• Music & Sound Healing, Karmic Recompense and Bewildering Dreams
    Mar 7 2025

    Tia Jolie’s brings to life the ongoing saga with the unreliable internet service at her remote home on Phillips Island, where her provider unexpectedly dropped service for the entire neighborhood. A chance act of generosity—giving nutritional supplements to a worker—ultimately led to the unexpected repair of her internet cable, reinforcing the idea of karma and the universe balancing itself.

    A major theme in the episode revolves around the psychological and physiological impacts of stress. Dr. Phillips delves into how chronic stress acidifies the body, leading to calcium depletion and brittle bones, explaining that emotional resilience is as critical to health as proper nutrition. This leads to an exploration of holistic well-being, diet, and how stress manifests physically.

    Dreams become a central focus, with Sarah sharing her vivid experiences of listening to audiobooks while sleeping, leading to immersive dream encounters where the recordings shape her subconscious mind. Tia Jolie, in turn, shares a powerful dream about a white cat—symbolizing deep emotional connections that can be painful yet necessary to release. Sarah introduces the idea that dreams may be a karmic-free space where the mind can resolve conflicts, explore possibilities, and receive subconscious messages.

    Music emerges as another key theme, with Sarah pulling from her extensive personal library to share insights about the connection between sound, endorphins, and healing. She reflects on how music has played a crucial role in her life, while Tia Jolie, as a musician herself, affirms that sound is a direct conduit of conscious intention.

    Throughout the episode, Sarah and Tia Jolie embrace curiosity, challenge conventional wisdom, and examine how human experiences—whether through nutrition, music, dreams, or interactions with others—are interconnected. The episode ultimately encourages listeners to stay open to the mysteries of life, question everything, and find personal meaning in the everyday moments that shape our consciousness.

    #SoulDecodes #Podcasting #Spirituality #DreamAnalysis #SoundHealing #HiddenHistory #Consciousness


    • Earth Angel Media
    • Soul Decodes Podcast
    • Tia Jolie Phillips’ Website


    Soul Decodes is a featured presentation on the Earth Angel Media Network and airs every Friday. This episode is proudly sponsored by LivePURE a platform offering clean, natural, and ethically sourced wellness solutions to optimize health and vitality.

    LivePURE provides discounted access to top-tier products like Korean skincare, medical-grade nutraceuticals, and healthy coffee. Listeners can enjoy 25% off retail prices by signing up as preferred customers at www.livepure.com/Gateway.

    Content creators and entrepreneurs can also join LivePURE’s affiliate program, gaining access to seven income streams and a personalized, co-branded website. Sign up as a brand partner at www.livepure.com/SarahTirri or email connect@earthangelproject.com for more info.

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    49 mins
  • Are You an Inmate or an Occupant of Your Mind?
    Feb 28 2025

    In this engaging episode of Soul Decodes, the philosophical conversation between Dr. Tia Jolie Phillips and Sarah Tirri at the Treehouse Studio on Phillips Island, explores the intersection of technology, spirituality perspectives and personal evolution.

    The discussion begins with Sarah Tirri sharing her excitement about completing her upcoming book Inmate to Occupant, which explores the topic of mental freedom. The book cover, currently in development, depicts Sarah behind bars looking at the other side, symbolizing liberation from being a "slave to the mind."

    A significant portion of the conversation centers on A I and creativity. Both women agree that A I can be a powerful tool when used appropriately – Tia Jolie mentions using A I for brainstorming, while Sarah shares her experience working with an artist who combines traditional art with AI techniques. The women emphasize that technology is neutral; it can benefit humanity or potentially enslave it, depending on how it is applied.

    The conversation shifts to deeper philosophical territory, discussing truth, perception, and religious understanding. Tia Jolie uses the metaphor of looking at a cylinder from different angles – one person sees a circle, another sees a rectangle – to illustrate how different perspectives can all contain elements of truth. This leads to a discussion about religious dogma and the challenges of having meaningful dialogue across belief systems.

    Throughout the podcast, Tia Jolie shares her experiences helping others, including a touching story about recently connecting with a woman going through a divorce after 19 years of marriage. ‘Relationship wisdom’ was the theme of this conversation with Tia Jolie offering intuitive guidance, emotional support as well as practical advice - emphasizing that ending a relationship doesn't mean failure but rather completing a successful chapter.

    Tia Jolie goes on to mention her Earth Angel Project, which focuses on uniting creators, and her identity as a "rainmaker for business." The conversation reveals both women’s perspectives on personal growth, technological innovation, and finding truth through shared understanding rather than rigid belief systems.


    Show Notes





    "Inmate to Occupant" by Sarah Tirri

    "Gospel of Peace" referenced by Tia Jolie

    Notable Mentions

    • LivePURE - Sponsor providing natural health solutions
    • Earth Angel Media - Dr. Tia Jolie Phillips' network
    • AI artistic collaboration - Uniting creators with technology
    • The Essenes - Ancient mystical group connected to John the Baptist
    • Reincarnation and perspective - Understanding truth from multiple angles
    • Free energy technologies - Hidden inventions mentioned by Tia Jolie
    • Intuitive connection - Tia Jolie's story about helping a woman through divorce

    #InmateToOccupant #MentalFreedom #AIandCreativity #EarthAngelProject #SpiritualGrowth #PerspectiveMatters #TechnologyBalance #IntuitiveWisdom #PhillipsIsland #PersonalEvolution

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    40 mins
  • The Seven Stages: Decoding Disease & Self-Healing
    Feb 25 2025

    In this episode of Soul Decodes, a profound discussion between Dr. Tia Jolie Phillips and Sarah Tirri takes place as they explore the nature of disease, healing, and personal sovereignty. The conversation centers on Dr. Phillips' holistic approach to health, particularly focusing on the seven stages of disease development.

    The episode begins with a personal story about Sarah's sister-in-law Sallie, who recently passed from cancer. This leads into a deeper exploration of how fear, particularly fear of death, can impact healing outcomes. The women emphasize that our 'mindset' and 'beliefs' significantly influence our health journey.

    Dr. Phillips introduces her "Seven Stages of Disease" framework:

    1. Innervation (nerve-related disturbances)
    2. Toxemia (accumulation of toxins)
    3. Irritation (body's response to toxins)
    4. Inflammation (often accompanied by pain)
    5. Ulceration (tissue breakdown)
    6. Induration (body's attempt to contain toxins)
    7. Cancer (cells losing their original identity)

    A key revelation is that cancer isn't something you "catch" or "inherit" but rather the end result of a long process of cellular distress. Dr. Phillips challenges conventional medical approaches, particularly the practice of biopsies, suggesting they can sometimes spread contained toxins. Sarah responds with concern, noting her mother's brain cancer was exacerbated by a routine biopsy.

    Dr. Phillips explains that the first six stages are completely reversible, often within days or weeks with proper intervention. Even at stage seven (cancer), recovery is possible if cells still "remember" their original function. She shares success stories, including a remarkable case of natural breast cancer healing where a patient's body successfully ejected toxins.

    Throughout the discussion, Dr. Phillips emphasizes sovereignty and personal choice in healing. She explains that our bodies have innate wisdom, creating capsules around toxins (tumors) as a protective mechanism. Rather than disrupting these natural processes through invasive procedures, she advocates supporting the body's own healing intelligence.

    The hosts weave broader philosophical concepts about divine sovereignty and the relationship between mind and body. They emphasize the importance of questioning standard medical narratives and understanding that many diseases like Type 2 diabetes are "earned" through lifestyle choices rather than inherited. The episode concludes with both women affirming the power of proper thinking and belief in determining health outcomes, while acknowledging that some life journeys may include disease as part of a greater purpose.


    Free PDF Download: The Seven Stages of Disease

    Physicians Digital Reference PDF download: Herbal Whole Body Detox/Cleanse

    Free Gastrointestinal Health Seminar "Gut Babies: Nurturing Your Inner Garden for Optimal Health"


    Free membership and 25% Preferred Customer discount on medical-grade nutrients at LivePURE.

    #SevenStagesOfDisease #HolisticHealing #BodyWisdom #NaturalCancerRecovery #ToxinManagement #MindsetMatters #ReversibleDisease #SoulDecodes #HealthSovereignty #HealingJourney

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    1 hr and 8 mins
  • Beyond the Mind Cage: Sleep States & Genius
    Feb 21 2025

    In this episode of Soul Decodes, Dr. Tia Jolie Phillips and Sarah Tirri further explore spirituality, consciousness and reality, beginning with a light-hearted discussion about cordyceps-infused coffee, its unique holistic properties and potential health benefits.

    The conversation then takes an unexpected turn as Tia Jolie shares her fascinating perspective on NASA and deep fake space footage, suggesting that much of what we accept as space exploration may be elaborate productions using advanced CGI technology.

    The women then go on to discuss 'truth and beliefs' with Tia Jolie asserting that "beliefs can only exist in the absence of truth." This philosophical framework leads to a discussion about education and human potential, touching on research showing that 98% of five-year-olds demonstrate genius-level creativity – a statistic that inspired Tia Jolie's vision for an Earth Angel Academy to nurture these innate gifts rather than suppress them through conventional education.

    The conversation references Hermes Trismegistus and the Hermetic principles, particularly "everything is mind," which resonates strongly with Sarah Tirri's latest book, The Mirror World, which speaks of the idea that we are living in a matrix which operates much like a virtual reality game. The women talk about the concept of NPCs (Non-Playing Characters) or 'Paper People' in daily life, suggesting that we all play different roles in each other's narratives.

    The dialogue culminates in an exploration of sleep consciousness and lucid dreaming. Tia Jolie shares her decade-long practice of programming dreams and accessing higher wisdom through the subconscious mind. She describes a method of surrendering to infinite intelligence while maintaining protective boundaries, using sleep states for problem-solving and expanding beyond normal imaginative limitations.

    Throughout the episode and others, the women speak of 'Heaven on Earth' being attainable through cultivating elevated states of consciousness and honing creative potential.


    Healthy Coffee - delicious with cordyceps mushrooms, about $1 per cup.

    Real Censored News - Telegram-based archive of historical censored news

    Soul Decodes is a featured presentation on the Earth Angel Media Network and airs every Friday. This episode is proudly sponsored by LivePURE a platform offering clean, natural, and ethically sourced wellness solutions to optimize health and vitality.

    LivePURE provides discounted access to top-tier products like Korean skincare, medical-grade nutraceuticals, and healthy coffee. Listeners can enjoy 25% off retail prices by signing up as preferred customers at www.livepure.com/Gateway.

    Content creators and entrepreneurs can also join LivePURE’s affiliate program, gaining access to seven income streams and a personalized, co-branded website. Sign up as a brand partner at www.livepure.com/SarahTirri or email connect@earthangelproject.com for more info.


    #SoulDecodes #LucidDreaming #ConsciousnessExpansion #EarthAngelMedia #DreamProgramming #TruthSeeker #ChildGenius #HermeticWisdom #DivineConsciousness #SpiritualAwakening

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    58 mins
  • Through the Veil: Messages of Love
    Feb 18 2025

    In this episode of Soul Decodes, the conversation opens with Dr. Tia Jolie Philips making a brief correction regarding the origins of Ibogaine spoken of in a previous episode. The shows commitment to presenting accurate information will always remain a high priority.

    The episode transitions into Sarah’s recent emotional upheaval, loss and recovery. She reads an Ode to Sallie which attempts to capture their profound family bond, their sisterhood, and their eternal love. Sarah speaks of their shared experiences; creative collaborations, memorable adventures, and the prospect of meeting up again ‘somewhere down the line’.

    The discussion evolves into an exploration of mortality, featuring Tia Jolie sharing her experiences with grief after losing her childhood friend PJ to suicide. Through these personal stories, the women examine how the essence of departed loved ones can be incorporated into one's own character development.

    Another poignant moment occurs when Tia Jolie reveals the story of her mother's past trauma and its devastating impact on her family. Her recent and delightful discovery of her long-lost sister follows, which leads to an insightful discussion about how past wounds affect parenting and family dynamics.

    With conversation weaving together themes of spirituality, growth and consciousness, the concept of mortality as a ‘transition’ leading to ‘transformation’ is brought to life. Sarah and Tia Jolie share their perspectives on the nature of reincarnation juxtaposed to the traditional limitations of rigid religious worldviews. Again the women emphasize the importance of recognizing the possibility that there is likely a MUCH bigger picture at work.

    The episode concludes with words of comfort for listeners dealing with loss who might be working through their own healing. Throughout the discussion, the women maintain a balance between vulnerability and wisdom, charting the path to healing and regaining ones equilibrium.


    Soul Decodes is a featured presentation on the Earth Angel Media Network and airs every Friday. This episode is proudly sponsored by LivePURE a platform offering clean, natural, and ethically sourced wellness solutions to optimize health and vitality.

    LivePURE provides discounted access to top-tier products like Korean skincare, medical-grade nutraceuticals, and healthy coffee. Listeners can enjoy 25% off retail prices by signing up as preferred customers at www.livepure.com/Gateway.

    Content creators and entrepreneurs can also join LivePURE’s affiliate program, gaining access to seven income streams and a personalized, co-branded website. Sign up as a brand partner at www.livepure.com/SarahTirri or email connect@earthangelproject.com for more info.



    Learn more about Sarah at www.SarahTirri.com.

    Learn more about Tia Jolie at www.TiaJolie.com.

    Learn more about Earth Angel Project at www.EarthAngelProject.com.

    #EarthAngelMedia, #SoulDecodes, #SarahTirri, #DrTiaJolie, #GriefHealing, #SpiritualJourney, #Transformation, #LoveNeverDies, #EternalBonds, #ConsciousLiving

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    43 mins
  • Reality Manifestation: A How To Guide (The Mirror World)
    Feb 14 2025

    In this special episode of Soul Decodes, Dr. Tia Jolie Phillips and Sarah Tirri continue with their eternal dialogue, bringing to light all subject matters associated with the intricacies of being human on this Freewill Planet of Space and Time. Their aim forevermore is to pose questions and ponder possible answers so that everyone on planet Earth may flourish rather than flounder.

    Sarah reads aloud her recent publication, "The Mirror World." This book requires the reader to take full responsibility as a Sovereign Creator, whereby victimhood is stamped out.

    The vital subject matter of "Reality Creation" is addressed, which is what we are all doing, whether we realize this or not. Sarah uses the metaphor that we are living in a 'system' that operates much like a Virtual Reality Game.

    It is anticipated that some listeners might be unnerved by what Sarah says in her book because the amount of power that human beings possess is unlike anything we have been told or encouraged to believe so far. There are older mystery schools that understood the infinite power of the human mind, and Sarah, using modern language and in her usual inimitable style, has been able to distill that knowledge and present it in a cover-to-cover sixty-minute read.

    All listeners are encouraged to share this recording so that Heaven on Earth begins to unfold in a more timely manner. Many people are bored with the slow pace of their manifestations, and Sarah is able to help you with the 'art' of speeding things up.

    The key point to remember when listening to this recording is that we are functioning as Gods with 'restriction buffers' in a reality that is geared to help us Get What We Came For.


    Soul Decodes is a featured presentation on the Earth Angel Media Network and airs every Friday. This episode is proudly sponsored by LivePURE a platform offering clean, natural, and ethically sourced wellness solutions to optimize health and vitality.

    LivePURE provides discounted access to top-tier products like Korean skincare, medical-grade nutraceuticals, and healthy coffee. Listeners can enjoy 25% off retail prices by signing up as preferred customers at www.livepure.com/Gateway.

    Content creators and entrepreneurs can also join LivePURE’s affiliate program, gaining access to seven income streams and a personalized, co-branded website. Sign up as a brand partner at www.livepure.com/SarahTirri or email connect@earthangelproject.com for more info.



    Learn more about Sarah at www.SarahTirri.com.

    Learn more about Tia Jolie at www.TiaJolie.com.

    Learn more about Earth Angel Project at www.EarthAngelProject.com.


    #EarthAngelMedia #SoulDecodes #SarahTirri #DrTiaJolie #ConsciousnessShift #SpiritualGrowth #MindPower #Manifestation #PersonalTransformation #HigherConsciousness

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Xanax and the Menace of Pharmaceutical Dominance
    Feb 14 2025

    In this exceptional episode of Soul Decodes, Dr. Tia Jolie Phillips, who holds a PhD in Holistic Natural Health & Nutrition, and Sarah Tirri, a philosopher and religion founder, celebrate the podcast's expanding global audience, including new listeners from Russia.

    Sarah shares her personal journey of tapering off multiple medications, including Xanax, while Dr. Phillips provides expert insights into holistic health. Their discussion covers topics such as the importance of gut health, sleep cycles, and the body's natural healing mechanisms, emphasizing the necessity of detoxification for optimal well-being.

    Sarah Tirri emphasizes the need for worldwide awareness regarding pharmaceutical dominance, questioning whether it could be slowly harming billions worldwide or, at the very least, diminishing cognitive functions. Dr. Phillips highlights the critical role of serotonin production in our well-being and underscores how gut health is essential for achieving the positive sleep patterns we all desire.

    The two ladies further discuss the body's natural processes, focusing on the roles of melatonin and ibogaine in wellness. Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, regulates sleep-wake cycles. Factors such as light exposure and diet can influence its production. Incorporating foods rich in tryptophan, an amino acid precursor to melatonin, along with healthy carbohydrates, can promote better sleep quality.

    Ibogaine, derived from the African shrub Tabernanthe iboga, has been traditionally used in spiritual ceremonies and is now being studied for its potential in treating addiction and enhancing mental health. The discussion underscores the importance of understanding and supporting the body's natural rhythms and processes. By fostering gut health, ensuring adequate detoxification, and being mindful of interventions like melatonin supplementation or ibogaine use, individuals can work towards achieving optimal health and well-being.


    Soul Decodes is a featured presentation on the Earth Angel Media Network and airs every Friday. This episode is proudly sponsored by LivePURE a platform offering clean, natural, and ethically sourced wellness solutions to optimize health and vitality.

    LivePURE provides discounted access to top-tier products like Korean skincare, medical-grade nutraceuticals, and healthy coffee. Listeners can enjoy 25% off retail prices by signing up as preferred customers at www.livepure.com/Gateway.

    Content creators and entrepreneurs can also join LivePURE’s affiliate program, gaining access to seven income streams and a personalized, co-branded website. Sign up as a brand partner at www.livepure.com/SarahTirri or contact us at www.earthangelproject.com for more info.



    Learn more about Sarah at www.SarahTirri.com.

    Learn more about Tia Jolie at www.TiaJolie.com.

    Learn more about Earth Angel Project at www.EarthAngelProject.com.


    #EarthAngelMedia, #SoulDecodes, #SarahTirri, #DrTiaJolie, #HolisticHealth, #NaturalHealing, #GutHealth, #WellnessJourney, #HolisticMedicine, #NaturalWellness #Xanax

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    41 mins
  • Disclosure Dynamics: Truth in Transition
    Feb 7 2025

    In this seminal and Milestone Episode of Soul Decodes Dr. Tia Jolie Phillips and Sarah Tirri are back in the Tree house Studio on Phillips Island. The conversation revs up with a discussion regarding Tia Jolie's upcoming Studio 17 podcast, which will focus on Good News and feature entrepreneurs, business game changers, whistle blowers, and our fabulous freedom fighters!

    The women explore the nature of truth versus beliefs, with both agreeing that while everyone has beliefs, absolute truth might be elusive if one is focused on the postage stamp view of reality. They discuss how personal growth and development should reflect in one's external reality. Positive Outcomes being the litmus test as to how spiritually competent one is.

    The conversation then shifts to the magical properties of water, with Dr. Phillips explaining how one drop can hold vast amounts of information, comparing it to modern data storage technologies.

    A significant portion of the episode focuses on economics, particularly the fiat currency system versus real money. They discuss how the current financial system operates, the role of the Federal Reserve, and potential future changes to worldwide economics. Tia Jolie advocates for a return to precious metal-backed currency and explains the concept of Austrian economics versus Keynesian economics.

    The discussion turns to current events, particularly Trump's legal proceedings, which are seen as a part of a larger disclosure process exposing systemic corruption. The women explore themes of sovereignty, freedom, and the potential for positive worldwide changes. Their conversation concludes with reflections on how systems often need to collapse before rebuilding, comparing current events to a Reality TV Show with the recommendation that one has a bag of popcorn on hand and a clear un-fearful mind installed.


    Show Notes:

    - Websites:

    * www.SarahTirri.com

    * www.TiaJolie.com

    * www.EarthAngelProject.com

    - Books Referenced:

    "The Rise of Man" by Harold Kober

    "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"

    "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin

    #EarthAngelMedia, #SoulDecodes, #SarahTirri, #DrTiaJolie, #EconomicFreedom, #TruthSeeking, #ConsciousChange, #CommunityCommerce, #WealthPreservation, #SystemicChange


    Soul Decodes is a featured presentation on the Earth Angel Media Network and airs every Friday. This episode is proudly sponsored by LivePURE a platform offering clean, natural, and ethically sourced wellness solutions to optimize health and vitality.

    LivePURE provides discounted access to top-tier products like Korean skincare, medical-grade nutraceuticals, and healthy coffee. Listeners can enjoy 25% off retail prices by signing up as preferred customers at www.livepure.com/Gateway.

    Content creators and entrepreneurs can also join LivePURE’s affiliate program, gaining access to seven income streams and a personalized, co-branded website. Sign up as a brand partner at www.livepure.com/SarahTirri or email connect@earthangelproject.com for more info.

    Show more Show less
    49 mins