• Controlling Much? (Yikes…)
    Mar 2 2023
    We all have our ways of doing things and want others to adhere to our standards, but sometimes lesbehonest (I love you if you know that reference) we can take it too far. Are you not okay with relinquishing control sometimes? Let’s talk about it <3
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    32 mins
  • Finding your Ppl
    Feb 28 2023
    Not me over here gushing over my friends (hehehe) <3 honestly, younger me never thought I would have such an amazing friend group & built in support group. Finding the people who are meant for you is definitely challenging, but worth it all. Come hang out & I’ll give you tips on how you can find your ride or dies and maybe some questions/characteristics & aspects to look out for. You deserve happiness too. Let’s talk about it <3
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    41 mins
  • Boundaries v. Expectations (jump scare)
    Feb 23 2023
    I keep hearing about how people feel unfulfilled or frustrated with their relationships, but most times can’t pinpoint why. As I listen to their truth, it becomes apparent to me that the root issue is confusing boundaries with expectations. Let’s talk about it all and figure out the basics so we can start to heal ourselves and our relationships
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    19 mins