
  • Reading for Older Students with Tricia Millar
    Apr 28 2023

    Find the show notes on www.scienceofspecialeducation.com

    In this episode, we talk with Tricia Millar from That Reading Thing. Tricia discusses some of the unique challenges that come with working with older students and adults to develop reading and spelling skills. Tricia has worked to train youth workers, teachers, and other adults to provide reading instruction to older students. Through that work, she developed the reading program That Reading Thing and a spelling program called That Spelling Thing. These programs confirm that you are never too old to learn how to read!

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Website- https://thatreadingthing.com/⁠

    Twitter- @TRT_Tricia

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    45 mins
  • Providing Research Based Writing Instruction with Ross Young
    Mar 10 2023

    Find the show notes on⁠ www.scienceofspecialeducation.com⁠

    In this episode, we talk with Ross Young from The Writing For Pleasure Centre. Ross provides an overview of the 14 principles of high-quality writing teaching that he has found through the research. He also provides us with specific solutions and key ideas to keep in mind when working with students who have disabilities. There is so much great information in this episode. Be sure to connect with Ross Young and The Writing For Pleasure Centre for even more!

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Website- https://writing4pleasure.com/

    Twitter- @WritingRocks_17

    Facebook Group-Writing For Pleasure In Schools https://www.facebook.com/groups/532919250641612/

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    45 mins
  • Learning the basics of AAC with Christopher Bugaj
    Feb 17 2023

    Find the show notes on⁠ www.scienceofspecialeducation.com⁠

    In this episode we talk with Chris Bugaj about all things AAC.

    Christopher R. Bugaj, MA CCC‐SLP is a founding member of the Assistive Technology Team for Loudoun County Public Schools. Chris co-hosts the Talking With Tech podcast featuring interviews and conversations about augmentative and alternative communication and has hosted The A.T.TIPSCAST; a multi‐award winning podcast featuring strategies to design educational experiences. Chris is the author of The New Assistive Tech: Make Learning Awesome For All, published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Chris is the co-author of Inclusive Learning 365: EdTech Strategies for Every Day of the Year and The Practical (and Fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools both of which are also published by ISTE. Chris co-authored two chapters for a book published by Brookes Publishing titled Technology Tools for Students with Autism. Chris co‐produces and co‐authors the popular Night Light Stories podcast which features original stories for children of all ages. Chris has presented over 550 live or digital sessions at local, regional, state, national and international events, including TEDx.

    Links mentioned in the show:

    Talking With Tech podcast


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    49 mins
  • Phonics for Students with Complex Needs with Ann Sullivan
    Jan 27 2023

    Find the show notes on⁠ www.scienceofspecialeducation.com⁠

    In this episode of The Science of Special Education podcast we talk with Ann Sullivan, author of Phonics for Pupils with Special Education Needs. Ann shares with us the importance of providing all students systematic literacy instruction. She offers some great strategies on how reading lessons can be adapted to make them accessible for students with complex needs, such as students who are non-verbal or have physical challenges. You can find more from Ann Sullivan at her website https://www.phonicsforpupilswithspecialeducationalneeds.com/. You can also follow Ann on twitter @PhonicsforSEN.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    "Why our Children Can't Read and What We Can Do About It: A Scientific Revolution in Reading" by Diane McGuinness, PhD which can be found at https://a.co/d/4zwQ5Ck

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    48 mins
  • Exploring Executive Functioning with Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan
    Jan 20 2023

    Find the show notes on⁠ www.scienceofspecialeducation.com⁠

    Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan is the founder and CEO of Dr. Karen, LLC, a company focused on empowering educators to support language, literacy, executive functioning, and cognitive wellness. She currently offers online professional development focused on helping K-12 therapists (SLPs, psychologists, social workers, and other service providers) develop programs and services that support students in the areas of language, literacy, and executive functioning. She also helps IEP teams work together so they can provide more comprehensive support for students despite having big caseloads. Dr. Karen is a licensed SLP and has a doctorate in special education, a special education director license, and an assistive technology graduate certificate. She spent 14 years in the school systems before starting an online education company in 2015. She's currently the host of the De Facto Leaders podcast, where she shares up-to-date evidence-based practices, her own experience, and guest interviews designed to help clinicians and educators feel more confident in the way they serve their caseloads, so they can help school-age kids grow up to be successful, kind, well-adjusted people. You can listen to the show on most popular podcast directories and can scroll through past episodes on this page here. You can learn more about her programs for speech-language pathologists here, and you can learn more about her programs for IEP teams and leadership development here.

    Dr. Karen Dudek-Brannan has a free executive functioning implementation guide, originally designed for school therapists like SLPs, social workers, psychs, counselors, etc but really it is appropriate for anyone who is responsible for providing some type of support or specialized services. You can find the executive functioning guide at drkarendudekbrannan.com/efschools.

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    47 mins
  • How to Read Educational Research with Nate Hansford from Pedagogy Non Grata
    Jan 1 2023

    Find the show notes on⁠ www.scienceofspecialeducation.com⁠

    If you have ever tried to sift through the educational research out there, you may have quickly become overwhelmed! In this episode, Nate Hansford from Pedagogy Non Grata walks us through the basic types of research and what to look for when reading through articles. Nate is the author of several books including The Scientific Principles of Teaching and The Scientific Principles of Reading Instruction. His blog is a wealth of information on research as he synthesizes and analyzes the available research in easy-to-read and understand formats for educators.

    Links and Resources from this Podcast:

    Pedagogy Non Grata Blog

    Pedagogy Non-Grata Podcast

    Shanahan on Literacy

    Mark Seidenberg Website

    John Hattie Website

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    38 mins
  • Science of Math and Common Teaching Myths with Dr. Sarah Powell
    Jan 1 2023

    Find the show notes on⁠ www.scienceofspecialeducation.com⁠

    We know that Math is important, but have you ever wondered if you are teaching it the right way? Do you have students that seem to struggle and you just aren’t sure what you should be doing to help? In today’s podcast, we talk to Dr. Sarah Powell, a researcher who has dedicated her career to exploring how students learn and how teachers teach math. Dr. Sarah Powell is an Associate Professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Texas at Austin and the Associate Director for The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk. We discuss the Science of Math and some common myths about teaching math that all teachers should be aware of!

    Links and Resources from this episode:

    The Science of Math Website

    Myths that Undermine Maths Teaching by Dr. Sarah Powell, Dr. Elizabeth Hughes, and Dr. Corey Peltier

    National Center on Intensive Intervention

    What Works Clearninghouse

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    41 mins
  • Teaching Students with Cognitive Challenges to Read with Judy O'Halloran
    Jan 1 2023

    Find the show notes on⁠ www.scienceofspecialeducation.com⁠

    In this episode, I talk with Judy O'Halloran from Raising Robust Readers about teaching reading to students with Down syndrome and other cognitive challenges. Judy and her co-founder Marilee Senior created a unique phonics-based approach to teaching students to read. They have worked with children (and adults!) to ensure that they have the opportunity to learn to read. We discuss the tendency for schools to push students into whole-word reading programs and the need for teachers to raise expectations for our special education students. Judy offers some great suggestions that teachers can use in the classroom to begin using phonograms to teach reading.

    If you prefer to listen to this podcast in video format with a closed-captioned option you can find it on Youtube.

    Links/Resources from this episode:

    Raising Robust Readers

    Phonics for Folks with Down Syndrome Facebook Page

    GiGi's Playhouse (Down Syndrome Achievement Centers)

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    53 mins