• Confronting the Thief | Reclaiming What the Enemy Has Stolen Feat. Jane Hamon
    Feb 20 2025

    Has there been a robbery in your heart, your finances, or your family?

    In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt is joined by Apostle Jane Hamon to discuss her powerful new book, Confronting the Thief: Take Back What the Enemy Stole. We often buy the lie that the losses we experience in our health, peace, finances, and families are “just life,” when in reality, the Thief is at work, aiming to steal, kill, and destroy.

    The body of Messiah must confront our enemy, break agreement with unbiblical mindsets, and be equipped to reclaim what has been stolen. Now is the hour to rise in expectation of the abundant life Jesus calls us to receive.

    Each chapter in Confronting the Thief simply and powerfully outlines the biblical process of restoration, empowering you to...

    • Take authority over the thief
    • Restore what was lost
    • Walk in supernatural provision and power
    • Claim your prophetic promises
    • Receive a double portion of restoration

    Join Rabbi Curt and Apostle Jane for this timely conversation and embrace the call to rise in strength, confront the enemy, and reclaim what has been taken from you. Just as in the story of Esther, now is the time for divine turnarounds, divine recovery, and divine reversals in our homes, cities, and nations.

    Order your copy here: https://curtlandry.com/restore

    Learn more about Jane Hamon’s ministry at https://janehamon.com.

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    34 mins
  • Prophetic Warning on the Spirit of Jezebel
    Feb 27 2025

    Are you battling a spirit of control and manipulation?

    In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett expose the tactics and strategies of the Jezebel spirit. This demonic principality seeks to control, manipulate, and divide. It can operate in men as well as women and must be confronted in the spiritual before the physical. Jesus warns in Revelation that this spirit must not be tolerated.

    Join Rabbi and Darrell as they discuss how to identify if this spirit is at work in your life or community, how to overcome it, and the need for the church to operate in the fullness of the five-fold ministry.

    Watch Rabbi’s message on 40 Signs of a Jezebel spirit here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqbvGh1caSw

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    43 mins
  • What is the Jewish New Year for Trees?
    Feb 13 2025

    Have you heard of Tu BiShvat?

    In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss Tu BiShvat, the Jewish holiday dedicated to the planting of trees. Dating back to the Second Temple period, this life-giving practice is a prophetic act of taking possession of the land and a testament to God’s promise of restoration. As Amos 9:11 declares, “On that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down, and repair its damages; I will raise up its ruins, and rebuild it as in the days of old…”

    Join Rabbi and Darrell as they share a powerful way you can participate in Tu BiShvat–sponsoring an olive tree in the Swords of Iron Memorial Grove. Listen as Rabbi shares the prophetic significance of the grove’s location and how it is a declaration of resilience, hope, and God’s eternal covenant with Israel and her people. Learn more at https://curtlandry.com/tubishvat.

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    24 mins
  • How to Cancel Generational Curses
    Feb 6 2025

    Are you battling a generational curse?

    In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss how to identify and break free from generational curses. If you’re running up against pain patterns you can’t seem to overcome, it’s highly probable it is related to a generational stronghold. These strongholds can take root in different ways, especially through trauma, sin and agreements in your family line. Bloodline curses can rob you from fully embracing your true identity in Jesus and your Kingdom assignment, but through the power of the Holy Spirit you can break free and set a new legacy for the generations after you.

    Join Rabbi Curt and Darrell as they talk about the need for freedom from generational curses and pray a powerful prayer for deliverance and wholehearted transformation.

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    28 mins
  • The Secret to Reaching your Goals for 2025
    Jan 31 2025

    Needing encouragement to complete your goals?

    On this special live episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett unpack the new workbook, Goals to Grow: Habits and Patterns to Unlock Your Kingdom Destiny, sharing practical tips on how your Kingdom goals can become reality, and how it all starts with habits and patterns that are rooted in a biblical mindset.

    Your identity influences your habits and patterns that ultimately lead to reaching your goals. We often set a goal but don’t have a clear and simple plan to get there. The Holy Spirit longs to guide us every step of the way—little by little—and speaks truth to who you are and what is yours in Yeshua. Join Rabbi Curt and Darrell as they share about the Lord’s transformative work in their lives and answer some of your questions about goal setting!

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • How Do I Get Spiritual Results?
    Jan 23 2025

    Are you lacking true spiritual results in your walk with God?

    In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss how misinterpreting scripture is dangerous and robs us of the life God desires for us. Rightly dividing the Word through the Holy Spirit is the key to truly knowing the Holy One of Israel and unlocking our spiritual inheritance. Rabbi unpacks the power of the appointed times and how embracing the fullness of God’s Word leads to experiencing the fullness of God.

    Join Rabbi and Darrell as they share about the hundredfold return lifestyle, true spiritual results, and how to align your mindset with God’s highest and best purposes.

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    40 mins
  • Can Women Preach in the Church?
    Jan 16 2025

    Is it biblical for women to preach and teach God’s Word?

    In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett dive into the context of this sensitive topic, bringing wisdom and clarity. When we look at the context of Paul’s writings, the issues of his day, Jewish culture and Jesus’ own interactions with and instruction to women, we see a pattern–God can and will speak through anyone, regardless of gender.

    The intent of certain scriptures was never to silence all women for all time but to address an issue of order. There are unique and needed ways God will speak through male and female voices in any setting–the only requirement is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It is Jesus in us, men and women, that is the hope of glory.

    Join Rabbi and Darrell as they unpack specific pain point passages with common sense, and offer counsel and biblical perspective on gender roles and the call to preach and teach God’s Word.

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    50 mins
  • Is Baptism the Key to Salvation?
    Jan 9 2025

    Do you have questions about baptism?

    In this episode of the Curt Landry Podcast, Rabbi Curt and Darrell Puckett discuss water baptism and why there is confusion in some circles as to how it relates to salvation. It’s important to note the distinction between being baptized with water and being baptized with fire (the Holy Spirit).

    Water baptism is not a requirement to be saved; it is a public declaration of your salvation. It’s a symbolic act of dying to your old nature and becoming a new creation in Jesus. Water baptism is the circumcision of the heart, sealing and sending you into your calling. Salvation is calling on the name of Jesus Messiah and believing Him in your heart, securing your eternity in heaven.

    Join Rabbi and Darrell as they unpack scriptures on this important topic!

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    39 mins