• Mel Robbins’ “Let Them” - Two Opposing Views
    Feb 18 2025

    Mel Robbins has caught the nation’s attention with her ‘Let Them’ Theory. It’s simple, it’s empowering and it’s not as one-size-fits-all as people want to make it.

    This week, Stephanie and Maren bring opposing views on “Let Them”, which opens up a world of discussions and several thought provoking examples. The essential aspect for leaders is how they use their own experience of sitting on opposite sides of the fence to uplevel the traditional right/wrong/good/bad argument to a higher place of inspiration.

    Covering everything from understanding when ‘Let Them’ is your best path (and when it’s not, hint: if your decision is a reaction, it’s not your best path), to how to move from reaction to inspiration, today’s podcast is filled with gold.

    People are finally learning not to take things personally or try to control every little thing (and person) in life, and applying ‘let them’ everywhere also has a downside. Instead of making it right or wrong, Maren & Stephanie explore a little microcosm that beautifully illustrates how to step into a higher option.

    “We're so literal that we don't tend to make space for another perspective or another thought, and if there is any space, we tend to fill it with assumptions.” ~ Stephanie J. Allen

    • 00:31 Let Them, blessing or excuse?
    • 05:36 Highest possibility
    • 09:10 Breaking the conditioning
    • 12:58 Knowing what’s mine to do
    • 16:20 From Reaction to Inspiration
    • 22:07 Making the space necessary
    • 26:13 It’s a practice
    • 31:29 People meet you where you are

    “Most of the time, people stop being reactive because I'm not being reactive, because I'm coming from inspiration instead. And that is a really cool place to be.” ~ Maren Oslac


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    35 mins
  • Healing from Isolation in a Digital World
    Feb 4 2025

    Have you ever felt invisible? Not seen or heard? Isolated?

    Ironically, you are not alone. More and more people are experiencing this.

    In today’s powerful podcast, Maren shares her own story and together Maren and Stephanie look at this from multiple perspectives including:

    • the role that AI has played - and will play - in this phenomenon
    • how to heal from from the isolation
    • the disease of perfectionism
    • what it means to be a full spectrum human
    • the role of business and how agile (or not) it can be

    Instead of blaming, shaming or pointing fingers, they look at it from empowering angles and ask great, thought provoking questions. If you’ve ever struggled with invisibility or if perfectionism has taken a toll in your life, today’s podcast will get you thinking differently.

    • 04:18 Abdicating our consciousness
    • 08:44 Being in it
    • 09:55 Having it all figured out - perfection
    • 14:24 Being full spectrum
    • 16:33 Healing
    • 20:07 I don’t want to go there, so I hand over my sovereignty
    • 22:11 Being agile in business, a speed boat instead of a cruise ship


    12:05 - whole/hole episode Ep 174 Unwrapping Presence

    13:14 - Ep 39 Matt Damon, Kintsugi & A Set of Dishes


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    32 mins
  • The Remedy for Toxic Business w/Mark Silver
    Jan 21 2025

    Can a business really thrive and NOT be toxic? Can it actually be beneficial to the people running it, its customers, its workers, AND the planet?

    Mark Silver has the answer - and it’s a resounding YES!

    Mark has worked with 1000’s of businesses over the last quarter century and has proof that every act of business can be an act of love. As leaders grasp what that even means and begin to embody it, we will be the change we’ve been waiting for.

    Stephanie and Maren unpack this progressive business (and personal) model with Mark learning about his activism, business and Sufi background along the way. His concept (and book) Heart-Centered Business: Healing the Toxic Business Culture so your Small Business Can Thrive makes for an engaging and inspiring conversation.

    We cover everything from Mark’s fascinating story, to what is the heart of a business, to the gifts and strengths that we are meant to unfold and share, to going beyond the transactional corporate way that we know as business.

    How do we work with our businesses instead of just having an agenda that we force? What might our businesses want to have happen for us or for humanity? These questions and more are at the “Heart” of today’s conversation.

    04:33 The ‘Heart of Business'
    The Sufi perspective, Constant distractions, Outer dissonance
    08:04 Your relationship with your business
    What is my business asking from me? What does it want to give me?
    13:12 Mark’s Story
    Activist and punk, not-for-profit, magazine, Sufi business healing
    16:11 the intersection between outer business practices and inner spiritual truths
    Marketing without the ick. Seeing sales tactics so you don’t get taken in.
    Emotional Hijacking. ‘Best’ business practices.
    30:24 Business as a force for good - the small business revolution
    34:10 Security and joy
    36:48 4 Stages of Business Development
    43:13 Mark’s leadership thoughts on practice
    The ‘thing’ that's going to do it. Environment, and then let it flourish.
    Being uncomfortable


    • 02:11 Heart Centered Business Book
    • 21:12 Emotional Regulation Ep 175
    • 50:30 Missed Takes Ep 161
    • 51:09 Heart Centered Business Book
    • 51:32 www.heartofbusiness.com


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    54 mins
  • Play - the Leadership Skill for 2025
    Jan 7 2025

    As humans we’ve downplayed, or completely ignored, two essential life skills: playfulness and intentionality. As leaders, we are completely missing the boat. Adding lightness to our lives is the skill we most need to cultivate.

    In this week’s podcast, Maren and Stephanie along with their team members, Dave and Lori share the crux of soulful leadership - leadership that heralds play, imagination and positivity - each from their unique perspectives.

    “This is what has brought me into the soulful leader realm. Is matching with people that are similar and heart like minded and that want to lead with integrity and intention” ~ Lori

    Covering everything from Positive Psychology to emotional regulation and intelligence; from the impact of nature/surroundings to the benefits of community and shared experiences; the thread that runs through all of it is the open sharing of both experiences and practices.

    This is an engaging, insightful episode filled with practical ideas as well as questions that will push you to an even better 2025 and beyond. Questions like: “How are you going to lighten up?” And “Where does the play fit in your life for this year?”

    Please let us know your relationship to these questions - and share our podcast with a leader that would benefit from ‘lightening-up’

    • 00:31 Changing of the guard: lightness in business
    • 04:55 Are you the person you wanted to become?
    • 09:55 Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Health
    • 15:59 Issues in our Tissues
    • 19:26 Going to the past to fix it
    • 24:52 What is your anchor?
      • 25:41 Dave - shifting mindsets with play and imagination
      • 32:40 Lori - anchoring through nature and awareness
      • 36:50 Stephanie - leadership as a path
    • 39:37 What’s calling in 2025


    32:12 Positive Intelligence

    40:11 Podcast 176 Interview with Mark Silver


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    45 mins
  • Unwrapping Presence
    Dec 24 2024

    Have you ever struggled with any aspect of the holiday season?
    If so, you’ll want to tune into today’s podcast.

    If you could do holidays differently, what might that look like? And why?
    What would it mean to you to get you in touch with your own inner presence and your gifts?

    Mass consumerism, big business, advertising and social media have co-opted our holidays. AND, we’ve internalized the pressure to do ‘all the stuff’, be everything to everyone and to have all parts looking ‘just right’. All of this is at our own expense. We are the casualties.

    👉🏻 Most importantly, we are also the solution.

    In this week’s podcast, Stephanie and Maren talk about holidays from a different perspective - from the internal. They:

    • Share how they empower themselves at the holidays
    • Delve into the word holiday (holy day, hole-y day, filled with holes)

    “There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” - Leonard Cohen

    • Make space for both presence and presents
    • Offer an ancient forgotten practice ‘the 12 Days of Presence’

    If you’ve ever struggled with any aspect of the holiday season, you will appreciate this podcast. Please share it with a friend that might benefit from hearing it as well.


    12:21 Hole-y Podcast: Ep 39 Matt Damon, Kintsugi & A Set of Dishes

    12 Days of Presence & Co-Creation Circle


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    21 mins
  • From Drama to Empowerment
    Dec 10 2024

    Think about that time when you were so irritated you could barely see straight. That’s emotional hijacking - it happens more than we notice AND it costs us way more than we realize.

    It can cost you a client, a team member, a partnership or even your reputation. As a leader, you definitely want an alternative.

    In today’s podcast, Maren and Stephanie talk about Maren’s personal experience of being emotionally hijacked that led her to almost transfer her emotions onto her husband.

    This vulnerable, real and funny discussion travels through the Drama Triangle (victim, violator, rescuer), the importance of creating a safe space within oneself and the role of imagination in shifting out of the drama. Most importantly, Maren and Stephanie share a favorite tool to break the drama cycle and literally build new, more empowering pathways in the brain.

    • 00:31 Complete irritation
    • 04:04 Safe space
    • 06:55 Drama Triangle
    • 10:37 An alternative, space to re-story
    • 15:54 Five versions
    • 20:01 Where to start, the power of practice
    • 24:11 Co-Creation Circle

    Does this type of work interest you?
    Be sure to check out Maren & Stephanie's 2025 Co-Creation Circle. It’s built for leaders that want to go more deeply into changing their world, into making shift happen - from the inside out.


    12:05 Halloween Podcast: Ep 170 More Energy, Your Shadow’s Gift

    20:43 Joe Dispenza YouTube Video


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    26 mins
  • Beyond Figuring It Out
    Nov 26 2024

    You are not the problem.
    The way you were taught to solve problems is actually limiting you.

    Rational thinking is inherently limited - mainly because we’re not meant to stop at ‘rational’, we are meant to keep evolving.

    Einstein said that you cannot solve that problem on the same level that created it. That means traditional problem-solving methods are insufficient for addressing our modern societal issues and personal challenges.

    It's time for us to go beyond what we currently know and do, we need to develop ‘trans-rational’ awareness. Trans-rational awareness is real, and embracing it requires each of us to let go of who we think we are.

    That may seem confusing and scary, and there is a process.

    This week, Stephanie and Maren:

    • break down this cutting edge subject
    • talk about why ‘figuring’ has left us in a bind
    • share options for how to move to the next level
    • use migraines as an example
    • introduce two upcoming programs that build skill with transrational tools
    • share the answer to the question so many hold in their hearts - “Why bother?”

    If you are frustrated with escalating issues in your own life and the world, there is a better way. Today's podcast does more than scratch the surface - it provides tangible tools to foster deeper, more meaningful and impactful lives. It provides hope.

    • 01:00 If you could have figured it out, you would have already
    • 03:50 Beyond the figuring; trans-rational
    • 07:57 The role of meditation
    • 11:29 Why bother? For you and the world
    • 13:38 There is another way, breadcrumbs and science
    • 17:55 Where do I begin? Presencing life.
    • 23:54 Pig Latin


    16:40 Sir Ken Robinson TedX Talk


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    26 mins
  • Boundaries and Beliefs: Leading Without Losing Yourself
    Nov 12 2024

    Have you ever wanted something more for someone then they want it for themselves?

    It can be painful and heartbreaking - for both people. And it can decimate a relationship.

    Today, Maren and Stephanie dig into every aspect of this from both personal and professional perspectives. They cover control and codependency, arrogance and boundary issues, internal dialogs, the external world as a mirror and how so much of what we say to ourselves is actually not our own voice.

    Through two personal stories comes - wisdom, insights and thought provoking guidance for leaders and business people alike.

    This is a jam packed, short episode with a great practice toward the very end - so be sure to stay tuned.

    Please share it with a friend and join us on Facebook and/or LinkedIn. We’d like to hear your comments, questions and thoughts.

    • 00:31 Wanting more for another
    • 04:31 CoDependency & Control
    • 06:14 Perpetuating what we learn
    • 08:02 Inner Critic in the Outer World
    • 10:44 The Inner Voice is Not Us
    • 12:12 Practice: Watching It Like a Movie


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    15 mins