【最新消息 Update!】
Hánguó yǐjīng xuānbù jiěchú jièyánle
South Korea martial law lifted
生詞 Vocabulary :
震驚 zhèn jīng - shocked, astonished
發表 fā biǎo - to announce, to deliver (a speech)
演說 yǎn shuō - speech, address
緊急聲明 jǐn jí shēng míng - emergency statement
宣布 xuān bù - to announce, to proclaim
全國戒嚴 quán guó jiè yán - nationwide martial law
尹錫悅 yǐn xī yuè - Yoon Suk-yeol (the president of South Korea)
發佈 fā bù - to release, to issue
緊急戒嚴 jǐn jí jiè yán - emergency martial law
消滅 xiāo miè - to eliminate, to exterminate
親北韓勢力 qīn běi hán shì lì - pro-North Korea forces
反對黨 fǎn duì dǎng - opposition party
勾結 gōu jié - to collude, to conspire
滅亡 miè wáng - to perish, to be destroyed
剷除 chǎn chú - to eradicate, to remove
反國家勢力 fǎn guó jiā shì lì - anti-state forces
國防部長 guó fáng bù zhǎng - Minister of National Defense
下令 xià lìng - to issue an order
全軍 quán jūn - the entire military
加強 jiā qiáng - to strengthen, to reinforce
緊急戒備 jǐn jí jiè bèi - emergency preparedness
在野黨 zài yě dǎng - opposition party (literally, party outside of power)
擾亂 rǎo luàn - to disturb, to disrupt
自由 zì yóu - freedom, liberty
民主 mín zhǔ - democracy
參謀總長 cān móu zǒng zhǎng - Chief of Staff (military)
就任 jiù rèn - to assume office, to take office
戒嚴司令 jiè yán sī lìng - martial law commander
戒嚴司令部 jiè yán sī lìng bù - martial law command center
戒嚴令 jiè yán lìng - martial law order
禁止 jìn zhǐ - to prohibit, to forbid
政治活動 zhèng zhì huó dòng - political activities
國民議會 guó mín yì huì - National Assembly
政治協會 zhèng zhì xié huì - political association
集會 jí huì - assembly, gathering
示威 shì wēi - demonstration, protest
議員 yì yuán - member of parliament, legislator
抗議 kàng yì - to protest, to resist
假新聞 jiǎ xīn wén - fake news
虛假 xū jiǎ - false, fake
宣傳 xuān chuán - propaganda, promotion
媒體 méi tǐ - media
出版物 chū bǎn wù - publications
罷工 bà gōng - to strike (workers)
煽動 shān dòng - to incite, to stir up
社會混亂 shè huì hùn luàn - social chaos, disorder
醫務人員 yī wù rén yuán - medical staff
醫療場所 yī liáo chǎng suǒ - medical facility, healthcare setting
崗位 gǎng wèi - post, position
違法 wéi fǎ - to break the law, illegal
處罰 chǔ fá - to punish
韓元兌美元匯率 hán yuán duì měi yuán huì lǜ - exchange rate of Korean won to U.S. dollar
迅速 xùn sù - rapidly, quickly
下跌 xià diē - to drop, to fall
執政黨 zhí zhèng dǎng - ruling party
黨魁 dǎng kuí - party leader
黨主席 dǎng zhǔ xí - party chairman
阻止 zǔ zhǐ - to prevent, to stop
密切關注 mì qiè guān zhù - to closely monitor
航空公司 háng kōng gōng sī - airline company
旅行社 lǚ xíng shè - travel agency
確認 què rèn - to confirm
彈劾 tán hé - impeachment