• The Session-Dating in a Digital Age-1
    Feb 20 2025

    The Session: Dating Etiquette in a Digital Age

    Article by Suzanne Hadley Gosselin, Focus on the Family, Oct. 2023

    Philippians 2:3-4

    Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

    Virtual Pitfalls

    Texting can be a very helpful tool as you get to know someone. But there are some areas to avoid:


    This involves sending out flirtatious messages with no real intention of committing. *Scott question: Would this more true of guys?

    · Flirting

    · No intention for commitment

    · Done in the virtual world, breadcrumbing includes texting and social media

    · If someone you’re talking to virtually appears to be hot or cold, it may be important to set a boundary **What would boundaries look like?

    · It is also possible to say that you are confused with where the relationship is going. **So face-to-face would be in order for clarity?


    · 25% of men and 22% of women report having been ghosted

    · Ghosting occurs when you’re having conversation with someone virtually and all of a sudden it stops without explanation.

    · Often times people find this to be the easy way out of stopping a relationship.

    · Rather than talking through it, saying it doesn’t have a future an individual just stops altogether communicating

    · Digital messaging enables the easy way out

    · The “slow fade” is a version of ghosting. Instead of ending the relationship abruptly, the slow-fader gradually decreases contact until the relationship fizzles. *Scott question: Would this be used if someone realizes they have “gone too far” with this relationship?

    Text Message Breakup.

    · 57 percent of millennials admitted to breaking up with someone via text. Sixty-nine percent said they’d been broken up with in this manner. A text-message breakup is one of the most unhealthy ways to end a relationship. *Scott: I had at least one student in a class of 12 recently tell me they broke up someone via text.

    (Millennial = individuals born between 1981 and 1996)

    Healthy Use of Virtual Communication

    · Send romantic and encouraging texts to your spouse

    · Write a tribute to your spouse on social media

    *Scott question: Only to the spouse? Not the fiancé or dating partner?

    Additional Important Things to Know Before Marriage

    Having willing hearts. Whether this is in regards to conversations with your spouse, intimacy, the sacrifice of your time, energy, or desires, be ready and willing to open your heart to your spouse. Willingness in conversation means being ready to listen, share, and apologize. Willingness in intimacy involves pursuing, embracing, and trying new things.

    (Building A Lasting Marriage: The 3 Most Important Things Every Marriage Needs)

    Gary Thomas on Focus on the Family

    · Focus on your spouse’s strengths rather than their weaknesses.

    · Encourage rather than criticize.

    · Pray for your spouse instead of gossiping about them.

    · Learn and live what Christ teaches about relating to and loving others.

    To reach Tom Russell, go to https://www.heritagechristiancounselingofmansfield.com.

    Show more Show less
    24 mins
  • The Session-Love Month 2
    Feb 13 2025

    The Session / Love Month / Feb. 13 Release

    Expectations and The Communication Highway

    The communication highway primarily consists of the speaker and listener roles. Before the speaker makes an “I” statement. He or she can go before the Lord and ask Him for wisdom to make an “I” that is said lovingly and in a caring way. An “I” statement consists of a feeling followed by when it happens. An example would be, “I feel hurt when you make fun of my cooking.”

    SCOTTS FIRST THOUGHT “….IF YOU STOPPED BURNING EVERYTHING, I WOULDN’T FEEL HURT BY EATING IT….AND I WOULD STOP MAKING FUN OF IT….” NOT QUITE WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR, TOM? (Disclaimer time...Shari is a WONDERFUL cook, and the only time she burned anything other than microwave popcorn was when I was 3 hours late coming home and didn't call her.)

    Vertical expectations help the listener role as well. Rather than react to the speaker in a potential defensive way the listener can Go before the Lord and ask for help make the communication highway safe. The listener role is primarily based on James 1:19 “We are to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. On the communication highway the listener listens to be able to reflect what they heard. Not a commentary or editorial on what they heard but almost word for word what they heard. They next validate for the speaker what they said. That letting them know that what they said was their feelings. The listener then empathizes with the speaker. This is trying to connect with the speakers feelings and try to communicate what that must be like.

    Important Fundamentals From Love and Respect (From Dr. Emerson Eggeriche)

    • A message to husbands, our wives are complex. 😀 On their planet, they are made differently. They have 4 primary needs:
    • They want to feel important to us. When we make important what they think is important, they feel important to us. EXAMPLE It is important to keep the car in economy mode. When I do, she feels important
    • When we value what they value, they feel valued by us. EXAMPLE: Kathy values a made bed before we get in it. She feels valued when I “attempt” to make it😄
    • Our wives want to be cherished. Cherish is a feeling of awe. It is a feeling of, to be held dear.
    • Loved The Greek meaning for loved here is agape, which is a selfless, unconditional love that facilitates unconditional love and sacrifice that is similar to what Jesus gave the church.

    It was Jesus who took on the lawmakers/ pharmacies to protect the woman caught in adultery.

    An important Application in marriage is when husbands choose to love their spouse when they are not perfect prioritizing their well-being and showing their commitment through actions.

    Love and Respect and the Communication Highway

    Love and respect can be a major help on the communication highway. For men, their management of the highway can be facilitated by managing based on their wive’s top 4 needs. As an example of listening to their wive’s on the highway, husbands can focus on the significance of hearing the importance of what their wives are saying. They can also help their wives feel valued by the way they respond to what is said.

    To reach Tom Russell, go to https://www.heritagechristiancounselingofmansfield.com.

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    28 mins
  • The Session-Love Month 1
    Feb 6 2025

    The Session / Love Month / Feb. 6 Release

    Matthew 7:3-5

    Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye' while the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor's eye.

    Examples of a log in my eye and a speck in yours: Vertical

    • Emphasizing the importance of being on time and I am consistently late to record.
    • My dad was highly critical of us about backing our cars up carefully. He never lived it down when he backed into my sisters BRICK mailbox and flattened it
    • Having coffee with one of our sons and emphasizing the importance of being careful and I spill my coffee

    Vertical, Horizontal Expectations and The Emotional Boundary

    • Vertical expectations, otherwise known as internal expectations, are expectations where we ask God in heaven to help us grow in specific ways that will make us better spouses.
    • Horizontal Expectations, otherwise known as external expectations, are when one spouse has expectations of their spouse to grow in ways that makes them feel better. Marital success happens when their spouse improves that area.
    • The Emotional Boundary is how emotionally close a couple is. Expectations have a direct impact on the emotional boundary. When both spouses are working on their vertical expectations, it causes growth. The horizontal expectations cause distance because the spouse hearing the horizontal expectations is often hurt or focused on the log in their spouse’s eye which creates distance in the emotional boundary.


    Recently Kathy went to Europe with our daughter and I stayed home. For a number of days prior to her going there was an unspoken feeling of close and real bonding love between us.

    The Power Of Vertical Expectations

    Expectations and The Communication Highway

    • A very successful process to grow your marriage using vertical expectations is very similar to Paul’s teaching in I Corinthians 11:28 where he is talking and praying about communion. He is encouraging the people to “retreat” and examine themselves before taking communion. It is the examining of ourselves followed by reading scripture and praying that will help you to grow.
    • The impact of vertical expectations is that growth happens quicker and in general are more powerful. It is quicker because we can decide to immediately work on what God is saying to us that will help us. They in general are more powerful because we can focus on the change with intensity and ownership.


    I wanted to make sure I did my part for keeping the romance in our marriage. The 24-48 hour getaway. (Produced importance to Kathy)

    The Quaker Square getaway Weekly date night.

    The Nintendo WEI Bowling night WINNER TAKES ALL GAME


    We made a pre marriage decision to start each day with prayer.

    To reach Tom Russell, go to https://www.heritagechristiancounselingofmansfield.com.

    Show more Show less
    26 mins
  • The Session-5 Challenges Christian Families Face-Part 2
    Jan 30 2025

    View the complete article from our discussion at The 5 Most Important Issues Christian Families Face - Beliefnet
    We WILL get through this in this episode! Promise!

    1. Divorce
    We’ve all read the statistics. Divorce rates have steadily increased over the past few decades, and splitting up is more commonplace and acceptable than ever before—sometimes even applauded. With the shrinking of religious ties, the stigma of divorce has ebbed away, creating a culture where commitment has become only a word.

    There’s a reason for God’s commands. They’re not arbitrary—God hands them down because He knows what’s best for us, and wants us to be happy. He was talking about when He forbade divorce. Christ spoke on the topic, saying that “What God has joined together, let no one separate,” urging against divorce except in cases of infidelity.

    2. Money
    Every day, we’re all encouraged to be materialistic. The advertisements are everywhere—banners proclaiming the inherent value of jewelry, of cars and houses and high-paying jobs. For Christian families, the movement toward materialism can be insidious, beginning with parents who simply want to give their children more than they had. If left unchecked, though, these desires can remove a family’s focus from God, and onto whatever the hot, must-have items of the year are. God calls us to give to His ministry.

    3. Media
    The problem with modern forms of media is not merely that it’s less morally fettered than ever before, but that morally depraved characters and acts are now being portrayed as sympathetic protagonists—as people who we are to identify with and root for. The anti-hero is one of the most destructive forces in all of media when it comes to negative influence. These characters follow their own moral code, eschewing the institutionalized law or government that they deem “too weak” to do what must be done. They break the law, kill, steal, and murder, all to the fanfare of viewers. They often are a representation of moral relativism at its worst.

    4. Abuse
    There are few things which grieve God, as well as damage the reputation of Christianity in the eyes of the secular world like abuse within Christian families. The family is a representation of God’s character, of his love and unity. We are under God’s command to love and care for one another, both for our own happiness, and so that others will be drawn to that kind of love and come to know God.

    It can sometimes be easy to misinterpret scripture to support the idea that abuse is somehow acceptable, that a spouse or children “belong” to you. But this isn’t true. They belong to God. We are called to love one another just as God loves us. To do anything less is to break the image of God’s love which family is meant to represent.

    5. Anti-Christian Culture
    Our culture is steeped in moral apathy, making it harder than ever to remain united as a Christian family. This culture pulls at us, constantly giving us the message that we are to put our own, individual happiness over that of others—the most powerful breaker of Christian families, of any family, there is.

    But We are called to be different
    Christian families are held not only to a different standard than others, but to a higher—that of God. When we recognize these 5 issues and face them, employing scriptural principles to overcome them, we become who God wishes us to be, and in doing so, we do the very best we can for our families.

    God wants us to be happy, and to have a great family life. Don’t forget that.

    To reach Tom Russell, go to https://www.heritagechristiancounselingofmansfield.com.

    Show more Show less
    17 mins
  • The Session-5 Challenges Christian Families Face-Part 1
    Jan 23 2025

    View the complete article from our discussion at The 5 Most Important Issues Christian Families Face - Beliefnet
    We won't get through all of this article in this episode. Make sure you join us next time for the conclusion!
    1. Divorce
    We’ve all read the statistics. Divorce rates have steadily increased over the past few decades, and splitting up is more commonplace and acceptable than ever before—sometimes even applauded. With the shrinking of religious ties, the stigma of divorce has ebbed away, creating a culture where commitment has become only a word.

    There’s a reason for God’s commands. They’re not arbitrary—God hands them down because He knows what’s best for us, and wants us to be happy. He was talking about when He forbade divorce. Christ spoke on the topic, saying that “What God has joined together, let no one separate,” urging against divorce except in cases of infidelity.

    2. Money
    Every day, we’re all encouraged to be materialistic. The advertisements are everywhere—banners proclaiming the inherent value of jewelry, of cars and houses and high-paying jobs. For Christian families, the movement toward materialism can be insidious, beginning with parents who simply want to give their children more than they had. If left unchecked, though, these desires can remove a family’s focus from God, and onto whatever the hot, must-have items of the year are. God calls us to give to His ministry.

    3. Media
    The problem with modern forms of media is not merely that it’s less morally fettered than ever before, but that morally depraved characters and acts are now being portrayed as sympathetic protagonists—as people who we are to identify with and root for. The anti-hero is one of the most destructive forces in all of media when it comes to negative influence. These characters follow their own moral code, eschewing the institutionalized law or government that they deem “too weak” to do what must be done. They break the law, kill, steal, and murder, all to the fanfare of viewers. They often are a representation of moral relativism at its worst.

    4. Abuse
    There are few things which grieve God, as well as damage the reputation of Christianity in the eyes of the secular world like abuse within Christian families. The family is a representation of God’s character, of his love and unity. We are under God’s command to love and care for one another, both for our own happiness, and so that others will be drawn to that kind of love and come to know God.

    It can sometimes be easy to misinterpret scripture to support the idea that abuse is somehow acceptable, that a spouse or children “belong” to you. But this isn’t true. They belong to God. We are called to love one another just as God loves us. To do anything less is to break the image of God’s love which family is meant to represent.

    5. Anti-Christian Culture
    Our culture is steeped in moral apathy, making it harder than ever to remain united as a Christian family. This culture pulls at us, constantly giving us the message that we are to put our own, individual happiness over that of others—the most powerful breaker of Christian families, of any family, there is.

    But We are called to be different
    Christian families are held not only to a different standard than others, but to a higher—that of God. When we recognize these 5 issues and face them, employing scriptural principles to overcome them, we become who God wishes us to be, and in doing so, we do the very best we can for our families.

    God wants us to be happy, and to have a great family life. Don’t forget that.

    To reach Tom Russell, go to https://www.heritagechristiancounselingofmansfield.com.

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    14 mins
  • The Session-Dealing with Aging Parents-2
    Jan 16 2025

    The Session: Helping Aging Parents-Part 2 of 2

    Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. (Exodus 20:12)

    • It is a biblical mandate to honor elderly loved ones. Honoring parents is a way to love others as yourself and to love God.
    • Prayer and meditationPrayer and meditating on Scripture can provide comfort, wisdom, and protection. Trusting GodPsalm 28 provides language to understand God's heart toward those who are overwhelmed or confused about how to help. Being humbleThe Bible calls people to be caring and humble to those in need, starting with family. Setting boundariesIt's important to set boundaries so that people aren't doing things for others that they can do for themselves. Preparing for medical issuesA durable power of attorney can help someone make financial decisions for an elderly parent if they are unable to.

    From Focus on the Family

    For the caregiving children coping with the emotional, practical and financial ways of loving your aging parents can be challenging.

    Managing our aging parents has a common thread to all of the management. It is important that we manage with emotional, practical and financial ways of loving them.

    As followers of Christ, ours is to intentionally and thankfully steward each day that has been so graciously given to us by our Creator. And as our aging parents grow older, that includes helping them steward the day.

    What May Appear To Be An Unfair Illness

    What can be difficult to reconcile with our faith is when our loved one might have led a life following their Savior and yet, they are stricken and suffering with illnesses. This can seem unfair. This can feel unjust. But Jesus gets it. He understands because He faced unfair suffering too:

    ” But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.”

    – Isaiah 53:5

    What We Are Feeling As Our Parents Age Makes It Difficult For Them To Manage Their Life (Scott’s first reaction: HUH? DIFFICULT FOR THEM?)

    We are experiencing grief. We are grieving the mom or dad that they once knew.

    What makes this even harder is the fact that the children are grieving while trying to take care of their challenging parents.

    Encouraging practical Helps:

    1. Allow yourself the grace to grieve. That includes experiencing and expressing your sorrow.

    2.It is possible and important to grieve what once was even if they are he lived ones are still alive.

    3.Tell them today how much you love them rather than waiting for the person to pass.

    4.Day to day care can be done with the child who lives the closest. He or she should be supported by siblings who can offer respite care.


    16 practical ways children can help their aging parents:

    1. Grocery shop

    2. Pick up prescriptions

    3. Take their trash can to and from the curb weekly

    4. Pick up their mail

    5. Invite them out for a meal

    6. Bring a meal to their house and eat it together

    7. Have coffee or tea together

    8. Write a handwritten letter

    9. Bake something for them and either mail it or hand deliver

    10. Send a care package

    11. Call them and tell them you love them

    12. Sign them up on Facebook so they can see your pictures


    To reach Tom Russell, go to https://www.heritagechristiancounselingofmansfield.com.

    Show more Show less
    24 mins
  • The Session-Dealing with Aging Parents-1
    Jan 9 2025

    The Session: Helping Aging Parents-Part 1 of 2

    Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you. (Exodus 20:12)

    • It is a biblical mandate to honor elderly loved ones. Honoring parents is a way to love others as yourself and to love God.
    • Prayer and meditationPrayer and meditating on Scripture can provide comfort, wisdom, and protection. Trusting GodPsalm 28 provides language to understand God's heart toward those who are overwhelmed or confused about how to help. Being humbleThe Bible calls people to be caring and humble to those in need, starting with family. Setting boundariesIt's important to set boundaries so that people aren't doing things for others that they can do for themselves. Preparing for medical issuesA durable power of attorney can help someone make financial decisions for an elderly parent if they are unable to.

    From Focus on the Family

    For the caregiving children coping with the emotional, practical and financial ways of loving your aging parents can be challenging.

    Managing our aging parents has a common thread to all of the management. It is important that we manage with emotional, practical and financial ways of loving them.

    As followers of Christ, ours is to intentionally and thankfully steward each day that has been so graciously given to us by our Creator. And as our aging parents grow older, that includes helping them steward the day.

    What May Appear To Be An Unfair Illness

    What can be difficult to reconcile with our faith is when our loved one might have led a life following their Savior and yet, they are stricken and suffering with illnesses. This can seem unfair. This can feel unjust. But Jesus gets it. He understands because He faced unfair suffering too:

    ” But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.”

    – Isaiah 53:5

    What We Are Feeling As Our Parents Age Makes It Difficult For Them To Manage Their Life (Scott’s first reaction: HUH? DIFFICULT FOR THEM?)

    We are experiencing grief. We are grieving the mom or dad that they once knew.

    What makes this even harder is the fact that the children are grieving while trying to take care of their challenging parents.

    Encouraging practical Helps:

    1. Allow yourself the grace to grieve. That includes experiencing and expressing your sorrow.

    2.It is possible and important to grieve what once was even if they are he lived ones are still alive.

    3.Tell them today how much you love them rather than waiting for the person to pass.

    4.Day to day care can be done with the child who lives the closest. He or she should be supported by siblings who can offer respite care.


    16 practical ways children can help their aging parents:

    1. Grocery shop

    2. Pick up prescriptions

    3. Take their trash can to and from the curb weekly

    4. Pick up their mail

    5. Invite them out for a meal

    6. Bring a meal to their house and eat it together

    7. Have coffee or tea together

    8. Write a handwritten letter

    9. Bake something for them and either mail it or hand deliver

    10. Send a care package

    11. Call them and tell them you love them

    12. Sign them up on Facebook so they ca

    To reach Tom Russell, go to https://www.heritagechristiancounselingofmansfield.com.

    Show more Show less
    27 mins
  • The Session-Goal Setting
    Jan 2 2025

    Did you make a New Year's resolution? According to research, most resolutions have already been broken. If that's you, don't give up! Tom & Scott have a way to get you back on track!

    The Session: Goal Setting & Research

    Scripture: Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

    1. SMART =


    Measurable Vision

    Action Plan Who, When, Where & How



    2. Vision

    Long Term Goals

    Short Term Goals

    Goals of the week

    Goals of the Day

    3. Goal Setting and Research

    Setting goals are linked with higher motivation, self-esteem, self-confidence, and autonomy (Locke & Latham, 2006), and research has established a strong connection between goal-setting and success (Matthews, 2015).

    A person who is focused and goal-oriented is likely to have a more positive approach towards life and perceive failures as temporary setbacks, rather than personal shortcomings.

    Studies have shown that when we train our mind to think about what we want in life and work towards reaching it, the brain automatically rewires itself.

    Types of Goals

    Process Goals

    Going to the Y

    Performance Goals

    example, studying for no less than 6 hours a day or working out for at least 30 minutes per day can help us in quantifying our efforts and measuring the progress.

    The Outcome Goals Outcome goals are the successful implementations of process and performance goals.

    Examples: winning a sport, losing the desired amount of weight, or scoring a top rank in school.

    To reach Tom Russell, go to https://www.heritagechristiancounselingofmansfield.com.

    Show more Show less
    28 mins