
  • Live from Commerce Media Brand Summit with Bayer's Chelsea Alexander
    Mar 12 2025

    In this episode, the CPG Guys are joined by Chelsea Alexander,
    Vice President, Emerging Digital Platforms at Bayer Consumer Health. The episode was recorded in Atlanta GA at the Commerce Brand Media Summit in March 2025.

    Follow Chelsea Alexander on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chelsey-alexander-a3269757/

    Follow Bayer on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bayer/

    Follow Bayer online at: https://www.bayer.com/en/personal-health/better-health-for-all

    Chelsea answers these questions:

    1. Tell us about you the person. Take us through your career growth from starting in the drug channel at P&G to a brand GM and leading emerging channels leadership today?
    2. How has your brick and mortar and marketing experiences served you well to be in the role you are in today developing a brand and retail channels?
    3. Social commerce and marketplaces have made great in roads last couple years. Given this is a large part of your role, can you talk about some of the things you’ve learned or important things for brands to keep in mind?
    4. When it comes to the digital shelf,how are you managing content and the rise of AI and personalization?
    5. In which parts of the customer journey do you believe brands need to be best in class to rise above the competition?
    6. Tell us about your team and how you motivate them everyday? What is your approach to people leadership?
    7. Who has been your mentor and advisor and what is the importance of this? What advise would you give other startups in this place?
    8. What trends are you following these days? AI, tech, other trends? Why are these important?

    Apply to join the Cornell retail media program https://ecornell.cornell.edu/certificates/marketing/retail-media-strategy/?utm_source=cpg+guys&utm_medium=multi-channel_campaign&utm_campaign=mktgstrat_Retail+Media+Strategy+-+CPG+Guys

    CPG Guys Website: http://CPGguys.com
    FMCG Guys Website: http://FMCGguys.com
    CPG Scoop Website: http://CPGscoop.com
    Rhea Raj’s Website: http://rhearaj.com
    Lara Raj in Katseye: https://www.katseye.world/

    DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast episode is provided for general informational purposes only. By listening to our episode, you understand that no information contained in this episode should be construed as advice from CPGGUYS, LLC or the individual author, hosts, or guests, nor is it intended to be a substitute for research on any subject matter. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by CPGGUYS, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.

    CPGGUYS LLC expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of any individual’s use of, reference to, or inability to use this podcast or the information we presented in this podcast.

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    42 mins
  • The CPG Guys February 2025 Industry Rank Punditry
    Mar 9 2025

    The CPGGUYS Sri Rajagopalan & Peter VS Bond muse the month that passed by. February means CAGNY - the annual Wall St analyst conference (Consumer Analyst Group of NY). Here, we got to meet several of the financial analysts and were able to discuss and learn what 2025 holds for us in the CPG industry.

    Find Sri Rajagopalan on Linkedin here : https://www.linkedin.com/in/sri-rajagopalan-09a0062/

    Find Peter VS Bond on Linkedin here : https://www.linkedin.com/in/pvsbond/

    Find the CPGGUYS on Linkedin here : https://www.linkedin.com/company/56451211/

    Find the CPGGUYS online here : https://www.cpgguys.com/

    Topics we cover in this episode :

    1. Volume declines in the industry

    2. Headcount reductions - should we expect it

    3. Private label in Retail Media

    4. Org design post ECom CoE structures

    5. M&A… is the tide coming?

    6. Walmart Connect introduces Display Advertising API

    7. Leadership Talent at CPGs & retailers

    8. Changes at Kroger & Albertsons

    9. Global food production & tariffs

    10. Our upcoming conference whereabouts

    Apply to join the Cornell retail media program https://ecornell.cornell.edu/certificates/marketing/retail-media-strategy/?utm_source=cpg+guys&utm_medium=multi-channel_campaign&utm_campaign=mktgstrat_Retail+Media+Strategy+-+CPG+Guys

    CPG Guys Website: http://CPGguys.com
    FMCG Guys Website: http://FMCGguys.com
    CPG Scoop Website: http://CPGscoop.com
    Rhea Raj’s Website: http://rhearaj.com
    Lara Raj in Katseye: https://www.katseye.world/

    DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast episode is provided for general informational purposes only. By listening to our episode, you understand that no information contained in this episode should be construed as advice from CPGGUYS, LLC or the individual author, hosts, or guests, nor is it intended to be a substitute for research on any subject matter. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by CPGGUYS, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.

    CPGGUYS LLC expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of any individual’s use of, reference to, or inability to use this podcast or the information we presented in this podcast.

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Customer First Decisions with Kellanova CCO Carrie Sander
    Mar 5 2025

    In this episode, the CPG guys speak with Carrie Sander, Chief Customer Officer at Kellanova, formerly the snacks division of The Kellogg Company.

    Find Carrie on LinkedIn at: http://linkedin.com/in/carrie-sander-b634b04

    Find Kellanova on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kellanova/

    Find Kellanova online at: https://www.kellanova.com/us/en/home.html

    Carrie answers these questions:

    1. You’ve spent almost the entirety of your professional career with the same company. What were some of the specific experiences that you felt prepared you for your current remit as Chief Customer Officer?
    2. Would you share with our audience what you love most about the CCO role and what you find to be some of the major challenges in today’s omnichannel world, post-pandemic?
    3. Let’s talk “customer-first.” What are the core objectives in a customer-first approach. How do you keep your customers at the center of all your key decisions?
    4. Joint Business Planning is a key component of how CPG Brands go to market with important retail customers. What are the elements of a successful JBP process that you would like to call out and how are we as an industry doing at incorporating elements of loyalty & retail media into the process?
    5. Virtually all of your strategic retail customers have launched retail media platforms in the last few years. With the exception of Amazon and Walmart, these are still largely managed at the trade level. What still needs to be true before any of the “other” RMNs can make it into the strategic investment plan for national brands? Is it scale, is it full funnel capabilities, is it measurement? What?
    6. How does Kellanova lead with insights & innovation and tell stories that influence growth?
    7. What are the relevant industry trends that you are focused on building skills against for you and your team?
    8. What are your thoughts on the industry looking out 1-3 years?

    Apply to join the Cornell retail media program https://ecornell.cornell.edu/certificates/marketing/retail-media-strategy/?utm_source=cpg+guys&utm_medium=multi-channel_campaign&utm_campaign=mktgstrat_Retail+Media+Strategy+-+CPG+Guys

    CPG Guys Website: http://CPGguys.com
    FMCG Guys Website: http://FMCGguys.com
    CPG Scoop Website: http://CPGscoop.com
    Rhea Raj’s Website: http://rhearaj.com
    Lara Raj in Katseye: https://www.katseye.world/

    DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast episode is provided for general informational purposes only. By listening to our episode, you understand that no information contained in this episode should be construed as advice from CPGGUYS, LLC or the individual author, hosts, or guests, nor is it intended to be a substitute for research on any subject matter. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by CPGGUYS, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.

    CPGGUYS LLC expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of any individual’s use of, reference to, or inability to use this podcast or the information we presented in this podcast.

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    46 mins
  • Leadership with Sam's Club's EVP & CXO Diana Marshall
    Mar 1 2025

    The CPGGUYS were joined live at CES during the annual show in Las Vegas by Sam's club Chief experience officer & EVP - Diana Marshall. This is a leadership class for vendors on how to be successful at Sam's club and her own leadership of people, data and MAP. This is the first episode of Women's month. In March, we will feature the amazing female leaders who have shaped the CPG industry and Omnichannel retail.

    **NOTE : at the time of this recording, Diana's title was Chief Growth Officer, and since then her role has evolved to be the first ever Chief Experience Officer for Sam's Club.**

    Find Diana Marshall on Linkedin at : https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-marshall-a089623/

    Find Sam's Club on Linkedin at : https://www.linkedin.com/company/sam's-club/

    Find Sam's Club online at : https://www.samsclub.com/

    Apply to join the Cornell retail media program https://ecornell.cornell.edu/certificates/marketing/retail-media-strategy/?utm_source=cpg+guys&utm_medium=multi-channel_campaign&utm_campaign=mktgstrat_Retail+Media+Strategy+-+CPG+Guys

    CPG Guys Website: http://CPGguys.com
    FMCG Guys Website: http://FMCGguys.com
    CPG Scoop Website: http://CPGscoop.com
    Rhea Raj’s Website: http://rhearaj.com
    Lara Raj in Katseye: https://www.katseye.world/

    DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast episode is provided for general informational purposes only. By listening to our episode, you understand that no information contained in this episode should be construed as advice from CPGGUYS, LLC or the individual author, hosts, or guests, nor is it intended to be a substitute for research on any subject matter. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by CPGGUYS, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.

    CPGGUYS LLC expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of any individual’s use of, reference to, or inability to use this podcast or the information we presented in this podcast.

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    46 mins
  • Live from CAGNY 2025 with RBC Capital Markets' Nik Modi
    Feb 25 2025

    The CPG Guys interview RBC Capital Markets' Managing Director Nik Modi at the 2025 Consumer Analyst Group of New York conference in Orlando FL.

    Follow Nik Modi on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nik-modi-675926/

    Follow RBC Capital Markets on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rbc-capital-markets/

    Follow RBC Capital online at: https://www.rbccm.com/en/

    Nik’s thoughts heading into CAGNY: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YiOhWzZWjMiBSkfd_JB3HXWcEeCjj7IV/view?usp=drivesdk

    We Ask Nik about these topics:

    1. Volume Growth projections universally flat…what’s up?
    2. Price Points & Inflation…how can revenue grow?
    3. Private Label no one is talking about it?
    4. Omnichannel - is the trend over?
    5. Retail Media not mentioned?
    6. Assortment mix - is innovation pipeline driving inefficient y of profitability?
    7. Everyone talks M&A…where is the organic growth?
    8. Focus on EBITA growth without volume growth…are layoffs imminent?
    9. GLP-1
    10. What is geopolitical uncertainty causing brands to do?

    To learn more about CAGNY, click here: https://consumeranalystgroupny.com/

    To access all of the CAGNY presentations, click here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10E493RGHHjB3nwV7-Ga-t-RPCdLm719R?usp=drive_link

    LA fire relief : https://www.directrelief.org/ (always research before giving)

    Apply to join the Cornell retail media program https://ecornell.cornell.edu/certificates/marketing/retail-media-strategy/?utm_source=cpg+guys&utm_medium=multi-channel_campaign&utm_campaign=mktgstrat_Retail+Media+Strategy+-+CPG+Guys

    CPG Guys Website: http://CPGguys.com
    FMCG Guys Website: http://FMCGguys.com
    CPG Scoop Website: http://CPGscoop.com
    Rhea Raj’s Website: http://rhearaj.com
    Lara Raj in Katseye: https://www.katseye.world/

    DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast episode is provided for general informational purposes only. By listening to our episode, you understand that no information contained in this episode should be construed as advice from CPGGUYS, LLC or the individual author, hosts, or guests, nor is it intended to be a substitute for research on any subject matter. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by CPGGUYS, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.

    CPGGUYS LLC expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of any individual’s use of, reference to, or inability to use this podcast or the information we presented in this podcast.

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    47 mins
  • The CPG Industry CAGNY 2025 Recap
    Feb 24 2025

    In this episode, the CPG Guys analyze the 2025 Consumer Analyst Group of New York (CAGNY) conference.

    To learn more about CAGNY, click here: https://consumeranalystgroupny.com/

    To access all of the CAGNY presentations, click here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10E493RGHHjB3nwV7-Ga-t-RPCdLm719R?usp=drive_link

    LA fire relief : https://www.directrelief.org/ (always research before giving)

    Apply to join the Cornell retail media program https://ecornell.cornell.edu/certificates/marketing/retail-media-strategy/?utm_source=cpg+guys&utm_medium=multi-channel_campaign&utm_campaign=mktgstrat_Retail+Media+Strategy+-+CPG+Guys

    CPG Guys Website: http://CPGguys.com
    FMCG Guys Website: http://FMCGguys.com
    CPG Scoop Website: http://CPGscoop.com
    Rhea Raj’s Website: http://rhearaj.com
    Lara Raj in Katseye: https://www.katseye.world/

    DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast episode is provided for general informational purposes only. By listening to our episode, you understand that no information contained in this episode should be construed as advice from CPGGUYS, LLC or the individual author, hosts, or guests, nor is it intended to be a substitute for research on any subject matter. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by CPGGUYS, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.

    CPGGUYS LLC expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of any individual’s use of, reference to, or inability to use this podcast or the information we presented in this podcast.

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    50 mins
  • THE OMNIES -The 2024 CPGGUYS Omnichannel Awards with NielsenIQ
    Feb 22 2025

    This special episode of The CPGGUYS features four guests - the WINNERS of our 2024 Omnichannel awards - 'The OMNIES'. The Omnies recognizes a select few every year that have dedicated a career to evolving from brick & mortar to being truly omnichannel and championing it in the industry. Our four winners this past year have done exactly that. Our sincere CONGRATS to Doug Jossem from Walmart Connect, Tonya Douglas from Giant Foods (part of the ADUSA family), Cely Moreno from PepsiCo and Cara Pratt from Kroger precision marketing/84.51.

    Find Doug Jossem on Linkedin at : https://www.linkedin.com/in/doug-jossem-2595574/

    Find Tonya Douglas on Linkedin at : https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonya-douglas-15889bb/

    Find Cely Moreno on Linkedin at : https://www.linkedin.com/in/cely99/

    Find Cara Pratt on Linkedin at : https://www.linkedin.com/in/cara-pratt-2429614/

    Here's what we asked each of them about leadership :

    1.) You've demonstrated a lifetime of leadership - what principles are you anchored on that have served you well?

    2.) How did you embrace omnichannel leadership and how do you keep up with learning given all the changes in our industry?

    3.) What is your advice to others in this space, and how do you advocate working with digital leaders on this very leadership?

    4.) Tell our audience about brand & retail leadership - what can the industry expect from you in 2025?

    LA fire relief : https://www.directrelief.org/ (always research before giving)

    Apply to join the Cornell retail media program https://ecornell.cornell.edu/certificates/marketing/retail-media-strategy/?utm_source=cpg+guys&utm_medium=multi-channel_campaign&utm_campaign=mktgstrat_Retail+Media+Strategy+-+CPG+Guys

    CPG Guys Website: http://CPGguys.com
    FMCG Guys Website: http://FMCGguys.com
    CPG Scoop Website: http://CPGscoop.com
    Rhea Raj’s Website: http://rhearaj.com
    Lara Raj in Katseye: https://www.katseye.world/

    DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast episode is provided for general informational purposes only. By listening to our episode, you understand that no information contained in this episode should be construed as advice from CPGGUYS, LLC or the individual author, hosts, or guests, nor is it intended to be a substitute for research on any subject matter. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by CPGGUYS, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.

    CPGGUYS LLC expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of any individual’s use of, reference to, or inability to use this podcast or the information we presented in this podcast.

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    48 mins
  • Scaling Better For You Brands with Nature's Bakery CEO Steve Gardiner
    Feb 20 2025

    The CPGGUYS are joined in this episode by the CEO of Nature's Bakery - Steve Gardiner. He has previously held roles in commercial leadership at Henkel and PepsiCo. We personally love the portfolio and the Fig bars are our favorite. As such, this was both a fun and informative discussion.

    Find Steve on Linkedin at : https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-gardiner-6092b11/

    Find Nature's bakery on Linkedin at : https://www.linkedin.com/company/nature-s-bakery/

    Find Nature's bakery online at : https://naturesbakery.com/

    Here's what we asked him :

    1. Let’s get to know you. Take us through your career developing at PepsiCo, then leading sales at Henkel and Nature’s bakery to leading it. What leadership principles have you anchored your career on?
    2. Take us through the portfolio of the company and your innovation approach. What’s new for 2025?
    3. How are you looking at Omnichannel holistically and coaching your teams on building 360 plans?
    4. You are up against stiff larger competitors with deep media pockets - how do you match up here and become the challenger that is fast growing?
    5. Take us through talent development. What do you look for in your leaders and how have you structured for long term growth?
    6. You’ve shared it before, what are the 5 things required to create a successful food brand?
    7. What challenges are you currently facing in the market? How are you adjusting your strategy in response?
    8. What advice would you give to leaders or CEOs of emerging brands?

    LA fire relief : https://www.directrelief.org/ (always research before giving)

    Apply to join the Cornell retail media program https://ecornell.cornell.edu/certificates/marketing/retail-media-strategy/?utm_source=cpg+guys&utm_medium=multi-channel_campaign&utm_campaign=mktgstrat_Retail+Media+Strategy+-+CPG+Guys

    CPG Guys Website: http://CPGguys.com
    FMCG Guys Website: http://FMCGguys.com
    CPG Scoop Website: http://CPGscoop.com
    Rhea Raj’s Website: http://rhearaj.com
    Lara Raj in Katseye: https://www.katseye.world/

    DISCLAIMER: The content in this podcast episode is provided for general informational purposes only. By listening to our episode, you understand that no information contained in this episode should be construed as advice from CPGGUYS, LLC or the individual author, hosts, or guests, nor is it intended to be a substitute for research on any subject matter. Reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by CPGGUYS, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.

    CPGGUYS LLC expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or other damages arising out of any individual’s use of, reference to, or inability to use this podcast or the information we presented in this podcast.

    Show more Show less
    51 mins