
  • "You Can't Get Data from Myths" - Applying the Scientific Method to the Bible
    Mar 4 2025

    "If you wanna have faith have faith, but don't tell me you have 'data.'"

    These and other related statements have recently been made by people interacting with our podcast content.

    This month we delve into the following questions:

    • How is it possible to start with the Bible as "data"?
    • Can the scientific method be applied to the Bible?
    • What do we mean by the Bible/science method of research and discovery?

    Also on this episode:

    • Research Update: Climate Change
    • Helen's View: "Coronary Christians"

    NEW PODCAST WEBSITE: The BC Messenger has a new podcast website! It will act as a dedicated "hub" for our listeners, giving you an easy place to search past content, communicate, and provide feedback.

    READ the full Show Notes and view images online at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/archives/BCM_March_2025.html

    SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/BCM_email.php

    SHOP our products on our new store!

    Got questions or comments? Email customer.care@biblicalchronologist.org

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    1 hr and 20 mins
  • Aging: The way it was, the way it is, and where things stand.
    Feb 3 2025

    We introduce this month's topic by discussing a recent video we saw of Dick Van Dyke, who has recently turned 99 years old. This sweet but heart-wrenching video shows clips of Van Dyke as a young entertainer, placed in quick succession beside clips of him as a 99-year-old.

    Time is a thief when it comes to aging.

    After a quick review of what we can learn from the biblical data on aging, we turn our attention to a full update on the aging research happening here at The Biblical Chronologist. Where do things stand with the current theory of aging, current recommendations, communications efforts, and what does this all mean for our listeners?

    Included in the discussion is an explanation of the recent NR recommendation by Dr. Aardsma.

    Also on this episode:

    • As a Matter of Fact: Genetic Bottleneck?
    • Quote of Note: Isaiah 65:20-22
    • Helen's View: A Day in the Life

    NEW PODCAST WEBSITE: The BC Messenger has a new podcast website! It will act as a dedicated "hub" for our listeners, giving you an easy place to search past content, communicate, and provide feedback.

    READ the full Show Notes and view images online at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/archives/BCM_February_2025.html

    SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/BCM_email.php

    SHOP our products on our new store!

    Got questions or comments? Email customer.care@biblicalchronologist.org

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    1 hr and 35 mins
  • Imhotep, Joseph, and a Cure for Cancer?
    Jan 1 2025

    Imhotep is a notable and intriguing figure from ancient Egyptian history. Trusted as closest advisor (vizier) to the Pharoah Djoser, his roles included architect, poet, high priest, physician, and carpenter. He is history's first physician known by name today, and is credited with the authorship of two ancient medical documents.

    Proper chronology places Imhotep at exactly the same time as the biblical Joseph, whom the Bible portrays as having extraordinary leadership skills and acting as closest advisor to Pharoah. Was the biblical Joseph the same person as the Egyptian Imhotep? On this episode we consider, from several angles, the strong correlations between the two historical figures.

    Imhotep's name has been mentioned in modern news lately, in connection with—of all things—a possible cure for cancer. This cancer research is fascinating, especially when coupled with the likely connection between Imhotep and the biblical Joseph.

    Also on this episode:

    • Quote of Note by Helen Keller
    • Aging Research Update: New Recommendation
    • "As a Matter of Fact...": Vapor Canopy?
    • Helen's View: A letter to President-elect Trump

    NEW PODCAST WEBSITE: The BC Messenger has a new podcast website! It will act as a dedicated "hub" for our listeners, giving you an easy place to search past content, communicate, and provide feedback.

    READ the full Show Notes and view images online at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/archives/BCM_January_2025.html

    SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/BCM_email.php

    SHOP our products on our new store!

    Got questions or comments? Email customer.care@biblicalchronologist.org

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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • The Story of Ai in Real-World History
    Dec 3 2024

    The biblical account of Ai, in close connection with Jericho, provides a unique opportunity to once again see the Bible come to life in archaeology. The unique features of this story are easily identified in archaeology, but once again, correct chronology is key.

    Ai was a walled city at only one period in history, and when it was destroyed, it was never rebuilt. We find this happening at the exact time predicted by modern biblical chronology, 2400 B.C.

    Listen in to the story of the people of Ai, which combines archaeology with the biblical account. And what about the "great heap of stones" raised by Joshua and his men? Once again, come and see.

    Also on this episode:

    • "As a Matter of Fact...": Was "Behemoth" a Dinosaur?
    • Aging Research: Reading of the preface of Aging: Cause & Cure, 3rd Edition
    • Helen's View: A Time to Gather Stones and a Time to Scatter Them

    NEW PODCAST WEBSITE: The BC Messenger has a new podcast website! It will act as a dedicated "hub" for our listeners, giving you an easy place to search past content, communicate, and provide feedback.

    READ the full Show Notes and view images online at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/archives/BCM_December_2024.html

    SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/BCM_email.php

    SHOP our products on our new store!

    Got questions or comments? Email customer.care@biblicalchronologist.org

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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • November 2024: Jericho in Archaeology: The Problem & the Solution
    Nov 1 2024

    Are you ready to see the Bible to come to life in archaeology?

    Following on the heels of the compelling evidence we have seen for Israel in the wilderness, we now come to the beginning of the Conquest of Canaan.

    This month we discuss Jericho, where the Bible says walls fell down around an inhabited city, which was then burned by Joshua and his men. After this time, the text indicates that it was not rebuilt for some significant period of time. All of this should not be hard to find in archaeology.

    Once again, the Bible runs into trouble at the traditional dates. No walls, no burning, not even a city—nothing at all is present in archaeology at Jericho within the traditional timeframe. This leads to some troubling questions. Could the biblical tale actually be just invented "history" or even "propaganda" for the nation of Israel? Currently, the "...strong consensus among scholars is that the Book of Joshua holds little historical value."

    This is a real problem for Bible-believers.

    Or, we should say, was a real problem. Once you get the biblical chronology straight, and look at the right dates, the Bible indeed comes to life. A unified story is told in detail by both the biblical text and by the archaeologists themselves. And what a story it is!

    Yes, there was a city, and yes, the walls fell. Yes, the ancient city was burned with fire at the very time predicted by modern biblical chronology, and after that time the city was not inhabited again for a long, long time. Come and see!

    Also on this episode:

    • Quote of Note by C.S. Lewis
    • "As a Matter of Fact...": Were there dinosaurs on the ark?
    • Aging research testimonial by Steve
    • Helen's View: Thanksgiving Memories

    NEW PODCAST WEBSITE: The BC Messenger has a new podcast website! It will act as a dedicated "hub" for our listeners, giving you an easy place to search past content, communicate, and provide feedback.

    READ the full Show Notes and view images online at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/archives/BCM_November_2024.html

    SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/BCM_email.php

    SHOP our products on our new store!

    Got questions or comments? Email customer.care@biblicalchronologist.org

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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • October 2024: The True Cause of Climate Change: A Call to Awareness and Action
    Oct 1 2024


    The globe is warming, glaciers are melting, and oceans are rising. However, the mainstream narrative about "climate change" is exceedingly dangerous, because it in no way addresses the true problem we as a global community appear to be facing.

    Bible/science research reveals the true cause of Earth's rising temperatures. You cannot get the whole story about climate change without taking a high view of both the scientific data and the history recorded in Genesis.

    Once we have the whole story, we see the need, once again, for mankind to take his God-given role to subdue the earth.

    NEW PODCAST WEBSITE: The BC Messenger has a new podcast website! It will act as a dedicated "hub" for our listeners, giving you an easy place to search past content, communicate, and provide feedback.

    READ the full Show Notes and view images online at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/archives/BCM_October_2024.html

    SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/BCM_email.php

    Got questions or comments? Email customer.care@biblicalchronologist.org

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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • September 2024: Discoveries That Seemed Delusional
    Sep 3 2024

    A well-dressed lady, probably in her late 60s, picked up a copy of Dr. Aardsma's book Aging: Cause and Cure at a display table. She surveyed the covers, and then set the book down saying, "That's just too much."

    Talking about aging as a curable disease does sound crazy today. Crazier still is the idea that the cure for aging is now known, and topping it all off, that the cure has been found through data contained in the ancient book of Genesis.

    Looking back through time, we can see that although many world-changing ideas and discoveries initially sounded too crazy to be true, those ideas eventually became accepted as fact, and those discoveries are now embraced by society.

    This month we take a look at four historical examples of ideas that at first seemed too crazy to be true... but ended up changing the world.

    Also on this episode:

    • A Look Ahead: Next month's October 2024 podcast will be dealing with climate change
    • Research Update: Six additional newsletters published by Dr. Aardsma continuing to piece together the route of the Exodus
    • "As a Matter of Fact...": Have chariot wheels really been found in the Red Sea?
    • Helen's View: Gerald and Helen celebrate 50 years of marriage

    READ the full Show Notes and view images online at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/archives/BCM_September_2024.html

    SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/BCM_email.php

    Got questions or comments? Email customer.care@biblicalchronologist.org

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • August 2024: Understanding the Pillar of Cloud
    Aug 1 2024

    God led the Israelites through the wilderness by a pillar of cloud by day. It signaled to them when they should remain camped in a certain location, or when it was time to move to another location. To the unbeliever, this again sounds like the substance of mythology. But, when explained scientifically, it shows (once again) that the accounts in Exodus are eyewitness accounts of God's amazing, traceable works in history.

    On this episode, you will come to understand the cloud in the wilderness in a way that you have never understood it before, as Steve and Jennifer discuss another fascinating discovery from Dr. Gerald Aardsma on the biblical account of the Exodus!

    Also on this episode:

    • A Look Ahead: Our October 2024 podcast will be dealing with climate change
    • "As a Matter of Fact..."- Supercontinent? (All-new section giving real answers to false, preconceived ideas)
    • Aging Research: A visionary's perspective on aging
    • Helen's View: Meet Sam Hall

    READ the full Show Notes and view images online at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/archives/BCM_August_2024.html

    SUBSCRIBE to The BC Messenger email list at https://www.biblicalchronologist.org/store/BCM_email.php

    Got questions or comments? Email customer.care@biblicalchronologist.org

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    1 hr and 3 mins