective.


    When this is the day you don’t know what to say or do, simply express your sympathy, and be quiet. Pray that the Lord will direct you with wisdom and discernment, on how to love them well. Listen to this episode for good direction on what you can do.


    Resources: The New Matthew Henry Commentary

    Generations Curriculum for Children


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    We want everyone to have a free, printable bookmark, to help you spend more time rightly seeking to understand God's Word. Click here for your free instant print.

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    33 mins