• Episode 15 - Intimacy VS Sex: The Biggest Difference Guest: Natalie Alexander (LPC & Relationship Coach) |Remixing Relationships Podcast
    Dec 30 2024
    ****This episode is for adults only***Remixing Relationships: Intimacy VS Sex: The Biggest Difference Guest: Natalie Alexander (LPC & Relationship Coach)
    Season 2

    The difference between sex and intimacy is significant, yet the two are often conflated. Here’s a breakdown of how they differ and why understanding both is crucial for healthy relationships:

    1. Sex

    • Physical Act: Sex is primarily a physical activity that involves engaging in acts that stimulate sexual pleasure. It can range from kissing and touching to intercourse.
    • Biological Drive: It is often driven by biological urges and desires. It’s a natural part of being human and can be about physical satisfaction, reproduction, or even just fun.
    • Momentary Connection: While sex can be a form of connection, it’s often more immediate and can be experienced without a deep emotional bond. It’s possible to have sex without intimacy, especially in casual encounters.
    • Physical Satisfaction: The focus is often on physical gratification, which can include the release of tension or the pursuit of pleasure.

    2. Intimacy

    • Emotional Bond: Intimacy is about emotional closeness and deep connection. It involves feeling understood, valued, and safe with another person.
    • Vulnerability and Trust: It requires vulnerability and openness. It’s built on trust, communication, and the willingness to share one’s innermost thoughts, fears, and desires.
    • Long-Lasting Connection: Intimacy is not limited to romantic or sexual relationships. It can exist between friends, family members, and partners, creating a bond that goes beyond physical touch.
    • Multiple Forms: Intimacy can be emotional (sharing feelings), intellectual (discussing ideas), experiential (sharing activities), or spiritual (connecting on a deeper, soul level). Physical intimacy, such as cuddling or holding hands, can be a part of it, but it doesn’t have to include sex.

    Remixing Relationships PodcastPromoting Heathy Relationships and Doing Things Differently!Sometimes you have to remix your way of thinking and approach your relationships differently. This is a podcast for everyone at every love stage. Whether you are single, engaged , married, growth happens at every level. Remixing your present or future relationships will help you love in a more effective way. Love from a place of healing and freedom. Get your steel toed boots because some toes will be stepped on! ���❤️Welcome to Remixing RelationshipsTune in! On YouTube, Spotify, Iheart Radio, Audible , Spreaker and More.
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    1 hr and 11 mins
  • Episode 14 - Holiday Love: From Firsts To Forever |Remixing Relationships Podcast
    Dec 24 2024
    Welcome to Remixing Relationships, where we remix love to make it better, stronger, and timeless—because it’s never too late to remix your life or your love!”

    Remixing Relationships Podcast: {Ep. 20}
    “Holiday Love: From Firsts to Forever”
    Remix the way you navigate the holidays together.

    Exploring how couples—whether new or seasoned—can remix their approach to love, connection, and traditions during the holiday season.

    Remixing Relationships Podcast Promoting Heathy Relationships and Doing Things Differently! Sometimes you have to remix your way of thinking and approach your relationships differently. This is a podcast for everyone at every love stage. Whether you are single, engaged , married, growth happens at every level. Remixing your present or future relationships will help you love in a more effective way. Love from a place of healing and freedom. Get your steel toed boots because some toes will be stepped on! ���❤️Welcome to Remixing RelationshipsTune in! On YouTube, Spotify, Iheart Radio, Audible , Spreaker, Apple and Google.

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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • Episode 13 - Your Relationship and Healing Questions: Remixing |Relationships Remixing Relationships Podcast
    Dec 23 2024
    Remixing Relationships is Back for a New Season!!!!
    I will be answering 15 questions in depth about relationships and how to get back on track. Most importantly, getting back to you!

    1. How do you rebuild trust in a relationship after it’s been broken?
    2. What are the signs of a healthy vs. an unhealthy relationship?
    3. How do you communicate your needs without feeling guilty or starting an argument?
    4. Why do people struggle with vulnerability in relationships, and how can they overcome it?
    5. How do you maintain individuality while being in a committed relationship?
    6. What are some ways to reignite the spark in a long-term relationship?
    7. How do past relationships or childhood experiences affect current romantic connections?
    8. When is it time to walk away from a relationship, even if you still have feelings for the person?
    9. How can you set healthy boundaries without pushing your partner away?
    10. Why is self-love so important in building and maintaining healthy relationships?
    11. How do you know when you’re ready to start dating again after a breakup?
    12. What are some common relationship myths that people still believe?
    13. How do you handle disagreements or conflicts constructively?
    14. Can a relationship truly work if two people have fundamentally different values or goals?
    15. How do you heal from a toxic relationship and trust again?
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Episode 12 - Remixing Real Life Relationship Scenarios with Guest: Sheila Dunbar |Remixing Relationships Podcast
    Dec 23 2024
    Remixing Relationships: Remixing Real Life Scenarios {Episode 13} Guest: Sheila Dunbar-
    Sheila shares her life and marriage with us to help others as they have remixed aspects of their relationships!
    We will have personal real life scenarios and remix the approach and how it could have been better. It’s all about growth and doing things differently.

    Remixing Relationships PodcastPromoting Heathy Relationships and Doing Things Differently!Sometimes you have to remix your way of thinking and approach your relationships differently. This is a podcast for everyone at every love stage. Whether you are single, engaged , married, growth happens at every level. Remixing your present or future relationships will help you love in a more effective way. Love from a place of healing and freedom. Get your steel toed boots because some toes will be stepped on! ���❤️Welcome to Remixing RelationshipsTune in! On YouTube, Spotify, Iheart Radio, Audible , Spreaker and More.

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    1 hr and 32 mins
  • Episode 11 - A Love Story: 27 Years of “For Sickness and Health” in Real Time:Remixing Relationships Podcast
    Nov 23 2024
    Remixing Relationships: A Love Story: 27 Years of “For Sickness and Health”. Celebrating Mr. & Mrs. Hedgman . This will bring a beautiful celebration of 2 people I love dearly as one is fighting for his life as we speak. On September 24, 2024 they will be celebrating 25 years of marriage.
    I will share some of their story with you!
    If you would send a love offering to this family through Zelle they thank you in advance. 301-466-7569
    (Kendell Lenice)——-Remixing Relationships PodcastPromoting Heathy Relationships and Doing Things Differently!Sometimes you have to remix your way of thinking and approach your relationships differently. This is a podcast for everyone at every love stage. Whether you are single, engaged , married, growth happens at every level. Remixing your present or future relationships will help you love in a more effective way. Love from a place of healing and freedom. Get your steel toed boots because some toes will be stepped on! ���❤️Welcome to Remixing RelationshipsTune in! On YouTube, Spotify, Iheart Radio, Audible , Spreaker and More.#remixingrelationships #relationships #podcast #dating #married #engaged
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    51 mins
  • Episode 10 - Settling For The Pieces w/ Guest: Natalie Alexander|You Can Have a Piece of My Love|Remixing Relationships Podcast
    Nov 1 2024
    You can have a piece of my love! Remixing Relationships: Settling For The Pieces(Episode 11) Guests: @nataliealexanderlpc Natalie Alexander (LPS & Relationship Coach) The New Jack Swing group Guy had a classic song in 1988 called Piece of My Love. People still sing along to the anthem offering less than a woman’s worth. No one needs to settle for a piece of anyone’s love! Let’s talk about it! Tonight at 8pm (est) on my YouTube -link in the bio (Kendell Lenice)——-Remixing Relationships PodcastPromoting Heathy Relationships and Doing Things Differently!Sometimes you have to remix your way of thinking and approach your relationships differently. This is a podcast for everyone at every love stage. Whether you are single, engaged , married, growth happens at every level. Remixing your present or future relationships will help you love in a more effective way. Love from a place of healing and freedom. Get your steel toed boots because some toes will be stepped on! 🥾❤️Welcome to Remixing RelationshipsTune in! On YouTube, Spotify, Iheart Radio, Audible , Spreaker and More.#remixingrelationships #relationships #podcast #dating #married #engaged
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    1 hr and 15 mins
  • Episode 9: Older Woman—Younger Man: Why Are Women Opting for Younger|Not just men! |Remixing Relationships Podcast
    Oct 31 2024
    Men have been doing it for years, now women are doing it! Is it a doivke standard??
    Older Woman—-Younger Man! Can it work? According to The Bubble dating app research, 59% of women are open to dating someone younger, and 31% are no longer focused on traditional timelines and milestones. Let’s talk about it this week on Remixing Relationships!

    -Remixing Relationships Podcast Promoting Heathy Relationships and Doing Things Differently!Sometimes you have to remix your way of thinking and approach your relationships differently. This is a podcast for everyone at every love stage. Whether you are single, engaged , married, growth happens at every level. Remixing your present or future relationships will help you love in a more effective way. Love from a place of healing and freedom. Get your steel toed boots because some toes will be stepped on! 🥾❤️Welcome to Remixing RelationshipsTune in! On YouTube, Spotify, Iheart Radio, Audible , Spreaker and More.
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    52 mins
  • Episode 8 - Can Men and Women Be Friends-For Real?|Remixing Relationships Podcast
    Sep 13 2024
    Remixing Relationships: (Episode 8) Guests: Regina Smithwick (Life Coach, Motivational Speaker& Radio Personanality) & Dr. Leroy McKenzie Jr. The Impact Builder (Authorpreneur and Business Owner)

    Do you think men and women can just be friends or they have something and now they are friends or someone is waiting in the wings ? Let’s talk about it!
    Remixing Relationships Podcast
    Promoting Heathy Relationships and Doing Things Differently!
    Sometimes you have to remix your way of thinking and approach your relationships differently. This is a podcast for everyone at every love stage. Whether you are single, engaged , married, growth happens at every level. Remixing your present or future relationships will help you love in a more effective way. Love from a place of healing and freedom. Get your steel toed boots because some toes will be stepped on! 🥾❤️
    Welcome to Remixing Relationships
    Tune in! On YouTube, Spotify, Iheart Radio, Audible , Spreaker and More.

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    1 hr and 35 mins