• Can Meditation harm You?
    Feb 16 2025
    I say absolutely Yes! Still, I recommend it.
    If we want to write a motorcycle we should learn first to ride a bicycle.
    Irresponsible Meditation teachers even give the beginner a big motorcycle (a 10-day Meditation retreat with 9 hours Meditation/day) and expect that you can ride the big heavy motorcycle without practicing anything before.
    Stop that nonsense. Such Meditation retreats can cause neuroses, psychoses and can end in psychotic behavior with suicide.
    Most of the Meditation teachers don’t understand Meditation because they teach suppression of feelings and thoughts instead to learn to watch and accept them.
    The people are coming to them, because of their great reputation that these Meditation masters have never deserved.
    A Meditation master who gives meditation retreats for everybody should be jailed!!!
    Don’t spoil Meditation. Meditation is the greatest thing and has to be taught naturally and very slowly. The teachers of Osho, the Dao and the Sufis teach meditation in a slow approach because they know Meditation can be dangerous.
    Because of our tricky ego, the Meditation needs to be tricky too. In the beginning, we have to trick out our Ego to connect with the divine. And that can be dangerous if we make too much Meditation in the beginning.
    Our today disease is that we want too much too fast… We meditate for some minutes and over some months we increase the time of meditation. That is the principle of KaiZen.
    We start at home or on a Meditation course with body exercise that relaxes our body and mind and afterward with a short meditation.
    Meditation has always a focus and never a goal. All these so holly goals, like Nirvana, Moksha, Enlightenment, Hell, and Heaven had never existed. Even today, the pope said there is no Heaven or Hell. (Read my book: Why the Religions have failed and not God.)
    Only through Meditation, we can enjoy our life or the “here and now”. Because through Meditation we get so much bliss and inside happiness that we don’t depend on worldly pleasures so much. Who wonders that I was over 12 years in Meditation retreats? I started with baby steps and at the end, I could do the retreats even for 9 months! I got adored for my Meditation from the President of the Hindus….
    Meditation is not for suppressing our problems, feelings … Through Meditation we learn to solve our problems fast and efficient without being attached.
    We get detached when we learn to watch our feelings, thoughts and our nonsense in our brain.
    Meditation should make us empty… And is the best remedy against our longing for a distraction to suppress our feelings and thoughts.
    Our thoughts are created to 80% through our anxiety. If you become fearful in your Meditation then learn to watch your fears. After some time the fears are gone through watching of them. Feel your fears and don’t be your fears. (Zen) We can make out of every task a meditation. Even when we have sex we can make out of it a meditation. For that has created Shiva the sexually Techniques inside of the Tantra and the Chinese have created the Tao-Love.

    Real Meditation is to connect to the divine /God and through that, we get bliss and stillness in our mind.

    My Video: Can Meditation harm You? https://youtu.be/bmtZdoVjkagMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/Can-Meditation-harm-You.mp3

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  • Episode 39 Criminals as Friends will backfire.
    Feb 15 2025

    I bought a small Catamaran, the legendary Seawind 24, and docked the boat in the Marina Krabi, near where I live.

    The owner O. helped me a lot and we became good friends. However, I discovered he was involved in corruption and became very wealthy. He has a good connection to the government and their officials.

    I liked this place, it was close to my home… But there were too many barnacles in the water and so I had to do the antifouling for my catamaran twice a year.

    I changed the marina and docked my catamaran at a new Marina which was quite far away.

    One day, I went to my previous Marina. I saw the manager of the new Marina, Chuey, with his cousin, sitting in the Cafe of the Marina. His cousin, a nice lady stood up and embraced me and so did Chuey.

    O., jealous of the new Marina, saw that…

    O. was personally serving a bottle of beer to Chuey, even though he had a lot of servants…

    Chuey took the bottle and lifted the bottle to his mouth…

    And I yelled: STOP

    The top of the bottleneck was broken, and a razor-sharp glass ring was carefully balanced on the bottleneck.

    Chuey said thank you, and we left immediately the cafe…

    One hour later, my friend called me and said O. proclaimed that I did a majesty insult…
    That means 15 years in jail in Thailand where I live.

    Please leave Krabi and never go again to this Marina…

    My Video: Episode 39 Criminals as Friends will backfire. https://youtu.be/-a5UDU3rVE0
    My Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Episode-39-Criminals-as-Friends-will-backfire.mp3

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  • How to become free?
    Feb 14 2025
    What is freedom?
    Is the freedom to be free of obligations and responsibilities?
    Is the freedom to take drugs and do not feel the suffering anymore?
    Does the society love that we become free?
    Does our society love to enslave us and to determine our life?
    Who loves that we become free?
    Can we have freedom when we have to care about rules?
    Can we have freedom in a limited space of our life?
    Who limits our space of freedom?
    Can we be free even when we are in a prison or a lager?
    Is freedom only to have a choice or even more?
    If we are honest then we have to admit that most of our obligations what we should do are not relevant to our life. We have even chosen these obligations and we don’t have to do them.
    If we stick to rules and feel responsible then this is also our choice.
    If I shoot a photo… I can’t demand that I have 24 hours of daylight with the beautiful golden light before sunset or after sunrise.
    I am obligated to the cycle of the day, the weather to get the right light for my sunset picture.
    Still, I have the freedom to shoot the image.
    And so is it with all issues in our life.
    We all have the freedom to choose at least in one particular area.
    Even if we are in a lager we can choose our thoughts and feel free.
    We can choose:
    How we can make our jobs.
    Our attitude, and that is the most important thing in our life.
    That we confirm the society or that we live what we like to live.
    With which people we are together in our leisure time.
    To get rid of our TV.
    To free us from the time-wasting media that can’t help us, can’t make us happy,or can’t make us laugh.
    To smile to our child and spouse.
    To be friendly and loving even in difficult times.
    To live a healthy lifestyle with enough body exercise and healthy food.
    To meditate, and to praise the lord.

    My Video: How to become free? https://youtu.be/4GgcO2FTy9wMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/How-to-become-free.mp3

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  • Become yourself or a people pleaser?
    Feb 13 2025
    If we have to decide to do it in our way and risk or to do it in the popular way, what to do?
    I have read a lot of biographies and always the greatest artists never have done any compromises … And remained unpopular.
    After their death they became famous. Too late?
    Why not try first to become successful and afterward become yourself and creative?
    If we sell out our meaning of life for our success we become uncreative and unmotivated. Goethe said: we sell our soul to the devil…
    Is it really so important to become successful?
    What is to be successful for you?
    Is it not better to be just yourself and don’t care what other people think?
    What is if we end up poor and we regret that?
    Imagine you are a young girl and you do have a loving relationship and then you have the chance to marry a rich one?
    In all cases, we do not know our outcome. A loving relationship can end soon, our great talents can turn in a nightmare…
    And that had happened all to me… Still, I am happy that I tried so hard, even it didn’t have worked out.
    As a kid, I was outstanding in technique and loved to become an engineer… But… I was too stupid in the school, no chance at all…. Never less I did it… And, then it was a nightmare to solve all these technical problems, even I was very good in that.
    And then I wanted to have a passionate love relationship and I got many of them… And always, I wanted to marry every darling, it never worked out.
    Should I be frustrated or should I be grateful for the amazing moments in my life because I tried it?
    The only son of Peter Thomson (British famous business strategist) wanted to become a famous musician… Peter Thomson supported the son ambitions, even when all the other relatives and friends had been against that. Because Peter Thomson wanted that his son becomes happy. After 10 years working as a musician with a good earning, his son quit his courier and started to work with his father together.
    We have only this moment and this life.
    The greatest sin is to wast our time for meaningless things.
    Just try it, if it is not working out try the next thing.
    The worst thing is always after we have been knocked down by the circumstances not to go up immediately.
    And to try the next thing.
    Life can be amazing or depressing or just a prostitution for …
    That is your choice!

    My Video: Become yourself or a people pleaser? https://youtu.be/I8sOSAyeDIQMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/Become-yourself-or-a-people-pleaser.mp3
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  • With our “I” and “My” start the problems
    Feb 12 2025
    The great Yogi Ramakrishna strongly avoided saying “I” or “my”.
    A wife went to a doctor and asked him what she should do because her husband doesn’t like to have sex with her anymore. The doctor answered bring me your husband and I will solve the problem. The doctor said to her husband before you go to bed, go to the bathroom and in front of the mirror say 10 times: I don’t know her, and she is not my wife.Problem solved! Because what we don’t know and don’t own is exciting.
    If we say it is “my” friend then our ego assumes that we own our friend and that he is under our control. That is the reason why we are so angry if our friend does what we don’t like. And when we are married we think that we both own our spouse. After the separation our illusion is over, we have never owned our spouse and our spouse was never under our control. Because of our illusion, we own our spouse we suffered so hard.
    Be thankful that you are together in a loving relationship. How would you appreciate your time together, if you would think that your loving relationship can end every moment?

    Our Ego likes to personalize everything so that even after some time an innocent PC, smartphone, car,… becomes a person. And if these things getting broken or don’t work we get angry.
    As a kid, I have learned what I really owned. My mother said: close your eyes and what you see is yours.
    We don’t own anything.

    When the Greek emperor Alexander the Great died, he said: “Make two holes in the coffin and let my hands hang outside. Because everybody should see that I died with empty hands.”
    All our accusation in this world are temporary and not under our control. Even it is so with our body or life. Without the grace of God, we are nothing.

    Our Ego/I assumes that we are God that we have everything under our control…. Everybody experience devastating moments where we had been overwhelmed. Still, after some time, we think we have everything under our control. That is the incurable disease of our ego.
    When we brag what we have done we can’t really see the reality. Because we depend on so many circumstances. And God punishes our bragging with worse moments. Watch yourself when you brag, what will happen afterward?

    Ramakrishna said:God laughsWhen a doctor said I have healed him.When two brothers divide the land of their died father and say this land is yours and that land is mine.
    Everything owns God!Praise the Lord

    My Video: With our “I” and “My” start the problems https://youtu.be/lJThjlIS23kMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/With-our-“I”-and-“My”-start-the-problems.mp3

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  • Quotes Jeff Bezos
    Feb 11 2025

    I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood if you're going to innovate.

    A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.

    What we need to do is always lean into the future; when the world changes around you and when it changes against you - what used to be a tail wind is now a head wind - you have to lean into that and figure out what to do because complaining isn't a strategy.

    The human brain is an incredible pattern-matching machine.

    Life's too short to hang out with people who aren't resourceful.

    We've had three big ideas at Amazon that we've stuck with for 18 years, and they're the reason we're successful: Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient.

    If you're competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering.

    If you can't tolerate critics, don't do anything new or interesting.

    Great industries are never made from single companies. There is room in space for a lot of winners.

    The best customer service is if the customer doesn't need to call you, doesn't need to talk to you. It just works.

    The special ops guys and the firefighters around the world have this great phrase. They say, 'Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast,' and that is true. Everything I've accomplished in my life has been because of that attitude.

    Cultures, for better or worse, are very stable.

    There are two ways to extend a business. Take inventory of what you're good at and extend out from your skills. Or determine what your customers need and work backward, even if it requires learning new skills. Kindle is an example of working backward.
    The thing that motivates me is a very common form of motivation. And that is, with other folks counting on me, it's so easy to be motivated.
    There are two kinds of companies, those that work to try to charge more and those that work to charge less. We will be the second.

    The question really is, are you improving the world? And you can do that in many models. You can do that in government, you can do that in a nonprofit, and you can do it in commercial enterprise.

    My Video: Quotes Jeff Bezos https://youtu.be/W5WDq2zcLWIMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast4/Quotes-Jeff-Bezos.mp3

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  • Why can’t men sleep with women?
    Feb 10 2025
    In most cases, men are potent and have psychological problems to sleep with women.If you think that you are impotent, do a clinical erection test by yourself - is at the end…If you have a physical problem:
    Go to the doctor to scan your prostate.
    If the prostate is okay, fast for at least 7 days that the blood vessel in that lower abdomen can be purified and the physical problem is solved. Or look up for Mantak Cia /Tao-Garden in Chiang Mai in Thailand, they can solve your problem.
    Low testosterone level and aging.
    I recommend these herbs.
    1.) Fo-Ti (He Shou Wu, Chinese Cornbind)2.) Ginseng3.) Ashwagandha4.) Gingko Biloba5.) Goji Berries (Wolf Berries)6.) Astragalar7.) Lingzhi Mushrooms8.) Gotu Kola9.) Jiao Gu Lan
    The first 5 herbs are increasing your testosterone and other sexual hormones… At least they make your body strong. The last 4 herbs are for busting your immune system and heart… I take all of them every day by capsules or as tea.

    Many men become homosexual because of their problems with women.
    About 70% of all married couples experience a sexual dysfunction in their lifetime!
    The wives think that the men are impotent and can’t see that maybe they are the problem!

    I will cover now the psychological problems.

    Why can’t men get an erection? It is a performance anxiety caused through:
    1.) Sexually abused in your childhood.2.) Dominant mother or sister that pushed you always down.3.) Bad consciousness. 4.) Too much stress or tension.5.) Sham.6.) Fear of failure7.) Relationship problems.8.) Unattractive sexual partner9.) Rejection of women.

    Because the anxiety causes the erection problem.
    To get an erection:We need to be aroused and relaxed.

    Tip 1Exercises (see also Youtube: Mantak Chia at the end)
    Masturbate every second day until you have a full erection and then stop. Let your erection die and re-arouse yourself again… Make that 3 times and then it is allowed to release your semen. You can use pornography or imagination of sexual situation.
    Psychology effect:You train your brain, that you can arouse yourself and don’t need to release your semen.
    Tip 2:
    Solve your relationship problems. Or better go to a therapist or group… When I have problems in the relationship or if I want to sleep just so with a girl, I can’t do so. Because my body and mind reject that women… I need intimacy and without intimacy, I can’t sleep with any women. And I was sexually abused in my childhood…. that makes sex with women much more difficult. Never the less I have slept with over 100 women… and many times I could not. When I could solve often that problem with a so bad childhood then you can do too! Still, it is a challenge and that is good so!

    Tip 3:Speak about your sexual problems and find other ways to improve your sex life.Couples, who just give up on the sexual dysfunction of the man will never get the sexual problems solved. Touch your partner, be lovely and don’t set yourself under pressure. Sleep naked, be close to your partner and try to arouse each other without any tension. Make your partner orgasms without an intercourse.

    My Video: Why can’t men sleep with women? https://youtu.be/FRlr5QmSEWUMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/Why-can’t-men-sleep-with-women.mp3

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  • The beauty of uncertainty
    Feb 9 2025
    Even we try to get everything under our control, we can’t control our relationships.
    And most relationships end with closed hearts because of anxiety to get hurt…
    Without the uncertainty:
    1.) is no love possible,2.) is no personal growth,3.) no spirituality,4.) no excitement….
    Still, most people hate uncertainty and so the relationship ends.

    We die without dying.
    We can only do our best to nurture our relationship, instead to wait that our partner gives us his/her appreciation.
    We can search where we are wrong, instead to look where our spouse is wrong.
    Instead of playing cool we share openly our feelings and speak about our fears. Because we are human beings and we are full of negative habits, mistakes and never perfect. Or do you want to marry an Apple or a smartphone?
    Instead of demanding love we give love regardless of what. Because we want to love and not end up frustrated when we can’t get the love…
    We don’t depend on our partner.We can only love when we are independent… slavery will never work out.
    Look what your partner needs instead to look that your partner fulfills your desires. And so you candle your love.
    Almost the love in the relationship is not synchrony. The most beautiful moments in your relationship might be the worst moments for your partner. An awesome love relationship over 20 years ended when both read their diaries for every day.
    Choose trustEven your partner doesn’t deserve trust. I trust in God that I get always the best… I don’t trust people because every person can fail. What God gives me is enough… And my spouse is an eternity of God.

    We try our best and if it is not working out, we can’t blemish ourselves.
    With every relationship, I have learned so much, for what I should regret it?
    And then get engaged again.

    My Video: The beauty of uncertainty https://youtu.be/_5SkrZUawYMMy Audio: https://divinesuccess.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/Podcast.B/The-beauty-of-uncertainty.mp3

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