Our fourth CES 2025 Highlights featured three great speakers.
Tim Balz from Kalagon introduced smart seating technology to prevent pressure sores, clinically proven to reduce pain and fatigue, and fully reimbursable under Medicare.
Rajeev Ramanath from Blueberry Technology presented BBGo, an autonomous wheelchair initially for airports, achieving 98% satisfaction and reducing personnel-to-vehicle ratios.
Tomek Stomski from Vasco Electronics showcased their translation devices, including earbuds for natural conversation, available in 25 countries, with a focus on healthcare and travel.
Recorded on February 20, 2025, this episode is part of our CES Highlights Series. Speakers are listed in their order of appearance.
Tim Balz, Founder and CEO, Kalogon Smart Seating Technology
AgeTech Collaborative from AARP participant
Recent Kalogon Press:
Kalogon Orbiter Med product received a Time Special Mention
Tim Balz received a Future Leaders Award from Mobility Management
Rajeev Ramanath, Founder and CEO, Blueberry Technology autonomous personal vehicle BBGo
Recent Blueberry Technology Press:
BBGo featured on NBC Bay Area - newsclip video
Tomek (Tomasz) Stomski, Chief Product Officer, Head of People and Culture,
Vasco Electronics - Translator devices supporting travel and health care
Recent Vasco Press
BBC 10-18-24 Translation Tech tackles Health Language Barriers
Conde Nast Traveler Vasco Review
Debbie Howard's summary of this show.
Mentioned by Tomek - Business to government (B2G) is the sale and marketing of goods and services to federal, state, or local agencies
6-2-23 Rethinking Aging Club Mobility podcast with Teresa Valenzuela; Spring Adamo from Omeo outdoor terrain wheelchair
The 2025 AARP Movies for Grownups Awards will be broadcast on PBS on Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 7/6c.
BoomerTechTalk.com episode page with additional resources related to this show and our speakers.
LinkedIn Show Post with photos
Co-Hosts: Linda Sherman and Debbie Howard
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We are catching up with publishing historical Rethinking Aging Club podcasts, and hope to be current by the end of March 2025.
New episodes on both of our podcasts are usually published the day after they are recorded.
Music: Solemnity written and performed by Richard Sherman