• 23| Let's Talk Getting Settled...Oh and I'm Back (finally)
    Feb 8 2025

    Need a little encouragement? Welcome to the Bright Spot - a space on the internet focused on exploring the world of personal growth and self-discovery in your twenties. Grab a drink (or a snack) and join me in digging into the stories of the people around us!Have an encouraging story you want me to tell?

    Email me at thebrightspotpod@gmail.com and we can set something up! (Burning questions you'd like featured on the show or feedback is also welcome!)

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    24 mins
  • 22 | Let's Talk Change and New Chapters
    Sep 12 2023

    Throwback episode from April....I always find it interesting to leap back into my past self and gain a better understanding of what I found important or thought could be changed in the future. Hope this episode offers you some interesting insights on how to grow more comfortable with change and starting new chapters.

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    30 mins
  • 21 | Let's talk building self worth
    Aug 29 2023

    The Bright Spot is back with a few changes sprinkled in. It's time to take on all things post graduate life and I'm so excited to take you guys along for the ride. Grab a snack or a drink and let's talk about building self worth in a world that loves to center comparison.

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    30 mins
  • 20 | Let's talk Politics of Black Hair - The Bright Spot Bite-Sized Edition
    Dec 29 2022

    Today we dive into the politics of wearing natural hair in the US. I invite Lauren Hayes and Tanajia Moye-Green back on to discuss how they grew comfortable wearing their natural hair in public.

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    10 mins
  • Covering Courts | Affirmative Action & Mr. Civil Rights
    Nov 10 2022

    Covering Courts is a mini series that will follow the Supreme Court's session. Look out for fun mini episodes following the biggest cases reaching our nation's highest court!

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    7 mins
  • 19 | Let's Talk Working at a Big 4 Consulting Firm & Striking a Good Work-Life Balance w/ Nima
    Feb 23 2021

    Welcome to the Bright Spot hosted by YouTuber and college student, Avalon Pernell! Today Avalon chats with a friend at a Big four consulting firm about marketing yourself for the job you want and striking a good work life balance when working from home. We also chat about gaining confidence in your resume and finding time for self care.

    Don't forget to check the Bright Spot out on Instagram: instagram.com/theBrightSpotPodcast

    Have an encouraging story you want me to tell? Or a topic you want me to cover? Email me at thebrightspotpod@gmail.com and I'll try to get into it!

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    33 mins
  • 18 | Let's Talk Defying Labels as an Independent Pop Artist w/ Keisha Shadé
    Feb 9 2021

    Welcome to the Bright Spot hosted by YouTuber and college student, Avalon Pernell! Today Avalon chats with Keisha Shadé an up-and-coming pop artist based in London about the challenges that come with being an independent artist. We also chat about defying the boxes that dark skin Black women are often put in when trying to break through the music industry.

    Don't forget to check the Bright Spot out on Instagram: instagram.com/theBrightSpotPodcast

    Have an encouraging story you want me to tell? Or a topic you want me to cover? Email me at thebrightspotpod@gmail.com and I'll try to get into it!

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    46 mins
  • 17 | Let's Talk Taking Two Gap Years and Building a Successful Blog w/ Beatrice Naujalyte
    Jan 26 2021

    Welcome to the Bright Spot hosted by YouTuber and college student, Avalon Pernell! Today Avalon chats with the content creator behind the Bliss Bean a highly successful blog and YouTube channel about deciding to take a gap year, finding identity off the well-trodden path, and learning a new language during a pandemic. We also chat about the tips she has to create a successful channel as well.

    You can find Beatrice on YouTube at: https://bit.ly/3aLtJsK

    Don't forget to check the Bright Spot out on Instagram: instagram.com/theBrightSpotPodcast

    Have an encouraging story you want me to tell? Or a topic you want me to cover? Email me at thebrightspotpod@gmail.com and I'll try to get into it!

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    40 mins