• Lack of interest
    Mar 1 2024
    Good evening everyone, Happy Thursday. Welcome to the season finale of season 7. Today's episode is on how people may show lack of interest in you or at least what you want to elaborate on. It's not right or fair for you to always be the ear that listens or be that shoulder that person can lean on & not receive that same gratitude & respect. Friendship goes both ways, don't keep allowing people to lean on you when you can't lean on them. Respect is respect, never settle for wooden nickels & stop accepting the short end of the stick. I rather be a loaner rather than have friendships with people who could care less about my point of view or interest. It takes respect to give respect, you don't have to agree with everything that person says or does & vice versa. But you can show respect without making them feel bad or feel like they have to be on pins & needles everytime you associate with them. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tia-pruitt/message
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    22 mins
  • Stop allowing people to take advantage of you
    Feb 23 2024
    Good evening everyone, today's episode is on how to stop allowing people to use & manipulate you. Especially so called friends, a real friend or an associate would never use you nor make you feel like a fool. So after listening to tonight's episode you will be encouraged yet educated on how to avoid getting to know those type of people. Or if they already in your life you will learn how to become strong enough to cut ties with them completely. I hope you all enjoy & gain something from this episode 🙌🏾🙌🏾❤️💙. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tia-pruitt/message
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    18 mins
  • Believe in yourself
    Feb 16 2024
    Good Evening everyone, today's episode is on believing in you. Believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to. Nevermind the haters that's trying to discourage you & make you change your mind about your plans to win in life. When you listen to other people criticism you start to think like them. You can't allow that . You have to tell yourself you can do it, you are a success, you are capable of doing whatever you set your mind to do. Remember that & you will be absolutely fine. I hope you all enjoy this episode, get uplifted from it. Blessings to you all🙌🏾🙏🏾❤️❤️💙🥰. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tia-pruitt/message
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    16 mins
  • Have a back up plan
    Feb 9 2024
    Hello everyone, today’s episode is on having a back up plan far as your career, & just life in general. We often put our all into one thing & one thing only. Which Is not always Good . You know what they say, never put all your marbles into one basket. I hope you all enjoy this episode & end up with some valuable advice that will keep you going & inspired to keep pushing for greatness. Enjoy guys!!❤️❤️ --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tia-pruitt/message
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    31 mins
  • Fake friendships
    Feb 2 2024
    Hello everyone today's episode is on fake friendships. It's a lot of people out here that will pretend to be a friend & have your best interest when they really don't. So after tonight's episode you will get a better perspective on how to detect a real genuine friend & you will know how to detect someone who is just out to use, Manipulate & backstab you. Everyone is not bad & don't have bad intentions don't get me wrong. But It's a lot of people who don't deserve to be labeled as a friend either. Moral of the story study someone, study their character, their behavior before you just label them as a friend. It's a lot of wolves in sheep clothing, just pray you haven't ran into one. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tia-pruitt/message
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    13 mins
  • Careless people
    Jan 26 2024
    Hello good evening everyone, today's episode is on how to cut ties with careless people. It's people who are wolves in sheep clothing who will put on facade & act like they are really for you but really isn't on any level . So after You all listen to tonight's episode. You will be educated on how to move around certain people by studying them. A person who care about you sincerely you could never doubt them even. It's the ones who you lowkey question in your head you have to worry about. Because that's a 100% red flag. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tia-pruitt/message
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    19 mins
  • Time for us digital creators to get paid
    Jan 19 2024
    Hello everyone good evening if you’re a digital creator like me. Then I think you all will agree with me after you all listen to tonight’s episode. If you have been working hard creating content for the world to see & listen to & haven’t reap the benefits yet financially . Then you will all enjoy tonight’s episode . Because that’s exactly what I’m elaborating about tonight. It’s long overdue for me personally , I think anything you dedicate yourself to & stay consistent with. You should automatically be compensated for that hard work . A lot of us digital creators are looked at as just someone messing around & consider what we do as a damn hobby. But it’s not we put in work, dedication & put out interesting but good content people love to see or hear or both . All we want is to be compensated for it. Like anyone else who would be compensated for their hard work. Everyone has their craft & a lot of people have been compensated for their craft. But a lot of us haven’t yet including myself. Yes I create content to inspire people. But I would be a hypocrite & a Liar to say I don’t want to reap the rewards & financial benefits from my hard work . Because I do want to reap the benefits financially, it’s long overdue. So if you feel like I do, let’s fight for what’s rightfully for ours. Let’s fight this fight together by pushing for this episode to go global to get the message out loud & clear --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tia-pruitt/message
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    16 mins
  • Bouncing Back after a setback
    Jan 12 2024
    Hello good evening everyone, today's episode is on getting back on track after a bad situation. Everyone has experienced a situation that wasn't so good. But does that mean you give up on yourself & stop striving for more? No you keep pushing & striving for better regardless. Only the strong survive you can't allow anything to stop you from growing even after a setback. So please listen & get inspired by this episode. You will be uplifted after you do. Enjoy everyone!!❤️❤️ --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tia-pruitt/message
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    30 mins