• 24. Slot Machine Parenting
    Mar 4 2025

    Are you reinforcing your child's bad behavior without realizing it? If you're what I call a slot machine parent, you're working against yourself without knowing it. If you struggle with consistency in your parenting, listen in for why and how that's detrimental and what to do instead.

    Jennifer Paweleck-Bellingrodt, Psy.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Website: www.doctorbellingrodt.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jen.bellingrodt
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychwithamic/
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@mendyourmind9761
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shrink.think?_t=8n2zq3IsVCw&_r=1
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jennifer-paweleck-bellingrodt-psy-d-5621a3146
    Train with Me: https://thepsychoeducationacademy.com/
    The Psychoeducation Academy Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepsychoeducationacademy
    New Book: https://a.co/d/2eRfkOn

    Want your own podcast? It’s easier than you think! Click here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1287733 to join over 100K podcasters already using Buzzsprout! Following my link gets you a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan.

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    8 mins
  • 23. Why You Road Rage and How to Knock It Off
    Feb 25 2025

    Nowadays, aggressive driving behavior can get you killed. Despite this, some people still struggle to control their urges when driving. As a recovering road rager myself, trust me when I tell you that I understand how difficult it is to overcome road rage. Tune in to hear all about why you react the way you do and how to change your responses to roadway frustrations. Stay safe and stay alive, friends!

    Jennifer Paweleck-Bellingrodt, Psy.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Website: www.doctorbellingrodt.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jen.bellingrodt
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychwithamic/
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@mendyourmind9761
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shrink.think?_t=8n2zq3IsVCw&_r=1
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jennifer-paweleck-bellingrodt-psy-d-5621a3146
    Train with Me: https://thepsychoeducationacademy.com/
    The Psychoeducation Academy Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepsychoeducationacademy
    New Book: https://a.co/d/2eRfkOn

    Want your own podcast? It’s easier than you think! Click here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1287733 to join over 100K podcasters already using Buzzsprout! Following my link gets you a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan.

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    13 mins
  • 22. Stop Gaslighting Yourself - 7 Ways to Cut Yourself Some Slack
    Feb 18 2025

    Did you know that it takes about 5 positives to outweigh 1 negative in our minds? So, it's no surprise that we, as humans, tend to be quite hard on ourselves. (Plus, the devil is real, y'all!)

    Most of the thoughts we have as humans are repetitive and negative. So, when we perceive that we’ve made a mistake, it’s not uncommon for us to beat ourselves up about it. When we engage in unhelpful patterns like this, we’re gaslighting ourselves, and, today, I’m going to give you 7 strategies to help you begin to put a stop to this self-loathing behavior so that you can go after what you want. Get ready to get out of your head and into your life!

    If you want help overcoming the negative automatic thoughts running through your head on the daily, check out this video for more information about my inexpensive class to help you do this. If I can help you personally, please reach out via my website.

    Jennifer Paweleck-Bellingrodt, Psy.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Website: www.doctorbellingrodt.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jen.bellingrodt
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychwithamic/
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@mendyourmind9761
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shrink.think?_t=8n2zq3IsVCw&_r=1
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jennifer-paweleck-bellingrodt-psy-d-5621a3146
    Train with Me: https://thepsychoeducationacademy.com/
    The Psychoeducation Academy Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepsychoeducationacademy
    New Book: https://a.co/d/2eRfkOn

    Want your own podcast? It’s easier than you think! Click here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1287733 to join over 100K podcasters already using Buzzsprout! Following my link gets you a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan.

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    14 mins
  • 21. Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome It
    Feb 10 2025

    Have you ever felt like you don’t belong or that everyone is going to find out that you don’t deserve your achievements? Do you ever get that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach because you’re worried you’ll be “found out”? If you can relate to those feelings of chronic self-doubt, you’ve probably experienced imposter syndrome.

    Imposter syndrome is a mental process wherein a person feels insecure about their worth and/or doubts their abilities, despite evidence showing otherwise. A person with imposter syndrome often thinks that they are not truly talented and will one day be revealed as a fake or fraud. If you’ve experienced imposter syndrome, you’re not alone - studies suggest 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their career.

    If you want help with the underlying self-limiting beliefs that drive imposter syndrome, check out my class here. No email or CC is required to watch a short video to see if the course is right for you.

    Jennifer Paweleck-Bellingrodt, Psy.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Website: www.doctorbellingrodt.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jen.bellingrodt
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychwithamic/
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@mendyourmind9761
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shrink.think?_t=8n2zq3IsVCw&_r=1
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jennifer-paweleck-bellingrodt-psy-d-5621a3146
    Train with Me: https://thepsychoeducationacademy.com/
    The Psychoeducation Academy Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepsychoeducationacademy
    New Book: https://a.co/d/2eRfkOn

    Want your own podcast? It’s easier than you think! Click here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1287733 to join over 100K podcasters already using Buzzsprout! Following my link gets you a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan.

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    13 mins
  • 20. Why You Overreact
    Jun 7 2024

    You're overreacting because of the way you process information and the vulnerabilities poppin' off while you're doing it--and it's not doing you any freaking favors! Listen in for info about what causes your big reactions and what you can do about it. It's time to get out of your own damn way!

    Jennifer Paweleck-Bellingrodt, Psy.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Website: www.doctorbellingrodt.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jen.bellingrodt
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychwithamic/
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@mendyourmind9761
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shrink.think?_t=8n2zq3IsVCw&_r=1
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jennifer-paweleck-bellingrodt-psy-d-5621a3146
    Train with Me: https://thepsychoeducationacademy.com/
    The Psychoeducation Academy Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepsychoeducationacademy
    New Book: https://a.co/d/2eRfkOn

    Want your own podcast? It’s easier than you think! Click here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1287733 to join over 100K podcasters already using Buzzsprout! Following my link gets you a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan.

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    26 mins
  • 19. You're Not a 2x4
    Apr 24 2024

    One of the most important lessons the Army taught me is that I'm dispensable. I know that sounds strange, but I promise you it's a relief in so many ways! Tune in for more on how to reframe things to live in greater freedom. Need more help than a quick podcast? Click on the "Train with Me" link below for more detailed information. You're worth it!

    Jennifer Paweleck-Bellingrodt, Psy.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Website: www.doctorbellingrodt.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jen.bellingrodt
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychwithamic/
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@mendyourmind9761
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shrink.think?_t=8n2zq3IsVCw&_r=1
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jennifer-paweleck-bellingrodt-psy-d-5621a3146
    Train with Me: https://thepsychoeducationacademy.com/
    The Psychoeducation Academy Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepsychoeducationacademy
    New Book: https://a.co/d/2eRfkOn

    Want your own podcast? It’s easier than you think! Click here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1287733 to join over 100K podcasters already using Buzzsprout! Following my link gets you a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan.

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    7 mins
  • 18. Pulling and Picking Disorders
    Feb 25 2024

    Pulling and picking disorders, such as trichotillomania and excoriation, are anxiety disorders by nature. Tune in to hear about why people do these things to themselves and the ABCs of overcoming these compulsive behaviors.

    Jennifer Paweleck-Bellingrodt, Psy.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Website: www.doctorbellingrodt.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jen.bellingrodt
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychwithamic/
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@mendyourmind9761
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shrink.think?_t=8n2zq3IsVCw&_r=1
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jennifer-paweleck-bellingrodt-psy-d-5621a3146
    Train with Me: https://thepsychoeducationacademy.com/
    The Psychoeducation Academy Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepsychoeducationacademy
    New Book: https://a.co/d/2eRfkOn

    Want your own podcast? It’s easier than you think! Click here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1287733 to join over 100K podcasters already using Buzzsprout! Following my link gets you a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan.

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    9 mins
  • 17. Why People Create Drama and What You Can Do About It
    Feb 15 2024

    Everyone has at least one in their life: that person who's just "drama" and creates it wherever they go. Tune in to hear 6 reasons for this behavior and what you can do about it--whether you're on the giving or receiving end of it!

    Jennifer Paweleck-Bellingrodt, Psy.D.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Website: www.doctorbellingrodt.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jen.bellingrodt
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychwithamic/
    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@mendyourmind9761
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@shrink.think?_t=8n2zq3IsVCw&_r=1
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jennifer-paweleck-bellingrodt-psy-d-5621a3146
    Train with Me: https://thepsychoeducationacademy.com/
    The Psychoeducation Academy Page: https://www.facebook.com/thepsychoeducationacademy
    New Book: https://a.co/d/2eRfkOn

    Want your own podcast? It’s easier than you think! Click here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1287733 to join over 100K podcasters already using Buzzsprout! Following my link gets you a $20 Amazon gift card if you sign up for a paid plan.

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    30 mins