
  • Q&A: Are Mormons Christians?
    Feb 24 2025

    Today we are answering questions from our RLP listeners on all things Mormonism.

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    31 mins
  • LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX (trafficking)
    Feb 22 2025

    Today's episode we have our good friend Amanda come on and bring awareness to a HUGE issue: sex trafficking. What is it, what are the misconceptions, why should the church care, what we can do, where does it start, and so much more.

    As followers of Jesus we don't get to put our heads in the sand and pretend these evils don't exist- but we fully understand how hard of an issue this is to wrap our heads and hearts around.Please share this episode if you learned something or it added any value.

    Resources for if you or someone you know is a victim of sex trafficking:

    Email: sex.trafficking@multco.us. For survivors in need of urgent support, please contact the 24/7 crisis line through Call to Safety 503-235 5333.




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    46 mins
  • Q&A:Gun Safety, Gun Control and Christian Arguments For and Against
    Feb 17 2025

    In today's RLP episode, we answer a question from YOU about gun safety...which leads us to DIVE into Christian arguments FOR gun control, and AGAINST gun control. The Bible doesn't talk about guns specifically, but it does talk about protecting others, as well as 'blessing the peacemakers' so let's talk about it!

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    50 mins
  • Q&A:Relationships, Living Together (before marriage) & abandonment
    Feb 17 2025

    We are answering YOUR questions on relationships today, anywhere from living together, to being abandoned, to just learning about your partner.

    Here are your Q's:

    How does God look at a relationship that is promised and committed before him but not legal on paper because of how our government is set up?

    What should you do when your pastoral figure suddenly abandons you?

    How can we better understand effectively communicating as a family?

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    39 mins
  • Pastor's Response to Bishop Calling out Donald Trump
    Feb 10 2025

    Today on RLP we dive into some very relevant questions:

    -Does Trump's rhetoric contradict Christ's teachings? (harsh language)

    -Are we aligning to closely with political power? (Being seen as a political entity instead of a spiritual one? Damaging the witness of the church?)

    -How do we prioritize justice and compassion? (Trumps policies on immigration, racial justice, and social programs have been criticized as lacking compassion)

    Join the convo! Send us a message on our instagram, text us 503.829.5101 or email us: reallifepodcast@foothillsonline.com

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    34 mins
  • RLP20 Is Being Gay REALLY a Sin?
    Feb 3 2025

    We are back at it, answering your questions.

    Thank you for asking the hard questions, the topics Christians like to shy away from and give simple black and white answers to- here we dive more in and go back to what the Bible says, every time- and sometimes the answers we have to wrestle with.

    What are your thoughts? Tell us in the comments.

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    48 mins
    Jan 27 2025

    Today on RLP episode we have to awesome friends joining us, K'Lynn (Foothills Ladies Director, mother) and Mitch (Foothills elder, father, coach, mentor etc.) to answer some of the parenting questions we've been getting. We go over YOUR questions: -How do we find balance with our children when it comes to how they work out their own social issues? -Are fathers shirking their duty by not exposing their kids to danger? -Would you send your kids to public school today? -Do I save the family dog or a stranger from drowning? BONUS QUESTION for dog parents..... :)

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    33 mins
  • How Do You Know You're Saved? And How Far Do I Let Someone Go Before Revenge?
    Jan 6 2025

    Welcome back to the RLP! This is the place where we apply the Bible to world events, real messy life & taboo questions.

    We are back at it, answering your questions. Today's line up:

    How do you know for sure if you're saved? A friends father said "if you have to ask, you're not." Is that true?

    How do people ask for help from their church without feeling ashamed for needing help?

    Would you do a discussion on anointing meaning does God still choose people to do things for him today?

    When is it ok to give someone a taste of their own medicine, and when and where is the line, if it exists, where it goes too far and you become the monster that you claim to be fighting?

    Have a question or a thought you wish was talked about more? Text us! 503.829.5101

    Or find us on:

    Instagram: @hireallifepodcast

    Youtube: @hireallifepodcast

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    46 mins