• S3 E10 - Who are these "other" friends? - Friendship - Guests: Ashley Beekley, Corianne Pearce, and Nicole Cross
    Jul 6 2022

    You guys, today is a big day. This is the last episode for season 3 and it’s a jam-packed episode! It also happens to be my birthday so there’s that. 😊 As always I am so excited for you to join the conversation here on TAAQ. Some of my best friends join me today to discuss friendship. We talk about what makes a gospel friend, what the differences are between friendships in the world and one's rooted in Christ, how to be a friend during changing seasons of life, and how to make friends. We don't have it all figured out but when you are pursing Christ alongside one another friendships turn into family.

    If you don’t already, go follow the show on Instagram! I am continually humbled by people who listen. It is such a joy to chat in DM’s or meet people out and about, or even those who have been acquaintances and have reached out to be encouraged and pointed to Jesus which is all I could possible ask for. To see the Lord grow his people's affection and desire to know Him more is a gift in itself. :)

    Please subscribe on Spotify, Apple or Google and give the show a 5 star rating as well as a review! This is huge for the show and helps other people find it when searching. Share with a friend who has a birthday in July! Until next season Friends!

    Birthday Fundraiser - CareNet of Puget Sound

    Give directly to CareNet of Puget Sound


    Tayler Asks A Question

    Ashley Beekley

    Nicole Cross

    Tayler Little

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    1 hr and 45 mins
  • S3 E9 - Are you making ministry widows? - Love & Marriage Part 2 - Pastor Lewis and Geneva Messex and Pastor Dmitriy and Mary Spatarel
    Jun 29 2022

    We are back for Part 2 of Love and Marriage, with a dash of ministry life! Today we will hear Pastor Dmitriy and Mary's love story and it's one that Hollywood hasn't written yet! We talk about pre-marital, what it's like to be a pastor and a husband and we will hear more contet for everyone's favorite, and yet a most misunderstood chapter, 1 Corinthians 13!

    Please subscribe on Spotify, Apple or Google and give the show a 5 star rating as well as a review! This is huge for the show and helps other people find it when searching. Send this episode to a friend, or maybe even your fiancée and have a discussion. I pray it bears much good fruit!






    As promised Pastor Dmitriy and his family with this Throwback! #OurGodIsAnAwesomeGod

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • S3 E8 - Contract or Covenant? - Love & Marriage Part 1 - Pastor Lewis and Geneva Messex and Pastor Dmitriy and Mary Spatarel
    Jun 22 2022

    The Pastors of the Pod are back today! As a bonus their wives are here sharing their love story and giving us some great wisdom. We will hear Pastor Lewis and Geneva’s love story, what scripture has to say about marriage with of course some laughs along the way.

    Please subscribe on Spotify, Apple or Google and give the show a 5 star rating as well as a review! This is huge for the show and helps other people find it when searching. Send this episode to a friend!



    Tayler Asks A Question

    Mary Spatarel

    Pastor Dmitriy Spatarel

    Pastor Lewis Messex

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    52 mins
  • S3 E7 - More Bacon than Broccoli? - Keto & Carnivore Part 2 - Guest: Lindsey Haro
    Jun 15 2022

    It's the second half of my conversation with Lindsey and we talk numbers, great keto/carnivore resources, and what Lindsey is exploring and studying currently about why eating vegetables might not be as clean as you think it is. ;) Check out Part 1 if you haven't listened to it yet to get more context and then come on back and check out part 2!

    You can check out the replay of Live Q&A Lindsey and I did on the Tayler Asks A Question Instagram.

    If you want to get your own Carnivore crisps grab a bag at carnivorecrisps.com and enter DANCINGCARNIVORE for 10% off

    If you’ve enjoyed this podcast please leave the show a 5 star rating on Apple or Spotify, or leave a review on Apple so more people can see the show. Thanks for listening!!



    Tayler Asks A Question

    The Dancing Carnivore

    Shawn Baker, MD Instagram


    Real Food for Gestational Diabetes

    Lies My Doctor Told Me By Dr. Ken Berry

    Your Future Self Will Thank You


    Dr. Ken Berry Channel

    Fat Fiction Documentary


    Carb Manager – Android

    On Apple

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    52 mins
  • S3 E6 - Wait, meat has vitamins? - Keto & Carnivore Part 1 - Guest: Lindsey Haro
    Jun 8 2022
    This week Lindsey and I jump right in and discuss the popular “Keto” diet that really changed her health for the better. Lindsey then took another step in an elimination diet that is really on the rise called Carnivore. And I mean, with inflation happening on every food product out there, an elimination diet like Carnivore sounds even more reasonable. Lindsey shares her personal journey and introduction to this way of living and we discussing what these meat-based diets are, why they are beneficial, misconceptions and how and why this could be something you look into. Lindsey gives us the basic framework for this and we talk about fasting and how you might be challenged to adjust your expectation for why God calls us to fast food specifically. Share this episode with a friend who really loves bacon and see what they think! Leave a 5 star review on Spotify, Apple or Google podcast platforms, as well as leave a review. We hope you enjoy part 1 of this conversation. Instagram: The Dancing Carnivore Tayler Asks A Question Other Links: Documentary: Fat Fiction Your Future Self Will Thank You Carb Manager App: Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wombatapps.carbmanager&hl=en_US&gl=US Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/carb-manager-keto-diet-tracker/id410089731
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    45 mins
  • S3 E5 – Just because we can, should we? – Pride, humility, Them Before Us – Guest: Jenn
    Jun 2 2022

    In today’s conversation we are going to cover 2 pretty heavy topics. In light of Pride month, we are going to talk about some LGBT issues in conjunction with 3rd party reproduction. Jenn shares her story, her involvement with Them Before Us and talks with much grace about the LGBT community and how with an Instagram account she is walking in the light and calling others to do so as well to live as scripture would call anyone who carries the title “Christian” ought to.

    Thank you for listening to this conversation. Email us with your questions, at TaylersAsks@gmail.com, follow the show on Instagram. Don’t forget to subscribe to the show on Apple and Spotify and give this episode a 5 star rating and leave a review for the show. Thank you so much for listening, share this show with a friend! Until Next time, Friends!!


    Relatable Episode 482 - Katy Faust Them Before Us

    Relatable Episode 552 - "Big Fertility"

    Relatable Episode 554 - IVF, Embryo Adoption & Surrogacy


    Website - Them Before Us!

    Buy the Book - Them Before Us





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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • S3 E4 - Do they really help you plan for parenthood? - Guest: Carole
    May 25 2022
    This week's episode my friend Carole joins us in a conversation about a decision she made over 2 decades ago. She went to a clinic that is meant to be known for pre-natal care and planning for parenthood, yet it does not help parents nor assist in planning to become a parent in the least. Carole bravely shares her story with us and gives glory to God in how He sovereignly had his hand over her throughout her journey in graciously extending grace and freedom from shame. I hope that you are able to see the tender heart of God and how His kindness leads us to repentance. If you find yourself suddenly and surprisingly pregnant and in a desperate situation, please reach out to one of the pregnancy centers near you, or check below and reach out for assistance and care as you journey into motherhood. Links: Tayler Asks A Question https://4us.org/adopt-a-center/ https://savethestorks.com/ https://embracegrace.com/ https://carenetps.org/
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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • S3 E3 - Does my vote even matter? - Politics - Guest: Beth Taylor
    May 18 2022

    Normally we talk a lot about Christianity on this show and we don't really get into politics.... well friends, that ends today! In this episode I am joined by my friend Beth Taylor, who I met in a somewhat unconventional way, through the internet, duh! Is that even unconventional in 2022 though? Ha! We specifically met through the pop culture conservative show sponsored by TPUSA called "Poplitics" You'll hear our story to becoming cinnamon roll sisters, how we were brought together in 2020 through similar political views and have grown in friendship over the last 2 years. Beth shares her story of what motivated her to get more involved in politics, that lead to her current work with the Chamber of Commerce in Eastern Washington. She gives us the inside scope about her internship here on the west side, how much representatives really know, and most importantly, why and how your vote actually matters in local elections. I hope you listen to this and feel enlightened to the reality of policy making and encouraged in how to make a difference in your community.

    If you enjoy the show, please leave a 5 star rating on Apple Podcasts and leave a review for bonus points! We will keep you updated on Beth's nonprofit as she continues to get funding and move forward with



    2000 Mules by Dinesh D'Souza

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    Tayler Asks

    Beth Taylor

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    1 hr and 14 mins