• Our Answers to the Questions from our Listeners
    Sep 10 2014
    During this program, we will be answering all of the amazing questions we have received from our listeners.
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    57 mins
  • There are No Such Things as Imaginary Friends
    Aug 13 2014
    They are Real! Many children, teens & adults have visits with non-physical beings such as Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Star Beings, Fairies, Ancestors, Spirit Animals, and many more. In addition to having visits with these loving Beings, they may also encounter the non-physical beings who are not of the highest light and who can be frightening and manipulative. Pretending they do not exist only creates a sense of doubt and takes away the knowing of those experiencing them. Understanding that the non-physical is just as real as the physical, is empowering for all and truly acknowledge’s the awareness of those who perceive so much more. Join us as we share our experiences with Tristan, who has always been visited by these Beings, and how together, we have received their messages, helped many cross over successfully as they made their transition, and how we have empowered ourselves and others with effective tools that will send away those beings of a lower vibration.
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    58 mins
  • The Gifts of the New Children, Teens & Adults
    Jul 9 2014
    Join us as we share how the New Children, Teens & Adults are assisting us at this time on our evolutionary journey and the gifts they are sharing with us that will reawaken us to the empowered beings that we are.
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    56 mins
  • The Crystal Cradle, a Center to Support the Arrival and Thrival of the New Generation and Empower the Adults in their Lives
    Jun 11 2014
    In 2003, Ariella Lewis, with over 25 years experience as a Pediatric Speech and Language Therapist, noticed that her caseload had doubled in one year and was seeing several children with a pattern of communication behaviors that she had not seen before. Ariella stated that when she worked with young children, she felt that she was “lifting them up”. However, with these New Children, she felt that she was “dragging them down”. Ariella states that many indigenous peoples communicate beyond spoken language and express themselves from the heart and mind without using words. She felt that these children were communicating in this more evolved manner. Through following her guidance, Ariella began envisioning a center where children are nurtured and supported from conception through childhood. We are very pleased to have as our guest, Ariella Lewis, who this fall is opening “The Crystal Cradle Center”. For more information, please visit www.crystalcradle.net
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    57 mins
  • Understanding the New Children, Teens and Adults and Their Differences
    May 14 2014
    During this program, we will explore the many labels given to these individuals. Some of the names include Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal, Star, Blue Diamond Star, and the Pyramid Children who Tristan began speaking about a couple of years ago. In addition to these more “higher vibrational labels,” we will also discuss those who have been diagnosed with the more Three Dimensional labels of ADD/ADHD, Autism, Asperger’s, Bipolar, OCD, Dyslexia and many others. With the more lower vibrational labels, unfortunately the emphasis is placed on what is viewed in this reality as “wrong” and not the strengths and gifts of these individuals. Perhaps these differences are actually spiritually based and are giving us a glimpse of our evolutionary journey. We all know that labels can be extremely disempowering since they create limitations as well as expectations and our New Children, Teens and Adults require that we open up to the infinite possibilities that they are sharing. What would it take to stop labeling and start creating???!!!
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    58 mins
  • Journey into Awareness with the New Children, Teens and Adults
    Apr 9 2014
    With over 20 years as parents of one of the New Children, we are excited to share our experiences of navigating our way during a time when there was very little information to guide us. Listening to our inner knowing, we have always trusted and allowed our son, Tristan, to take us on our journey of opening our hearts and living a life that we never could have imagined. During this program we will also share information about the New Children and how they are assisting us in co-creating a World that Works for All. We look forward to sharing this information and everything we have learned to assist you on your journey.
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    57 mins