• Unlocking Your Entrepreneurial Potential by Getting Past Your Self-Imposed Barriers
    Sep 18 2024

    Meet Tokeet Channel Manager, your ultimate all-in-one property management solution. It’s the game changer designed to boost your profits while simplifying every aspect of your operations. Join 60,000 rentals across 95 countries who trust Tokeet. Click below and discover Tokeet - the business partner you never knew you were missing!

    Link: https://www.tokeet.com/?ref=ztfjzgj




    For this solo toolbox episode, Alex explains how to unlock the entrepreneur within and tap into the mindset needed to build a life of freedom, success and limitless potential. If you have ever felt like you are stuck in one place, circling around your dreams but never quite stepping into them, this episode is 100% for you.

    Today, you are going to understand what is holding you back and take the first step to bursting straight through that barrier.


    • The only person holding you back is you.
    • You're invisible to your own dreams because you're hiding behind these walls of comfort, fear and procrastination.
    • Identify where you are hiding and break free. You can´t fix what you won´t face.
    • Distractions are robbing you of your future.
    • Lots of us let ourselves believe our best times are behind us.
    • Fear of failure or rejection holds some of us back.
    • What are you waiting for? Life isn´t going to slow down for you, so now is the time to take action. Stop waiting for the perfect time or opportunity.
    • Every day you wait is a day lost. Build your own business to build freedom.
    • Don't let anyone else's fear or envy stop you from pursuing your dreams.
    • Surround yourself with people that lift you up.
    • Be an inspiration for people around you.


    "The only person standing in your way right now is you."

    “Some hide behind over preparation. We spend all the time planning but never execute."

    "You're not just creating a source of income. You're reclaiming control over your life and your time."

    "You owe it to yourself to see what you are truly capable of."


    Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.

    This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor-made ‘lifestyle by design.’

    Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer instead to spend his time at home with his young and growing family, and Alex likes to spend most of his time in sunny Spain enjoying his love for road cycling or even hiking in the Tramuntana mountain ranges.

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    14 mins
  • Rob Moore - "ANYONE Can Be an Entrepreneur"
    Sep 15 2024

    Meet Tokeet Channel Manager, your ultimate all-in-one property management solution. It’s the game changer designed to boost your profits while simplifying every aspect of your operations. Join 60,000 rentals across 95 countries who trust Tokeet. Click below and discover Tokeet - the business partner you never knew you were missing!

    Link: https://www.tokeet.com/?ref=ztfjzgj



    For this episode, Alex is joined by Rob Moore a multi-millionaire property investor, serial entrepreneur, and the best-selling author of 19 books, the host of one of the world's biggest podcasts and a leading online influencer.

    Alex puts Rob on the spot and asks him some controversial questions and gets some unexpected answers. Rob explains why you don´t have to be a certain type of person to be successful, how to use pain as motivation, whether manifestation work, how to create opportunities, E-commerce, property investing, how to manage debt and Andrew Tate.


    • Any type of person can become a successful entrepreneur. You just need to find the right business model for you.
    • If you are already over 30, don´t think it's too late - It´s not, you have decades of work left in you and it is still possible to make a lot of money fast.
    • Unless you want to be a professional e.g. a doctor why go to college? Start a business instead.
    • Even in your darkest hour, find something to chase after.
    • Find a passion, profession, purpose, or job you love. Then, every day, figure out your next challenge and meet it until you become successful.
    • Shame and guilt are tough emotions, but they are motivating. Pain is better motivation than pleasure.
    • Being in debt has a strange upside that you can leverage.
    • Always treat people well.
    • You get what you focus on, but the idea you can simply think about something and make it happen (manifest it) is rubbish.
    • Criticism is good, it keeps you humble, and you learn.
    • Strive to be accurate and base what you do and think on facts.
    • The financial system is not geared towards enabling the average person to live well, but you can beat that system.
    • Don’t let fear stop you from doing what you think is right.
    • Every day do something hard, learn something new and do something kind. When you do within a year you will be much stronger and successful.
    • Be present, be grateful and stop worrying about things that are not likely to ever happen.


    "It was 4 years, pretty much, from broke and £50k in debt to my first million."

    "You don't need to be charismatic to be successful. You need to find the right business model for you."

    "You just need one little crack of light in your life…run towards it"

    "The only way you never have haters is to say nothing. Do nothing, be nothing."

    "I cannot sell myself out. I have to speak my truth."

    “Have the courage to be hated in the pursuit of living a meaningful purpose.”


    Rob Moore´s books - https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Rob-Moore/author/B00S9RX6P2





    Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.

    This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor-made ‘lifestyle by design.’

    Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer instead to spend his time at home with his young and growing family, and Alex likes to spend most of his time in sunny Spain enjoying his love for road cycling or even hiking in the Tramuntana mountain ranges.

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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • My Top Ten Tips for Effective Communication
    Sep 11 2024

    For this episode of the AirBnB Toolbox, Alex talks about effective communication which is a must-have talent for anyone who wants to be successful in business and life. Implementing these ten effective communication tips will help you to become better at negotiating, sealing deals, marketing your business, and leading your team.

    It will also help you to build closer bonds with your family, friends, team members, people you need help from and customers. When you improve those relationships everything gets easier which in turn leads to success in business and life.


    • Effective communication benefits every aspect of your life.
    • Listen more, talk less.
    • Actively listen, don´t be distracted, keep eye contact, and repeat key points.
    • Prepare for conversations, so you can be clear and concise.
    • Be empathetic. You don´t necessarily have to agree with the other person, but you do need to show that you understand their feelings.
    • Ensure your body language matches your words.
    • Ask open-ended questions.
    • Adapt your style of communication to match the other person´s communication style.
    • Never talk over someone.
    • Give people time to process what you say and respond. Resist the urge to fill the silence.
    • Stay positive and respectful.
    • Give constructive feedback. Use real-world examples that illustrate the issue you are trying to address.
    • Be authentic. Be honest. Don´t bulls**t.


    "Communicating with people in all aspects of life is the number one skill for getting ahead."

    "Active listening creates trust. It makes the other person feel heard and valued."

    "Be mindful of your gestures, your eye contact and your body language."

    "When you lose the trust in business, with a partner or family members, there's a good chance that you're not going to be able to get it back.."

    "Effective communication isn´t just about speaking, it´s about listening, understanding and adapting to the other person."


    Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.

    This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor-made ‘lifestyle by design.’

    Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer instead to spend his time at home with his young and growing family, and Alex likes to spend most of his time in sunny Spain enjoying his love for road cycling or even hiking in the Tramuntana mountain ranges.


    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/alex.mannock

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theairbnbnomadspodcast

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@theairbnbnomadspodcast

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Lifebeyondbroke

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    21 mins
  • The Secret To Building Your Brand - Social Media Manager Kieran Kevan
    Sep 8 2024

    For this episode, Alex is joined by Kieran Kevan who is a global social media manager, Fitness Champion and coach. Regardless of the type of business you run you´ve got to have a brand, which means building a really strong social media presence and learning to engage people within the 3-second attention window.

    If you don´t you won´t be the brand that people think of when they reach the buying stage. A stage they are only at for a very brief period. Buyers scroll and research for 95% of the time and are only in buying mode for 5% of the time. Kieran and Alex also have an in-depth conversation about the ethics of using clickbait on your social channels.


    • Who and what do you want to be? That´s is what your brand needs to be. Don´t lie, be authentic.
    • To stand a chance of finding investors you need to have a good social presence.
    • Sharing written posts on LinkedIn is a good place for property entrepreneurs to get started. A significant percentage of the people who use the channel will have money to invest.
    • If you do not post consistently, the algorithm will penalise you.
    • 95% of the time your audience is in consideration mode. They are researching and deciding whether to buy or not.
    • You need to stay front of mind so that you are who they think of when they eventually reach the buying stage.
    • Social is what will keep you at the front of potential buyers ‘minds.
    • Personality and consistency are the key. People buy people.
    • Tell stories to evoke emotions. When you do that people relate and stay with you.
    • Grow with your audience.
    • Initially cast your net wide.
    • Catchy headlines are essential, but they have to be honest. If they are not the leads you get will not result in sales.
    • Focus on conversions and play the longer game.
    • If you use Facebook focus on using your personal page rather than your business page.
    • Invest in getting your socials working properly. Pay someone who knows to tell you what to do.


    "The average person scrolls the length of the Eiffel Tower on their phone, every day."

    "Social is your number one tool to go to market with because that's the easiest way."

    "Personality really is what´s key to success on any social media …. Essentially, people buy people."

    "Copy and paste what you did six months ago and put it out again, reuse it, repurpose and go again."


    Socials – @KieranKevan

    Brits scroll the length of the Eiffel Tower every year (study) - https://blog.int.lenstore.co.uk/how-long-do-brits-spend-on-their-phones


    Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.

    This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor-made ‘lifestyle by design.’

    Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer instead to spend his time at home with his young and growing family, and Alex likes to spend most of his time in sunny Spain enjoying his love for road cycling or even hiking in the Tramuntana mountain ranges.


    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/alex.mannock/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theairbnbnomadspodcast TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@theairbnbnomadspodcast

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Lifebeyondbroke/

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    1 hr and 26 mins
  • The Top Ten Non-Negotiable Foundations Of A Business Success Mindset
    Sep 4 2024

    This episode is a follow-up to last Thursday´s toolbox episode in which Alex and Pooh discussed overcoming some of the struggles and challenges entrepreneurs face. Today, Alex dives a little deeper into the subject and shares the top things you can do to improve the chances of business success.

    He looks at building resilience, being adaptable, self-discipline, pursuing a clear vision, developing decision-making and problem-solving skills, communicating clearly, financial literacy and more.


    • Resilience is crucial – without it you end up becoming discouraged, losing sight of your business purpose, and losing your passion.
    • The business world and your market are constantly changing, so you need to be adaptable.
    • Emotional intelligence is important. It is what enables you to manage your emotions and to some extent those of others.
    • Things are always going to go wrong. It is a fact that nobody can avoid so developing the ability to handle problems well is crucial.
    • Without financial literacy it is impossible to know how well your business is doing and spot things like cashflow issues early so that you can get ahead of the problem.
    • If you are not good at finances, work with or employ someone who is.
    • Developing a strong mindset is essential, all successful entrepreneurs are constantly working to improve their mindset.


    "We can never guarantee success, but we can build some really solid foundations into our mindset."

    "Discipline is pretty much the backbone of success."

    "High emotional intelligence allows you to lead with empathy ."

    "Financial literacy is non-negotiable. It ensures that you can make informed decisions that support the long-term health of the business. "


    Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.

    This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor-made ‘lifestyle by design.’

    Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer instead to spend his time at home with his young and growing family, and Alex likes to spend most of his time in sunny Spain enjoying his love for road cycling or even hiking in the Tramuntana mountain ranges.


    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/alex.mannock/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theairbnbnomadspodcast TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@theairbnbnomadspodcast

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Lifebeyondbroke/

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    16 mins
  • How to Build and Scale Your Wealth - Sarah Poynton Ryan
    Sep 1 2024

    For this episode, Alex is joined by Sarah Poynton Ryan a property investor, best-selling author, and the founder of Money Mechanics which helps ordinary people to start investing with as little as £10. She is also the founder of Cognito Wealth UK. Sarah and her team provide a 12-step CPD-accredited process that results in business success.

    Sarah has founded and sold a photo booth business and has successfully used numerous property models. She understands the nitty-gritty of running a business and guides people through each step in detail, providing practical and up-to-date advice. During the episode, Sarah also shares the ins and outs of her entrepreneurial journey providing you with on-point business advice in the process of doing so.


    • Be prepared for hard work. Usually, it takes years to build a business.
    • Running a business is an ongoing learning process, every day brings a new challenge or task that you have to conquer. That is why having someone who has already done it to turn to for advice is invaluable.
    • Money alone is not enough to make you happy. Relationships matter more.
    • Work-life balance is critical. You have to take your life partner and kids with you. Communication is key.
    • Documenting your progress and sharing it on social media makes networking much, much easier, which in turn makes it easier to find finance, people to work with and clients.
    • Be your authentic self, keeping up a fake version of yourself is exhausting.
    • If you have £10 you can invest and make money.
    • Be bolder, stop thinking about things for too long.
    • Everyone has bad days. Having a strong why will keep you going.


    "There is a difference between good debt and bad debt."

    "Try and tune into who you want to be and try not to show up as anything other than that."

    “I think I aspired to things that other people had told me was success, and actually, I'd forgotten about what success meant to me.”

    “Surround yourself with people who support you…be careful of people who don´t cheer you on when you're doing well.”





    Stock Savvy - https://www.facebook.com/groups/iamamoneymechanic/

    Money Mechanics book - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Money-Mechanics-Engineer-Investing-Secrets/dp/191577120X/


    Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.

    This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor-made ‘lifestyle by design.’

    Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer instead to spend his time at home with his young and growing family, and Alex likes to spend most of his time in sunny Spain enjoying his love for road cycling or even hiking in the Tramuntana mountain ranges.


    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/alex.mannock/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theairbnbnomadspodcast TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@theairbnbnomadspodcast

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Lifebeyondbroke/

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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • Getting Through Those Tough Days As An Entrepreneur
    Aug 28 2024

    For this episode, Alex and Pooh talk about the realities of being in business, which, regardless of where you are in your journey is tough. They focus in on how to get through the tough days, those times when things don´t work out and you start to feel that you are heading in the wrong direction.

    If you want to know how to maintain motivation and momentum this is the episode for you.


    • If your reason for being self-employed is not strong enough, at some point, you are going to give up and go back to working for someone else.
    • Regularly remind yourself why you have chosen to be an entrepreneur.
    • When you initially start you are full of enthusiasm and energy. Your tank is full but keeping it that way is not easy.
    • Try to keep your life partner in the loop and on your side.
    • If you have a business partner lean on each other. If not surround yourself with other entrepreneurs who are at your level or a little ahead of you.
    • Exercise is important it keeps you healthy and perhaps more importantly gives you the chance to turn off.


    "You get amazing days – you can conquer the world and the next day just pew."

    "You are always on, you´re always thinking about something whether things are going good or whether things are going bad."

    "If you hire a mentor, work with someone who´s living a life that you want to live."


    Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.

    This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor-made ‘lifestyle by design.’

    Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer instead to spend his time at home with his young and growing family, and Alex likes to spend most of his time in sunny Spain enjoying his love for road cycling or even hiking in the Tramuntana mountain ranges.


    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/alex.mannock/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theairbnbnomadspodcast

    TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@theairbnbnomadspodcast

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Lifebeyondbroke/

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    16 mins
  • The BEST Side Hustle To Make Money - Alex Koh
    Aug 25 2024

    For this episode, Alex is joined by Dr. Alex Koh the founder of the Buy Trigger Club where he teaches families to create wealth through trading. Today, Alex Koh focuses on talking about his experience of building social media content channels using bots to build out almost 100% passive side hustles.

    Alex´s channels focus on how to trade stocks and shares. But this kind of side hustle is an ideal way for property developers to create another income stream.


    • Regardless of whether you are employed or run your own business you can benefit from having a side hustle.
    • Building content channels is far easier when you use what you do in your day-to-day life.
    • AI bots greatly speed up the rate at which you can create.
    • If you want to stay ahead you need to learn and actively use AI. Now is the best time to do it. It is free and anyone can access and use AI, but that could change soon.
    • Repurposing your content enables you to run multiple content channels.
    • You do not need any expensive equipment, nor do you need to spend ages editing. You can film for 5 mins, watch it through and post it, which takes less than 20 mins.
    • Produce shorts, right now they generate the most organic growth.
    • Post across all 5 video platforms. The same video will bomb on some of the platforms yet go viral on one of them.
    • Making money out of content creation is much harder than it was a few years ago.
    • With content creation, you have to overdeliver and give out a lot of information for free, before you can sell people anything.
    • Building an online presence is a great way to boost your brand and build a stronger business.
    • Keep comments on, that´s what really drives the algorithm. Just ignore the trolls.


    "Skill up, equip up."

    “There's going to be other people out there who are like you and they will naturally gravitate to you.”

    “We don´t have enough short-form vloggers.”

    “To make money for a purpose, to help somebody else, that´s the end game.”


    Dr. Alex Koh is the founder of Buy Trigger Club and a leading voice in family investment strategies on YouTube. With a focus on growth stocks and market trends, he empowers families to build wealth through disciplined investing.




    Alex & Pooh have built a portfolio of over 16 Serviced Accommodation Units and 10 Buy-To-Lets collectively over the last 5 years.

    This AirBnB Business has allowed each of them to create their own tailor-made ‘lifestyle by design.’

    Pooh chose to escape the corporate life as an electrical engineer instead to spend his time at home with his young and growing family, and Alex likes to spend most of his time in sunny Spain enjoying his love for road cycling or even hiking in the Tramuntana mountain ranges.


    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/alex.mannock/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/theairbnbnomadspodcast TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@theairbnbnomadspodcast

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@Lifebeyondbroke/

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    1 hr and 21 mins