• Ep 30: D.A.R.E - "Defend Against Rue Energy"
    Feb 17 2022
    Moe and D'Arcy dive into the cultural impact of HBO's Euphoria, that phenomenal Superbowl Halftime show, Valentine's Day blues, as well as debate the double standard of women dating multiple men vs men dating multiple women. Plus, the relationship experts answer the most intriguing questions yet! All that and much more! Enjoy!
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Ep 29: Pour Some Sugar on D
    Jan 13 2022

    Moe and D'Arcy are all over the place this week. They discuss the obscure family of blue-skinned people living in KY, the phenomenon of collective hysteria, and they attempt to get to the bottom of the mysterious "Dancing Mania"-- a 14th-century event where 400 people couldn't stop dancing in the streets for two months. Plus, D'Arcy shares the results of her investigation on the Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby lifestyle -- proving you are who you hang out with. All this, and much more!!! Enjoy!!

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Ep 28: Tis the Season for Catching Semen
    Dec 22 2021
    Moe and D’Arcy close out 2021 by reflecting on year one of podcasting, facing their fears, self-improvement work, and D’Arcy shares the most BIZARRE mythical tale you might ever hear. Plus, so much more!! Unfortunately, the relationship experts are awol this week. They’re on strike due to salary disputes, but don’t worry we will find a way to accommodate them. As always thank you for listening, sharing, and supporting the podcast. We love you all! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! *CORRECTION: WILLIAM GAY (THE AUTHOR) WAS NOT A WHITE NATIONALIST. D'ARCY MISTAKENLY IDENTIFIED THE WRONG GUY.* Myers-Briggs Personality quiz: 16personalities.com
    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 18 mins
  • Ep 27: Anne & Cleopatra Hate Y'all
    Dec 16 2021

    "Maybe Meryl Streep should play Harriet Tubman".- D'Arcy, a possible sellout

    Disclaimer: Moe loses his ability to speak coherently and a 70-year-old woman suddenly inhabits D'Arcy's body.

    This week, our duo talks about the psychology of serial cheaters, Hollywood's trend of race-swapping historical figures, their personal Christmas plans, and a personality test snitches on "bedroom Moe". Plus the relationship experts answer your juicy letters! That, and much more! Enjoy!

    Personality test: https://kdwb.iheart.com/content/2020-02-25-freuds-three-question-personality-quiz-can-teach-you-a-lot-about-someone/

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 27 mins
  • Ep 26: The Messyverse & The Egypt Way
    Nov 19 2021
    After a brief hiatus, our favorite duo is back and they're livelier than ever! Together they discuss the new changes at Facebook (or Meta), the dangers of stereotypes in music, TV, and film, the Astroworld (Travis Scott aka Jacques Webster II) disaster, and the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. Plus, D'Arcy shares in-depth details of her recent trip to Egypt. Planning on traveling there soon? You DO NOT wanna miss this one! All this, and so much more! Enjoy! Egypt Touring Company: Ramassidetours.com
    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 28 mins
  • Ep 25: Fierce People
    Oct 16 2021
    This week Moe and D’Arcy discuss a myriad of topics including: Dave Chapelle’s controversial new special, useful life hacks you’ll wish you knew sooner, and Jon Gruden’s email leak. Also, we’re back with the relationship Q&A and our money segment! All this and so much more!!! Enjoy!
    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 8 mins