• 18: Quality Business Leadership
    Feb 26 2025
    This month on Risk Revolution, Lori Richter chats with Anders Vinther, PhD, the Founder & CEO of Quality Business Administration (QBA). Lori and Anders discuss sustained product quality, consistent product supply, and robust financial performance. Anders shares the Six Traits of a QBL. Anders also shares his thoughts on preserving quality as a company value and the role of engagement in delivering this competitive business advantage.

    This month’s show notes include:

    Learn more about the QBA program: https://qbaleaders.com/

    QBA program feedback from participants: https://qbaleaders.com/qbl-program-feedback/

    Want to apply to be in a cohort? https://qbaleaders.com/certification-program-application-form/

    Taking a Stand for Pharmaceutical Quality: The Rise of the Quality Business Leader

    Deming Institute: https://deming.org/the-deming-philosophy/
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    54 mins
  • 18: Happy Birthday QRM!
    Jan 31 2025
    The Risk Revolution Crew is back with an exciting celebratory podcast. Join Nuala, Val, and Lori as they reflect on 20 years of QRM with Prof Kevin O’Donnell. This week’s guest needs almost no introduction to our listeners as he was the rapporteur for the ICH Q9(R1) update, chairs the PIC/s expert circle on QRM and is the Market Compliance Manager with the Irish Regulatory Agency the HPRA. Prof O’Donnell shares his reflections on the QRM journey and what is to come.

    Listeners should note that Prof O’Donnell’s views are his own and do not necessarily reflect those of the agencies and organizations referenced above.

    Show Notes

    ICH Q9(R1) and the supporting training materials can be accessed here:


    The EMA recommendations draw on lessons learned from the presence of nitrosamines in sartan medicines


    Technical Report No. TR 68 (Revised 2024): Risk-Based Approach for Prevention and Management of Drug Shortages


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    44 mins
  • 17: Risk Tolerance & Risk Acceptance
    Jan 31 2025
    Welcome to Risk Revolution, a monthly series of Voices in Validation, brought to you by the IVT Network. The goal of this series is to advance the maturity of risk management practices within the industry, by covering topics that challenge quality professionals to seek opportunities to improve and advance how they perceive and manage risk.

    This week, series coordinator Nuala is joined once again by Risk Revolution co-hosts, Valerie Mulholland and Lori Richter with another old friend of the IVT network, Dr. James Vesper. Dr. Vesper will share his unique insights and deep learning on a very interesting aspect of RBDM, Risk Appetite, and the distinction between that and Risk Tolerance.

    About Our Guest:
    James Vesper, MPH, Ph.D. established and is president of LearningPlus, Inc., and has had more than 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, including 11 years at Eli Lilly and Company. Dr. Vesper worked eleven years at Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis. Since 1991, he and his firm, LearningPlus, have worked with pharma/biopharma, device, and blood products organizations around the world consulting on risk management, performance solutions, and custom GMP learning events. He has been a special advisor/consultant to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Vaccine Quality Network – Global Learning Opportunities working as a mentor and instructor for a number of different learning courses. Dr. Vesper has written five books, including Risk Assessment and Risk Management: Clear and Simple, and multiple technical articles. He has a BS in biology (Wheaton College), an MPH (University of Michigan School of Public Health), and a Ph.D. in Education from Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia. Dr. Vesper may be contacted at jvesper@learningplus.com.
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    49 mins
  • 16: ICH Q9 Revision, Is it enough?
    Jan 31 2025
    Welcome to Risk Revolution, a monthly series of the Voices in Validation podcast, brought to you by the IVT Network. The goal of this series is to advance the maturity of risk management practices within the industry, by covering topics that challenge quality professionals to seek opportunities to improve and advance how they perceive and manage risk.

    In this episode, Stacey is joined by series coordinator Nuala Calnan and regular contributor Valerie Mulholland to discuss the ICH Q9 Revision with Kate Coleman of PharmaLex. The revisions were released for public consultation in November and are an improvement over the existing guidance but do leave a few areas that need to be explored further.

    Resources from this episode:
    ICH Q9 Quality Risk Management Revision - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/ich-q9-quality-risk-management-revision
    Link to the new guidance - https://database.ich.org/sites/default/files/ICH_Q9-R1_Document_Step2_Guideline_2021_1118.pdf
    Understanding the Concept of Formality In Quality Risk ... - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/understanding-concept-formality-quality-risk-management
    Risk Management, Knowledge Management and the Risk Knowledge Infinity Cycle on Risk Revolution - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/risk-management-knowledge-management-and-risk-knowledge-infinity-cycle-risk-revolution
    Can ‘Fuzzy Logic’ Be Applied To Risk Management In Pharmaceuticals And Healthcare? - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/can-%E2%80%98fuzzy-logic%E2%80%99-be-applied-risk-management-pharmaceuticals-and-healthcare-risk-revolution

    About Our Guest:
    Kate Coleman
    Kate has worked in Quality roles in the Pharma Industry up to the management level for 19 years, covering several platforms including Biologics, Sterile Fill Finish, Vaccines, and Oral Doses. Kate is a practicing QP, Principal Consultant, qualified Lead Auditor, and an SME in Risk Management, New Facility Design/Start-Up, QC, and Sterility Assurance.
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    58 mins
  • 15: Foundations in Quality Risk Management w/Dr. Tim Sandle
    Jan 31 2025
    In this episode, Stacey is joined by series coordinator Nuala Calnan and regular contributor Valerie Mulholland to discuss the book "Foundations in Quality Risk Management" with the author, Dr. Tim Sandle. One of the key topics of discussion is dealing with "Fuzzy Logic", and how to manage situations that appear vague, and how that applies to the Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industries.

    Welcome to Risk Revolution, a monthly series of the Voices in Validation podcast, brought to you by the IVT Network. The goal of this series is to advance the maturity of risk management practices within the industry, by covering topics that challenge quality professionals to seek opportunities to improve and advance how they perceive and manage risk.

    Resources from this episode:
    The ICH Q9 (R1) Guidelines - https://www.dropbox.com/s/1xhsv2v0l2wumd2/ICH_Q9-R1_Documehttps:/www.dropbox.com/s/1xhsv2v0l2wumd2/ICH_Q9-R1_Document_Step2_Guideline_2021_1118.pdf?dl=0nt_Step2_Guideline_2021_1118.pdf?dl=0
    ICH Q9 (R1) Presentation - https://www.dropbox.com/s/23loupxxij00pc3/Published%20ICH_Q9%28R1%29_Step_2_Presentation_2021_1126.pdf?dl=0
    Can Fuzzy Logic Be Applied to Risk Management - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/can-%E2%80%98fuzzy-logic%E2%80%99-be-applied-risk-management-pharmaceuticals-and-healthcare
    Critical Thinking #1: Why Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare Needs - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/critical-thinking-1-why-pharmaceuticals-and-healthcare-needs-more-critical-thinkers
    Critical Thinking #2: Reading Research Papers - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/critical-thinking-2-reading-research-papers
    Critical Thinking #3: Developing Questions to Achieve the Optimal - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/critical-thinking-3-developing-questions-achieve-optimal-outcome
    Risk Management, Knowledge Management and the Risk Knowledge Infinity Cycle on Risk Revolution - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/risk-management-knowledge-management-and-risk-knowledge-infinity-cycle-risk-revolution
    Risk Revolution - Getting to the Root of the Matter - http://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/getting-root-matter-risk-revolution-0
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    54 mins
  • 14: Foundations in Quality Risk Management
    Jan 31 2025
    This week, Stacey and Nuala sit down with Jayet Moon, author of "Foundations in Quality Risk Management" to review some of the key discussion points from his book and share his views on how risk management “is central to the science of prediction and decision-making;” and how “holistic and scientific risk management creates resilient organizations, which survive and thrive by being adaptable.” Jayet will also explain how lobsters can live forever.

    Resources from this episode:

    A Quantitative Method for Modelling

    Copy of SAQI eQE Newsletter Issue 241 - February 2021

    Copy of Quality World - Spring 2021

    Foundations Of Quality Risk Management: A Practical Approach to Effective Risk-Based Thinking

    About our guest:
    Jayet Moon
    Jayet has earned a master’s degree in biomedical engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia and is a Project Management Institute (PMI) Certified Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP). Jayet is also a Chartered Quality Professional in the UK certified by the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI). He is also an Enterprise Risk Management Certified Professional (ERMCP) and a Risk Management Society (RIMS) certified Risk Management Professional (RIMS-CRMP). Jayet was recently awarded the Australian Organization for Quality 'Passion for Excellence' Award and recognized as the American Society for Quality '40 under 40' Rising Star in their November 2021 issue of Quality Progress magazine. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts (FRSA) and a Fellow of the International Institute for Safety and Risk Management (FIIRSM). He is the author of the book, ‘Foundations of Quality Risk Management’ published by ASQ Quality Press, and holds ASQ CQE, CQSP, and CQIA certifications. Popular articles authored by him on Quality and Risk Management have been published in global trade magazines such as Quality Press (USA), Quality World (UK), Quality Business (Australia and New Zealand), QCI Magazine (India), and eQuality Edge (South Africa).
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    45 mins
  • 13: What's hot in QRM
    Jan 31 2025
    This week, Stacey is joined by Nuala Calnan and Valerie Mulholland for an Ask Me Anything session on Quality Risk Management.

    The goal of this series is to advance the maturity of risk management practices within the industry, by covering topics that challenge quality professionals to seek opportunities to improve and advance how they perceive and manage risk.

    Resources from this episode:
    Risk-Based Decision Making: PODCAST RECORDING
    Risk Management, Knowledge Management, and the Risk
    Understanding the Concept of Formality In Quality Risk ...
    Quality Management Maturity – A Pilot Program of the FDA
    ICH Q9 R1 concept document
    ICH Q14 Concept Paper
    2021 Updated PIC/s Aide Memoire on Assessment of QRM Implementation
    Sept 24 2021 Pre-post version of USP 1220 Chapter on Analytical Procedure Life Cycle
    QRM: a Case for Convergence:

    About Our Guest:
    Valerie Mulholland
    Valerie Mulholland is the CEO of GMP Services Ltd and is a GMP/Quality Consultant in Europe. She is a practitioner in the area of Quality Risk Management and is researching the topic of Risk-Based Decision Making for a Ph.D. dissertation with the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science Team in TU Dublin.
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    45 mins
  • 12: Disrupting the Paradigm
    Jan 31 2025
    This week, Stacey and Nuala invite a regular IVT contributor and industry disruptor Karen Ginsbury to innovate and revolutionize the future of quality management within the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, and med device sectors. Karen will share her views on ICH Q10 and what must happen next.

    Resources from this episode:
    One Voice of Quality Website - https://prst.ie/1vq/
    One-Voice-of-Quality (1VQ) Solutions Part 2 - Podcast Episode | IVT - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/one-voice-quality-1vq-solutions-part-2-podcast-episode
    One-Voice-of-Quality (1VQ) Solutions – an Enhanced Science and ... - https://www.ivtnetwork.com/article/one-voice-quality-1vq-solutions-%E2%80%93-enhanced-science-and-risk-based-approach-post-approval-cha
    Elon Musk Hiring Ad - https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/03/elon-musk-is-recruiting-for-tesla-education-is-irrelevant.html
    What Is Industry 4.0? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKPrJJSv94M&t=1s
    ISPE Pharma 4.0 initiative - https://ispe.org/initiatives/pharma-4.0

    About Our Guest:
    Karen Ginsbury
    Karen is a pharmaceutical consultant who brings hands-on experience in designing and implementing environmental control programs within multinational pharmaceutical companies. She started her career in the industry by taking EM samples on the factory floor and bringing her unique perspective to her lively and instructive presentations. Ms. Ginsbury has over twenty years of industry-based experience in quality assurance and compliance and has published a book on compliance auditing for pharmaceutical manufacturers. Ms. Ginsbury is a past holder of IVT’s Presentation of the Year and Web Seminar Presenter of the Year and regularly lectures around the world on pharmaceutical topics.
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    58 mins