• RAF394: Aging Reversed! Part 7 - Cold and Heat Exposure
    Mar 12 2025

    There is a range of temperatures where we're comfortable. Our bodies don't have to do any work to stay warm or cool off. When we're exposed to temperatures outside of that range, our heart rate changes, our breathing changes. We need more or less blood flow to the skin. These are the things we have to do to survive.

    Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER.com/394

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    5 mins
  • RAF393: Aging Reversed Part 6: How Exercise Helps Us Live Longer
    Mar 5 2025

    This episode we're going to cover exercise and its effect on aging. How different types of exercise can activate longevity genes and improve health. Now it doesn't take a genius to see that exercise can extend your life, it's common sense. But how does that work? What exactly is the process? We're going to dig deep into that and see what we come up with that might be helpful to us in understanding how exercise affects aging, and how we can optimize our activity to extend our lives.

    Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER.com/393

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    6 mins
  • RAF392: Aging Reversed! Part 5 - Calorie Restriction and Fasting
    Feb 26 2025

    In this series we're talking about how to stop or even reverse aging based on some scientific research in this specific field. Thus far we've explored the idea of treating aging as a disease. We have also gone into the information theory of aging, and we have studied several genes that are particularly important in the aging process, and more importantly, in the potential for reversing aging.

    Today is all about caloric restriction and fasting: we'll discuss the benefits of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting on longevity.

    Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER.com/392

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    10 mins
  • RAF391: Aging Reversed Part 4 - Longevity Genes
    Feb 19 2025

    Welcome to Running: A FEVER, a podcast about fitness, diet, and medicine. My name is Michael Davis. My goal is to live a long, healthy, happy, active life by loving my life enough to make it last as long as possible.

    And long life is what this series, called Aging Reversed is all about. What if aging were really just a disease? A disease that could be treated? What if the Fountain of Youth consisted of behaviors and medication? What if you could live 150 years, or even forever? You won't find the answers to those questions in this series, but we will talk about how this could all come about, some of the research going into it, and what resources are available right now to lengthen your life scientifically.

    Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER.com/391

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    10 mins
  • RAF390: Aging Reversed! Part 3 - The Information Theory
    Feb 12 2025

    We're getting deeper into our series on Aging Reversed. As I say at the beginning of every episode, my goal is to live a long, healthy, happy, active life right up to the end. This year I want to focus more on these simple topics and this series is about the "long" part. I take my inspiration from the book "Lifespan" by David Sinclair, which, if you have the stomach for some deep technical stuff, I recommend you read. The theory is that aging can be halted, or even turned in reverse, if we devote enough resources to the effort. That's what this series is trying to decode for you.

    Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER.com/390

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    6 mins
  • RAF389: Aging Reversed Part 2 - Aging as a Disease
    Feb 5 2025

    Last episode we talked about the topics we're going to be covering in this series about the possibility of stopping or even reversing the aging process, how that can happen, and the ethics and implications to society this revolution might bring. This time we're going to go in depth on the first of these topics, reclassifying aging as a disease: the idea of aging as a treatable disease and its implications for medical research and funding.

    Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER.com/389

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    6 mins
  • RAF388: Aging Reversed! Part 1 - Introduction
    Jan 29 2025

    I am very excited about the series we are starting today. In every episode, I state my goal: to live a long, healthy, happy, active life right up to the end. I want to focus more on these simple topics this year, and we're starting with the "long" part. Living a long life has been a common desire as long as humans have inhabited Earth. Though its origins are much earlier, since the 16th century and the travels of Juan Ponce de Leon, the legend of the Fountain of Youth has been a symbol of this longing for immortality. And though no one we know of has found the legendary waters, modern medicine is still looking for its metaphorical equivalent. Many questions need to be asked when considering this topic, such as:

    - How do we define life?
    - Why do I want a longer life?
    - What is the price I will pay, financially, physically, or physically?
    - What are the moral effects?
    - What is the procedure? Will it hurt?
    - What would I do with all the extra time I would have?

    Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER.com/388

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    6 mins
  • RAF387: Living to 100 - Maria Branyas
    Jan 22 2025

    Last episode, you got the list of the 10 longest-lived people, and a new person was on the list. Unfortunately, she died in August of 2024, so there are no living people on the list for now. But she made it, nonetheless. What did she do that got her to the ripe age of 117? Are there any clues that might help some of us get there? This episode aims to determine that by looking at the life of Maria Branyas, the 8th oldest-lived person ever.

    Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVER.com/387

    Photo byy Arxiu de la família Branyas Morera - Own work, Public Domain:

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    5 mins