
  • Śrī Aruṇācala Navamaṇimālai verse 7
    Feb 20 2025

    In an online meeting with the Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK on 10th February 2025, Michael discusses Śrī Aruṇācala Navamaṇimālai verse 7.

    ஸ்ரீ அருணாசல நவமணிமாலை: Śrī Aruṇācala Navamaṇimālai Verse 7

    அண்ணா மலையா யடியேனை யாண்ட வன்றே யாவியுடற்

    கொண்டா யெனக்கோர் குறையுண்டோ குறையுங் குணமு நீயல்லா

    லெண்ணே னிவற்றை யென்னுயிரே யெண்ண மெதுவோ வதுசெய்வாய்

    கண்ணே யுன்றன் கழலிணையிற் காதற் பெருக்கே தருவாயே.

    aṇṇā malaiyā yaḍiyēṉai yāṇda vaṉḏṟē yāviyuḍaṯ

    koṇḍā yeṉakkōr kuṟaiyuṇḍō kuṟaiyuṅ guṇamu nīyallā

    leṇṇē ṉivaṯṟai yeṉṉuyirē yeṇṇa meduvō vaduseyvāy

    kaṇṇē yuṉḏṟaṉ kaṙaliṇaiyiṟ kādaṯ perukkē taruvāyē.

    பதச்சேதம்: அண்ணாமலையாய், அடியேனை ஆண்ட அன்றே ஆவி உடல் கொண்டாய். எனக்கு ஓர் குறை உண்டோ? குறையும் குணமும் நீ அல்லால் எண்ணேன் இவற்றை. என் உயிரே, எண்ணம் எதுவோ அது செய்வாய். கண்ணே, உன்றன் கழல் இணையில் காதல் பெருக்கே தருவாயே.

    Padacchēdam (word-separation): aṇṇāmalaiyāy, aḍiyēṉai āṇda aṉḏṟē āvi uḍal koṇḍāy. eṉakku ōr kuṟai uṇḍō? kuṟaiyum guṇamum nī allāl eṇṇēṉ ivaṯṟai. eṉ uyirē, eṇṇam eduvō adu seyvāy. kaṇṇē, uṉḏṟaṉ kaṙal-iṇaiyil kādal-perukkē taruvāyē.

    English translation: Annamalai, that very day you took charge of me, this slave, you took possession of soul and body. Is there any deficiency for me? Both defects and qualities, except you, I do not think of these. My life, whatever be thought, do that. Eye, just give only a flood of love for your pair of feet.

    Explanatory paraphrase: Annamalai [Arunachala], that very day you took charge of me, [your] slave [servant or devotee], you took possession of [my] soul and body. [Therefore] is there any kuṟai [imperfection, deficiency, need, want, dissatisfaction or grievance] for me? [Since] both kuṟai [imperfections, flaws, faults, defects, impurities or vices] and guṇam [good qualities or virtues] [cannot exist independent of you or as other than you], I do not think of them but only of you. My uyir [life or soul, implying my real nature, the soul of my soul], whatever be [your] thought [intention, aim, plan or wish], do that. [My] kaṇ [eye, implying both my beloved (the one who is dearer to me than my own eyes) and my own real awareness (which is what is always shining in my heart as ‘I am’)], just give [me] only a flood [surge, increase, overflow or abundance] of love for your pair of feet.

    This episode can be watched as a video on YouTube . A more compressed audio copy in Opus format can be downloaded from MediaFire . Ad-free videos on the original writings of Bhagavan Ramana with explanations by Michael James can be accessed on our Vimeo video channel

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    2 hrs and 25 mins
  • How to distinguish real awareness from awareness of phenomena?
    Feb 19 2025

    In an online meeting with the San Diego Ramana Satsang (ramana-satsang-sd@googlegroups.com) on 2nd February 2025, Michael answers various questions about Bhagavan’s teachings.

    This episode can be watched as a video on YouTube . A more compressed audio copy in Opus format can be downloaded from MediaFire . Ad-free videos on the original writings of Bhagavan Ramana with explanations by Michael James can be accessed on our Vimeo video channel .

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    2 hrs and 1 min
  • Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu Anubandham verses 26 and 27
    Feb 15 2025

    In an online meeting with Sri Ramana Center, Houston, on 1st February 2025, Michael James discusses Bhagavan Ramana's Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu Anubandham, verses 26 and 27 .

    This episode can be watched as a video either on YouTube or ad-free on our Vimeo video channel , and a compressed audio copy in Opus format can be downloaded from MediaFire .

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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • We can eradicate ego only by attending to ourself exclusively
    Feb 13 2025

    Michael explains the essential import of Uḷḷadu Nāṟpadu and all of Ramana's teachings in 8 key points -- 8 talks (videos). This is the fifth talk with the fifth point: We can eradicate ego only by attending to ourself exclusively. After explaining this point, Michael answers questions related to Ramana's teachings. This episode can be watched as a video on YouTube . A more compressed audio copy in Opus format can be downloaded from MediaFire . Ad-free videos on the original writings of Bhagavan Ramana with explanations by Michael James, and songs of Sri Sadhu Om with English translation can be accessed on our a Vimeo video channel

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    3 hrs and 16 mins
  • To be without rising as ego, we must attend only to our being
    Feb 7 2025

    This episode can be watched as video on YouTube . A more compressed audio copy in Opus format can be downloaded from MediaFire . Ad-free videos on the original writings of Bhagavan Ramana with explanations by Michael James, and songs of Sri Sadhu Om with English translations can be accessed on our Vimeo video channel .

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 46 mins
  • Śrī Aruṇācala Navamaṇimālai verse 6
    Feb 4 2025

    In an online meeting with the Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK on 25th January 2025, Michael discusses Śrī Aruṇācala Navamaṇimālai ஸ்ரீ அருணாசல நவமணிமாலை verse 6: காமாரி யென்றுநீ யன்பரா லென்றுமே கதித்திடப் படுகின்றா

    யாமாமெ யுனக்கிது வாமாவென் றையுறு மருணாச லேச்சுரனே

    யாமாயி னெங்ஙனத் தீரனே சூரனே யாயினும் வல்லனங்கன்

    காமாரி யாகுமுன் காலரண் சரண்புகு கருத்தினுட் புகவலனே.

    kāmāri yeṉḏṟunī yaṉbarā leṉḏṟumē kathittiḍap paḍugiṉḏṟā yāmāme yuṉakkidu vāmāveṉ ḏṟaiyuṟu maruṇāca lēśśuraṉē yāmāyi ṉeṅṅaṉad dhīraṉē śūraṉē yāyiṉum vallaṉaṅgaṉ kāmāri yāhumuṉ kālaraṇ śaraṇbuhu karuttiṉuṭ puhavalaṉē.

    பதச்சேதம்: காமாரி என்று நீ அன்பரால் என்றுமே கதித்திடப்படுகின்றாய். ஆம், ஆம், மெய். உனக்கு இது ஆமா என்று ஐ உறும், அருணாசலேச்சுரனே. ஆம் ஆயின், எங்ஙன் அத் தீரனே சூரனே ஆயினும் வல் அனங்கன் காமாரி ஆகும் உன் கால் அரண் சரண்புகு கருத்தினுள் புக வலனே?

    Padacchēdam (word-separation): kāmāri eṉḏṟu nī aṉbarāl eṉḏṟumē kathittiḍappaḍugiṉḏṟāy. ām, ām, mey. uṉakku idu āmā eṉḏṟu ai uṟum, aruṇācalēśśuraṉē. ām āyiṉ, eṅṅaṉ a-d-dhīraṉē śūraṉē āyiṉum val aṉaṅgaṉ kāmāri-y-āhum uṉ kāl araṇ śaraṇbuhu karuttiṉuḷ puha valaṉē?

    அன்வயம்: அருணாசலேச்சுரனே, காமாரி என்று நீ அன்பரால் என்றுமே கதித்திடப்படுகின்றாய். ஆம், ஆம், மெய். உனக்கு இது ஆமா என்று ஐ உறும். ஆம் ஆயின், தீரனே சூரனே ஆயினும், எங்ஙன் அவ் வல் அனங்கன் காமாரி ஆகும் உன் கால் அரண் சரண்புகு கருத்தினுள் புக வலனே?

    Anvayam (words rearranged in natural prose order): aruṇācalēśśuraṉē, kāmāri eṉḏṟu nī aṉbarāl eṉḏṟumē kathittiḍappaḍugiṉḏṟāy. ām, ām, mey. uṉakku idu āmā eṉḏṟu ai uṟum. ām āyiṉ, dhīraṉē śūraṉē āyiṉum, eṅṅaṉ a-v-val aṉaṅgaṉ kāmāri-y-āhum uṉ kāl araṇ śaraṇpuhu karuttiṉuḷ puha valaṉē?

    English translation: You are always described by devotees as the slayer of carnal desire. Yes, yes, true. I doubt whether this is suitable for you, Arunachaleswara. If it is suitable, how is that mighty bodiless one, though he is indeed brave and powerful, able to enter within a mind that takes refuge in the fortress of the feet of you, who are the slayer of carnal desire?

    Explanatory paraphrase: Arunachaleswara [God in the form of Arunachala], you are always described by devotees as kāmāri [the slayer of kāma, carnal desire]. Yes, yes, true. [However] I doubt whether this [name] is suitable for you. If it is suitable, how is that mighty [or skilful] Anangan [‘he who is bodiless’, namely Kama, the god of carnal desire], though he is indeed brave and powerful, able to enter within a mind that takes refuge in the fortress of the feet of you, who are kāmāri [the slayer of Kama]?

    This episode can be watched as a video on YouTube . A more compressed audio copy in Opus format can be downloaded from MediaFire . Ad-free videos on the original writings of Bhagavan Ramana with explanations by Michael James can be accessed on our Vimeo video channel .

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    3 hrs and 11 mins
  • Ego subsides to the extent we attend to ourself exclusively
    Feb 1 2025

    In an online meeting with the San Diego Ramana Satsang (ramana-satsang-sd@googlegroups.com) on 5th January 2025, Michael answers various questions about Bhagavan’s teachings.

    This episode can be watched as video on YouTube. A more compressed audio copy in Opus format can be downloaded from MediaFire. Ad-free videos on the original writings of Bhagavan Ramana with explanations by Michael James can be accessed on our Vimeo video channel

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    1 hr and 52 mins
  • To eradicate ego, we must persistently try to be self-attentive
    Jan 31 2025

    In an online meeting with Kartik, Michael answers questions about Bhagavan Ramana's teachings. This episode can be watched as video on YouTube. A more compressed audio copy in Opus format can be downloaded from MediaFire . Ad-free videos on the original writings of Bhagavan Ramana with explanations by Michael James can be accessed on our Vimeo video channel: https://vimeo.com/ramanahou/albums .

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    38 mins