• 81. Can Crocodiles Really Cry?
    Mar 10 2025

    You may have heard the phrase "crocodile tears", but what does it mean? In this episode, discover whether crocodiles shed real tears, and if so, why. 🐊

    In the companion Alligators & Crocodiles Video Class included in the No Sweat Nature Study membership, you'll discover the similarities and differences between alligators and crocodiles, explore their habitats and behaviors, and create a nature journal comparison page about the differences between these fierce reptiles.

    Join No Sweat Nature Study at NoSweatNatureStudy.com. Use the code NOSWEAT for 50% off your first month of a monthly membership.

    Buy gift cards for friends and family to join No Sweat Nature Study → ourjourneywestward.com/downloads/no-sweat-nature-study-live-gift

    Charter schools can purchase access to No Sweat Nature Study → ourjourneywestward.com/charter

    Visit the crocodile show notes page to see a crocodile's eye!

    Share pictures of your nature studies on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will see them!

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating and review if you enjoy the episodes. Thank you! It helps the podcast so much! :)

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    13 mins
  • 80. Why Does the Wind Whistle?
    Feb 25 2025

    Have you heard the whistling wind? How about the howling, roaring, or humming wind? Learn how the wind creates these sounds through air movement during this episode. Plus, wow your friends with scientific words like turbulence and the Aeolian effect!

    Explore earth science, geography, and weather in the video class about wind as we discover how wind forms, shapes weather patterns, and can be harnessed as a natural energy source!

    Join No Sweat Nature Study at NoSweatNatureStudy.com. Use the code NOSWEAT for 50% off your first month of a monthly membership.

    Buy gift cards for friends and family to join No Sweat Nature Study → ourjourneywestward.com/downloads/no-sweat-nature-study-live-gift

    Charter schools can purchase access to No Sweat Nature Study → ourjourneywestward.com/charter

    Visit the wind show notes page.

    Share pictures of your nature studies on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will see them!

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating and review if you enjoy the episodes. Thank you! It helps the podcast so much! :)

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    13 mins
  • 79. What Do Barbara Cooney and Nature Study Have In Common?
    Feb 10 2025

    Discover how beloved author and illustrator Barbara Cooney infused her stories with the beauty of nature. In this episode, we explore her life, her inspirations, and the special connections between her books and nature study!

    Join us for a special No Sweat Nature Study video class where we’ll explore Barbara Cooney’s breathtaking illustrations and uncover how she used nature to bring her stories to life. Students will compare her artwork across books and create nature journal pages inspired by her unique style!

    Join No Sweat Nature Study LIVE at NoSweatNatureStudy.com. Use the code NOSWEAT for 50% off your first month of a monthly membership.

    Buy Gift Certificates for friends and family to join No Sweat Nature Study → ourjourneywestward.com/downloads/no-sweat-nature-study-live-gift/

    Charter Schools can purchase LIVE or VIDEO-ONLY access to No Sweat Nature Study for you → ourjourneywestward.com/charter/

    Visit the Barbara Cooney show notes page to see a lupine.

    Share pictures of your nature studies on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will see them!

    Visit our show sponsor, The Learning Well Journal, to purchase the spring edition of an encouraging, beautiful, in-print magazine for homeschooling parents.

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating and review if you enjoy the episodes. Thank you! It helps the podcast so much! :)

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    14 mins
  • 78. Are All Diamonds the Same Color?
    Jan 27 2025

    Did you know diamonds can be pink, blue, or even black? In this sparkling episode, kids will learn what gives diamonds their colors and the meaning behind fancy diamonds!

    Explore earth science, chemistry, and math in the video class about diamonds as we discover how diamonds form, relate to the rock cycle, and shine with incredible strength!

    Join No Sweat Nature Study at NoSweatNatureStudy.com. Use the code NOSWEAT for 50% off your first month of a monthly membership.

    Buy gift cards for friends and family to join No Sweat Nature Study → ourjourneywestward.com/downloads/no-sweat-nature-study-live-gift

    Charter schools can purchase access to No Sweat Nature Study → ourjourneywestward.com/charter

    Visit the diamond show notes page to see the Hope Diamond!

    Leave a voice message for the podcast → ourjourneywestward.com/podcast

    Share pictures of your nature studies on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will see them!

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating and review if you enjoy the episodes. Thank you! It helps the podcast so much! :)

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    15 mins
  • 77. What Was the Largest Earthquake in Modern History?
    Jan 13 2025

    Brace yourself for an earth-shaking journey as we explore the most powerful earthquake ever recorded. Discover fascinating facts about seismologists and the Richter scale, too!

    Learn how and why earthquakes occur in the companion Earthquakes Video Class included in the No Sweat Nature Study membership. Be ready to create a nifty diagram of tectonic plates, fault lines, and seismic waves!

    Join No Sweat Nature Study at NoSweatNatureStudy.com. Use the code NOSWEAT for 50% off your first month of a monthly membership.

    Buy Gift Certificates for friends and family to join No Sweat Nature Study LIVE → ourjourneywestward.com/downloads/no-sweat-nature-study-live-gift/

    Chart Schools can purchase access codes here → ourjourneywestward.com/charter/

    Visit the earthquake show notes page to find Chile on a map of South America!

    Share pictures of your nature studies on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will see them!

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating and review if you enjoy the episodes. Thank you! It helps the podcast so much! :)

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    13 mins
  • 76. Why Is a Bald Eagle’s Nest So Big?
    Dec 30 2024

    Discover the fascinating reasons behind the enormous size of bald eagle nests and learn how bald eagles build them. Also, enjoy exciting new features like The Science Snicker and a fun 3, 2, 1 Quiz to kick off the new year!

    In the companion Bald Eagles Video Class included in the No Sweat Nature Study membership, learn about the amazing characteristics and behaviors of these incredible birds of prey while creating a nature journal page!

    Join No Sweat Nature Study at NoSweatNatureStudy.com. Use the code NOSWEAT for 50% off your first month of a monthly membership.

    Buy Gift Certificates for friends and family to join No Sweat Nature Study → ourjourneywestward.com/downloads/no-sweat-nature-study-live-gift/

    Charter Schools can purchase No Sweat Nature Study for you → ourjourneywestward.com/charter/

    Visit the bald eagle show notes page to see a bald eagle nest!

    Share pictures of your nature studies on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will see them!

    Download the free Winter Play Dough Mats!

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating and review if you enjoy the episodes. Thank you! It helps the podcast so much! :)

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    15 mins
  • 75. What is a Yule Log?
    Dec 10 2024

    Discover the fascinating history and traditions of the Yule log, from its roots as a burning log for winter warmth to the sweet French bûche de Noël cake. Learn how this holiday custom connects to the winter solstice and nature's seasonal rhythms!

    In the companion video class about The Shortest Day of the Year, included in the No Sweat Nature Study membership, discover how the tilt of the earth and its orbit affect the seasons, climate, and the length of light each day - all while creating a scientific nature journal page.

    Join No Sweat Nature Study LIVE at NoSweatNatureStudy.com. Use the code NOSWEAT for 50% off your first month of a monthly membership.

    BUY GIFT CERTIFICATES for friends and family to join No Sweat Nature Study LIVE → ourjourneywestward.com/downloads/no-sweat-nature-study-live-gift/

    Visit the Yule log show notes page to see a Yule log cake!

    BONUS: Get a fun Christmas Glyph activity!

    Share pictures of your nature studies on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will see them!

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating and review if you enjoy the episodes. Thank you! It helps the podcast so much! :)

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    14 mins
  • 74. Why are Cobwebs Sometimes Called "Nature's Tinsel?"
    Nov 25 2024

    Learn about the Theridiidae spiders, often called cobweb spiders, and the tangled webs they create. These messy but fascinating webs might surprise you when you hear how they connect to the shimmering tinsel often found on Christmas trees!

    In the companion The Cobweb Christmas Video Class included in the No Sweat Nature Study LIVE membership, learn how cobwebs contribute to biodiversity, discover fascinating facts about harmless and venomous cobweb spiders, and create a nature journal page to capture your observations.

    Join No Sweat Nature Study LIVE at NoSweatNatureStudy.com. Use the code NOSWEAT for 50% off your first month of a monthly membership.

    BUY GIFT CERTIFICATES for friends and family to join No Sweat Nature Study LIVE → ourjourneywestward.com/downloads/no-sweat-nature-study-live-gift/

    SEND CHARTER SCHOOLS HERE → ourjourneywestward.com/charter/

    Visit the cobwebs show notes page to see an old-fashioned Christmas tree with tinsel.

    Share pictures of your nature studies on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will see them!

    Here are some free Winter Nature Study Printables that are ready for download.

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a rating and review if you enjoy the episodes. Thank you! It helps the podcast so much! :)

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    13 mins