• March 2025 Energy Forecast: Intense Transformation and Uncharted Territory
    Feb 26 2025

    March arrives as a powerhouse month, packed with significant astrological and numerological events signaling a period of intense transformation. This isn't just a regular month; it's a right of passage, a "pressure cooker" testing the depth of your spiritual practice. Expect a whirlwind of energies, potentially leading to disorientation as you're being fine-tuned for higher levels of consciousness.

    The law of attraction will be in full effect, reflecting your internal landscape externally, pushing you to rise, grow, and persevere. Prepare for a month of beginnings and endings, driven by eclipse season, Venus retrograde, the Spring Equinox, and Neptune's momentous shift into Aries.

    The numerology of March, with its 3 month and 9 year energy, creates a unique balance, blending extroversion with introspection. The 12 vibration emphasizes change, urging you to flow with the current, trust, and simplify to amplify. This month is a call to reflect on the lessons of January and February, using that "data" to set the stage for your future.

    Key Dates for March:

    March 1st: Venus retrogrades in Aries

    March 3rd: Mercury enters Aries

    March 11th: Mercury conjuncts Venus

    March 14th: Mercury retrogrades in Aries; Full Moon Eclipse in Virgo

    March 20th: Spring Equinox; Sun moves into Aries

    March 27th: Venus enters Pisces

    March 29th: New Moon Eclipse in Aries

    March 30th: Neptune moves into Aries

    This month is a test of faith, a quantum leap, reminding you that you are divinely inspired and exactly where you need to be. Your power lies in the present moment. Embrace the paradox, turn your logic upside down, and ask where you can be of service, demonstrating love, understanding, and hope. March excites and perplexes, but ultimately, it empowers you to step into uncharted territory and embrace new levels of consciousness.

    Additional Resources:

    8 Year in Numerology Blog

    Your Guide to Venus Retrograde Podcast

    2025 Astro-Numerology Guide

    2025 Astrology Forecast with Hannah’s Elsewhere Send Amanda a DM: @SoulPathology or Email: Podcast@SoulSessions.me

    Follow Amanda on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulpathology/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    46 mins
  • Master Number 11: How to Recognize & Utilize Its Powerful Energy
    Feb 19 2025

    Master number 11 is a powerful frequency and vibration, representing heightened intuition, inspiration, and a call to action. Understanding its base frequency of 2 is crucial for accessing its transformative power. The energy of 2 focuses on polarity, relationships (self and other), balance, and harmony. It embodies the ebb and flow, the give and take, the yin and yang of existence.

    The master number 11 transcends the duality of 2, operating on a paradoxical plane where surrender leads to victory and giving away results in receiving. It's an alchemical process, a fine-tuned yet infinite knowing. 11 represents those "aha" moments, the eureka experiences that signify expanded consciousness.

    Working with the energy of 11 involves recognizing its frequency and utilizing it to heighten your intuition. Inspiration is a key component, fostering awareness, enthusiasm, and highly original thought. The call to action inherent in 11 is grounded through the practical application of 2. Honesty, both with oneself and as an objective observer, is essential. 11 calls you into awareness of your own cognizance and consciousness. Recognizing lower vibrational states, such as judgment, ego, and linear thinking, allows you to identify the polarity and stop the mental chatter.

    Understanding the interplay between 3D, 4D, and 5D energies is vital. While the 5th dimension embodies oneness, love, and abundance, the 3D world often pulls us through the 4th dimension, the realm of mind and emotions, creating polarity and triggering fight-or-flight responses. Strengthening your energetic boundaries is paramount. This can be achieved by pulling your aura closer, focusing on your breath, and grounding yourself in the present moment.

    The energy of 11 requires precision and fine-tuning. Being grounded and present allows connection to higher states of energy. 11 fuses duality and polarity together, raising the frequency of cells and DNA, leading to alchemy, magic, and synchronicity.

    Acute awareness may not always be blissful; it can sometimes highlight lower frequencies. Quickly recognizing and shifting out of judgment is essential. Observing yourself honestly allows you to see what the universe is reflecting back to you for integration. What are people mirroring? How does it make you feel? What is it bringing up? What comes easily?

    Now is the time to ground, settle in, be open and willing, and evaluate yourself with a willingness to change. 11 is fluid: embrace change easily and naturally. Finding the middle way, the rhythm and balance, is a practice. Recognize your gifts and be curious about growth. What are you becoming in the months ahead? What is the universe bringing for you to integrate?

    Additional Resources:

    BLOG: Master Number 11: A Gateway to Higher Dimensions and the Path of Divine Duality

    GUIDEBOOK: 2025 Astrology-Numerology Guidebook

    BLOG: 11: The Master Manifester in Numerology

    BLOG: 5D Consciousness: What It Is & How to Tap into this Higher Frequency

    PODCAST: Unlocking 5D Consciousness: Your Guide to Higher Awareness

    Send Amanda a DM: @SoulPathology or Email: Podcast@SoulSessions.me

    Follow Amanda on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulpathology/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    39 mins
  • Your Guide to Venus Retrograde 2025
    Feb 12 2025

    Venus retrograde (March 1st - April 12th) offers a powerful opportunity for self-discovery and a renaissance in love, relationships, and self-care. Venus begins its retrograde journey in Aries, the sign of independence, passion, and self-assertion, before moving into Pisces on March 27th, bringing a focus on spirituality, mysticism, and emotional depth.

    Key Dates for Venus Retrograde & Eclipse Season:

    March 1st: Venus retrogrades in Aries

    March 11th: Mercury conjuncts Venus

    March 14th: Mercury retrogrades in Aries; Full Moon eclipse in Virgo

    March 27th: Venus enters Pisces

    March 29th: New Moon eclipse in Aries

    April 7th: Mercury stations direct in Pisces

    April 12th: Venus stations direct in Pisces

    Venus Retrograde in Aries (March 1st - 27th):

    This transit emphasizes self-worth, autonomy, and speaking your truth. It's a time for revising how you approach relationships and desires. Be mindful of impulsiveness and reactionary tendencies. Aries' fiery energy can bring up anger or passion; channel it constructively. Address relationship dynamics, including trust and loyalty issues. Examine your own honesty and accountability. Old lovers or past relationship patterns may resurface for review.

    Venus Retrograde in Pisces (March 27th - April 12th):

    Venus finds its home in Pisces, enhancing artistic expression, spiritual connection, and emotional sensitivity. This transit can bring a mystical, even elusive, quality to love and relationships. Be aware of escapism or tendencies towards delusion. Focus on acceptance, releasing expectations, and trusting your intuition.

    This period of revitalization and rebirth invites us to redefine love for ourselves. It's a time to consider how we want to express love, both to ourselves and others, and how we experience it in our lives. This retrograde cycle offers a mystical and cosmic renaissance of love, a chance to revitalize how we connect with ourselves and the world around us.

    Journal prompts:

    -Am I valuing myself enough to let go of what doesn't serve me?

    -How do I balance independence and intimacy?

    -Where have I romanticized people or situations?

    -How have I ignored red flags?

    -Have I projected onto someone rather than seeing them for who they are?

    -Can I accept this person for who they are and for who they are not?

    Additional Resources:

    February Energy Forecast: Upgrade Your Operating System

    Unlocking 5D Consciousness: Your Guide to Higher Awareness

    How to Clear Your Energy with Epsom Salt

    Send Amanda a DM: @SoulPathology or Email: Podcast@SoulSessions.me

    Follow Amanda on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulpathology/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    53 mins
  • Unlocking 5D Consciousness: Your Guide to Higher Awareness
    Feb 5 2025

    In this episode, Amanda dives deep into the fascinating world of 5D consciousness, breaking down what it means, how to access it, and why it's becoming increasingly relevant in our lives. 5D energy, while intangible, is becoming more readily available, and with practice, we can learn to integrate and recognize its presence.

    What is 5D? 5D represents a state of higher awareness, characterized by high-frequency energy, heart-centered love, and a profound sense of unity. It's a transcendent state of being, an experience beyond our everyday 3D reality. Think expansive, timeless, and rooted in the heart center. It's a feeling, a knowing, a connection to our divine source.

    While 5D can feel elusive, there are ways to cultivate and connect with this energy. Amanda shares practical tips and a helpful overview of the different dimensions, explaining how they relate to 5D:

    1st Dimension: The physical core of the Earth, grounding and centering us.

    2nd Dimension: The telluric realm, holding the Earth's history and mineral kingdom.

    3rd Dimension: Our everyday reality, encompassing duality and survival.

    4th Dimension: Our collective consciousness, a mix of thoughts and emotions.

    5th Dimension: Heart-centered unity, bringing cohesion to the 4th dimension.

    6th Dimension: The blueprint for our 3D reality, where healing and upgrades can occur.

    Connecting with 5D opens doors to effortless manifestation, enhanced intuition, and telepathic abilities. As we shift into this higher state of consciousness, we begin to create heaven on earth. Amanda offers practical tools for raising your frequency including sun & water meditations, breath and crystal work, or listening to binaural beats and hertz frequencies.

    The more we embrace 5D, the more our 3D reality will reflect back opportunities for growth and transformation.

    Additional Resources:

    5D Consciousness: What It Is & How to Tap into this Higher Frequency

    Solar Flares 101: Catalysts For Human Transformation

    Guided Meditation for Harnessing Solar Power

    Water Meditation: Harnessing the Power of the Eclipse

    Crystals 101: A Guide to Working with Crystal Energy

    Book a Session with Amanda before March 1st!

    Grab Amanda’s 2025 Astro-Numerology Guidebook

    Subscribe to Amanda’s YouTube channel

    Send Amanda a DM: @SoulPathology or Email: Podcast@SoulSessions.me

    Follow Amanda on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulpathology/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    43 mins
  • February Energy Forecast: Upgrade Your Operating System
    Jan 29 2025

    February is a powerful month for inner growth and transformation. January's energy of change may have left you feeling disoriented. Now, dive deeper to create clarity and gain traction. Breakthrough energy is on the horizon, so don't give up! Embrace the intense energy moving through you as it helps you shift and raise your frequency.

    This month, focus on identifying and reprogramming unconscious beliefs and outdated patterns that are holding you back. The unconscious mind significantly influences our behavior, often operating on outdated software. Like upgrading your phone's operating system, this month is about rebooting your inner systems. Recognize limiting beliefs about yourself, your relationships, and your worth.

    Important Dates:

    February 4th: Venus enters Aquarius: Expect unconventional love, a focus on intellectual connections, and a desire for unique experiences. Be mindful of potential emotional detachment. Explore creative ways to earn and manage money.

    February 4th: Jupiter stations direct: After being retrograde since October 9th, Jupiter resumes forward motion in Gemini. This brings clarity to communication, encourages deeper thinking, and opens doors for expansion in your mental and intellectual pursuits.

    February 7th: Neptune conjunct North Node: A powerful period for spiritual growth and intuitive insights. Pay close attention to your dreams, practice mindfulness, and set intentions for your highest good.

    February 12th: Full Moon in Leo: This Full Moon encourages you to embrace your creative self-expression. Allow yourself to shine, overcome fears of being seen, and connect with your inner joy.

    February 14th: Mercury enters Pisces: Heightened intuition and sensitivity. Embrace your imagination, explore spiritual ideas, and allow your thinking to expand beyond the ordinary.

    February 18th: Sun enters Pisces: A time of increased sensitivity and heightened psychic awareness. Engage in spiritual practices that ground you and nurture your soul.

    February 23rd: Mars stations direct: Expect a surge of energy and motivation. Be mindful of potential irritability and impulsivity.

    February 27th: New Moon in Pisces: A powerful time for inner growth and spiritual renewal. Utilize this energy for self-reflection and setting intentions for the coming months.

    Additional Resources:

    Subscribe to Amanda’s YouTube channel

    Grab Amanda’s 2025 Astro-Numerology Guidebook

    Leveraging the Energy of Mars Retrograde

    2025 Astrology Forecast with Hannah’s Elsewhere

    Follow Amanda on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulpathology/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    46 mins
  • Using Numerology & Astrology as the Blueprint of Your Life
    Jan 22 2025

    On today’s episode, Amanda is joined by our listener, Sarah Grendahl, to explore the transformative power of numerology and astrology, and share inspirational stories, personal experiences, and practical applications.

    From deciphering lunar nodes to the nuances of personal numerology, Sarah recounts her journey of integrating these ancient sciences into her life, resulting in personal growth and family bonding.

    Tune in to hear about Sarah's health transformation, the importance of setting intentions, and how understanding numerology and astrology can create a blueprint for a more fulfilled life.

    Follow Sarah Grendahl and her business on Instagram @GrendahlDesignCo and get your 2025 Astrology-Numerology Guidebook below!

    Additional Resources:

    2025 Astrology & Numerology Guidebook

    Address Numerology 101

    How to Find Your Soul Urge Number in Numerology

    Hot to Find Your North & South Lunar Nodes

    Related episodes:

    Numerology Q&A: Signs, Synchronicity, & Decoding Meanings

    Discover Your Heart’s Desire with Soul Urge Numerology

    Find Magic, Synchronicity, and Peace with Numerology

    Amy Brown on Creating Intimacy in Her Home with Address Numerology

    Numerology 101: How to Decode the Numbers in Your Life

    Send Amanda a DM: @SoulPathology or Email: Podcast@SoulSessions.me

    Follow Amanda on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulpathology/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • 2025 Numerology Insights and Personal Year Transformations
    Jan 15 2025

    In this episode, Amanda explores the profound energies of 2025, a 9 Universal Year in Numerology. She delves into the significance of numerological frequencies and their impact on our psychological and spiritual well-being.

    By understanding the unique energies of 2025 and the interplay of your personal year number with the universal year, you can gain valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Amanda provides a comprehensive overview of each personal year (1-9), offering practical guidance on how to navigate this transformative period using numerology as a tool for growth and personal evolution.

    Key takeaways include the significance of the 9 Universal Year, understanding your personal year number, harnessing the power of numerology through heightened awareness and intuitive development, and cultivating self-compassion while embracing the transformative journey.

    Additional Resources:

    2025 Astrology & Numerology Guidebook

    How To Calculate Your Personal Year in Numerology

    Everything You Need to Know About Your Personal Year:

    1 Personal Year

    2 Personal Year

    3 Personal Year

    4 Personal Year

    5 Personal Year

    6 Personal Year

    7 Personal Year

    8 Personal Year

    9 Personal Year

    Related Episodes:

    The 9 Numerology of 2025: What To Expect

    Numerology Q&A: Signs, Synchronicity, & Decoding Meanings

    Discover Your Heart’s Desire with Soul Urge Numerology

    Find Magic, Synchronicity, and Peace with Numerology

    Thinning the Veil with Numerology: Master Numbers, Angel Numbers, and More

    Numerology 101: How to Decode the Numbers in Your Life

    How to Align with the Divine Codes of the Universe

    Send Amanda a DM: @SoulPathology or Email: Podcast@SoulSessions.me

    Follow Amanda on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulpathology/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Upgrading The Morals To Our Stories (with Ally Fallon)
    Jan 8 2025

    Join Amanda Rieger Green and her special guest, Ally Fallon, as they delve into the astrology and numerology of 2025, a pivotal year of closures and beginnings. They discuss the profound soul-level connection they share, the energetic shifts they're experiencing, and the importance of writing your own story in times of change. Ally shares her personal journey through grief and loss in 2024, the unexpected gifts that came from it, and the process of connecting with her higher self. Amanda emphasizes the significance of upgrading the subconscious programming to rewrite one’s story for this new chapter. This episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for navigating the complexities of the upcoming year with resilience, creativity, and a focus on personal growth.

    “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.” - Dumbledore

    Additional Resources:

    Amanda’s 2025 Astrology-Numerology Guidebook

    Discover Clarity, Purpose, and Your True Self Through Writing Your Story (with Ally Fallon)

    How To Trust Yourself and Your Extrasensory Perception: An Interview with Amanda Rieger Green (from Write Your Story with Ally Fallon)

    Send Amanda a DM: @SoulPathology or Email: Podcast@SoulSessions.me

    Follow Amanda on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulpathology/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 6 mins