• Designing Great Endings for Pension Members in conversation with Joe Macleod
    Dec 19 2024
    ‘Endineering’, a concept that could transform End Game communication strategies.

    Join Alex, Nikita and our latest guest Joe Macleod - Founder of ‘And End’, as we uncover how to ‘endineer’ the end game for pensions.

    Businesses, pensions schemes and any consumer experience focus on solving problems and making life easier for the end-user (or member). But what tends to happen at the end of a journey? Often, off-boarding isn’t considered half as much as it should be. This leaves consumers confused and sometimes with a bad taste in their mouths; the same is true for members as their pension goes through buy-out.

    Throughout our discussion, we’ve explored the parallels between Joe’s ‘endineering’ concept and end game communication strategies.

    So, how do we bridge the gap between compliance and best practice to ensure ‘an end’ opens the doors for a new member journey?

    If you’re curious about Joe and his body of work, please use our exclusive discount codes for his latest book and upcoming workshop.

    BOOK CODE: NCKEV https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1116883
    WORKSHOP CODE: 25offendscohort https://learn.endineering.co/courses/endineering-course-cohort-11-starts-Jan-14th
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    44 mins
  • Communicating change to people you don't know? Behavioural science made simple with Allan and Robyn
    Oct 15 2024
    Assumptions can lead us astray - turning insight into guesswork and messages into noise.

    This episode, we're uncovering why behavioural science and persona development does more than scratch the surface; it's a crucial element in building pension communication strategies that are as memorable as they are moving.

    By skipping the groundwork to uncover what drives members at times of change, are we opening the floodgates to bias, building communication strategies that don’t create the right impact?

    With insights from our very own behavioural science enthusiasts, Allan McCabe and Robyn Saul, discover how behavioural insights sharpen pension messaging and how developing personas can bring clarity to change when and where it's needed most.
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    54 mins
  • Are we doing enough to bridge the knowledge gap? In conversation with Mark Engelbretson, Trustee Director at IGG
    Aug 15 2024
    We’re communicating… but is that enough to help people make informed decisions about the future? Especially when 10% of members don’t know which type of pension they’re in.

    In the latest episode of Talk to the Elephant, we're in conversation with Mark Engelbretson, Trustee Director at IGG, as we explore what exactly members need - from the responsibility shift and the education gap around saving for the future, to the role of social media and the power of community. And, how we can be bringing members on the journey through all of this, at times of change.
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    49 mins
  • Has like minds changed? Our MD, Judith Groves, shares all.
    Jun 26 2024
    In our latest episode of Talk to the Elephant (and our launch for Season 2), we discuss like minds biggest change to date with our very own MD, Judith Groves.

    We talk about the exit of our Co-founders, Nick and Moira, the like minds sale with questions like ‘who is going to own us?’ and the acquisition itself by IGG.

    We explore how Jude, alongside Nick & Moira, and our new leadership team, steered the ship through this time of change which offered both uncertainty but also opportunity, and how good communication underpinned its success.
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    56 mins
  • Facing the future.
    Jun 10 2024
    Season 2 of Talk to the Elephant is coming your way - and it's all about the future. We'll be bringing you inside like minds, talking to industry experts and discussing what's next for member communications.

    Enjoy the trailer and watch out for Season 2 launching soon!
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    1 min
  • 9. The best bits from season one
    Dec 19 2023
    As 2023 draws to a close, so does the first season of our Talk to the Elephant podcast.

    We've had some fantastic guests over the past 12 months, and so we wanted to take some time to reflect on the best bits.
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    45 mins
  • 8. Lost in Translation - communicating in a multi-cultural society
    Sep 12 2023
    In this episode of Talk to the Elephant, we chat to Rachel Edwards, Senior Content Designer at Content Design London, to explore the importance of making communications accessible to those for whom English isn’t a first language – and ask:
    • what are the risks of not considering language when we communicate about money and pensions?
    • does plain and simple language as we know it really make sense?
    • how can we ensure our communication caters to people, whatever their background?
    • and how can we better recognise culture when we communicate?
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    30 mins
  • 7. Investing for good - aligning our investments with our values
    Jul 11 2023
    In this episode of Talk to the Elephant, we chat to Edd Micklem, Head of Partnerships at Tumelo, to explore the responsibility pension schemes and trustees have to provide options that align with their members’ values – and ask:
    • how can pension schemes get to know their members and their values better?
    • how can we bring values-based investing to life for members?
    • and is it easier or more difficult to achieve in the world of master trusts?
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    32 mins